12 resultados para Hancock, Ebenezer--1741-1819
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação de Doutora Maria Helena da Costa Alves Guimarães Ustimenko e Doutora Maria Manuela Ribeiro Veloso.
Over the last two decades the research and development of legged locomotion robots has grown steadily. Legged systems present major advantages when compared with ‘traditional’ vehicles, because they allow locomotion in inaccessible terrain to vehicles with wheels and tracks. However, the robustness of legged robots, and especially their energy consumption, among other aspects, still lag behind mechanisms that use wheels and tracks. Therefore, in the present state of development, there are several aspects that need to be improved and optimized. Keeping these ideas in mind, this paper presents the review of the literature of different methods adopted for the optimization of the structure and locomotion gaits of walking robots. Among the distinct possible strategies often used for these tasks are referred approaches such as the mimicking of biological animals, the use of evolutionary schemes to find the optimal parameters and structures, the adoption of sound mechanical design rules, and the optimization of power-based indexes.
For musicians, the impact of noise exposure is not yet fully characterized. Some inconsistencies can be found in the methodology used to evaluate noise exposure. This study aims to analyze the noise exposure of musicians in a symphonic orchestra to understand their risk for hearing loss, applying the methodology proposed by ISO 9612:2009. Noise levels were monitored among musicians during the rehearsal of eight different repertoires. Test subjects were selected according to their instrument and position in the orchestra. Participants wore noise dosimeters throughout the rehearsals. A sound meter was used to analyze the exposure of the conductor. The results showed that musicians are exposed to high noise levels that can damage hearing. Brass, woodwind and percussion and timpani musicians were exposed to noise levels in excess of the upper exposure action level of 85 dB (A), while the other instrumental groups had a lower exposure action level of 80 dB (A). Percussion musicians were exposed to high peak noise levels of 135 dB (C). Sound levels varied by instrument, repertoire and position. Octave frequency analyses showed differences among musicians. This study suggests that musicians are at risk for hearing loss. There is a need for more effective guidelines applicable to all countries, which should define standardized procedures for determining musician noise exposure and should allow exposure level normalization to the year, including different repertoires.
Drilling of composites plates normally uses traditional techniques but damage risk is high. NDT use is important. Damage in a carbon/epoxy plate is evaluated by enhanced X-rays. Four different drills are used. The images are analysed using Computational Vision techniques. Surface roughness is compared. Results suggest strategies for delamination reduction.
Fractional calculus (FC) is no longer considered solely from a mathematical viewpoint, and is now applied in many emerging scientific areas, such as electricity, magnetism, mechanics, fluid dynamics, and medicine. In the field of dynamical systems, significant work has been carried out proving the importance of fractional order mathematical models. This article studies the electrical impedance of vegetables and fruits from a FC perspective. From this line of thought, several experiments are developed for measuring the impedance of botanical elements. The results are analyzed using Bode and polar diagrams, which lead to electrical circuit models revealing fractional-order behaviour.
In this article we describe several methods for the discretization of the differintegral operator sa, where α = u + jv is a complex value. The concept of the conjugated-order differintegral is also introduced, which enables the use of complex-order differintegrals while still producing real-valued time responses and transfer functions. The performance of the resulting approximations is analysed in both the time and frequency domains. Several results are presented that demonstrate its utility in control system design.
This article studies several Fractional Order Control algorithms used for joint control of a hexapod robot. Both Padé and series approximations to the fractional derivative are considered for the control algorithm. The walking performance is evaluated through two indices: The mean absolute density of energy used per unit distance travelled, and the control effort. A set of simulation experiments reveals the influence of the different approximations upon the proposed indices. The results show that the fractional proportional and derivative algorithm, implemented using the Padé approximation with a small number of terms, gives the best results.
The objective of this paper is to present the evolution and the state-of-the-art in the area of legged locomotion systems. In a first phase different possibilities for implementing mobile robots are discussed, namely the case of artificial legged locomotion systems, while emphasizing their advantages and limitations. In a second phase a historical overview of the evolution of these systems is presented, bearing in mind several particular cases often considered as milestones of technological and scientific progress. After this historical timeline, some of the present-day systems are examined and their performance is analyzed. In a third phase the major areas of research and development that are presently being followed in the construction of legged robots are pointed out. Finally, some still unsolved problems that remain defying robotics research, are also addressed.
This paper shows that a hierarchical architecture, distributing several control actions in growing levels of complexity and using resources of reconfigurable computing, enables one to take into account the ease of future modifications, updates and improvements in robotic applications. An experimental example of a Stewart—Gough platform control (a platform applied as the solution to countless practical problems) is presented using reconfigurable computing. The software and hardware developed are structured in independent blocks. This open architecture implementation allows easy expansion of the system and better adaptation of the platform to its related tasks.
The development of fractional-order controllers is currently one of the most promising fields of research. However, most of the work in this area addresses the case of linear systems. This paper reports on the analysis of fractional-order control of nonlinear systems. The performance of discrete fractional-order PID controllers in the presence of several nonlinearities is discussed. Some results are provided that indicate the superior robustness of such algorithms.
In this paper a modified version of the classical Van der Pol oscillator is proposed, introducing fractional-order time derivatives into the state-space model. The resulting fractional-order Van der Pol oscillator is analyzed in the time and frequency domains, using phase portraits, spectral analysis and bifurcation diagrams. The fractional-order dynamics is illustrated through numerical simulations of the proposed schemes using approximations to fractional-order operators. Finally, the analysis is extended to the forced Van der Pol oscillator.