21 resultados para Obesity -- Psychological aspects -- TFG
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Luis Pereira Gomes
Tese de Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas Área Científica de Línguas e Culturas
Introdução: A Incontinência Urinária (IU) feminina é um importante problema de saúde pública, quer pela sua elevada prevalência, quer pelo elevado impacte físico, psíquico e social na vida da mulher. O objectivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência, o impacte da Incontinência Urinária de Stresse (IUS) antes e durante a gravidez em parturientes do distrito de Viana do Castelo e determinar a percentagem de mulheres que procura apoio de um profissional de saúde para o seu problema. Método: Realizou-se um estudo transversal considerando uma amostra representativa do distrito, constituída por 336 mulheres, cujo parto ocorreu no Hospital de Santa Luzia, no período compreendido entre 15 de Janeiro a 29 de Março de 2002. Todas as mulheres foram submetidas a um questionário no pós-parto hospitalar. Resultados: A prevalência da IUS, definida como Alguma vez teve perda de urina durante a realização de um esforço? foi de 5,4% (IC 95%: 3,0-7,8) antes da gravidez e 51,5% (IC 95%: 46,1-56,9) durante a gravidez actual. Os factores associados à ocorrência da IUS antes da gravidez foram a multiparidade (OR=9,96), a presença de diabetes (OR=4,61) e obesidade (OR=4,76), e à IUS durante a gravidez foram a multiparidade (OR=1,66), a diabetes (OR=2,62) e a obstipação (OR=1,73). A grande maioria (88,9%) das mulheres com IUS sente-se incomodada por se sentir húmida, 48,5% sente-se nervosa ou ansiosa e 57,3% tem medo que os outros se apercebam do odor. Durante a gravidez, apenas menos de metade das mulheres que tiveram perdas de urina procurou apoio de um profissional de saúde, apesar de a maioria ter interesse em tratar o problema. Conclusões: A IUS afecta um grande número de mulheres deste distrito antes e durante a gravidez. A IUS tem reflexos em várias dimensões da saúde, sendo o bem-estar físico e emocional os mais afectados, mas apenas uma pequena percentagem de mulheres revela o seu problema de IUS a um profissional de saúde. Perante esta evidência tornase importante que os profissionais de saúde conheçam esta realidade e se preocupem em dar resposta a estes problemas de saúde.
It is not possible to imagine our lives today without technology. From the moment we get up in the morning until the time that we go to bed at night, technology is present in almost every moment, even if we are not aware of it. Some of the most basic activities we need to perform regularly could not be carried out without technology. Sociological and Philosophical Aspects of Human Interaction with Technology: Advancing Concepts presents a careful blend of conceptual, theoretical and applied research in regards to the relationship between technology and humans. This book explores the importance of these interactions, aspects related with trust, communication, data protection, usability concerning organizational change, and e-learning. The advancement of these theories and practices will benefit from this publication as it provides a voice for the users.
Scheduling is a critical function that is present throughout many industries and applications. A great need exists for developing scheduling approaches that can be applied to a number of different scheduling problems with significant impact on performance of business organizations. A challenge is emerging in the design of scheduling support systems for manufacturing environments where dynamic adaptation and optimization become increasingly important. At this scenario, self-optimizing arise as the ability of the agent to monitor its state and performance and proactively tune itself to respond to environmental stimuli.
Emotion although being an important factor in our every day life it is many times forgotten in the development of systems to be used by persons. In this work we present an architecture for a ubiquitous group decision support system able to support persons in group decision processes. The system considers the emotional factors of the intervenient participants, as well as the argumentation between them. Particular attention will be taken to one of components of this system: the multi-agent simulator, modeling the human participants, considering emotional characteristics, and allowing the exchanges of hypothetic arguments among the participants.
Decision Making is one of the most important activities of the human being. Nowadays decisions imply to consider many different points of view, so decisions are commonly taken by formal or informal groups of persons. Groups exchange ideas or engage in a process of argumentation and counter-argumentation, negotiate, cooperate, collaborate or even discuss techniques and/or methodologies for problem solving. Group Decision Making is a social activity in which the discussion and results consider a combination of rational and emotional aspects. In this paper we will present a Smart Decision Room, LAID (Laboratory of Ambient Intelligence for Decision Making). In LAID environment it is provided the support to meeting room participants in the argumentation and decision making processes, combining rational and emotional aspects.
Pharmaceuticals are biologically active and persistent substances which have been recognized as a continuing threat to environmental stability. Chronic ecotoxicity data as well as information on the current distribution levels in different environmental compartments continue to be sparse and are focused on those therapeutic classes that are more frequently prescribed and consumed. Nevertheless, they indicate the negative impact that these chemical contaminants may have on living organisms, ecosystems and ultimately, public health. This article reviews the different contamination sources as well as fate and both acute and chronic effects on non-target organisms. An extensive review of existing data in the form of tables, encompassing many therapeutic classes is presented.
