26 resultados para Functional electric stimulation

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Introdução: A Lesão Medular (LM) é um dos mais devastadores e traumáticos eventos que um Ser Humano pode vivenciar do ponto de vista clínico e emocional, demonstrando-se fundamental a disponibilização de recursos específicos para que o indivíduo possa enfrentar e gerir a sua nova realidade da melhor maneira possível. Alguns estudos têm vindo a demonstrar os benefícios de programas de reabilitação com estimulação elétrica funcional (EEF). Portanto, é de importante relevância perceber os reais efeitos da intervenção na recuperação de indivíduos com este diagnóstico. Objetivo: Analisar as evidências de abordagens de aplicação de correntes de estimulação elétrica funcional (EEF) para coadjuvar na reabilitação em adultos com lesão medular completa. Métodos: Foi conduzida uma pesquisa dos artigos preferencialmente estudos randomized controlled trials RCT´s e estudos quasi-experimentais com os mesmos participantes foram admitidos complementarmente aos experimentais compreendidos entre 2004 e 2013, bem como as citações e as referências bibliográficas de cada estudo nas principais bases de dados de ciências da saúde (Elsevier – Science Direct, Highwire Press, PEDro, PubMed, Scielo Portugal, Clinical Key, B-on, Biomed Central, LILACS- Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde) com as palavras-chave: “spinal cord injuries”, “rehabilitation, electric stimulation funtional”, “FES”, “therapy” em todas as combinações possíveis. Os estudos RCT’s foram analisados independentemente por dois revisores quanto aos critérios de inclusão e qualidade dos estudos. Resultados: Dos 857 estudos identificados apenas sete foram incluídos. Destes, dois apresentaram um score 3/10, um apresentou 4/10, um apresentou um score 5/10. O score total bem como o preenchimento ou não de cada critério encontram-se detalhados na tabela 1 e organizados por ordem alfabética de autores. Todos os estudos incluíram indivíduos com Lesão Medular Completa, idades entre 16 e 68 anos com diagnóstico de acordo com a American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA).Os programas de intervenção dividiram-se em programas de programas de força, densidade mineral óssea, cardiorrespiratório e de atividade física. Dos estudos incluídos, cinco apresentaram melhorias na reabilitação funcional para o grupo experimental, demonstrando assim uma influência positiva da estimulação elétrica funcional em lesões medulares completas. Apenas dois estudos não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas com relevância clínica. Conclusão: Há uma tendência notória do benefício dos programas com EEF em pacientes com lesões medulares completas parece melhorar a capacidade cardiorrespiratória, a densidade mineral óssea, a força e atividade física, dos indivíduos. Contudo, mais estudos com elevada qualidade metodológica serão essenciais para conceber o real efeito da sua aplicação. Palavras-chave: lesão medular completa; estimulação elétrica funcional, randomized controlled trials, revisão sistemática.


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Introdução: A gordura visceral e subcutânea do abdómen poderá aumentar o risco de diferentes patologias. Objectivo: Verificar se a lipólise induzida pela corrente eléctrica, é eficaz na redução de massa gorda. Métodos: Vinte e três mulheres foram divididas em três grupos: controlo só com exercício físico, experimental com TENS e exercício físico e experimental com microcorrente e exercício físico. Resultados: Nos grupos experimentais, aumentaram os triglicerídeos (p<0,05), diminuiu a prega supra-ilíca (p>0,05) e observaram-se valores tendencialmente menores de parâmetros específicos e globais. No grupo da Microcorrente diminuiu a prega abdominal (p>0,05). Conclusão: A electrolipólise poderá ter efeito coadjuvante ao exercício físico, na redução da massa gorda.


