68 resultados para Micro-grids (Smart power grids)

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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This paper consist in the establishment of a Virtual Producer/Consumer Agent (VPCA) in order to optimize the integrated management of distributed energy resources and to improve and control Demand Side Management DSM) and its aggregated loads. The paper presents the VPCA architecture and the proposed function-based organization to be used in order to coordinate the several generation technologies, the different load types and storage systems. This VPCA organization uses a frame work based on data mining techniques to characterize the costumers. The paper includes results of several experimental tests cases, using real data and taking into account electricity generation resources as well as consumption data.


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Recent changes in electricity markets (EMs) have been potentiating the globalization of distributed generation. With distributed generation the number of players acting in the EMs and connected to the main grid has grown, increasing the market complexity. Multi-agent simulation arises as an interesting way of analysing players’ behaviour and interactions, namely coalitions of players, as well as their effects on the market. MASCEM was developed to allow studying the market operation of several different players and MASGriP is being developed to allow the simulation of the micro and smart grid concepts in very different scenarios This paper presents a methodology based on artificial intelligence techniques (AI) for the management of a micro grid. The use of fuzzy logic is proposed for the analysis of the agent consumption elasticity, while a case based reasoning, used to predict agents’ reaction to price changes, is an interesting tool for the micro grid operator.


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Os combustíveis fósseis, como o carvão, o petróleo e o gás, constituem fontes de energia que em breve se esgotarão e que são demasiado caras para serem desperdiçadas pelas centrais elétricas na produção de electricidade. Para além desse facto, existem outros argumentos (sobretudo económicos) que inviabilizam a utilização destas fontes de energia em algumas regiões, abrindo caminho a fontes de energia alternativas (e.g. solar, eólica, biomassa, mini-hídricas, geotérmicas, etc) e preferencialmente com contornos locais. No caso particular de Moçambique, tem-se verificado um interesse crescente por parte do governo e de várias ONGs na promoção do uso de energias alternativas para as zonas onde a energia convencional não chega e não chegará, devido aos custos muito elevados que esse processo acarretaria. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo aprofundado do dimensionamento dum sistema híbrido de geração de energia elétrica envolvendo gerador FV e grupo eletrogéneo de emergência para a Escola Rural da Nangade, situada no Distrito de Nangade, na Província do Cabo Delgado. São também descritos os diversos componentes e as tecnologias associadas a um sistema deste género, com a inclusão de sistemas inteligentes de controlo de energia com a utilização de inversores bidireccionais (inversores de bateria e carregadores) para sistemas isolados. Os resultados são apresentados de forma a facilitar a aplicação e montagem deste tipo de sistemas in loco. Espera-se que esta dissertação possa servir de base no futuro próximo, para a implementação deste tipo de sistemas para permitir a melhoria da qualidade de ensino através de melhores infraestruturas, democratizando desta forma o acesso à educação para as crianças das zonas rurais das várias províncias de Moçambique. Como as energias renováveis são parte integrante do Sistema Elétrico Nacional, apresenta-se resumidamente, no anexo 17, o “Plano de Desenvolvimento na Área de Energia de Moçambique”.


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The large increase of distributed energy resources, including distributed generation, storage systems and demand response, especially in distribution networks, makes the management of the available resources a more complex and crucial process. With wind based generation gaining relevance, in terms of the generation mix, the fact that wind forecasting accuracy rapidly drops with the increase of the forecast anticipation time requires to undertake short-term and very short-term re-scheduling so the final implemented solution enables the lowest possible operation costs. This paper proposes a methodology for energy resource scheduling in smart grids, considering day ahead, hour ahead and five minutes ahead scheduling. The short-term scheduling, undertaken five minutes ahead, takes advantage of the high accuracy of the very-short term wind forecasting providing the user with more efficient scheduling solutions. The proposed method uses a Genetic Algorithm based approach for optimization that is able to cope with the hard execution time constraint of short-term scheduling. Realistic power system simulation, based on PSCAD , is used to validate the obtained solutions. The paper includes a case study with a 33 bus distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources implemented in PSCAD .


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Power system organization has gone through huge changes in the recent years. Significant increase in distributed generation (DG) and operation in the scope of liberalized markets are two relevant driving forces for these changes. More recently, the smart grid (SG) concept gained increased importance, and is being seen as a paradigm able to support power system requirements for the future. This paper proposes a computational architecture to support day-ahead Virtual Power Player (VPP) bid formation in the smart grid context. This architecture includes a forecasting module, a resource optimization and Locational Marginal Price (LMP) computation module, and a bid formation module. Due to the involved problems characteristics, the implementation of this architecture requires the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are used for resource and load forecasting and Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO) is used for energy resource scheduling. The paper presents a case study that considers a 33 bus distribution network that includes 67 distributed generators, 32 loads and 9 storage units.


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The future scenarios for operation of smart grids are likely to include a large diversity of players, of different types and sizes. With control and decision making being decentralized over the network, intelligence should also be decentralized so that every player is able to play in the market environment. In the new context, aggregator players, enabling medium, small, and even micro size players to act in a competitive environment, will be very relevant. Virtual Power Players (VPP) and single players must optimize their energy resource management in order to accomplish their goals. This is relatively easy to larger players, with financial means to have access to adequate decision support tools, to support decision making concerning their optimal resource schedule. However, the smaller players have difficulties in accessing this kind of tools. So, it is required that these smaller players can be offered alternative methods to support their decisions. This paper presents a methodology, based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), intended to support smaller players’ resource scheduling. The used methodology uses a training set that is built using the energy resource scheduling solutions obtained with a reference optimization methodology, a mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) in this case. The trained network is able to achieve good schedule results requiring modest computational means.


