5 resultados para Math teachers formation
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Viva@Mat is a project developed by four Math teachers from the School of Industrial Studies and Management (ESEIG) that was born with the fundamental objective of engaging ESEIG students with different math backgrounds in Math challenging activities. Some of these activities were transformed into real palpable materials and others into small interactive ones, being the great majority of them proposed by ESEIG’ students themselves. This small project rapidly grew into something we didn’t expect – it did flow over the walls of our institution to the general involving community – specifically to pre-university schools through the Viva@Math Exhibits – Orange, Blue and Green (the fourth, the Purple one is still in development). Nowadays, Viva@Math Exhibits – the public face of the Project – are itinerant and have been travelling between several, and different institutions (pre-university schools, preparatory schools, libraries, among others), around ESEIG and IPP area of influence and having registered visitors/participants of all ages. In this article we will describe the Viva@Math Project, its different activities that are categorized in some “great groups” like Numerical Trivia, Logic Activities and Mental Calculation, Puzzles, Geometric Curiosities, Magic Tricks, among others, designed to challenge students to use the underlying logical-mathematical reasoning to any ordinary and everyday activity. We will give specific and concrete examples of some of the activities developed and, also, reproduce of the general stimulating feedback the Project receives from the enrolled “actors” (teachers, students and their relatives, institutions, among others). We feel that this Project has become a small “bridge” between the pre-university schools and Higher Education Institutions (HEI), in trying to shorten the “gap” between the institutions of different levels of education and bring them to work together.
Este relatório de estágio integra-se na unidade curricular de Integração Curricular: Prática Educativa e Relatório de Estágio, inserida no segundo ano do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste sentido, tem como propósito dar a conhecer o percurso realizado pela mestranda nos dois contextos educativos onde desenvolveu a sua Prática Educativa Supervisionada. Sendo a Prática o momento em que teoria e práxis se articulam, evidencia, num primeiro momento, o enquadramento académico e profissional que deve nortear a ação do professor. Inicia-se, assim, pelos pressupostos legais que fundamentam a formação de professores e a Prática Educativa Supervisionada, seguindo-se algumas considerações sobre a dimensão profissional e pressupostos teóricos e práticos que devem orientar o professor na sua ação, destacando-se, neste sentido, a reflexão e a investigação nos diferentes momentos da ação docente. Descreve, num segundo momento, o contexto educativo onde a mestranda se integrou, seguindo-se uma análise reflexiva e devidamente fundamentada das experiências educativas vivenciadas em par pedagógico, nos dois contextos, nomeadamente, a Escola Eb1/Ji dos Miosótis e a Escola Eb2/3 Pêro Vaz de Caminha. Todo este trabalho de cooperação se realizou em par pedagógico, possibilitando a construção de conhecimentos e de vivências partilhadas que foram, sem dúvida, enriquecedoras. Este relatório de estágio pretende evidenciar o crescimento da mestranda a nível pessoal e profissional e apresenta-se como o culminar de uma etapa marcante na sua vida, a formação inicial de professores. Fica, desta forma, a certeza de que o verdadeiro caminho se inicia agora, um caminho esse que será certamente repleto de novos desafios e aprendizagens.
Currently the world around us "reboots" every minute and “staying at the forefront” seems to be a very arduous task. The continuous and “speeded” progress of society requires, from all the actors, a dynamic and efficient attitude both in terms progress monitoring and moving adaptation. With regard to education, no matter how updated we are in relation to the contents, the didactic strategies and technological resources, we are inevitably compelled to adapt to new paradigms and rethink the traditional teaching methods. It is in this context that the contribution of e-learning platforms arises. Here teachers and students have at their disposal new ways to enhance the teaching and learning process, and these platforms are seen, at the present time, as significant virtual teaching and learning supporting environments. This paper presents a Project and attempts to illustrate the potential that new technologies present as a “backing” tool in different stages of teaching and learning at different levels and areas of knowledge, particularly in Mathematics. We intend to promote a constructive discussion moment, exposing our actual perception - that the use of the Learning Management System Moodle, by Higher Education teachers, as supplementary teaching-learning environment for virtual classroom sessions can contribute for greater efficiency and effectiveness of teaching practice and to improve student achievement. Regarding the Learning analytics experience we will present a few results obtained with some assessment Learning Analytics tools, where we profoundly felt that the assessment of students’ performance in online learning environments is a challenging and demanding task.
An overwhelming problem in Math Curriculums in Higher Education Institutions (HEI), we are daily facing in the last decade, is the substantial differences in Math background of our students. When you try to transmit, engage and teach subjects/contents that your “audience” is unable to respond to and/or even understand what we are trying to convey, it is somehow frustrating. In this sense, the Math projects and other didactic strategies, developed through Learning Management System Moodle, which include an array of activities that combine higher order thinking skills with math subjects and technology, for students of HE, appear as remedial but important, proactive and innovative measures in order to face and try to overcome these considerable problems. In this paper we will present some of these strategies, developed in some organic units of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). But, how “fruitful” are the endless number of hours teachers spent in developing and implementing these platforms? Do students react to them as we would expect? Do they embrace this opportunity to overcome their difficulties? How do they use/interact individually with LMS platforms? Can this environment that provides the teacher with many interesting tools to improve the teaching – learning process, encourages students to reinforce their abilities and knowledge? In what way do they use each available material – videos, interactive tasks, texts, among others? What is the best way to assess student’s performance in these online learning environments? Learning Analytics tools provides us a huge amount of data, but how can we extract “good” and helpful information from them? These and many other questions still remain unanswered but we look forward to get some help in, at least, “get some drafts” for them because we feel that this “learning analysis”, that tackles the path from the objectives to the actual results, is perhaps the only way we have to move forward in the “best” learning and teaching direction.
It is a fact, and far from being a new one, that students have been entering Higher Education courses with many different backgrounds in terms of secondary school programs they attended. The impact of these basic skills is a general and worldwide challenge, fundamentally when facing some specific “constructive” subjects like foreign languages and Mathematics. Working with students with an extensive variety of Math qualifications is an outrageous challenge when they enter an advanced Math course, leading to an almost generalized expectations’ failure - from students enrolled in course and from their teachers, who feel powerless in trying to monitor knowledge construction from completely different “starting points”. If teachers’ "haste" is average, more than half of the students do not “go along” and give up, even before experiencing any kind of evaluation procedure. On the contrary, if the “speed” is too low, others are discouraged (feeling not progressing at all) and the teacher runs the risk of not meeting the minimum objectives (general and specific) of its course, which may have a negative impact on students’ future training development. Failure in Mathematics, despite being a recurrent and global issue, does not have any “magical solution”, however, in general, teachers in this area seem untiring, searching, investigating, trying and implementing new and old “recipes” to tackle and demystify this subject. In this article we describe a project developed in a Math course, with the first year students from an Accounting and Management bachelor degree, and its outcomes since it was brought to practice, revealing its impact in students’ success, from approval to dropout rates, in this course. We will shortly describe students’ differentiated Math backgrounds, their results in a pre-assessment analysis and how we try to deal with these differences and level them up, having in mind the same “finish line”. One should never forget that all these students where officially accepted in higher education institutions, so they are ones’ reality, the reality of institutions whose name one should value and strive to defend.