39 resultados para High-shear Granulation

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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An experimental and numerical investigation into the shear strength behaviour of adhesive single lap joints (SLJs) was carried out in order to understand the effect of temperature on the joint strength. The adherend material used for the experimental tests was an aluminium alloy in the form of thin sheets, and the adhesive used was a high-strength high temperature epoxy. Tensile tests as a function of temperature were performed and numerical predictions based on the use of a bilinear cohesive damage model were obtained. It is shown that at temperatures below Tg, the lap shear strength of SLJs increased, while at temperatures above Tg, a drastic drop in the lap shear strength was observed. Comparison between the experimental and numerical maximum loads representing the strength of the joints shows a reasonably good agreement.


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In this study, an experimental investigation into the shear strength behaviour of aluminium alloy single-lap adhesive joints was carried out in order to understand the effect of temperature on the strength of adhesively bonding joints. Single lap joints (SLJs) were fabricated and tested at RT and high temperatures (100ºC, 125ºC, 150ºC, 175ºC and 200ºC). Results showed that the failure loads of the single-lap joint test specimens vary with temperature and this needs to be considered in any design procedure. It is shown that, although the tensile stress decreased with temperature, the lap-shear strength of the adhesive increased with increasing of temperature up to the glass transition of the adhesive (Tg) and decreased for tests above the Tg.


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Interest in polyethylene and polypropylene bonding has increased in the last years. However, adhesive joints with adherends which are of low surface energy and which are chemically inert present several difficulties. Generally, their high degree of chemical resistance to solvents and dissimilar solubility parameters limit the usefulness of solvent bonding as a viable assembly technique. One successful approach to adhesive bonding of these materials involves proper selection of surface pre-treatment prior to bonding. With the correct pre-treatment it is possible to glue these materials with one or more of several adhesives required by the applications involved. A second approach is the use of adhesives without surface pre-treatment, such as hot melts, high tack pressure-sensitive adhesives, solvent-based specialty adhesives and, more recently, structural acrylic adhesives as such 3M DP-8005® and Loctite 3030®. In this paper, the shear strengths of two acrylic adhesives were evaluated using the lap shear test method ASTM D3163 and the block shear test method ASTM D4501. Two different industrial polyolefins (polyethylene and polypropylene) were used for adherends. However, the focus of this study was to measure the shear strength of polyethylene joints with acrylic adhesives. The effect of abrasion was also studied. Some test specimens were manually abraded using 180 and 320 grade abrasive paper. An additional goal of this work was to examine the effect of temperature and moisture on mechanical strength of adhesive joints.


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As estruturas coladas são geralmente projetadas para que o adesivo seja essencialmente sujeito a esforços de corte, pois neste tipo de solicitação o adesivo apresenta melhores caraterísticas mecânicas. A avaliação do comportamento ao corte pode ser realizada com o adesivo no estado maciço ou como camada fina em juntas adesivas. Os métodos que permitem avaliar o comportamento ao corte, quer para o adesivo, quer para as juntas, são: o ensaio Iosipescu ou V-Notched beam shear method, o ensaio de borboleta ou Notched plate shear method (Arcan), o ensaio de torsão, o ensaio de tração numa junta de sobreposição simples e o ensaio Thick Adherend Shear Test (TAST). Os ensaios Arcan e Iosipescu, tal como o ensaio de torção, podem ser realizados em provetes de adesivo maciço ou em juntas. O ensaio de torção é pouco utilizado, porque a aplicação do esforço de corte exige dispositivos e equipamentos de ensaios complexos. Os ensaios Arcan e Iosipescu utilizam provetes com entalhes e podem introduzir alguma dificuldade na medição precisa das deformações. O ensaio de tração numa junta de sobreposição simples é um dos métodos mais usados para caraterizar uma junta adesiva, porque é um método simples, as juntas são de fácil fabrico e pode ser realizado em máquinas universais de ensaios mecânicos. Neste ensaio os aderentes estão sujeitos a uma solicitação de tração, enquanto a camada de adesivo está sujeita a esforços de corte combinados com esforços de arrancamento. Os esforços de arrancamento resultam da própria geometria da junta na qual existe um desalinhamento das forças de tração, mesmo quando são colocados calços (reguladores de espessura) nos locais de amarração. O ensaio TAST é dos mais populares para obtenção das propriedades ao corte, uma vez que tanto as ferramentas de ensaio como o fabrico dos provetes são relativamente simples. Este ensaio é realizado em junta sendo os substratos espessos e de aço que, devido à sua elevada rigidez, contribuem para um esforço de corte praticamente puro no adesivo. Neste trabalho realizou-se o projeto e a fabricação das ferramentas, gabarit e substratos necessários para a execução de provetes TAST e ensaios utilizando diferentes adesivos.