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The reactive power management in distribution network with large penetration of distributed energy resources is an important task in future power systems. The control of reactive power allows the inclusion of more distributed recourses and a more efficient operation of distributed network. Currently, the reactive power is only controlled in large power plants and in high and very high voltage substations. In this paper, several reactive power control strategies considering a smart grids paradigm are proposed. In this context, the management of distributed energy resources and of the distribution network by an aggregator, namely Virtual Power Player (VPP), is proposed and implemented in a MAS simulation tool. The proposed methods have been computationally implemented and tested using a 32-bus distribution network with intensive use of distributed resources, mainly the distributed generation based on renewable resources. Results concerning the evaluation of the reactive power management algorithms are also presented and compared.


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The current regulatory framework for maintenance outage scheduling in distribution systems needs revision to face the challenges of future smart grids. In the smart grid context, generation units and the system operator perform new roles with different objectives, and an efficient coordination between them becomes necessary. In this paper, the distribution system operator (DSO) of a microgrid receives the proposals for shortterm (ST) planned outages from the generation and transmission side, and has to decide the final outage plans, which is mandatory for the members to follow. The framework is based on a coordination procedure between the DSO and other market players. This paper undertakes the challenge of optimization problem in a smart grid where the operator faces with uncertainty. The results show the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed regulatory framework in the modified IEEE 34- bus test system.


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Energy resource scheduling becomes increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and massive gridable vehicle use is envisaged. The present paper proposes a methodology for dayahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and of gridable vehicles, usually referred as Vehicle- o-Grid (V2G). This method considers that the energy resources are managed by a Virtual Power Player (VPP) which established contracts with V2G owners. It takes into account these contracts, the user´s requirements subjected to the VPP, and several discharge price steps. Full AC power flow calculation included in the model allows taking into account network constraints. The influence of the successive day requirements on the day-ahead optimal solution is discussed and considered in the proposed model. A case study with a 33 bus distribution network and V2G is used to illustrate the good performance of the proposed method.


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In recent years, Power Systems (PS) have experimented many changes in their operation. The introduction of new players managing Distributed Generation (DG) units, and the existence of new Demand Response (DR) programs make the control of the system a more complex problem and allow a more flexible management. An intelligent resource management in the context of smart grids is of huge important so that smart grids functions are assured. This paper proposes a new methodology to support system operators and/or Virtual Power Players (VPPs) to determine effective and efficient DR programs that can be put into practice. This method is based on the use of data mining techniques applied to a database which is obtained for a large set of operation scenarios. The paper includes a case study based on 27,000 scenarios considering a diversity of distributed resources in a 32 bus distribution network.


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The increase of distributed generation (DG) has brought about new challenges in electrical networks electricity markets and in DG units operation and management. Several approaches are being developed to manage the emerging potential of DG, such as Virtual Power Players (VPPs), which aggregate DG plants; and Smart Grids, an approach that views generation and associated loads as a subsystem. This paper presents a multi-level negotiation mechanism for Smart Grids optimal operation and negotiation in the electricity markets, considering the advantages of VPPs’ management. The proposed methodology is implemented and tested in MASCEM – a multiagent electricity market simulator, developed to allow deep studies of the interactions between the players that take part in the electricity market negotiations.


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Smart grids are envisaged as infrastructures able to accommodate all centralized and distributed energy resources (DER), including intensive use of renewable and distributed generation (DG), storage, demand response (DR), and also electric vehicles (EV), from which plug-in vehicles, i.e. gridable vehicles, are especially relevant. Moreover, smart grids must accommodate a large number of diverse types or players in the context of a competitive business environment. Smart grids should also provide the required means to efficiently manage all these resources what is especially important in order to make the better possible use of renewable based power generation, namely to minimize wind curtailment. An integrated approach, considering all the available energy resources, including demand response and storage, is crucial to attain these goals. This paper proposes a methodology for energy resource management that considers several Virtual Power Players (VPPs) managing a network with high penetration of distributed generation, demand response, storage units and network reconfiguration. The resources are controlled through a flexible SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system that can be accessed by the evolved entities (VPPs) under contracted use conditions. A case study evidences the advantages of the proposed methodology to support a Virtual Power Player (VPP) managing the energy resources that it can access in an incident situation.


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A multilevel negotiation mechanism for operating smart grids and negotiating in electricity markets considers the advantages of virtual power player management.


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Intensive use of Distributed Generation (DG) represents a change in the paradigm of power systems operation making small-scale energy generation and storage decision making relevant for the whole system. This paradigm led to the concept of smart grid for which an efficient management, both in technical and economic terms, should be assured. This paper presents a new approach to solve the economic dispatch in smart grids. The proposed methodology for resource management involves two stages. The first one considers fuzzy set theory to define the natural resources range forecast as well as the load forecast. The second stage uses heuristic optimization to determine the economic dispatch considering the generation forecast, storage management and demand response


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In the energy management of a small power system, the scheduling of the generation units is a crucial problem for which adequate methodologies can maximize the performance of the energy supply. This paper proposes an innovative methodology for distributed energy resources management. The optimal operation of distributed generation, demand response and storage resources is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model (MILP) and solved by a deterministic optimization technique CPLEX-based implemented in General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS). The paper deals with a vision for the grids of the future, focusing on conceptual and operational aspects of electrical grids characterized by an intensive penetration of DG, in the scope of competitive environments and using artificial intelligence methodologies to attain the envisaged goals. These concepts are implemented in a computational framework which includes both grid and market simulation.