em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Sleep-states are emerging as a first-class design choice in energy minimization. A side effect of this is that the release behavior of the system is affected and subsequently the preemption relations between tasks. In a first step we have investigated how the behavior in terms of number of preemptions of tasks in the system is changed at runtime, using an existing procrastination approach, which utilizes sleepstates for energy savings purposes. Our solution resulted in substantial savings of preemptions and we expect from even higher yields for alternative energy saving algorithms. This work is intended to form the base of future research, which aims to bound the number of preemptions at analysis time and subsequently how this may be employed in the analysis to reduced the amount of system utilization, which is reserved to account for the preemption delay.
We propose an efficient algorithm to estimate the number of live computer nodes in a network. This algorithm is fully distributed, and has a time-complexity which is independent of the number of computer nodes. The algorithm is designed to take advantage of a medium access control (MAC) protocol which is prioritized; that is, if two or more messages on different nodes contend for the medium, then the node contending with the highest priority will win, and all nodes will know the priority of the winner.
Estudos epidemiológicos dão conta de um aumento exponencial de crianças que reportam dor espinal nalgum momento da vida, tendo-se vindo a atribuir a esta um interesse crescente. Nesta sequência têm vindo a ser estudados factores de risco para a dor espinal, cujo leque tem aumentado devido ao contexto social em que nos inserimos. Um dos aspectos sobre o qual recai a nossa investigação relaciona-se com a activação muscular nas crianças com dor espinal, aspecto ainda não estudado nesta população em particular. A literatura indica que, na população adulta sem dor espinal existe pré-activação muscular abdominal aquando da flexão rápida do ombro e a maioria dos estudos revistos apontam para a inexistência da mesma nos indivíduos com dor espinal. Apesar disso, não existem evidências que o demonstrem em crianças pelo que o nosso estudo pretende descrever o padrão de recrutamento abdominal utilizado pelas crianças com dor espinal, aquando do movimento rápido do membro superior bem como analisar os principais factores de risco. Para recolha dos dados utilizou-se o Questionário de Dor Adaptado, para rastrear a amostra com dor espinal e descrever a sua história ocupacional, e Electromiografia de Superfície, com utilização do acelerómetro, que nos deu conta do início do movimento. Os dados obtidos neste estudo indicam que existe activação muscular abdominal, no momento imediatamente prévio ao início do movimento de flexão do ombro, em quase toda a musculatura abdominal, em crianças com dor espinal excepto em dois participantes que revelam um atraso na activação do músculo oblíquo interno direito e num outro que revela um atraso na activação do recto abdominal. Um dos participantes apresentou pré-activação em todos os músculos estudados. Isto provavelmente encontra-se relacionado com o processo de maturação e indica que possivelmente esta é uma boa altura para prevenir a evolução da dor e possíveis futuros problemas ocupacionais daí advindos, como faltar ao trabalho e ter uma baixa participação social. Estudos futuros devem debruçar-se sobre esta temática e sobre a delineação de novos programas, desta feita de prevenção, de modo a evitar problemas ocupacionais na idade adulta, já que crianças com dor são mais susceptíveis de se tornarem adultos com dor crónica.
Objectives: Coronary artery disease are associated with decreased levels of physical activity, contributing to increases in abdominal fat and consequently the metabolic risk. The use of microcurrents is an innovative and effective method to increase lipolytic rate of abdominal adipocytes. This study aims to investigate the effects of microcurrents with a homebased exercise program on total, subcutaneous and visceral abdominal adipose tissue in subjects with coronary artery disease. Methods: This controlled trial included 44 subjects with myocardial infarction, randomly divided into Intervention Group 1 (IG1; n = 16), Intervention Group 2 (IG2; n = 12) and Control Group (CG; n = 16). IG1 performed a specific exercise program at home during 8 weeks, and IG2 additionally used microcurrents on the abdominal region before the exercise program. All groups were subjected to health education sessions. Computed Tomography was used to evaluate abdominal, subcutaneous and visceral fat, accelerometers to measure habitual physical activity and the semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire for dietary intake. Results: After 8 weeks, IG2 showed a significantly decreased in subcutaneous fat (p ≤ 0.05) when compared to CG. Concerning visceral fat, both intervention groups showed a significant decrease in comparison to the CG (p ≤ 0.05). No significant changes were found between groups on dietary intake and habitual physical activity, except for sedentary activity that decreased significantly in IG2 in comparison with CG (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: This specific exercise program showed improvements in visceral fat in individuals with coronary artery disease. Microcurrent therapy associated with a home-based exercise program suggested a decreased in subcutaneous abdominal fat.
Introduction Coronary artery disease is associated with decreased levels of physical activity, contributing to increases in abdominal fat and consequently increasing metabolic risk. The innovative use of microcurrents may be an effective method to increase the lipolytic rate of abdominal adipocytes. This study aimed to investigate the effects of utilizing microcurrents in a home-based exercise program in subjects with coronary artery disease to assess changes in total, subcutaneous and visceral abdominal adipose tissue. Methods This controlled trial included 44 subjects with myocardial infarction, randomly divided into Intervention Group 1 (IG1; n = 16), Intervention Group 2 (IG2; n = 12) and Control Group (CG; n = 16). IG1 performed a specific exercise program at home during 8 weeks, and IG2 additionally used microcurrents on the abdominal region before the exercise program. All groups were given health education sessions. Computed tomography was used to evaluate abdominal, subcutaneous and visceral fat, accelerometers to measure habitual physical activity and the semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for dietary intake. Results After 8 weeks, IG2 showed a significantly decrease in subcutaneous fat (p ≤ 0.05) when compared to CG. Concerning visceral fat, both intervention groups showed a significant decrease in comparison to the CG (p ≤ 0.05). No significant changes were found between groups on dietary intake and habitual physical activity, except for sedentary activity that decreased significantly for IG2 in comparison with CG (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion This specific home-based exercise program using microcurrent therapy for individuals with coronary artery disease showed improvements in visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat.
The aims of this study were (1) to analyse the influence of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and parental overweight status (POS) and socioeconomic status (SES) on abdominal obesity. This study was comprised of 779 adolescents (12-18 years). Waist-height ratio (WHtR), 20 m shuttle-run test to ascertain CRF, POS according to World Health Organization recommendations and SES of parents using level of education were analysed. Using WHtR, the prevalence of abdominal obesity was 21.3% (23.5% girls and 17.9% boys; p = 0.062). Regardless of gender, participants who belonged to the WHtR risk group had significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower CRF scores than the WHtR non-risk group; 84.4% of girls who belonged to the WHtR risk group had one or two overweight parents (p ≤ 0.05). Boys with low CRF (OR: 6.43; CI: 3.33-12.39) were more likely to belong to the WHtR risk group compared with their lean peers. Girls with low CRF (OR: 1.78; CI: 1.14-2.78) and with at least one overweight parent (OR: 2.50; CI: 1.07-5.85) or two overweight parents (OR: 4.90; CI: 2.08-11.54) were associated with the risk of abdominal obesity. This study highlights the influence of adolescents' family on abdominal obesity, especially in girls. Further, the data suggested that low CRF was a strong predictor of risk values of abdominal obesity in adolescence.