43 resultados para Low power devices
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
With the emergence of low-power wireless hardware new ways of communication were needed. In order to standardize the communication between these low powered devices the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) released the 6LoWPAN stand- ard that acts as an additional layer for making the IPv6 link layer suitable for the lower-power and lossy networks. In the same way, IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low- Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) has been proposed by the IETF Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (ROLL) Working Group as a standard routing protocol for IPv6 routing in low-power wireless sensor networks. The research performed in this thesis uses these technologies to implement a mobility process. Mobility management is a fundamental yet challenging area in low-power wireless networks. There are applications that require mobile nodes to exchange data with a xed infrastructure with quality-of-service guarantees. A prime example of these applications is the monitoring of patients in real-time. In these scenarios, broadcast- ing data to all access points (APs) within range may not be a valid option due to the energy consumption, data storage and complexity requirements. An alternative and e cient option is to allow mobile nodes to perform hand-o s. Hand-o mechanisms have been well studied in cellular and ad-hoc networks. However, low-power wireless networks pose a new set of challenges. On one hand, simpler radios and constrained resources ask for simpler hand-o schemes. On the other hand, the shorter coverage and higher variability of low-power links require a careful tuning of the hand-o parameters. In this work, we tackle the problem of integrating smart-HOP within a standard protocol, speci cally RPL. The simulation results in Cooja indicate that the pro- posed scheme minimizes the hand-o delay and the total network overhead. The standard RPL protocol is simply unable to provide a reliable mobility support sim- ilar to other COTS technologies. Instead, they support joining and leaving of nodes, with very low responsiveness in the existence of physical mobility.
Hand-off (or hand-over), the process where mobile nodes select the best access point available to transfer data, has been well studied in wireless networks. The performance of a hand-off process depends on the specific characteristics of the wireless links. In the case of low-power wireless networks, hand-off decisions must be carefully taken by considering the unique properties of inexpensive low-power radios. This paper addresses the design, implementation and evaluation of smart-HOP, a hand-off mechanism tailored for low-power wireless networks. This work has three main contributions. First, it formulates the hard hand-off process for low-power networks (such as typical wireless sensor networks - WSNs) with a probabilistic model, to investigate the impact of the most relevant channel parameters through an analytical approach. Second, it confirms the probabilistic model through simulation and further elaborates on the impact of several hand-off parameters. Third, it fine-tunes the most relevant hand-off parameters via an extended set of experiments, in a realistic experimental scenario. The evaluation shows that smart-HOP performs well in the transitional region while achieving more than 98 percent relative delivery ratio and hand-off delays in the order of a few tens of a milliseconds.
Radio link quality estimation is essential for protocols and mechanisms such as routing, mobility management and localization, particularly for low-power wireless networks such as wireless sensor networks. Commodity Link Quality Estimators (LQEs), e.g. PRR, RNP, ETX, four-bit and RSSI, can only provide a partial characterization of links as they ignore several link properties such as channel quality and stability. In this paper, we propose F-LQE (Fuzzy Link Quality Estimator, a holistic metric that estimates link quality on the basis of four link quality properties—packet delivery, asymmetry, stability, and channel quality—that are expressed and combined using Fuzzy Logic. We demonstrate through an extensive experimental analysis that F-LQE is more reliable than existing estimators (e.g., PRR, WMEWMA, ETX, RNP, and four-bit) as it provides a finer grain link classification. It is also more stable as it has lower coefficient of variation of link estimates. Importantly, we evaluate the impact of F-LQE on the performance of tree routing, specifically the CTP (Collection Tree Protocol). For this purpose, we adapted F-LQE to build a new routing metric for CTP, which we dubbed as F-LQE/RM. Extensive experimental results obtained with state-of-the-art widely used test-beds show that F-LQE/RM improves significantly CTP routing performance over four-bit (the default LQE of CTP) and ETX (another popular LQE). F-LQE/RM improves the end-to-end packet delivery by up to 16%, reduces the number of packet retransmissions by up to 32%, reduces the Hop count by up to 4%, and improves the topology stability by up to 47%.
