11 resultados para Metal-ceramic joint. Mechanical metallization. Brazing. Zirconia and stainless steel

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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The main aims of the present study are simultaneously to relate the brazing parameters with: (i) the correspondent interfacial microstructure, (ii) the resultant mechanical properties and (iii) the electrochemical degradation behaviour of AISI 316 stainless steel/alumina brazed joints. Filler metals on such as Ag–26.5Cu–3Ti and Ag–34.5Cu–1.5Ti were used to produce the joints. Three different brazing temperatures (850, 900 and 950 °C), keeping a constant holding time of 20 min, were tested. The objective was to understand the influence of the brazing temperature on the final microstructure and properties of the joints. The mechanical properties of the metal/ceramic (M/C) joints were assessed from bond strength tests carried out using a shear solicitation loading scheme. The fracture surfaces were studied both morphologically and structurally using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The degradation behaviour of the M/C joints was assessed by means of electrochemical techniques. It was found that using a Ag–26.5Cu–3Ti brazing alloy and a brazing temperature of 850 °C, produces the best results in terms of bond strength, 234 ± 18 MPa. The mechanical properties obtained could be explained on the basis of the different compounds identified on the fracture surfaces by XRD. On the other hand, the use of the Ag–34.5Cu–1.5Ti brazing alloy and a brazing temperature of 850 °C produces the best results in terms of corrosion rates (lower corrosion current density), 0.76 ± 0.21 μA cm−2. Nevertheless, the joints produced at 850 °C using a Ag–26.5Cu–3Ti brazing alloy present the best compromise between mechanical properties and degradation behaviour, 234 ± 18 MPa and 1.26 ± 0.58 μA cm−2, respectively. The role of Ti diffusion is fundamental in terms of the final value achieved for the M/C bond strength. On the contrary, the Ag and Cu distribution along the brazed interface seem to play the most relevant role in the metal/ceramic joints electrochemical performance.


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In this work, the mechanical behavior of polyhyroxyalkanoate (PHA)/poly(lactic acid) (PLA) blends is investigated in a wide range of compositions. The mechanical properties can be optimized by varying the PHA contents of the blend. The flexural and tensile properties were estimated by different models: the rule of mixtures, Kerner–Uemura–Takayanagi (KUT) model, Nicolai–Narkis model and Béla–Pukánsky model. This study was aimed at investigating the adhesion between the two material phases. The results anticipate a good adhesion between both phases. Nevertheless, for low levels of incorporation of PHA (up to 30%), where PLA is expectantly the matrix, the experimental data seem to deviate from the perfect adhesion models, suggesting a decrease in the adhesion between both polymeric phases when PHA is the disperse phase. For the tensile modulus, a linear relationship is found, following the rules of mixtures (or a KUT model with perfect adhesion between phases) denoting a good adhesion between the phases over the composition range. The incorporation of PHA in the blend leads to a decrease in the flexural modulus but, at the same time, increases the tensile modulus. The impact energy of the blends varies more than 157% over the entire composition. For blends with PHA weight fraction lower than 50%, the impact strength of the blend is higher than the pure base polymers. The highest synergetic effect is found when the PLA is the matrix and the PHA is the disperse phase for the blend PHA/PLA of 30/70. The second maximum is found for the inverse composition of 70/30. PLA has a heat-deflection temperature (HDT) substantially lower than PHA. For the blends, the HDT increases with the increment in the percentage of the incorporation of PHA. With up to 50% PHA (PLA as matrix), the HDT is practically constant and equal to PLA value. Above this point (PHA matrix), the HDT of the polymer blends increases linearly with the percentage of addition of PHA.


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With advancement in computer science and information technology, computing systems are becoming increasingly more complex with an increasing number of heterogeneous components. They are thus becoming more difficult to monitor, manage, and maintain. This process has been well known as labor intensive and error prone. In addition, traditional approaches for system management are difficult to keep up with the rapidly changing environments. There is a need for automatic and efficient approaches to monitor and manage complex computing systems. In this paper, we propose an innovative framework for scheduling system management by combining Autonomic Computing (AC) paradigm, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques (NIT). Additionally, we consider the resolution of realistic problems. The scheduling of a Cutting and Treatment Stainless Steel Sheet Line will be evaluated. Results show that proposed approach has advantages when compared with other scheduling systems


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This paper reports the design of a new remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), which has been developed at the Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory (USTL) - University of Porto. This design is contextualized on the KOS project (Kits for underwater operations). The main issues addressed here concern directional drag minimization, symmetry, optimized thruster positioning, stability and layout of ROV components. This design is aimed at optimizing ROV performance for a set of different operational scenarios. This is achieved through modular configurations which are optimized for each different scenario.


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In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns at the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. In the same way, distributed generation has gained increasing importance in the operation and planning of power systems. Grid operators and utilities are taking new initiatives, recognizing the value of demand response and of distributed generation for grid reliability and for the enhancement of organized spot market´s efficiency. Grid operators and utilities become able to act in both energy and reserve components of electricity markets. This paper proposes a methodology for a joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation to provide energy and reserve by a virtual power player that operates a distribution network. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32 bus distribution network with 32 medium voltage consumers.


