3 resultados para M. Foucault
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
A Cultura Popular Portuguesa e o Discurso do Poder: Práticas e Representações do Moliceiro" estuda um objecto e o discurso por ele evocado, enquanto representação, invenção e reinvenção da cultura popular de uma região portuguesa. Contudo, esta comunicação pretende também ver através do objecto, isto é, "atravessar a [sua] opacidade inoportuna", tal como propõe Michel Foucault em A Arqueologia do Saber. Esse objecto é o barco moliceiro da Ria de Aveiro que, mais do que um caso de tradição versus modernidade, constitui uma representação da identidade cultural de uma comunidade intimamente ligada ao ecossistema lagunar. Os painéis do barco moliceiro são assim representações simbólicas intersemióticas dos valores, práticas e representações partilhadas pela comunidade local. Os textos icónicos e escritos patentes em cada barco são produto de uma rede de circunstâncias políticas, ideológicas, sociais e económicas, dificilmente reconhecidas mesmo por aqueles que desenham, pintam e escrevem (e vivem) sob a sua influência. Ao longo do século XX, o moliceiro e seus painéis participaram numa complexa dialéctica entre as representações do discurso oficial e a sua real função social, económica e simbólica, gerando todo um imaginário histórico, todo um "inventário" (cf. Gramsci) que motivou, contextualizou e sustentou esta forma única de arte popular.
Nées des travaux des féministes amricaines, les gender studies, faut-il le rappeler, se sont constituées aux Etats Unis dans les années quatre-vingts à partir des questionnements sur les rapports hommes / femmes au sein de la société. Depuis les années soixante-dix, la French Theory avait déjà joué un rôle très important dans le débat théorique amricain avec les philosophes Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Jean-François Lyotard… Remettant sans cesse en question le pouvoir, l’institution et la manière de penser, ils se sont distingués par la force de leur posture critique et par leur engagement. Aussi faut-il rappeler l’importance des travaux et des réflexions de femmes intellectuelles françaises, comme Hélène Cixous, Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray et tant d’autres pour les études du genre.
Motivation: Auditing is not merely a collection of technical tasks but also a programmatic idea circulating in organizational environment, an idea which promises a certain style of control and organizational transparency (Power, 1998, p. 122) Performance appraisal within public organization aims to promote this organizational transparency and promote learning and improvement process both for employees and for the organization. However, we suggest that behind its clear intentions, there are some other goals tied to performance appraisal that could be seen as components of a discipline and surveillance systems to make the employee “knowable, calculable and administrative object” (Miller and Rose, 1990, p. 5). Objective: In Portuguese public organizations, performance appraisal follows the SIADAP (Performance Appraisal Systems for Public Administration). The objective of this study is to capture whatever employees of public organizations (appraisers and appraisee) perceived the performance appraisal system (SIADAP) as an appraisal model that promotes equity, learning and improvement or just as an instrument of control to which they feel dominated and watched over. Method: We developed an in-depth qualitative case study using semi-structured interviews with appraisers and their subordinates in the administrative department of a university institute of Medicine. The discourse of the participants was theoretically analyzed based on Foucauldian framework. Prior to qualitative data collection, we collected quantitative data, with a questionnaire, to measure the (un)satisfaction of employees with the all appraisal system. Findings: Although some key points of Foucault perspective were identified, its framework revealed some limitations to capture the all complexity of performance appraisal. Qualitative data revealed a significant tendency in discourses of appraisers and their subordinates considering SIADAP as an instrument that’s aims to introduced political rationalities and limits to the employer’s promotions within their careers. Contribution: This study brings a critical perspectives and new insights about performance appraisals in Portuguese’s public administrations. It is original contribution to management of human recourses in public administration and primary to audit of performance appraisal systems.