27 resultados para Green function
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) finds many applications in fields such as engineering design, economic equilibrium and mathematical programming theory itself. A queueing system model resulting from a single signalized intersection regulated by pre-timed control in traffic network is considered. The model is formulated as an MPCC problem. A MATLAB implementation based on an hyperbolic penalty function is used to solve this practical problem, computing the total average waiting time of the vehicles in all queues and the green split allocation. The problem was codified in AMPL.
The effect of boiling (10 minutes) on eleven green vegetables frequently consumed in the Mediterranean diet was evaluated. For that, some physicochemical parameters and the contents of vitamin C, phenolics and carotenoids, as well as the antioxidant activity, were determined in raw and boiled samples. The raw vegetables analysed in this study were good sources of vitamin C, carotenoids and phenolic compounds, with contents ranging from 10.6 to 255.1 mg/100 g, 0.03 to 3.29 mg/100 g and 202.9 to 1010.7 mg/100 g, respectively. Boiling promoted losses in different extensions considering both the different bioactive compounds and the distinct vegetables analysed. Contrary to phenolics (more resistant), vitamin C was the most affected compound. Boiling also originated significant losses in the antioxidant activity of the vegetables. Considering all the parameters analysed, the vegetables most affected by boiling were broccoli and lettuce. The least affected ones were collard and tronchuda cabbage.
The main goal of this work is to solve mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC) using nonlinear programming techniques (NLP). An hyperbolic penalty function is used to solve MPCC problems by including the complementarity constraints in the penalty term. This penalty function [1] is twice continuously differentiable and combines features of both exterior and interior penalty methods. A set of AMPL problems from MacMPEC [2] are tested and a comparative study is performed.
Neste caso de estudo apresentam-se as acções de Responsabilidade Social e Sustentabilidade das organizações envolvidas no Programa GREEN CORK, assim como alguns aspectos relacionados com marketing verde. O GREEN CORK é um Programa de Reciclagem de rolhas de cortiça que permite o financiamento de parte do Programa “CRIAR BOSQUES, CONSERVAR A BIODIVERSIDADE”, que utilizará exclusivamente árvores que constituem a nossa floresta autóctone. “ROLHAS POR QUERCUS” é a mensagem do Programa GREEN CORK.
O presente trabalho pretendeu desenvolver e testar um sensor óptico para detectar ciclamato de sódio, um adoçante artificial utilizado nas bebidas em geral. A primeira abordagem neste sentido baseou-se na preparação de um sensor óptico através da formação de complexos corados entre o ciclamato e várias espécies metálicas, nomeadamente Hg(II), Ba(II), Fe(II), Ag(II), Pb(II), Cd(II), Mn (II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Co(II), Sn(II) e Mg(II). Perante a ausência de resultados satisfatórios optou-se por explorar a acção do ciclamato de sódio na transferência/partilha de um corante entre duas fases líquidas imiscíveis. As fases líquidas utilizadas foram a água e o clorofórmio. Testaram-se várias famílias de corantes mas só uma classe se mostrou com as características apropriadas para o objectivo pretendido. Dentro dessa família de corantes, seleccionou-se aquele que, à partida, garantiu o melhor desempenho. O sensor foi testado em diferentes condições de pH e também na presença de potenciais interferentes de forma a estabelecer as melhores condições de utilização. O método mostrou-se bastante simples de executar, rápido na obtenção de resultados e com boas características para ser avaliado visualmente, mas sempre de acordo com os critérios de objectividade que um trabalho deste tipo requer. Além o disso permitiu ser calibrado de uma forma rápida e simples, características essenciais para a aplicação deste método na despistagem de ciclamato em análises de rotina. O método desenvolvido foi ainda aplicado à análise de vinho dopado com diferentes concentrações de ciclamato de sódio. Destes testes verificou-se a necessidade de optimização do método através da introdução de outras substâncias na fase não aquosa diminuindo a vulnerabilidade do sensor a outros interferentes. Como conclusão, o método correspondeu às expectativas, mostrando-se viável para aplicação à análise de vinhos, ainda com uma margem significativa de desenvolvimento no sentido de o tornar mais fiável e preciso.
The treatment efficiency of laboratory wastewaters was evaluated and ecotoxicity tests with Chlorella vulgaris were performed on them to assess the safety of their environmental discharge. For chemical oxygen demand wastewaters, chromium (VI), mercury (II) and silver were efficiently removedby chemical treatments.Areduction of ecotoxicitywas achieved; nevertheless, an EC50 (effective concentration that causes a 50% inhibition in the algae growth) of 1.5% (v/v) indicated still high level of ecotoxicity. For chloride determination wastewaters, an efficient reduction of chromium and silver was achieved after treatment. Regarding the reduction of ecotoxicity observed, EC50 increased from 0.059% to 0.5%, only a 0.02% concentration in the aquatic environment would guarantee no effects. Wastewaters containing phenanthroline/iron (II) complex were treated by chemical oxidation. Treatmentwas satisfactory concerning chemical parameters, although an increase in ecotoxicitywas observed (EC50 reduced from 0.31% to 0.21%). The wastes from the kinetic study of persulphate and iodide reaction were treated with sodium bisulphite until colour was removed. Although they did not reveal significant ecotoxicity, only over 1% of the untreated waste produced observable effects over algae. Therefore, ecotoxicity tests could be considered a useful tool not only in laboratory effluents treatment, as shown, but also in hazardous wastewaters management.
