8 resultados para Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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O movimento de afirmação eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), como padrão para a preparação e difusão dos relatórios financeiros e outras publicações empresariais, foi encabeçado pelo American lnstitute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) em conjunto com aproximadatnente outras 30 organizações. Desde o primeiro encontro internacional sobre a especificação XBRL, realizado em Nova York no mês de Outubro de 1999, que a lista de participantes se tem alargado incluindo proeminentes instituições financeiras, organizações profissionais de serviços, organizações profissionais de contabilidade e fornecedores de tecnologia sobrevindo, ao mesmo tempo, um incontável número de alianças e ligações. A XBRL é uma linguagem standard utilizada no ambiente da Internet cujo desenvolvimento permitirá obter uma informação de melhor qualidade, mais rápida, mais económica e mais eficaz, para o processo de criação e publicação de relatórios financeiros e empresariais. Neste artigo os autores apresentam, resumidamente, as vantagens referidas pela literatura para esta nova tecnologia, descrevem sumariamente as características técnicas da XBRL, traçam o seu percurso desde 1999 e analisam o potencial deste standard para Portugal, bem como a sua aplicação em diferentes áreas de investigação.


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O trabalho de avaliação de projecto de investimento que apresentamos é constituído por duas peças de análise: - O presente relatório, onde é feito um enquadramento do projecto e do mercado onde ele se insere, onde são descritos os pressupostos assumidos na avaliação, as metodologias de avaliação seguidas e a análise dos resultados a que a avaliação conduz. - Uma folha de calculo, fornecida em formato digital (“CTBF_Modelo Avaliacao_Caso Base_v02.xls”), onde se desenvolve o Modelo de Avaliação Económico, designado de “Caso Base”, e onde se procedeu ao calculo dos vários indicadores da avaliação, sendo possível simular os efeitos de alterações nos vários inputs do modelo. Toda a análise é desenvolvida a preços correntes e os valores apresentados estão em todos os casos líquidos de IVA.


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This paper addresses the impact of the CO2 opportunity cost on the wholesale electricity price in the context of the Iberian electricity market (MIBEL), namely on the Portuguese system, for the period corresponding to the Phase II of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). In the econometric analysis a vector error correction model (VECM) is specified to estimate both long–run equilibrium relations and short–run interactions between the electricity price and the fuel (natural gas and coal) and carbon prices. The model is estimated using daily spot market prices and the four commodities prices are jointly modelled as endogenous variables. Moreover, a set of exogenous variables is incorporated in order to account for the electricity demand conditions (temperature) and the electricity generation mix (quantity of electricity traded according the technology used). The outcomes for the Portuguese electricity system suggest that the dynamic pass–through of carbon prices into electricity prices is strongly significant and a long–run elasticity was estimated (equilibrium relation) that is aligned with studies that have been conducted for other markets.


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Wind resource evaluation in two sites located in Portugal was performed using the mesoscale modelling system Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and the wind resource analysis tool commonly used within the wind power industry, the Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) microscale model. Wind measurement campaigns were conducted in the selected sites, allowing for a comparison between in situ measurements and simulated wind, in terms of flow characteristics and energy yields estimates. Three different methodologies were tested, aiming to provide an overview of the benefits and limitations of these methodologies for wind resource estimation. In the first methodology the mesoscale model acts like “virtual” wind measuring stations, where wind data was computed by WRF for both sites and inserted directly as input in WAsP. In the second approach, the same procedure was followed but here the terrain influences induced by the mesoscale model low resolution terrain data were removed from the simulated wind data. In the third methodology, the simulated wind data is extracted at the top of the planetary boundary layer height for both sites, aiming to assess if the use of geostrophic winds (which, by definition, are not influenced by the local terrain) can bring any improvement in the models performance. The obtained results for the abovementioned methodologies were compared with those resulting from in situ measurements, in terms of mean wind speed, Weibull probability density function parameters and production estimates, considering the installation of one wind turbine in each site. Results showed that the second tested approach is the one that produces values closest to the measured ones, and fairly acceptable deviations were found using this coupling technique in terms of estimated annual production. However, mesoscale output should not be used directly in wind farm sitting projects, mainly due to the mesoscale model terrain data poor resolution. Instead, the use of mesoscale output in microscale models should be seen as a valid alternative to in situ data mainly for preliminary wind resource assessments, although the application of mesoscale and microscale coupling in areas with complex topography should be done with extreme caution.