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This study examined the joint effects of home environment and center-based child care quality on children’s language, communication, and early literacy development, while also considering prior developmental level. Participants were 95 children (46 boys), assessed as toddlers (mean age = 26.33 months;Time 1) and preschoolers (mean age = 68.71 months; Time 2) and their families. At both times, children attended center-based child care classrooms in the metropolitan area of Porto, Portugal. Results from hierarchical linear models indicated that home environment and preschool quality, but not center-based toddler child care quality, were associated with children’s language and literacy outcomes at Time 2. Moreover, the quality of preschool classrooms moderated the association between home environment quality and children’s language and early literacy skills – but not communication skills – at Time 2, suggesting the positive cumulative effects of home environment and preschool quality. Findings further support the existence of a detrimental effect of low preschool quality on children’s language and early literacy outcomes: positive associations among home environment quality and children’s developmental outcomes were found to reduce substantially when children attended low-quality preschool classrooms.


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In practice the robotic manipulators present some degree of unwanted vibrations. The advent of lightweight arm manipulators, mainly in the aerospace industry, where weight is an important issue, leads to the problem of intense vibrations. On the other hand, robots interacting with the environment often generate impacts that propagate through the mechanical structure and produce also vibrations. In order to analyze these phenomena a robot signal acquisition system was developed. The manipulator motion produces vibrations, either from the structural modes or from endeffector impacts. The instrumentation system acquires signals from several sensors that capture the joint positions, mass accelerations, forces and moments, and electrical currents in the motors. Afterwards, an analysis package, running off-line, reads the data recorded by the acquisition system and extracts the signal characteristics. Due to the multiplicity of sensors, the data obtained can be redundant because the same type of information may be seen by two or more sensors. Because of the price of the sensors, this aspect can be considered in order to reduce the cost of the system. On the other hand, the placement of the sensors is an important issue in order to obtain the suitable signals of the vibration phenomenon. Moreover, the study of these issues can help in the design optimization of the acquisition system. In this line of thought a sensor classification scheme is presented. Several authors have addressed the subject of the sensor classification scheme. White (White, 1987) presents a flexible and comprehensive categorizing scheme that is useful for describing and comparing sensors. The author organizes the sensors according to several aspects: measurands, technological aspects, detection means, conversion phenomena, sensor materials and fields of application. Michahelles and Schiele (Michahelles & Schiele, 2003) systematize the use of sensor technology. They identified several dimensions of sensing that represent the sensing goals for physical interaction. A conceptual framework is introduced that allows categorizing existing sensors and evaluates their utility in various applications. This framework not only guides application designers for choosing meaningful sensor subsets, but also can inspire new systems and leads to the evaluation of existing applications. Today’s technology offers a wide variety of sensors. In order to use all the data from the diversity of sensors a framework of integration is needed. Sensor fusion, fuzzy logic, and neural networks are often mentioned when dealing with problem of combing information from several sensors to get a more general picture of a given situation. The study of data fusion has been receiving considerable attention (Esteban et al., 2005; Luo & Kay, 1990). A survey of the state of the art in sensor fusion for robotics can be found in (Hackett & Shah, 1990). Henderson and Shilcrat (Henderson & Shilcrat, 1984) introduced the concept of logic sensor that defines an abstract specification of the sensors to integrate in a multisensor system. The recent developments of micro electro mechanical sensors (MEMS) with unwired communication capabilities allow a sensor network with interesting capacity. This technology was applied in several applications (Arampatzis & Manesis, 2005), including robotics. Cheekiralla and Engels (Cheekiralla & Engels, 2005) propose a classification of the unwired sensor networks according to its functionalities and properties. This paper presents a development of a sensor classification scheme based on the frequency spectrum of the signals and on a statistical metrics. Bearing these ideas in mind, this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes briefly the robotic system enhanced with the instrumentation setup. Section 3 presents the experimental results. Finally, section 4 draws the main conclusions and points out future work.


