5 resultados para Knights Templar (Masonic order). Plantagenet Preceptory No. 8
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Although it is always weak between RFID Tag and Terminal in focus of the security, there are no security skills in RFID Tag. Recently there are a lot of studying in order to protect it, but because it has some physical limitation of RFID, that is it should be low electric power and high speed, it is impossible to protect with the skills. At present, the methods of RFID security are using a security server, a security policy and security. One of them the most famous skill is the security module, then they has an authentication skill and an encryption skill. In this paper, we designed and implemented after modification original SEED into 8 Round and 64 bits for Tag.
In recent years, significant research in the field of electrochemistry was developed. The performance of electrical devices, depending on the processes of the electrolytes, was described and the physical origin of each parameter was established. However, the influence of the irregularity of the electrodes was not a subject of study and only recently this problem became relevant in the viewpoint of fractional calculus. This paper describes an electrolytic process in the perspective of fractional order capacitors. In this line of thought, are developed several experiments for measuring the electrical impedance of the devices. The results are analyzed through the frequency response, revealing capacitances of fractional order that can constitute an alternative to the classical integer order elements. Fractional order electric circuits are used to model and study the performance of the electrolyte processes.
We agree with Ling-Yun et al. [5] and Zhang and Duan comments [2] about the typing error in equation (9) of the manuscript [8]. The correct formula was initially proposed in [6, 7]. The formula adopted in our algorithms discussed in our papers [1, 3, 4, 8] is, in fact, the following: ...
We study the peculiar dynamical features of a fractional derivative of complex-order network. The network is composed of two unidirectional rings of cells, coupled through a "buffer" cell. The network has a Z3 × Z5 cyclic symmetry group. The complex derivative Dα±jβ, with α, β ∈ R+ is a generalization of the concept of integer order derivative, where α = 1, β = 0. Each cell is modeled by the Chen oscillator. Numerical simulations of the coupled cell system associated with the network expose patterns such as equilibria, periodic orbits, relaxation oscillations, quasiperiodic motion, and chaos, in one or in two rings of cells. In addition, fixing β = 0.8, we perceive differences in the qualitative behavior of the system, as the parameter c ∈ [13, 24] of the Chen oscillator and/or the real part of the fractional derivative, α ∈ {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0}, are varied. Some patterns produced by the coupled system are constrained by the network architecture, but other features are only understood in the light of the internal dynamics of each cell, in this case, the Chen oscillator. What is more important, architecture and/or internal dynamics?
As plataformas com múltiplos núcleos tornaram a programação paralela/concorrente num tópico de interesse geral. Diversos modelos de programação têm vindo a ser propostos, facilitando aos programadores a identificação de regiões de código potencialmente paralelizáveis, deixando ao sistema operativo a tarefa de as escalonar dinamicamente em tempo de execução, explorando o maior grau possível de paralelismo. O Java não foge a esta tendência, disponibilizando ao programador um número crescente de bibliotecas de mecanismos de sincronização e paralelização de código. Neste contexto, esta tese apresenta e discute um conjunto de resultados obtidos através de testes intensivos à eficiência de algoritmos de ordenação implementados com recurso aos mecanismos de concorrência da API do Java 8 (Threads, Threadpools, ExecutorService, CountdownLach, ExecutorCompletionService e ForkJoinPools) em sistemas com um número de núcleos variável. Para cada um dos mecanismos, são apresentadas conclusões sobre o seu funcionamento e discutidos os cenários em que o seu uso pode ser rentabilizado de modo a serem obtidos melhores tempos de execução.