The interest in zero-valent iron nanoparticles has been increasing significantly since the development of a green production method in which extracts from natural products or wastes are used. However, this field of application is yet poorly studied and lacks knowledge that allows the full understanding of the production and application processes. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the viability of the utilization of several tree leaves to produce extracts which are capable of reducing iron(III) in aqueous solution to form nZVIs. The quality of the extracts was evaluated concerning their antioxidant capacity. The results show that: i) dried leaves produce extracts with higher antioxidant capacities than non-dried leaves, ii) the most favorable extraction conditions (temperature, contact time, and volume:mass ratio) were identified for each leaf, iii) with the aim of developing a green, but also low-cost,method waterwas chosen as solvent, iv) the extracts can be classified in three categories according to their antioxidant capacity (expressed as Fe(II) concentration): >40 mmol L−1; 20–40 mmol L−1; and 2–10 mmol L−1; with oak, pomegranate and green tea leaves producing the richest extracts, and v) TEManalysis proves that nZVIs (d=10–20 nm) can be produced using the tree leaf extracts.
Zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVIs) are often used in environmental remediation. Their high surface area that is associated with their high reactivity makes them an excellent agent capable of transforming/degrading contaminants in soils and waters. Due to the recent development of green methods for the production of nZVIs, the use of this material became even more attractive. However, the knowledge of its capacity to degrade distinct types of contaminants is still scarce. The present work describes the study of the application of green nZVIs to the remediation of soils contaminated with a common anti-inflammatory drug, ibuprofen. The main objectives of this work were to produce nZVIs using extracts of grape marc, black tea and vine leaves, to verify the degradation of ibuprofen in aqueous solutions by the nZVIs, to study the remediation process of a sandy soil contaminated with ibuprofen using the nZVIs, and to compare the experiments with other common chemical oxidants. The produced nZVIs had nanometric sizes and were able to degrade ibuprofen (54 to 66% of the initial amount) in aqueous solutions. Similar remediation efficiencies were obtained in sandy soils. In this case the remediation could be enhanced (achieving degradation efficiencies above 95%) through the complementation of the process with a catalyzed nZVI Fenton-like reaction. These results indicate that this remediation technology represents a good alternative to traditional and more aggressive technologies.
Penalty and Barrier methods are normally used to solve Nonlinear Optimization Problems constrained problems. The problems appear in areas such as engineering and are often characterised by the fact that involved functions (objective and constraints) are non-smooth and/or their derivatives are not know. This means that optimization methods based on derivatives cannot net used. A Java based API was implemented, including only derivative-free optimizationmethods, to solve both constrained and unconstrained problems, which includes Penalty and Barriers methods. In this work a new penalty function, based on Fuzzy Logic, is presented. This function imposes a progressive penalization to solutions that violate the constraints. This means that the function imposes a low penalization when the violation of the constraints is low and a heavy penalisation when the violation is high. The value of the penalization is not known in beforehand, it is the outcome of a fuzzy inference engine. Numerical results comparing the proposed function with two of the classic penalty/barrier functions are presented. Regarding the presented results one can conclude that the prosed penalty function besides being very robust also exhibits a very good performance.
This paper proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the design of combinational logic circuits. The fitness function evaluation is calculated using Fractional Calculus. This approach extends the classical fitness function by including a fractional-order dynamical evaluation. The experiments reveal superior results when comparing with the classical method.
This paper studies the describing function (DF) of systems consisting in a mass subjected to nonlinear friction. The friction force is composed in three components namely, the viscous, the Coulomb and the static forces. The system dynamics is analyzed in the DF perspective revealing a fractional-order behaviour. The reliability of the DF method is evaluated through the signal harmonic content and the limit cycle prediction.
This paper analyzes the dynamical properties of systems with backlash and impact phenomena based on the describing function method. It is shown that this type of nonlinearity can be analyzed in the perspective of the fractional calculus theory. The fractional dynamics is compared with that of standard models.
This paper studies the describing function (DF) of systems constituted by a mass subjected to nonlinear friction. The friction force is decomposed into two components, namely, the viscous and the Coulomb friction. The system dynamics is analyzed in the DF perspective revealing a fractional-order behavior. The reliability of the DF method is evaluated through the signal harmonic contents.