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During the past 15 years, emergence and dissemination of third-generation cephalosporins resistance in nosocomial Enterobacteriaceae became a serious problem worldwide, due to the production of extended-spectrum-β-lactamases (ESBLs). The aim of this study was to investigate among the presence of ESBL-producing enterobacteria among Portuguese clinical isolates nearby Spain, to investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and to compare the two countries. The β-lactamases genes, blaTEM, blaSHV and blaCTX-M were detected by molecular methods. Among the ESBL-producing isolates it was found extraordinary levels (98.9%) of resistance to the fourth-generation cephalosporin Cefepime. These findings point to the need of reevaluate the definition of ESBL.


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Human Computer Interaction (HCl) is to interaction between computers and each person. And context-aware (CA) is very important one of HCI composition. In particular, if there are sequential or continuous tasks between users and devices, among users, and among devices etc, it is important to decide the next action using right CA. And to take perfect decision we have to get together all CA into a structure. We define that structure is Context-Aware Matrix (CAM) in this article. However to make exact decision is too hard for some problems like low accuracy, overhead and bad context by attacker etc. Many researcher has been studying to solve these problems. Moreover, still it has weak point HCI using in safety. In this Article, we propose CAM making include best selecting Server in each area. As a result, moving users could be taken the best way.


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The present paper describes a procedure to isolate volatiles from rock-rose (Cistus ladanifer L.) using simultaneous distillation–extraction (SDE). High-value volatile compounds (HVVC) were selected and the influence of the extraction conditions investigated. The effect of the solvent nature and extraction time on SDE efficiency was studied. The best performance was achieved with pentane in 1 h operation. The extraction efficiencies ranged from 65% to 85% and the repeatability varied between 4% and 6% (as a CV%). The C. ladanifer SDE extracts were analysed by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The HS-SPME sampling conditions such as fiber coating, temperature, ionic strength and exposure time were optimized. The best results were achieved with an 85 µm polyacrylate fiber for a 60 min headspace extraction at 40ºC with 20% (w/v) of NaCl. For optimized conditions the recovery was in average higher than 90% for all compounds and the intermediate precision ranged from 4 to 9% (as CV %). The volatiles α-pinene (22.2 mg g−1 of extract), 2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone (6.1 mg g−1 of extract), borneol (3.0 mg g−1 of extract) and bornyl acetate (3.9 mg g−1 of extract) were identified in the SDE extracts obtained from the fresh plant material.


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A procedure for the determination of seven indicator PCBs in soils and sediments using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) prior to GC-MS/MS is described. Optimization of the HS-SPME was carried out for the most important parameters such as extraction time, sample volume and temperature. The adopted methodology has reduced consumption of organic solvents and analysis runtime. Under the optimized conditions, the method detection limit ranged from 0.6 to 1 ng/g when 5 g of sample was extracted, the precision on real samples ranged from 4 to 21% and the recovery from 69 to 104%. The proposed method, which included the analysis of a certified reference material in its validation procedure, can be extended to several other PCBs and used in the monitoring of soil or sediments for the presence of PCBs.