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A utilização de juntas coladas em aplicações industriais tem vindo a aumentar nos últimos anos, em detrimento dos métodos tradicionais de ligação tais como a soldadura, brasagem, ligações aparafusadas e rebitadas. As juntas de sobreposição simples são o tipo de juntas mais frequentemente utilizadas em aplicações industriais, porque são as mais simples de fabricar. No entanto, a aplicação descentrada da carga neste tipo de junta provoca efeitos de flexão que originam o aparecimento de tensões normais na direção da espessura do adesivo (arrancamento), reduzindo assim a resistência da junta colada. De uma maneira geral, existem dois tipos de métodos para reduzir as concentrações de tensões. O primeiro é utilizar alterações no próprio material, otimizando as propriedades do adesivo e do substrato, enquanto o segundo método envolve alterar a geometria da junta, como por exemplo utilizando filetes de adesivo, chanfros nas extremidades dos substratos, aplicar uma geometria ondulada ou dobrar os substratos na zona de sobreposição, ou ainda utilizar rasgos nos substratos ao longo da sobreposição. Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo experimental e numérico por Elementos Finitos de duas alterações efetuadas à geometria de juntas de sobreposição simples, de modo a aumentar a sua resistência comparativamente às juntas sem alteração geométrica. A primeira condição efetuada foi a utilização de rasgos nas extremidades do comprimento de sobreposição e a segunda foi a utilização de rasgos a meio do comprimento de sobreposição. No final do estudo experimental, verificou-se que a resistência da ligação foi significativamente melhorada com algumas das configurações testadas para cada alteração, e foi possível estabelecer em ambos os casos a configuração ótima. Numa fase posterior, procedeu-se à simulação numérica, que incluiu uma análise de tensões e previsão do comportamento das juntas através de modelos de dano coesivo. A análise permitiu obter os modos de rotura, as curvas força-deslocamento e a resistência das juntas. Obteve-se uma concordância bastante boa com os resultados experimentais, o que mostrou a adequabilidade do método de previsão proposto para estimar o comportamento das juntas.


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Recent changes in the operation and planning of power systems have been motivated by the introduction of Distributed Generation (DG) and Demand Response (DR) in the competitive electricity markets' environment, with deep concerns at the efficiency level. In this context, grid operators, market operators, utilities and consumers must adopt strategies and methods to take full advantage of demand response and distributed generation. This requires that all the involved players consider all the market opportunities, as the case of energy and reserve components of electricity markets. The present paper proposes a methodology which considers the joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation in the context of a distribution network operated by a virtual power player. The resources' participation can be performed in both energy and reserve contexts. This methodology contemplates the probability of actually using the reserve and the distribution network constraints. Its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32-bus distribution network with 66 DG units and 218 consumers classified into 6 types of consumers.


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A necessidade de utilizar métodos de ligação entre componentes de forma mais rápida, eficaz e com melhores resultados, tem causado a crescente utilização das juntas adesivas, em detrimento dos métodos tradicionais de ligação tais como a soldadura, brasagem, ligações aparafusadas e rebitadas. A utilização das juntas adesivas tem vindo a aumentar em diversas aplicações industriais por estas apresentarem vantagens das quais se destacam a redução de peso, redução de concentrações de tensões e facilidade de fabrico. No entanto, também apresentam desvantagens, como a necessidade de preparação das juntas e o descentramento da carga aplicada que provoca efeitos de flexão, os quais dão origem a tensões normais na direcção da espessura do adesivo (tensões de arrancamento), afectando assim a resistência da junta. A combinação da ligação adesiva com a soldadura por pontos permite algumas vantagens em comparação com as juntas adesivas tradicionais como a maior resistência, aumento da rigidez, melhor resistência ao corte e arrancamento e também à fadiga. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo experimental e numérico de juntas de sobreposição simples adesivas e híbridas (adesivas-soldadas). Os adesivos utilizados são o Araldite AV138®, apresentado como sendo frágil, e os adesivos Araldite 2015® e Sikaforce® 7752, intitulados como adesivos dúcteis. Foram considerados substratos de aço (C45E) em juntas com diferentes comprimentos de sobreposição ( ), que foram sujeitas a esforços de tracção. Foi realizada uma análise dos valores experimentais e efectuada uma comparação destes valores com os resultados obtidos por Elementos Finitos (EF) no software ABAQUS®, que incluiu uma análise de tensões na camada de adesivo e previsão do comportamento das juntas por Modelos de Dano Coesivo (MDC). A análise por MDC permitiu obter os modos de rotura, as curvas força-deslocamento e a resistência das juntas com bastante precisão, com excepção das juntas coladas com o adesivo Sikaforce® 7752. Estes resultados permitiram validar a técnica de modelação proposta para as juntas coladas e híbridas, o que representa uma base para posterior aplicação desta técnica em projecto, com as vantagens decorrentes da redução do tempo de projecto e maior facilidade de optimização.


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The smart grid concept is a key issue in the future power systems, namely at the distribution level, with deep concerns in the operation and planning of these systems. Several advantages and benefits for both technical and economic operation of the power system and of the electricity markets are recognized. The increasing integration of demand response and distributed generation resources, all of them mostly with small scale distributed characteristics, leads to the need of aggregating entities such as Virtual Power Players. The operation business models become more complex in the context of smart grid operation. Computational intelligence methods can be used to give a suitable solution for the resources scheduling problem considering the time constraints. This paper proposes a methodology for a joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation to provide energy and reserve by a virtual power player that operates a distribution network. The optimal schedule minimizes the operation costs and it is obtained using a particle swarm optimization approach, which is compared with a deterministic approach used as reference methodology. The proposed method is applied to a 33-bus distribution network with 32 medium voltage consumers and 66 distributed generation units.