5 resultados para Learning to look
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
The European Project Semester at ISEP (EPS@ISEP) is a one semester project-based learning programme addressed to engineering students from diverse scientific backgrounds and nationalities. The students, organized in multicultural teams, are challenged to solve real world multidisciplinary problems, accounting for 30 ECTU. The EPS package, although focused on project development (20 ECTU), includes a series of complementary seminars aimed at fostering soft, project-related and engineering transversal skills (10 ECTU). This paper presents the study plan, resources, operation and results of the EPS@ISEP that was created in 2011 to apply the best engineering education practices and promote the internationalization of ISEP. The results show that the EPS@ISEP students acquire during one semester the scientific, technical and soft competences necessary to propose, design and implement a solution for a multidisciplinary problem.
Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Fractional Systems and Signals, at Ghent, Belgium
Electricity markets are complex environments comprising several negotiation mechanisms. MASCEM (Multi- Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets) is a simulator developed to allow deep studies of the interactions between the players that take part in the electricity market negotiations. ALBidS (Adaptive Learning Strategic Bidding System) is a multiagent system created to provide decision support to market negotiating players. Fully integrated with MASCEM it considers several different methodologies based on very distinct approaches. The Six Thinking Hats is a powerful technique used to look at decisions from different perspectives. This paper aims to complement ALBidS strategies usage by MASCEM players, providing, through the Six Thinking Hats group decision technique, a means to combine them and take advantages from their different perspectives. The combination of the different proposals resulting from ALBidS’ strategies is performed through the application of a Genetic Algorithm, resulting in an evolutionary learning approach.
The confluence of education with the evolution of technology boosted the paradigm shift of the face-to-face learning to distance learning. In this scenario e-Learning plays an essential role as a facilitator of the teaching/learning process. However new demands associated with the new Web paradigm require that existent e-Learning environments characterized mostly by monolithic systems begin interacting with new specialized services. In this decentralized scenario the definition of a strategy of interoperability is the cornerstone to ensure the standardization communication among systems. This paper presents a definition of an interoperability strategy for an e-Learning environment at our School (ESEIG) called PEACE – Project for ESEIG Academic Content Environment. This new interoperability model relies on the application of several coordination and integration standards on several services, controlled by teachers and students, and included in the PEACE environment such as social networks, repositories, libraries, e-portfolios, intelligent tutors, recommendation systems and virtual classrooms.
Neste artigo, começo por questionar-me sobre o que é a avaliação, qual o seu contributo para o mundo da educação, partindo da leitura de alguns teóricos e estudiosos que têm vindo a debruçar-se sobre esta temática / problemática. Num segundo momento, confronto-me com experiências vivenciadas ao longo da minha história de vida pessoal/profissional, para, uma vez retratadas/estudadas/avaliadas, desencadear uma interacção com as teorias convocadas. O questionamento é orientado no sentido de identificar e compreender a avaliação em termos da de estratégias a implementar a nível institucional e de vias a abrir para o sucesso escolar / académico. Estão, pois, em causa, as condições institucionais que viabilizam o processo de ensino, o processo que ao professor cabe organizar para criar condições para o aprimoramento das aprendizagens dos estudantes. A teoria é abordada; dois estudos de caso em tempos e contextos diferentes são focalizados – narrados/estudados/avaliados; a dialéctica é estabelecida – questionando a(s) praxis pela(s) teoria(s) convocadas; surge, então, em consequência, a oportunidade das reflexões e prospecções, para um novo tempo e num contexto outro, sempre orientadas para uma acção/avaliação que leve ao aprimoramento das aprendizagens.