em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Introduction: Cellulite is a complex architectural disorder with multifactorial etiologies that is prevalent in 98% of the women (1). Nowadays several aesthetic treatments are being used: surgical, cosmetic, physical, mechanical, and thermal. (2) Most treatments lack a substantial proof of efficacy. Objective: The purpose of this study was to test and evaluate the efficacy of Ultrasound, Homeopathic Ultrasonophoresis, and Homeopathic Mesotherapy versus control in cellulite in a population of women from ESTSP. Methods: Female volunteers (n=23), Caucasian, aged between 18-31 years, with BMI 19-27 kg/m2 with clinical cellulite gradation on the Cellulite Grading Scale of 1 to 4 were included in a control controlled study. Subjects were assigned in four different groups: Group I (Control, n=6), Group II (Ultrasound, (n=5), Group III (Homeopathic Ultrasonophoresis, n=6), Group IV (Homeopathic Mesotherapy, n=6). Groups II to IV were treated 3 times per week, for a total of 10 sessions. Cellulite gradation was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the trial by means of clinical photography, using a Canon IXUS 65 (6 mega pixels). For homeopathic treatments Dr. Reckeweg® Rekin® 59, 13 and 42 – Dietmed were used. The rating of perceived pain during Homeopathic Mesotherapy was evaluated by a visual analogic scale (VAS). The equipment Sonopuls 692, Enraf-Nonius was used for Ultrasound and Ultrasonophoresis treatments. Results:The higher number of participants with improvement in cellulite graduation occurred in group II (80%), followed group III (50%) and by group IV (33%). The group in which more changes in cellulite gradation occurred was group II, 20% of the individuals improved their score in 2 points. Results were statistically different between Group I and Group II, p=0,015. During the treatments of homeopathic mesotherapy the pain diminished 1 value in VAS scale. Discussion and Conclusion: Although all the three interventions groups were effective in the improvement of cellulite, as expected from previous works described in the literature, (2) only the ultrasound group was statistically different from control. These preliminary results point to the need of a new study using a higher number of participants and the same methodology.


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Many solid tumors have a poor response to systemic chemotherapy, local radiotherapy or surgical recession. They are responsible for premature morbidity and decreased patient survival. The radiofrequency ablation is an emerging technique, and is now becoming more widespread throughout the world because it is minimally invasive, image guided, which offers the possibility of an effective and less costly approach. The procedure can be performed percutaneously, guided by several imaging modalities as Ultrasound, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance. This article pretends to demonstrate the state-of-the-art of this technique focusing in the technical aspects and application of radiofrequency ablation.


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O Refluxo Vesico – Ureteral (RVU) é uma patologia frequente na idade pediátrica. A detecção precoce de RVU é fundamental na orientação terapêutica, de modo a permitir um crescimento renal adequado e prevenir infecções urinárias recorrentes. A investigação radiológica de RVU baseia-se na ecografia e cistouretrografia miccional seriada (CUMS), sendo este último procedimento, o método de eleição, efectuado sob controlo fluoroscópico. Este trabalho tem como objectivo dar a conhecer o papel CUMS na avaliação de RVU e abordar os parâmetros técnicos de aquisição, posicionamento e critérios de qualidade de imagem.


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Introduction Increased fat mass is becoming more prevalent in women and its accumulation in the abdominal region can lead to numerous health risks such as diabetes mellitus. The clay body wrap using compounds such as green clay, green tea and magnesium sulfate, in addition to microcurrent, may reduce abdominal fat mass and minimize or prevent numerous health problems. Objective This study aims at measuring the influence of the clay body wrap with microcurrent and aerobic exercise on abdominal fat. Methods Nineteen female patients, randomized into intervention (n = 10) and control (n = 9) groups, were evaluated using ultrasound for visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat, calipers and abdominal region perimeter for subcutaneous fat and bioimpedance for weight, fat mass percentage and muscular mass. During 10 sessions (5 weeks, twice a week) both groups performed aerobic exercise in a cycloergometer and a clay body wrap with microcurrent was applied to the intervention group. Results When comparing both groups after 5 weeks of protocol, there was a significant decrease in the subcutaneous fat around left anterior superior iliac spine in the intervention group (ρ = 0.026 for a confidence interval 95%). When comparing initial and final abdominal fat in the intervention group, measured by ultrasound (subcutaneous and visceral fat) and by skinfold (subcutaneous fat), we detected a significant abdominal fat reduction. Conclusion This study demonstrated that the clay body wrap used with microcurrent and aerobic exercise can have a positive effect on central fat reduction.


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Background Abdominal fat is associated with metabolic disorders, leading to cardiovascular risk factors and numerous diseases. This study aimed to analyze the effect of plaster body wrap in combination with aerobic exercise on abdominal fat. Methods Nineteen female volunteers were randomly divided into intervention group (IG; n = 10) performing aerobic exercise with plaster body wrap, and control group (CG; n = 9) performing only exercise. Subcutaneous and visceral fat were measured using ultrasound; subcutaneous fat was also estimated on analysis of skinfolds and abdominal perimeters. Results At the end of the 10-sessions protocol, the IG demonstrated a significant decrease (p ≤ 0.05) in subcutaneous fat at the left anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) level and in iliac crest perimeter measurements. A large intervention effect size strength (0.80) was found in subcutaneous fat below the navel and a moderate effect size strength on the vertical abdominal skinfold (0.62) and the perimeter of the most prominent abdominal point (0.57). Comparing the initial and final data of each group, the IG showed a significant decrease in numerous variables including visceral and subcutaneous fat above and below the navel measured by ultrasound (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion Plaster body wrap in combination with aerobic exercise seems to be effective for abdominal fat reduction.