Background: Diet and physical activity (PA) are recognized as important factors to prevent abdominal obesity (AO), which is strongly associated with chronic diseases. Some studies have reported an inverse association between milk consumption and AO. Objective: This study examined the association between milk intake, PA and AO in adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 1209 adolescents, aged 15–18 from the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal in 2008. AO was defined by a waist circumference at or above the 90th percentile. Adolescent food intake was measured using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, and milk intake was categorized as ‘low milk intake’ (<2 servings per day) or ‘high milk intake’ ( 2 servings per day). PA was assessed via a self-report questionnaire, and participants were divided into active (>10 points) and low-active groups ( 10 points) on the basis of their reported PA. They were then divided into four smaller groups, according to milk intake and PA: (i) low milk intake/low active; (ii) low milk intake/active; (iii) high milk intake/low active and (iv) high milk intake/active. The association between milk intake, PA and AO was evaluated using logistic regression analysis, and the results were adjusted for demographic, body mass index, pubertal stage and dietary confounders. Results: In this study, the majority of adolescents consumed semi-skimmed or skimmed milk (92.3%). The group of adolescents with high level of milk intake and active had a lower proportion of AO than did other groups (low milk intake/low active: 34.2%; low milk intake/active: 26.9%; high milk intake/low active: 25.7%; high milk intake/active: 21.9%, P = 0.008). After adjusting for confounders, low-active and active adolescents with high levels of milk intake were less likely to have AO, compared with low-active adolescents with low milk intake (high milk intake/low active, odds ratio [OR] = 0.412, 95% confidence intervals [CI]: 0.201– 0.845; high milk intake/active adolescents, OR = 0.445, 95% CI: 0.235–0.845).Conclusion: High milk intake seems to have a protective effect on AO, regardless of PA level
In this paper, we discuss the mathematical aspects of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle within local fractional Fourier analysis. The Schrödinger equation and Heisenberg uncertainty principles are structured within local fractional operators.
Consider the problem of scheduling a set of sporadic tasks on a multiprocessor system to meet deadlines using a tasksplitting scheduling algorithm. Task-splitting (also called semipartitioning) scheduling algorithms assign most tasks to just one processor but a few tasks are assigned to two or more processors, and they are dispatched in a way that ensures that a task never executes on two or more processors simultaneously. A certain type of task-splitting algorithms, called slot-based task-splitting, is of particular interest because of its ability to schedule tasks at high processor utilizations. We present a new schedulability analysis for slot-based task-splitting scheduling algorithms that takes the overhead into account and also a new task assignment algorithm.
Purpose: Because walking is highly recommended for prevention and treatment of obesity and some of its biomechanical aspects are not clearly understood for overweight people, we compared the absolute and normalized ground reaction forces (GRF), plantar pressures, and temporal parameters of normal-weight and overweight participants during overground walking. Method: A force plate and an in-shoe pressure system were used to record GRF, plantar pressures (foot divided in 10 regions), and temporal parameters of 17 overweight adults and 17 gender-matched normal-weight adults while walking. Results: With high effect sizes, the overweight participants showed higher absolute medial-lateral and vertical GRF and pressure peaks in the central rearfoot, lateral midfoot, and lateral and central forefoot. However, analyzing normalized (scaled to body weight) data, the overweight participants showed lower vertical and anterior-posterior GRF and lower pressure peaks in the medial rearfoot and hallux, but the lateral forefoot peaks continued to be greater compared with normal-weight participants. Time of occurrence of medial-lateral GRF and pressure peaks in the midfoot occurred later in overweight individuals. Conclusions: The overweight participants adapted their gait pattern to minimize the consequences of the higher vertical and propulsive GRF in their musculoskeletal system. However, they were not able to improve their balance as indicated by medial-lateral GRF. The overweight participants showed higher absolute pressure peaks in 4 out of 10 foot regions. Furthermore, the normalized data suggest that the lateral forefoot in overweight adults was loaded more than the proportion of their extra weight, while the hallux and medial rearfoot were seemingly protected.
Generally, the evolution process of applications has impact on their underlining data models, thus becoming a time-consuming problem for programmers and database administrators. In this paper we address this problem within an aspect-oriented approach, which is based on a meta-model for orthogonal persistent programming systems. Applying reflection techniques, our meta-model aims to be simpler than its competitors. Furthermore, it enables database multi-version schemas. We also discuss two case studies in order to demonstrate the advantages of our approach.
The effect of pre-meal tomato intake in the anthropometric indices and blood levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, and uric acid of a young women population (n=35, 19.6 ± 1.3 years) was evaluated. During 4 weeks, daily, participants ingested a raw ripe tomato (~90 g) before lunch. Their anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured repeatedly during the follow-up time. At the end of the 4 weeks, significant reductions were observed on body weight (-1.09 ± 0.12 kg on average), % fat (-1.54 ± 0.52%), fasting blood glucose (-5.29 ± 0.80 mg/dl), triglycerides (-8.31 ± 1.34 mg/dl), cholesterol (-10.17 ± 1.21 mg/ dl), and uric acid (-0.16 ± 0.04 mg/dl) of the participants. The tomato pre-meal ingestion seemed to interfere positively in body weight, fat percentage, and blood levels of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, and uric acid of the young adult women that participated in this study.
WWW is a huge, open, heterogeneous system, however its contents data is mainly human oriented. The Semantic Web needs to assure that data is readable and “understandable” to intelligent software agents, though the use of explicit and formal semantics. Ontologies constitute a privileged artifact for capturing the semantic of the WWW data. Temporal and spatial dimensions are transversal to the generality of knowledge domains and therefore are fundamental for the reasoning process of software agents. Representing temporal/spatial evolution of concepts and their relations in OWL (W3C standard for ontologies) it is not straightforward. Although proposed several strategies to tackle this problem but there is still no formal and standard approach. This work main goal consists of development of methods/tools to support the engineering of temporal and spatial aspects in intelligent systems through the use of OWL ontologies. An existing method for ontology engineering, Fonte was used as framework for the development of this work. As main contributions of this work Fonte was re-engineered in order to: i) support the spatial dimension; ii) work with OWL Ontologies; iii) and support the application of Ontology Design Patterns. Finally, the capabilities of the proposed approach were demonstrated by engineering time and space in a demo ontology about football.