2 resultados para Mestizo chronicles
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Eugénio de Andrade (1923-2005) é um dos mais celebrados e traduzidos poetas portugueses contemporâneos, com mais de trinta volumes de poesia, e vários prémios nacionais e internacionais. Como poeta atento e turista curioso, Andrade viajou com frequência para Espanha, França, Itália e Grécia, ao encontro de outros escritores (Vicente Aleixandre, Dámaso Alonso, etc.), e visitou diversas cidades e locais históricos. Recorrentemente, menciona Madrid, Valverde del Fresno, Roma, Delfos, Tebas, Súnion, Veneza, Brindisi, Corfu, etc. Em resultado destas viagens, existem, na sua poesia, poemas em prosa e crónicas, abundantes referências aos países, cultura e paisagem natural do Mediterrâneo. Eugénio de Andrade captura poeticamente o ―genius loci‖, realçando os laços entre os povos, a fauna, a flora e o clima. Desde os primeiros escritos até ao seu último livro, o poeta coerentemente apresenta uma ―visão mediterrânica‖. Recorrendo às suas obras e a excertos de algumas das entrevistas que concedeu, este artigo exemplifica, analisa e avalia estes aspectos, explorando uma faceta menos conhecida da obra eugeniana.
This paper aims at analysing the writing of the Portuguese author António Lobo Antunes, considered one of the major writers in European Literature with 26 books published, by focusing on the strategies deployed in his texts of creating micro-narratives within the main frame, and conveying the elements of individual and collective memory, past and present, the self and the others, using various voices and silences. Lobo Antunes incorporates in his writing his background as a psychiatrist at a Mental Hospital in Lisbon, until 1985 (when he decided to commit exclusively to writing), his experience as a doctor in the Portuguese Colonial War battlefield, but also the daily routines of the pre and post 25th of April 1974 (Portuguese Revolution) with subtle and ironic details of the life of the middle and upper class of Lisbon‘s society: from the traumas of the war to the simple story of the janitor, or the couple who struggles to keep their marriage functional, everything serves as material to develop and interweave a complex plot, that a lot of readers find too enwrapped and difficult to follow through. Some excerpts taken from his first three novels and books of Chronicles and his later novel – Ontem não te Vi em Babilónia (2006) – will be put forward to exemplify the complexity of the writing and the main difficulties of the reader, lost in a multitude of narrators‘ voices. Recently, Lobo Antunes has commented on his work stating: What I write can be read in the darkness. This paper aims at throwing some light by unfolding some of the strategies employed to defy new borders in the process of reading.