6 resultados para General approach

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Scheduling of constrained deadline sporadic task systems on multiprocessor platforms is an area which has received much attention in the recent past. It is widely believed that finding an optimal scheduler is hard, and therefore most studies have focused on developing algorithms with good processor utilization bounds. These algorithms can be broadly classified into two categories: partitioned scheduling in which tasks are statically assigned to individual processors, and global scheduling in which each task is allowed to execute on any processor in the platform. In this paper we consider a third, more general, approach called cluster-based scheduling. In this approach each task is statically assigned to a processor cluster, tasks in each cluster are globally scheduled among themselves, and clusters in turn are scheduled on the multiprocessor platform. We develop techniques to support such cluster-based scheduling algorithms, and also consider properties that minimize total processor utilization of individual clusters. In the last part of this paper, we develop new virtual cluster-based scheduling algorithms. For implicit deadline sporadic task systems, we develop an optimal scheduling algorithm that is neither Pfair nor ERfair. We also show that the processor utilization bound of us-edf{m/(2m−1)} can be improved by using virtual clustering. Since neither partitioned nor global strategies dominate over the other, cluster-based scheduling is a natural direction for research towards achieving improved processor utilization bounds.


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Na sociedade atual, a preocupação com o ambiente, por um lado, e com o conforto e a segurança, por outro, faz com que a sustentabilidade energética se assuma como uma forma de intervenção adequada às exigências de qualidade de vida e à eficiência no âmbito da economia. Nesta conformidade, é incontornável a mais-valia do Smart Panel, um quadro elétrico inteligente criado com vista à consecução daqueles desideratos, o que motivou o tema do presente trabalho. Assim, pretende-se demonstrar as potencialidades do Smart Panel, um novo conceito de quadro elétrico que visa a otimização da sua funcionalidade na gestão dinâmica e pragmática das instalações elétricas, nomeadamente no que respeita ao controlo, monitorização e atuação sobre os dispositivos, quer in loco quer, sobretudo, à distância. Para a consecução deste objetivo, concorrem outros que o potenciam, designadamente a compreensão do funcionamento do quadro elétrico (QE) tradicional, a comparação deste com o Smart Panel e a demonstração das vantagens da utilização desta nova tecnologia. A grande finalidade do trabalho desenvolvido é, por um lado, colocar a formação académica ao serviço de um bom desempenho profissional futuro, por outro ir ao encontro da tendência tecnológica inerente às necessidades que o homem, hoje, tem de controlar. Deste modo, num primeiro momento, é feita uma abordagem geral ao quadro eléctrico tradicional a fim de ser compreendido o seu funcionamento, aplicações e potencialidades. Para tanto, a explanação inclui a apresentação de conceitos teóricos subjacentes à conceção, produção e montagem do QE. São explicitados os diversos componentes que o integram e funções que desempenham, bem como as interações que estabelecem entre si e os normativos a que devem obedecer, para conformidade. Houve a preocupação de incluir imagens coadjuvantes das explicações, descrições e procedimentos técnicos. No terceiro capítulo é abordada a tecnologia Smart Panel, introduzindo o conceito e objetivos que lhe subjazem. Explicita-se o modo de funcionamento deste sistema que agrupa proteção, supervisão, controlo, armazenamento e manutenção preventiva, e demonstra-se de que forma a capacidade de leitura de dados, de comunicação e de comando do quadro elétrico à distância se afigura uma revolução tecnológica facilitadora do cumprimento das necessidades de segurança, conforto e economia da vida moderna. Os capítulos quarto, quinto e sexto versam uma componente prática do trabalho. No capítulo quarto é explanado um suporte formativo e posterior demonstração do kit de ensaio, que servirá de apoio à apresentação da tecnologia Smart Panel aos clientes. Além deste suporte de formação, no quinto capítulo é elaborada uma lista de procedimentos de verificação a serem executados aos componentes de comunicação que integram o Smart Panel, para fornecimento ao quadrista. Por fim, no sexto capítulo incluem-se dois casos de estudo: o estudo A centra-se na aplicação da tecnologia Smart Panel ao projeto de um QE tradicional, que implica fazer o levantamento de toda a aparelhagem existente e, de seguida, proceder à transposição para a tecnologia Smart Panel por forma a cumprir os requisitos estabelecidos pelo cliente. O estudo de caso B consiste na elaboração de um projeto de um quadro eléctrico com a tecnologia Smart Panel em função de determinados requisitos e necessidades do cliente, por forma a garantir as funções desejadas.


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Designing electric installation projects, demands not only academic knowledge, but also other types of knowledge not easily acquired through traditional instructional methodologies. A lot of additional empirical knowledge is missing and so the academic instruction must be completed with different kinds of knowledge, such as real-life practical examples and simulations. On the other hand, the practical knowledge detained by the most experienced designers is not formalized in such a way that is easily transmitted. In order to overcome these difficulties present in the engineers formation, we are developing an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), for training and support concerning the development of electrical installation projects to be used by electrical engineers, technicians and students.


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In today’s healthcare paradigm, optimal sedation during anesthesia plays an important role both in patient welfare and in the socio-economic context. For the closed-loop control of general anesthesia, two drugs have proven to have stable, rapid onset times: propofol and remifentanil. These drugs are related to their effect in the bispectral index, a measure of EEG signal. In this paper wavelet time–frequency analysis is used to extract useful information from the clinical signals, since they are time-varying and mark important changes in patient’s response to drug dose. Model based predictive control algorithms are employed to regulate the depth of sedation by manipulating these two drugs. The results of identification from real data and the simulation of the closed loop control performance suggest that the proposed approach can bring an improvement of 9% in overall robustness and may be suitable for clinical practice.


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In today’s healthcare paradigm, optimal sedation during anesthesia plays an important role both in patient welfare and in the socio-economic context. For the closed-loop control of general anesthesia, two drugs have proven to have stable, rapid onset times: propofol and remifentanil. These drugs are related to their effect in the bispectral index, a measure of EEG signal. In this paper wavelet time–frequency analysis is used to extract useful information from the clinical signals, since they are time-varying and mark important changes in patient’s response to drug dose. Model based predictive control algorithms are employed to regulate the depth of sedation by manipulating these two drugs. The results of identification from real data and the simulation of the closed loop control performance suggest that the proposed approach can bring an improvement of 9% in overall robustness and may be suitable for clinical practice.


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For efficient planning of waste collection routing, large municipalities may be partitioned into convenient sectors. The real case under consideration is the municipality of Monção, in Portugal. Waste collection involves more than 1600 containers over an area of 220 km2 and a population of around 20,000 inhabitants. This is mostly a rural area where the population is distributed in small villages around the 33 boroughs centres (freguesia) that constitute the municipality. In most freguesias, waste collection is usually conducted 3 times a week. However, there are situations in which the same collection is done every day. The case reveals some general and specific characteristics which are not rare, but are not widely addressed in the literature. Furthermore, new methods and models to deal with sectorization and routing are introduced, which can be extended to other applications. Sectorization and routing are tackled following a three-phase approach. The first phase, which is the main concern of the presentation, introduces a new method for sectorization inspired by Electromagnetism and Coulomb’s Law. The matter is not only about territorial division, but also the frequency of waste collection, which is a critical issue in these types of applications. Special characteristics related to the number and type of deposition points were also a motivation for this work. The second phase addresses the routing problems in each sector: new Mixed Capacitated Arc Routing with Limited Multi-Landfills models will be presented. The last phase integrates Sectoring and Routing. Computational results confirm the effectiveness of the entire novel approach.