12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015. Porto, Portugal
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a paradigm over the last few years as a result of the tight integration of the computing and the physical world. The requirement of remote sensing makes low-power wireless sensor networks one of the key enabling technologies of IoT. These networks encompass several challenges, especially in communication and networking, due to their inherent constraints of low-power features, deployment in harsh and lossy environments, and limited computing and storage resources. The IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) [1] was proposed by the IETF ROLL (Routing Over Low-power Lossy links) working group and is currently adopted as an IETF standard in the RFC 6550 since March 2012. Although RPL greatly satisfied the requirements of low-power and lossy sensor networks, several issues remain open for improvement and specification, in particular with respect to Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees and support for mobility. In this paper, we focus mainly on the RPL routing protocol. We propose some enhancements to the standard specification in order to provide QoS guarantees for static as well as mobile LLNs. For this purpose, we propose OF-FL (Objective Function based on Fuzzy Logic), a new objective function that overcomes the limitations of the standardized objective functions that were designed for RPL by considering important link and node metrics, namely end-to-end delay, number of hops, ETX (Expected transmission count) and LQL (Link Quality Level). In addition, we present the design of Co-RPL, an extension to RPL based on the corona mechanism that supports mobility in order to overcome the problem of slow reactivity to frequent topology changes and thus providing a better quality of service mainly in dynamic networks application. Performance evaluation results show that both OF-FL and Co-RPL allow a great improvement when compared to the standard specification, mainly in terms of packet loss ratio and average network latency. 2015 Elsevier B.V. Al
Nowadays the incredible grow of mobile devices market led to the need for location-aware applications. However, sometimes person location is difficult to obtain, since most of these devices only have a GPS (Global Positioning System) chip to retrieve location. In order to suppress this limitation and to provide location everywhere (even where a structured environment doesn’t exist) a wearable inertial navigation system is proposed, which is a convenient way to track people in situations where other localization systems fail. The system combines pedestrian dead reckoning with GPS, using widely available, low-cost and low-power hardware components. The system innovation is the information fusion and the use of probabilistic methods to learn persons gait behavior to correct, in real-time, the drift errors given by the sensors.
Apresenta-se nesta tese uma revisão da literatura sobre a modelação de semicondutores de potência baseada na física e posterior análise de desempenho de dois métodos estocásticos, Particle Swarm Optimizaton (PSO) e Simulated Annealing (SA), quando utilizado para identificação eficiente de parâmetros de modelos de dispositivos semicondutores de potência, baseado na física. O conhecimento dos valores destes parâmetros, para cada dispositivo, é fundamental para uma simulação precisa do comportamento dinâmico do semicondutor. Os parâmetros são extraídos passo-a-passo durante simulação transiente e desempenham um papel relevante. Uma outra abordagem interessante nesta tese relaciona-se com o facto de que nos últimos anos, os métodos de modelação para dispositivos de potência têm emergido, com alta precisão e baixo tempo de execução baseado na Equação de Difusão Ambipolar (EDA) para díodos de potência e implementação no MATLAB numa estratégia de optimização formal. A equação da EDA é resolvida numericamente sob várias condições de injeções e o modelo é desenvolvido e implementado como um subcircuito no simulador IsSpice. Larguras de camada de depleção, área total do dispositivo, nível de dopagem, entre outras, são alguns dos parâmetros extraídos do modelo. Extração de parâmetros é uma parte importante de desenvolvimento de modelo. O objectivo de extração de parâmetros e otimização é determinar tais valores de parâmetros de modelo de dispositivo que minimiza as diferenças entre um conjunto de características medidas e resultados obtidos pela simulação de modelo de dispositivo. Este processo de minimização é frequentemente chamado de ajuste de características de modelos para dados de medição. O algoritmo implementado, PSO é uma técnica de heurística de otimização promissora, eficiente e recentemente proposta por Kennedy e Eberhart, baseado no comportamento social. As técnicas propostas são encontradas para serem robustas e capazes de alcançar uma solução que é caracterizada para ser precisa e global. Comparada com algoritmo SA já realizada, o desempenho da técnica proposta tem sido testado utilizando dados experimentais para extrair parâmetros de dispositivos reais das características I-V medidas. Para validar o modelo, comparação entre resultados de modelo desenvolvido com um outro modelo já desenvolvido são apresentados.