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Esta dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento e avaliação de um procedimento de \Numerical Site Calibration" (NSC) para um Parque Eólico, situado a sul de Portugal, usando Dinâmica de Fluídos Computacional (CFD). O NSC encontra-se baseado no \Site Calibration" (SC), sendo este um método de medição padronizado pela Comissão Electrónica Internacional através da norma IEC 61400. Este método tem a finalidade de quantificar e reduzir os efeitos provocados pelo terreno e por possíveis obstáculos, na medição do desempenho energético das turbinas eólicas. Assim, no SC são realizadas medições em dois pontos, no mastro referência e no local da turbina (mastro temporário). No entanto, em Parques Eólicos já construídos, este método não é aplicável visto ser necessária a instalação de um mastro de medição no local da turbina e, por conseguinte, o procedimento adequado para estas circunstâncias é o NSC. O desenvolvimento deste método é feito por um código CFD, desenvolvido por uma equipa de investigação do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, designado de WINDIETM, usado extensivamente pela empresa Megajoule Inovação, Lda em aplicações de energia eólica em todo mundo. Este código é uma ferramenta para simulação de escoamentos tridimensionais em terrenos complexos. As simulações do escoamento são realizadas no regime transiente utilizando as equações de Navier-Stokes médias de Reynolds com aproximação de Bussinesq e o modelo de turbulência TKE 1.5. As condições fronteira são provenientes dos resultados de uma simulação realizada com Weather Research and Forecasting, WRF. Estas simulações dividem-se em dois grupos, um dos conjuntos de simulações utiliza o esquema convectivo Upwind e o outro utiliza o esquema convectivo de 4aordem. A análise deste método é realizada a partir da comparação dos dados obtidos nas simulações realizadas no código WINDIETM e a coleta de dados medidos durante o processo SC. Em suma, conclui-se que o WINDIETM e as suas configurações reproduzem bons resultados de calibração, ja que produzem erros globais na ordem de dois pontos percentuais em relação ao SC realizado para o mesmo local em estudo.


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The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is a cornerstone of the European Union's policy to combat climate change and its key tool for reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively. The purpose of the present work is to evaluate the influence of CO2 opportunity cost on the Spanish wholesale electricity price. Our sample includes all Phase II of the EU ETS and the first year of Phase III implementation, from January 2008 to December 2013. A vector error correction model (VECM) is applied to estimate not only long-run equilibrium relations, but also short-run interactions between the electricity price and the fuel (natural gas and coal) and carbon prices. The four commodities prices are modeled as joint endogenous variables with air temperature and renewable energy as exogenous variables. We found a long-run relationship (cointegration) between electricity price, carbon price, and fuel prices. By estimating the dynamic pass-through of carbon price into electricity price for different periods of our sample, it is possible to observe the weakening of the link between carbon and electricity prices as a result from the collapse on CO2 prices, therefore compromising the efficacy of the system to reach proposed environmental goals. This conclusion is in line with the need to shape new policies within the framework of the EU ETS that prevent excessive low prices for carbon over extended periods of time.


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There is a positive relationship between learning music and academic achievement, although doubts remain regarding the mechanisms underlying this association. This research analyses the academic performance of music and non-music students from seventh to ninth grade. The study controls for socioeconomic status, intelligence, motivation and prior academic achievement. Data were collected from 110 adolescents at two time points, once when the students were between 11 and 14 years old in the seventh grade, and again 3 years later. Our results show that music students perform better academically than non-music students in the seventh grade (Cohen’s d = 0.88) and in the ninth grade (Cohen’s d = 1.05). This difference is particularly evident in their scores in Portuguese language and natural science; the difference is somewhat weaker in history and geography scores, and is least pronounced in mathematics and English scores (η2 p from .09 to .21). A longitudinal analysis also revealed better academic performance by music students after controlling for prior academic achievement (η2 p = .07). Furthermore, controlling for intelligence, socioeconomic status and motivation did not eliminate the positive association between music learning from the seventh to the ninth grade and students’ academic achievement (η2 p = .06). During the period, music students maintained better and more consistent academic standing. We conclude that, after controlling for intelligence, socioeconomic status and motivation, music training is positively associated with academic achievement.


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The objective of the thesis is to analyze the behaviour of the wind flow when it is passing beside the forest. To complete this analysis, a parametric study was done based upon generalized situations. Some abacus have been made, which are related to forest and wind characteristics. The abacus were compared with a particular real case, namely Alexandrovo (Bulgaria), where it was concluded that the applicability of the abacus in projects with complex terrain is low and they must be used, from a quantitative point of view, for flat terrain, being hc the most important parameter.