8 resultados para Occupational aptitude tests.
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
A Síndrome do Canal Cárpico (SCC) é a neuropatia compressiva mais comum do membro superior, causada pela compressão direta sobre o nervo mediano no interior do canal cárpico.Os resultados deste estudo mostram em cada um dos grupos, após a intervenção, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa da sintomatologia no G-AFN (p=0,02) e no GTRN/ EAA (p=0,004) e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa do estado funcional no G-AFN (p=0,022). Verificamos também em cada um dos grupos, após a intervenção, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na “Força de preensão” (p=0,005), na “Pinça polegar/dedo indicador” (p=0,021), na “Pinça polegar/dedo médio” (p=0,026) e “Pinça polegar/dedo anular” (p=0,026) no G-AFN, e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na “Pinça polegar/indicador” (p=0,016), na “Pinça polegar/dedo médio” (p=0,035), na “Pinça polegar/dedo anular” (p=0,010), na “Pinça trípode” (p=0,005) e na “Pinça lateral” (p=0,051) no G-TRN/EAA. Após a intervenção, não verificamos diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos valores das escalas de gravidade de sintomas (p=0,853) e de estado funcional (p=0,148) entre os grupos, mas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos valores dos testes neurofisiológicos (p=0,047) e força de preensão da mão (p=0,005). Do estudo, concluímos que a utilização da intervenção articular/fascial/neural (AFN) e a intervenção com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA), beneficia os indivíduos com SCC não severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros ou moderados. Os indivíduos com esta condição clínica apresentam sintomatologia caraterística de dor, parestesia, especialmente noturna e disfunção muscular da mão. Tais manifestações originam perda funcional com implicações nas áreas de desempenho ocupacional, nomeadamente, nas atividades da vida diária, produtivas e de lazer. O tratamento conservador na SCC não severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros e moderados, apesar de controverso, é recomendado. O tema suscita o nosso interesse, razão pela qual nos propomos realizar um estudo experimental em indivíduos com o diagnóstico clínico de SCC não severa e aplicar num grupo a intervenção articular, fascial e neural (AFN) e noutro grupo a intervenção com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA). O estudo tem como principais objetivos, por um lado, verificar o impacto das intervenções em cada um dos grupos e, por outro lado, comparar o seu impacto entre os grupos, no que respeita à gravidade de sintomas, ao estado funcional, à força de preensão da mão e força de pinças finas. Fomos também comparar os resultados dos testes neurofisiológicos (Velocidade de Condução Motora) antes e depois da intervenção AFN e da intervenção com TRN/EAA, e averiguar o seu impacto nos valores da latência motora distal e da velocidade de condução sensitiva, entre os grupos. Identificamos também quais as variáveis sócio demográficas e as que caraterizam a patologia que estão relacionadas com o problema em estudo e com os valores obtidos com as escalas do Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), no grupo articular, fascial e neural (G-AFN) e no grupo com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (G-TRN/EAA). Para a concretização do estudo, recorremos a uma amostra de 23 indivíduos de ambos os sexos do Hospital Curry Cabral, Empresa Pública Empresarial -Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (HCC, EPE -CHLC).
The treatment efficiency of laboratory wastewaters was evaluated and ecotoxicity tests with Chlorella vulgaris were performed on them to assess the safety of their environmental discharge. For chemical oxygen demand wastewaters, chromium (VI), mercury (II) and silver were efficiently removedby chemical treatments.Areduction of ecotoxicitywas achieved; nevertheless, an EC50 (effective concentration that causes a 50% inhibition in the algae growth) of 1.5% (v/v) indicated still high level of ecotoxicity. For chloride determination wastewaters, an efficient reduction of chromium and silver was achieved after treatment. Regarding the reduction of ecotoxicity observed, EC50 increased from 0.059% to 0.5%, only a 0.02% concentration in the aquatic environment would guarantee no effects. Wastewaters containing phenanthroline/iron (II) complex were treated by chemical oxidation. Treatmentwas satisfactory concerning chemical parameters, although an increase in ecotoxicitywas observed (EC50 reduced from 0.31% to 0.21%). The wastes from the kinetic study of persulphate and iodide reaction were treated with sodium bisulphite until colour was removed. Although they did not reveal significant ecotoxicity, only over 1% of the untreated waste produced observable effects over algae. Therefore, ecotoxicity tests could be considered a useful tool not only in laboratory effluents treatment, as shown, but also in hazardous wastewaters management.
The current work can be seen as a starting point for the discussion of the problematic on risk acceptance criteria in occupational environments. Some obstacles to the quantitative acceptance criteria formulation and use were analyzed. A look to the long tradition of major hazards accidents was also performed. This work shows that organizations can have several difficulties in acceptance criteria formulation and that the use of pre-defined acceptance criteria in risk assessment methodologies can be inadequate in some cases. It is urgent to define guidelines that can help organizations in the formulation of risk acceptance criteria for occupational environments.