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The large penetration of intermittent resources, such as solar and wind generation, involves the use of storage systems in order to improve power system operation. Electric Vehicles (EVs) with gridable capability (V2G) can operate as a means for storing energy. This paper proposes an algorithm to be included in a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, which performs an intelligent management of three types of consumers: domestic, commercial and industrial, that includes the joint management of loads and the charge/discharge of EVs batteries. The proposed methodology has been implemented in a SCADA system developed by the authors of this paper – the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM). Any event in the system, such as a Demand Response (DR) event, triggers the use of an optimization algorithm that performs the optimal energy resources scheduling (including loads and EVs), taking into account the priorities of each load defined by the installation users. A case study considering a specific consumer with several loads and EVs is presented in this paper.


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Electric vehicles introduction will affect cities environment and urban mobility policies. Network system operators will have to consider the electric vehicles in planning and operation activities due to electric vehicles’ dependency on the electricity grid. The present paper presents test cases using an Electric Vehicle Scenario Simulator (EVeSSi) being developed by the authors. The test cases include two scenarios considering a 33 bus network with up to 2000 electric vehicles in the urban area. The scenarios consider a penetration of 10% of electric vehicles (200 of 2000), 30% (600) and 100% (2000). The first scenario will evaluate network impacts and the second scenario will evaluate CO2 emissions and fuel consumption.


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The smart grid concept appears as a suitable solution to guarantee the power system operation in the new electricity paradigm with electricity markets and integration of large amounts of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Virtual Power Player (VPP) will have a significant importance in the management of a smart grid. In the context of this new paradigm, Electric Vehicles (EVs) rise as a good available resource to be used as a DER by a VPP. This paper presents the application of the Simulated Annealing (SA) technique to solve the Energy Resource Management (ERM) of a VPP. It is also presented a new heuristic approach to intelligently handle the charge and discharge of the EVs. This heuristic process is incorporated in the SA technique, in order to improve the results of the ERM. The case study shows the results of the ERM for a 33-bus distribution network with three different EVs penetration levels, i. e., with 1000, 2000 and 3000 EVs. The results of the proposed adaptation of the SA technique are compared with a previous SA version and a deterministic technique.


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In this paper we present a Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) based model, and hybrid solving method for the Scheduling of Maintenance Activities in the Power Transmission Network. The model distinguishes from others not only because of its completeness but also by the way it models and solves the Electric Constraints. Specifically we present a efficient filtering algorithm for the Electrical Constraints. Furthermore, the solving method improves the pure CLP methods efficiency by integrating a type of Local Search technique with CLP. To test the approach we compare the method results with another method using a 24 bus network, which considerers 42 tasks and 24 maintenance periods.


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This paper presents a simulator for electric vehicles in the context of smart grids and distribution networks. It aims to support network operator´s planning and operations but can be used by other entities for related studies. The paper describes the parameters supported by the current version of the Electric Vehicle Scenario Simulator (EVeSSi) tool and its current algorithm. EVeSSi enables the definition of electric vehicles scenarios on distribution networks using a built-in movement engine. The scenarios created with EVeSSi can be used by external tools (e.g., power flow) for specific analysis, for instance grid impacts. Two scenarios are briefly presented for illustration of the simulator capabilities.