A crescente utilização de dispositivos móveis com diferentes finalidades é uma realidade. Com estes dispositivos, o utilizador tem a necessidade de aceder e usar dados em tempo real provenientes de diversas fontes. Uma tendência acentuada passa pela incorporação destes dispositivos móveis no vestuário, designados por dispositivos wearable. Segundo a empresa IMS Research, o mercado deste tipo de dispositivos irá aumentar de 14 milhões de unidades registadas no presente ano (2013), para cerca de 171 milhões em 2016, sendo esta previsão conservadora, segundo o analista da IMS Research, Theo Ahadome [15]. A maioria dos dispositivos portáteis está atualmente projetada para questões de saúde, como a monitorização do nível de glicose e batimento cardíaco. O objetivo deste trabalho passa por definir e implementar um dispositivo wearable para aplicações de saúde com um conjunto de funcionalidades para monitorização dos sinais vitais do utilizador. Posteriormente esta base pode ser aplicada em cenários de aplicação distintos, em que todos os dispositivos comunicam entre si, e fazem o reencaminhamento da informação para onde mais interessar. Foi desenhado e implementado hardware e software, para a construção de aplicações capazes de realizar a monitorização do batimento cardíaco, temperatura e humidade corporal, deteção de quedas, qualidade do sono, e chamadas de emergência. Este trabalho aborda os diferentes cenários e aplicações da utilização deste dispositivo, invocando as necessidades específicas de cada situação, sendo estas necessidades trabalhadas e transformadas em características e especificações do sistema. A plataforma de hardware e software permite criar um ecossistema de aplicações, permitindo usar todas as infraestruturas do sistema desenvolvido em futuros cenários de aplicação.
O desenvolvimento de sistemas de localização pedestre com recurso a técnicas de dead reckoning tem mostrado ser uma área em expansão no mundo académico e não só. Existem algumas soluções criadas, no entanto, nem todas as soluções serão facilmente implementadas no mercado, quer seja pelo hardware caro, ou pelo sistema em si, que é desenvolvido tendo em conta um cenário em particular. INPERLYS é um sistema que visa apresentar uma solução de localização pedestre, independentemente do cenário, utilizando recursos que poderão ser facilmente usados. Trata-se de um sistema que utiliza uma técnica de dead reckonig para dar a localização do utilizador. Em cenários outdoor, um receptor GPS fornece a posição do utilizador, fornecendo uma posição absoluta ao sistema. Quando não é possível utilizar o GPS, recorre-se a um sensor MEMS e a uma bússola para se obter posições relativas à última posição válida do GPS. Para interligar todos os sensores foi utilizado o protocolo de comunicações sem fios ZigBee™. A escolha recaiu neste protocolo devido a factores como os seus baixos consumos e o seu baixo custo. Assim o sistema torna-se de uso fácil e confortável para o utilizador, ao contrário de sistemas similares desenvolvidos, que utilizam cabos para interligarem os diferentes componentes do sistema. O sensor MEMS do tipo acelerómetro tem a função de ler a aceleração horizontal, ao nível do pé. Esta aceleração será usada por um algoritmo de reconhecimento do padrão das acelerações para se detectar os passos dados. Após a detecção do passo, a aceleração máxima registada nesse passo é fornecida ao coordenador, para se obter o deslocamento efectuado. Foram efectuados alguns testes para se perceber a eficiência do INPERLYS. Os testes decorreram num percurso plano, efectuados a uma velocidade normal e com passadas normais. Verificou-se que, neste momento, o desempenho do sistema poderá ser melhorado, quer seja a nível de gestão das comunicações, quer a nível do reconhecimento do padrão da aceleração horizontal, essencial para se detectar os passos. No entanto o sistema é capaz de fornecer a posição através do GPS, quando é possível a sua utilização, e é capaz de fornecer a orientação do movimento.
Low-rate low-power consumption and low-cost communication are the key points that lead to the specification of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. This paper overviews the technical features of the physical layer and the medium access control sublayer mechanisms of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol that are most relevant for wireless sensor network applications. We also discuss the ability of IEEE 802.15.4 to fulfil the requirements of wireless sensor network applications.