Micro-abrasion wear tests with ball-cratering configuration are widely used. Sources of variability are already studied by different authors and conditions for testing are parameterized by BS EN 1071-6: 2007 standard which refers silicon carbide as abrasive. However, the use of other abrasives is possible and allowed. In this work, ball-cratering wear tests were performed using four different abrasive particles of three dissimilar materials: diamond, alumina and silicon carbide. Tests were carried out under the same conditions on a steel plate provided with TiB2 hard coating. For each abrasive, five different test durations were used allowing understanding the initial wear phenomena. Composition and shape of abrasive particles were investigated by SEM and EDS. Scar areas were observed by optical and electronic microscopy in order to understand the wear effects caused by each of them. Scar geometry and grooves were analyzed and compared. Wear coefficient was calculated for each situation. It was observed that diamond particles produce well-defined and circular wear scars. Different silicon carbide particles presented dissimilar results as consequence of distinct particle shape and size distribution.
Ball rotating micro-abrasion tribometers are commonly used to carry out wear tests on thin hard coatings. In these tests, different kinds of abrasives were used, as alumina (Al2O3), silicon carbide (SiC) or diamond. In each kind of abrasive, several particle sizes can be used. Some studies were developed in order to evaluate the influence of the abrasive particle shape in the micro-abrasion process. Nevertheless, the particle size was not well correlated with the material removed amount and wear mechanisms. In this work, slurry of SiC abrasive in distilled water was used, with three different particles size. Initial surface topography was accessed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Coating hardness measurements were performed with a micro-hardness tester. In order to evaluate the wear behaviour, a TiAlSiN thin hard film was used. The micro-abrasion tests were carried out with some different durations. The abrasive effect of the SiC particles was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) both in the films (hard material) as in the substrate (soft material), after coating perforation. Wear grooves and removed material rate were compared and discussed.
Risk assessment is one of the main pillars of the framework directive and other directives in respect of health and safety. It is also the basis of an effective management of safety and health as it is essential to reduce work-related accidents and occupational diseases. To survey the hazards eventually present in the workplaces the usual procedures are i) gathering information about tasks/activities, employees, equipment, legislation and standards; ii) observation of the tasks and; iii) quantification of respective risks through the most adequate risk assessment among the methodologies available. From this preliminary evaluation of a welding plant and, from the different measurable parameters, noise was considered the most critical. This paper focus not only the usual way of risk assessment for noise but also another approach that may allow us to identify the technique with which a weld is being performed.
Task scheduling is one of the key mechanisms to ensure timeliness in embedded real-time systems. Such systems have often the need to execute not only application tasks but also some urgent routines (e.g. error-detection actions, consistency checkers, interrupt handlers) with minimum latency. Although fixed-priority schedulers such as Rate-Monotonic (RM) are in line with this need, they usually make a low processor utilization available to the system. Moreover, this availability usually decreases with the number of considered tasks. If dynamic-priority schedulers such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF) are applied instead, high system utilization can be guaranteed but the minimum latency for executing urgent routines may not be ensured. In this paper we describe a scheduling model according to which urgent routines are executed at the highest priority level and all other system tasks are scheduled by EDF. We show that the guaranteed processor utilization for the assumed scheduling model is at least as high as the one provided by RM for two tasks, namely 2(2√−1). Seven polynomial time tests for checking the system timeliness are derived and proved correct. The proposed tests are compared against each other and to an exact but exponential running time test.
The use of appropriate acceptance criteria in the risk assessment process for occupational accidents is an important issue but often overlooked in the literature, particularly when new risk assessment methods are proposed and discussed. In most cases, there is no information on how or by whom they were defined, or even how companies can adapt them to their own circumstances. Bearing this in mind, this study analysed the problem of the definition of risk acceptance criteria for occupational settings, defining the quantitative acceptance criteria for the specific case study of the Portuguese furniture industrial sector. The key steps to be considered in formulating acceptance criteria were analysed in the literature review. By applying the identified steps, the acceptance criteria for the furniture industrial sector were then defined. The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for the injury statistics of the industrial sector was identified as the maximum tolerable risk level. The acceptable threshold was defined by adjusting the CDF to the Occupational, Safety & Health (OSH) practitioners’ risk acceptance judgement. Adjustments of acceptance criteria to the companies’ safety cultures were exemplified by adjusting the Burr distribution parameters. An example of a risk matrix was also used to demonstrate the integration of the defined acceptance criteria into a risk metric. This work has provided substantial contributions to the issue of acceptance criteria for occupational accidents, which may be useful in overcoming the practical difficulties faced by authorities, companies and experts.