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Introduction: In the XXI Century ’s Society the scientific investigation process has been growing steadily , and the field of the pharmaceutical research is one of the most enthusiastic and relevant . Here, it is very important to correlate observed functional alterations with possibly modified drug bio distribution patterns . Cancer, inflammation and inf ection are processes that induce many molecular intermediates like cytokines, chemokines and other chemical complexes that can alter the pharmacokinetics of many drugs. One cause of such changes is thought to be the modulator action of these complexes in t he P - Glyco p rotein activity, because they can act like inducers/inhibitors of MDR - 1 expression. This protein results from the expression of MDR - 1 gene, and acts as an ATP energy - dependent efflux pump, with their substrates including many drugs , like antiretrovirals, anticancers, anti - infectives, immunosuppressants, steroids or opioids . Objectives: Because of the lack of methods to provide helpful information in the investigation of in vivo molecular changes in Pgp activity during infection/infl ammation processes, and its value in the explanation of the altered drug pharmacokinetic, this paper want to evaluate the potential utility of 99m Tc - Sestamibi scintigraphy during this kind of health sciences investigation. Although the a im is indeed to create a technique to the in vivo study of Pgp activity, this preliminary Project only reaches the in vitro study phase, assumed as the first step in a n evaluation period for a new tool development. Materials and Methods: For that reason , we are performing in vitro studies of influx and efflux of 99m Tc - Sestamibi ( that is a substrate of Pgp) in hepatocytes cell line (HepG2). We are interested in clarify the cellular behavior of this radiopharmaceutical in Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) stimulated cells ( well known in vitro model of inflammation) to possibly approve this methodology. To validate the results, the Pgp expression will be finally evaluated using Western Blot technique. Results: Up to this moment , we still don’t have the final results, but we have already enough data to let us believe that LPS stimulation induce a downregulation of MDR - 1, and consequently Pgp, which could conduce to a prolonged retention of 99m Tc - Sestamibi in the inflamed cells . Conclusions: If and when this methodology demonstrate the promising results we expect, one will be able to con clude that Nuclear Medicine is an important tool to help evidence based research also on this specific field .


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The introduction of electricity markets and integration of Distributed Generation (DG) have been influencing the power system’s structure change. Recently, the smart grid concept has been introduced, to guarantee a more efficient operation of the power system using the advantages of this new paradigm. Basically, a smart grid is a structure that integrates different players, considering constant communication between them to improve power system operation and management. One of the players revealing a big importance in this context is the Virtual Power Player (VPP). In the transportation sector the Electric Vehicle (EV) is arising as an alternative to conventional vehicles propel by fossil fuels. The power system can benefit from this massive introduction of EVs, taking advantage on EVs’ ability to connect to the electric network to charge, and on the future expectation of EVs ability to discharge to the network using the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) capacity. This thesis proposes alternative strategies to control these two EV modes with the objective of enhancing the management of the power system. Moreover, power system must ensure the trips of EVs that will be connected to the electric network. The EV user specifies a certain amount of energy that will be necessary to charge, in order to ensure the distance to travel. The introduction of EVs in the power system turns the Energy Resource Management (ERM) under a smart grid environment, into a complex problem that can take several minutes or hours to reach the optimal solution. Adequate optimization techniques are required to accommodate this kind of complexity while solving the ERM problem in a reasonable execution time. This thesis presents a tool that solves the ERM considering the intensive use of EVs in the smart grid context. The objective is to obtain the minimum cost of ERM considering: the operation cost of DG, the cost of the energy acquired to external suppliers, the EV users payments and remuneration and penalty costs. This tool is directed to VPPs that manage specific network areas, where a high penetration level of EVs is expected to be connected in these areas. The ERM is solved using two methodologies: the adaptation of a deterministic technique proposed in a previous work, and the adaptation of the Simulated Annealing (SA) technique. With the purpose of improving the SA performance for this case, three heuristics are additionally proposed, taking advantage on the particularities and specificities of an ERM with these characteristics. A set of case studies are presented in this thesis, considering a 32 bus distribution network and up to 3000 EVs. The first case study solves the scheduling without considering EVs, to be used as a reference case for comparisons with the proposed approaches. The second case study evaluates the complexity of the ERM with the integration of EVs. The third case study evaluates the performance of scheduling with different control modes for EVs. These control modes, combined with the proposed SA approach and with the developed heuristics, aim at improving the quality of the ERM, while reducing drastically its execution time. The proposed control modes are: uncoordinated charging, smart charging and V2G capability. The fourth and final case study presents the ERM approach applied to consecutive days.


