9 resultados para Framework Struts 2
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
The term “corporate brand” has been widely used in literature since the eighties. According to Balmer (1998) this concept tends to be used as an alternative to the concept of corporate identity. The author argues that the use of branding principles to discuss corporate identity has tended to align the area more closely with marketing. However, the literature on brand management (Aaker, 1991; Kapferer, 1991 and de Chernatony and McDonald, 1992), gives little attention to the corporate brand” (p. 985). Based on the concepts of corporate brand, brand identity and B2B relationship, the authors are interested in eliminating this gap in literature by designing a framework of corporate brand identity management. The aim of this investigation is to investigate the impact of B2B relationships in corporate brand identity management. The methodology used is quantitative analysis of surveys and scale development. The originality of this paper is to investigate the influence of the relationship between brands in corporate brand identity. This investigation is very important to help the decisions of the corporate brand managers and academics. According to literature, namely on corporate brands (Balmer 2002b, Hatch and Schultz, 2001, 2003) and on brand identity (Kapferer, 1991, 2008, Aaker, 1996, de Chernatony, 1999) the authors developed a corporate brand identity management framework considering relationships between brands a context variable with definite impact on identity management as stated by Hakansson and Snehota (1989, 1995). These authors consider that organisations´ identity management is pursued under a relational perspective with impact on identity management. Most researchers on identity and corporate brand emphasise the importance of external influences (Kennedy, 1977; King, 1991; de Chernatony, 1999; Balmer and Gray, 2000; Balmer, 2002a). Those influences concern legislation, concurrence, political issues... and stakeholders’ perceptions and reputations (due to the holistic approach demanded by corporate brands). In this context the authors claim the importance of another influence: B2B relationships. This decision is inspired in sociological studies (Mannheim, 1950; and Tajfel and Turner, 1979) regarding individual identity. These authors claim that individuals form their personality by interacting in the social field. The authors argue that corporate brand identity also develops itself under a relational approach. The relationships selected to pursue this investigation are the ones that are developed by Portuguese universities and investigation centres that cooperate by developing investigation. Those centres are administrative and financially autonomous
RadiaLE: A framework for designing and assessing link quality estimators in wireless sensor networks
Stringent cost and energy constraints impose the use of low-cost and low-power radio transceivers in large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This fact, together with the harsh characteristics of the physical environment, requires a rigorous WSN design. Mechanisms for WSN deployment and topology control, MAC and routing, resource and mobility management, greatly depend on reliable link quality estimators (LQEs). This paper describes the RadiaLE framework, which enables the experimental assessment, design and optimization of LQEs. RadiaLE comprises (i) the hardware components of the WSN testbed and (ii) a software tool for setting-up and controlling the experiments, automating link measurements gathering through packets-statistics collection, and analyzing the collected data, allowing for LQEs evaluation. We also propose a methodology that allows (i) to properly set different types of links and different types of traffic, (ii) to collect rich link measurements, and (iii) to validate LQEs using a holistic and unified approach. To demonstrate the validity and usefulness of RadiaLE, we present two case studies: the characterization of low-power links and a comparison between six representative LQEs. We also extend the second study for evaluating the accuracy of the TOSSIM 2 channel model.
Several projects in the recent past have aimed at promoting Wireless Sensor Networks as an infrastructure technology, where several independent users can submit applications that execute concurrently across the network. Concurrent multiple applications cause significant energy-usage overhead on sensor nodes, that cannot be eliminated by traditional schemes optimized for single-application scenarios. In this paper, we outline two main optimization techniques for reducing power consumption across applications. First, we describe a compiler based approach that identifies redundant sensing requests across applications and eliminates those. Second, we cluster the radio transmissions together by concatenating packets from independent applications based on Rate-Harmonized Scheduling.
ARINC specification 653-2 describes the interface between application software and underlying middleware in a distributed real-time avionics system. The real-time workload in this system comprises of partitions, where each partition consists of one or more processes. Processes incur blocking and preemption overheads and can communicate with other processes in the system. In this work we develop compositional techniques for automated scheduling of such partitions and processes. At present, system designers manually schedule partitions based on interactions they have with the partition vendors. This approach is not only time consuming, but can also result in under utilization of resources. In contrast, the technique proposed in this paper is a principled approach for scheduling ARINC-653 partitions and therefore should facilitate system integration.
Mobile applications are becoming increasingly more complex and making heavier demands on local system resources. Moreover, mobile systems are nowadays more open, allowing users to add more and more applications, including third-party developed ones. In this perspective, it is increasingly expected that users will want to execute in their devices applications which supersede currently available resources. It is therefore important to provide frameworks which allow applications to benefit from resources available on other nodes, capable of migrating some or all of its services to other nodes, depending on the user needs. These requirements are even more stringent when users want to execute Quality of Service (QoS) aware applications, such as voice or video. The required resources to guarantee the QoS levels demanded by an application can vary with time, and consequently, applications should be able to reconfigure themselves. This paper proposes a QoS-aware service-based framework able to support distributed, migration-capable, QoS-enabled applications on top of the Android Operating system.
Link quality estimation is a fundamental building block for the design of several different mechanisms and protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSN). A thorough experimental evaluation of link quality estimators (LQEs) is thus mandatory. Several WSN experimental testbeds have been designed ([1–4]) but only [3] and [2] targeted link quality measurements. However, these were exploited for analyzing low-power links characteristics rather than the performance of LQEs. Despite its importance, the experimental performance evaluation of LQEs remains an open problem, mainly due to the difficulty to provide a quantitative evaluation of their accuracy. This motivated us to build a benchmarking testbed for LQE - RadiaLE, which we present here as a demo. It includes (i.) hardware components that represent the WSN under test and (ii.) a software tool for the set up and control of the experiments and also for analyzing the collected data, allowing for LQEs evaluation.
Sendo a escola uma instituição concebida para a formação académica e social da criança, a aprendizagem duma língua estrangeira torna-se crucial para que a criança desenvolva uma atitude positiva perante outras línguas e culturas. É, portanto, necessário que a escola encontre formas de ensinar línguas estrangeiras que sejam adequadas ao 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico. O presente projeto de mestrado, intitulado Ensino do Inglês no 1º ciclo: perceções dos professores de Inglês do 1º e 2º ciclos e dos alunos do 2º ciclo reflete uma investigação baseada nas opiniões e perceções de profissionais e alunos de escolas públicas portuguesas que, direta ou indiretamente, estão envolvidos com o Inglês no 1º ciclo. Inicialmente apresenta-se um enquadramento legal que permite perceber quais as normas e orientações existentes na Europa e em Portugal, em termos de ensino precoce de línguas estrangeiras. A introdução do Programa de Generalização do Ensino de Inglês em 2005 começou por refletir um caminho de convergência com as políticas educativas europeias. No entanto, muitas das vitórias conseguidas por este Programa, pertencem ao passado. Os profissionais no ensino das línguas estrangeiras questionam-se acerca de muitos aspetos, originados pela forma como se cumpre atualmente o Ensino do Inglês, enquanto Atividade de Enriquecimento Curricular no 1º ciclo. Os questionários aplicados neste projeto pretendem dar voz às perceções e opiniões destes mesmos profissionais.
OCEANS, 2001. MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition (Volume:2 )
The complexity of systems is considered an obstacle to the progress of the IT industry. Autonomic computing is presented as the alternative to cope with the growing complexity. It is a holistic approach, in which the systems are able to configure, heal, optimize, and protect by themselves. Web-based applications are an example of systems where the complexity is high. The number of components, their interoperability, and workload variations are factors that may lead to performance failures or unavailability scenarios. The occurrence of these scenarios affects the revenue and reputation of businesses that rely on these types of applications. In this article, we present a self-healing framework for Web-based applications (SHõWA). SHõWA is composed by several modules, which monitor the application, analyze the data to detect and pinpoint anomalies, and execute recovery actions autonomously. The monitoring is done by a small aspect-oriented programming agent. This agent does not require changes to the application source code and includes adaptive and selective algorithms to regulate the level of monitoring. The anomalies are detected and pinpointed by means of statistical correlation. The data analysis detects changes in the server response time and analyzes if those changes are correlated with the workload or are due to a performance anomaly. In the presence of per- formance anomalies, the data analysis pinpoints the anomaly. Upon the pinpointing of anomalies, SHõWA executes a recovery procedure. We also present a study about the detection and localization of anomalies, the accuracy of the data analysis, and the performance impact induced by SHõWA. Two benchmarking applications, exercised through dynamic workloads, and different types of anomaly were considered in the study. The results reveal that (1) the capacity of SHõWA to detect and pinpoint anomalies while the number of end users affected is low; (2) SHõWA was able to detect anomalies without raising any false alarm; and (3) SHõWA does not induce a significant performance overhead (throughput was affected in less than 1%, and the response time delay was no more than 2 milliseconds).