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High risk of recurrence/progression bladder tumours is treated with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunotherapy after complete resection of the tumour. Approximately 75% of these tumours express the uncommon carbohydrate antigen sialyl-Tn (Tn), a surrogate biomarker of tumour aggressiveness. Such changes in the glycosylation of cell-surface proteins influence tumour microenvironment and immune responses that may modulate treatment outcome and the course of disease. The aim of this work is to determine the efficiency of BCG immunotherapy against tumours expressing sTn and sTn-related antigen sialyl-6-T (s6T). METHODS: In a retrospective design, 94 tumours from patients treated with BCG were screened for sTn and s6T expression. In vitro studies were conducted to determine the interaction of BCG with high-grade bladder cancer cell line overexpressing sTn. RESULTS: From the 94 cases evaluated, 36 had recurrence after BCG treatment (38.3%). Treatment outcome was influenced by age over 65 years (HR=2.668; (1.344-5.254); P=0.005), maintenance schedule (HR=0.480; (0.246-0.936); P=0.031) and multifocality (HR=2.065; (1.033-4.126); P=0.040). sTn or s6T expression was associated with BCG response (P=0.024; P<0.0001) and with increased recurrence-free survival (P=0.001). Multivariate analyses showed that sTn and/or s6T were independent predictive markers of recurrence after BCG immunotherapy (HR=0.296; (0.148-0.594); P=0.001). In vitro studies demonstrated higher adhesion and internalisation of the bacillus to cells expressing sTn, promoting cell death. CONCLUSION: s6T is described for the first time in bladder tumours. Our data strongly suggest that BCG immunotherapy is efficient against sTn- and s6T-positive tumours. Furthermore, sTn and s6T expression are independent predictive markers of BCG treatment response and may be useful in the identification of patients who could benefit more from this immunotherapy.


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The oceans remain a major source of natural compounds with potential in pharmacology. In particular, during the last few decades, marine cyanobacteria have been in focus as producers of interesting bioactive compounds, especially for the treatment of cancer. In this study, the anticancer potential of extracts from twenty eight marine cyanobacteria strains, belonging to the underexplored picoplanktonic genera, Cyanobium, Synechocystis and Synechococcus, and the filamentous genera, Nodosilinea, Leptolyngbya, Pseudanabaena and Romeria, were assessed in eight human tumor cell lines. First, a crude extract was obtained by dichloromethane:methanol extraction, and from it, three fractions were separated in a Si column chromatography. The crude extract and fractions were tested in eight human cancer cell lines for cell viability/toxicity, accessed with the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactic dehydrogenase release (LDH) assays. Eight point nine percent of the strains revealed strong cytotoxicity; 17.8% showed moderate cytotoxicity, and 14.3% assays showed low toxicity. The results obtained revealed that the studied genera of marine cyanobacteria are a promising source of novel compounds with potential anticancer activity and highlight the interest in also exploring the smaller filamentous and picoplanktonic genera of cyanobacteria.


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Component joining is typically performed by welding, fastening, or adhesive-bonding. For bonded aerospace applications, adhesives must withstand high-temperatures (200°C or above, depending on the application), which implies their mechanical characterization under identical conditions. The extended finite element method (XFEM) is an enhancement of the finite element method (FEM) that can be used for the strength prediction of bonded structures. This work proposes and validates damage laws for a thin layer of an epoxy adhesive at room temperature (RT), 100, 150, and 200°C using the XFEM. The fracture toughness (G Ic ) and maximum load ( ); in pure tensile loading were defined by testing double-cantilever beam (DCB) and bulk tensile specimens, respectively, which permitted building the damage laws for each temperature. The bulk test results revealed that decreased gradually with the temperature. On the other hand, the value of G Ic of the adhesive, extracted from the DCB data, was shown to be relatively insensitive to temperature up to the glass transition temperature (T g ), while above T g (at 200°C) a great reduction took place. The output of the DCB numerical simulations for the various temperatures showed a good agreement with the experimental results, which validated the obtained data for strength prediction of bonded joints in tension. By the obtained results, the XFEM proved to be an alternative for the accurate strength prediction of bonded structures.


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This paper summarises the most important solutions that have emerged from the work carried out by our team within the framework of the EU (IST-1999-11316) project RFieldbus - High Performance Wireless Fieldbus in Industrial Multimedia-Related Environment. Within this project, Profibus was chosen as the fieldbus platform. Essentially, extensions to the current Profibus standard are being developed in order to provide Profibus with wireless, mobility and industrialmultimedia capabilities. In fact, providing these extensions means fulfilling strong requirements, namely to encompass the communication between wired (currently available) and wireless/mobile devices and to support real-time control traffic and multimedia traffic in the same network.