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As indústrias de componentes e acessórios automóveis são um elo fundamental no processo produtivo da indústria automóvel. Neste leque industrial encontra-se a Preh Portugal, Lda, como empresa fornecedora de componentes electrónicos, mais concretamente, painéis de controlo de climatização. Os painéis fornecidos pela Preh aos seus clientes encontram-se sujeitos a rigorosos testes de qualidade e funcionalidade. Neste sentido o teste funcional das teclas surge, relacionando o curso da tecla em função de uma força actuante. Esta relação está comprometida com uma curva característica padrão para o tipo de tecla. Para além destes compromissos, também é necessário que a tecla feche e abra o seu contacto eléctrico. Esta tese foca-se no desenvolvimento do teste de teclas, apresentando uma alteração ao sistema actual com a introdução de um sistema embebido, no intuito de flexibilizar o sistema de teste e reduzindo custos. O sistema embebido pretende dar capacidade de processamento ao teste e, desta forma, substituir o actual computador como elemento de processamento. A solução implementada consistiu numa mudança estrutural, através da inclusão do sistema embebido entre o computador e o sistema de deslocamento. Passando o foco central do processo de teste a residir no sistema embebido, este tem de estabelecer comunicações com os restantes elementos intervenientes no teste. Estabelece comunicações série RS-232 com o sistema de deslocamento (leitura do curso e força na tecla), Ethernet com o computador (comandos, parâmetros e resultados) e CAN com o painel de controlo de climatização (fecho/abertura do contacto eléctrico). A concretização deste projecto resultou numa nova estrutura e aplicação, a qual é facilmente integrada na linha de produção com as vantagens de ser menos onerosa e mais flexível, conforme o pretendido.


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In this paper, we establish the controllability for a class of abstract impulsive mixed-type functional integro-differential equations with finite delay in a Banach space. Some sufficient conditions for controllability are obtained by using the Mönch fixed point theorem via measures of noncompactness and semigroup theory. Particularly, we do not assume the compactness of the evolution system. An example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.


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The economical and environment impacts of fossil energies increased the interest for hybrid, battery and fuel-cell electric vehicles. Several demanding engineering challenges must be faced, motivated by different physical domains integration. This paper aims to present an overview on hybrid (HEV) and electric vehicles (EV) basic structures and features. In addition, it will try to point out some of the most relevant challenges to overcome for HEV and EV may be a solid option for the mobility issue. New developments in energy storage devices and energy management systems (EMS) are crucial to achieve this goal.


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The recent update of the R-Fieldbus testbed to the new Flexible Manufacturing Field Trial – FMFT – brought up the need for a complete revision of its electric schematic.This document comes as a sort of appendix to the Technical Report “Flexible Manufacturing Field Trial”, providing a reliable source of information about the FMFT electric schematic for further developments and/or maintenances.


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This paper presents the system developed to promote the rational use of electric energy among consumers and, thus, increase the energy efficiency. The goal is to provide energy consumers with an application that displays the energy consumption/production profiles, sets up consuming ceilings, defines automatic alerts and alarms, compares anonymously consumers with identical energy usage profiles by region and predicts, in the case of non-residential installations, the expected consumption/production values. The resulting distributed system is organized in two main blocks: front-end and back-end. The front-end includes user interface applications for Android mobile devices and Web browsers. The back-end provides data storage and processing functionalities and is installed in a cloud computing platform - the Google App Engine - which provides a standard Web service interface. This option ensures interoperability, scalability and robustness to the system.


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The energy resource scheduling is becoming increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and massive gridable vehicle (V2G) use is envisaged. This paper presents a methodology for day-ahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and V2G. The main focus is the comparison of different EV management approaches in the day-ahead energy resources management, namely uncontrolled charging, smart charging, V2G and Demand Response (DR) programs i n the V2G approach. Three different DR programs are designed and tested (trip reduce, shifting reduce and reduce+shifting). Othe r important contribution of the paper is the comparison between deterministic and computational intelligence techniques to reduce the execution time. The proposed scheduling is solved with a modified particle swarm optimization. Mixed integer non-linear programming is also used for comparison purposes. Full ac power flow calculation is included to allow taking into account the network constraints. A case study with a 33-bus distribution network and 2000 V2G resources is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.