RadiaLE: A framework for designing and assessing link quality estimators in wireless sensor networks
Stringent cost and energy constraints impose the use of low-cost and low-power radio transceivers in large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This fact, together with the harsh characteristics of the physical environment, requires a rigorous WSN design. Mechanisms for WSN deployment and topology control, MAC and routing, resource and mobility management, greatly depend on reliable link quality estimators (LQEs). This paper describes the RadiaLE framework, which enables the experimental assessment, design and optimization of LQEs. RadiaLE comprises (i) the hardware components of the WSN testbed and (ii) a software tool for setting-up and controlling the experiments, automating link measurements gathering through packets-statistics collection, and analyzing the collected data, allowing for LQEs evaluation. We also propose a methodology that allows (i) to properly set different types of links and different types of traffic, (ii) to collect rich link measurements, and (iii) to validate LQEs using a holistic and unified approach. To demonstrate the validity and usefulness of RadiaLE, we present two case studies: the characterization of low-power links and a comparison between six representative LQEs. We also extend the second study for evaluating the accuracy of the TOSSIM 2 channel model.
Handoff processes, the events where mobile nodes select the best access point available to transfer data, have been well studied in cellular and WiFi networks. However, wireless sensor networks (WSN) pose a new set of challenges due to their simple low-power radio transceivers and constrained resources. This paper proposes smart-HOP, a handoff mechanism tailored for mobile WSN applications. This work provides two important contributions. First, it demonstrates the intrinsic relationship between handoffs and the transitional region. The evaluation shows that handoffs perform the best when operating in the transitional region, as opposed to operating in the more reliable connected region. Second, the results reveal that a proper fine tuning of the parameters, in the transitional region, can reduce handoff delays by two orders of magnitude, from seconds to tens of milliseconds.
Radio link quality estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has a fundamental impact on the network performance and also affects the design of higher-layer protocols. Therefore, for about a decade, it has been attracting a vast array of research works. Reported works on link quality estimation are typically based on different assumptions, consider different scenarios, and provide radically different (and sometimes contradictory) results. This article provides a comprehensive survey on related literature, covering the characteristics of low-power links, the fundamental concepts of link quality estimation in WSNs, a taxonomy of existing link quality estimators, and their performance analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey tackling in detail link quality estimation in WSNs. We believe our efforts will serve as a reference to orient researchers and system designers in this area.
Link quality estimation is a fundamental building block for the design of several different mechanisms and protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSN). A thorough experimental evaluation of link quality estimators (LQEs) is thus mandatory. Several WSN experimental testbeds have been designed ([1–4]) but only [3] and [2] targeted link quality measurements. However, these were exploited for analyzing low-power links characteristics rather than the performance of LQEs. Despite its importance, the experimental performance evaluation of LQEs remains an open problem, mainly due to the difficulty to provide a quantitative evaluation of their accuracy. This motivated us to build a benchmarking testbed for LQE - RadiaLE, which we present here as a demo. It includes (i.) hardware components that represent the WSN under test and (ii.) a software tool for the set up and control of the experiments and also for analyzing the collected data, allowing for LQEs evaluation.
While the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack is being considered as a promising technology for low-cost low-power Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), several issues in the standard specifications are still open. One of those ambiguous issues is how to build a synchronized multi-hop cluster-tree network, which is quite suitable for ensuring QoS support in WSNs. In fact, the current IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee specifications restrict the synchronization in the beacon-enabled mode (by the generation of periodic beacon frames) to star-based networks, while it supports multi-hop networking using the peer-to-peer mesh topology, but with no synchronization. Even though both specifications mention the possible use of cluster-tree topologies, which combine multihop and synchronization features, the description on how to effectively construct such a network topology is missing. This paper tackles this problem, unveils the ambiguities regarding the use of the cluster-tree topology and proposes a synchronization mechanism based on Time Division Beacon Scheduling to construct cluster-tree WSNs. We also propose a methodology for an efficient duty cycle management in each router (cluster-head) of a cluster-tree WSN that ensures the fairest use of bandwidth resources. The feasibility of the proposal is clearly demonstrated through an experimental test bed based on our own implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol.