10 resultados para Flow-pressure response

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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O tecido adiposo é um órgão endócrino dinâmico, secretando factores importantes na regulação do metabolismo, fluxo vascular sanguíneo e linfático, e função imunológica, entre outros. Em caso de acumulação de tecido adiposo por ingestão de uma dieta gorda, ou por disfunção metabólica, os adipócitos podem desencadear uma reacção inflamatória por falha na drenagem linfática, acumulando-se mediadores inflamatórios, os quais potenciam a propagação da reacção. Assim, questiona-se uma potencial associação entre o aumento de tecido adiposo na obesidade, hipóxia adipocitária e estimulação da linfangiogénese. Além disso, a expressão de adipocinas varia de acordo com a distribuição do tecido adiposo (subcutâneo, TAS e visceral, TAV). Deste modo, pretende-se com este estudo contribuir para o aumento do conhecimento sobre os complexos mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à linfangiogénese. Ensaios com ratinhos da estirpe C57Bl/6J (modelo de obesidade) e BALB/c (modelo de asma e obesidade), divididos em grupos submetidos a dieta normal e dieta rica em gordura. Avaliação semi-quantitativa da expressão tecidular de LYVE-1 (marcador da linfangiogénese) por imunohistoquímica em material embebido em parafina, no TAS e TAV, e cromatografia líquida de ultra-performance acoplada de espectrometria de massa (UPLC-MS) para análise da expressão plasmática de ceramida e esfingosina-1-fosfato (S1P). No modelo de obesidade observou- -se diminuição do número de vasos linfáticos e expressão de LYVE-1 ao longo do tempo no TAV, e aumento de ambos os parâmetros e hipertrofia adipocitária no TAS. As concentrações de ceramida e S1P corroboram a existência de um processo inflamatório nos ratinhos em estudo, ainda que numa fase muito inicial. No modelo de asma e obesidade, após 17 semanas de tratamento, observou-se incremento da linfangiogénese no TAV, mas não no TAS. A resposta inflamatória avaliada através dos diferentes parâmetros permite afirmar que num estadio inicial de obesidade a proliferação linfática poderá estar a ser retardada pela hipertrofia adipocitária. A libertação de adipocinas será observada apenas numa fase posterior, desencadeando todo o processo inflamatório que incrementará a proliferação linfática. Adicionalmente, é possível sugerir que a maior pressão à qual o TAV se encontra sujeito não favorece a proliferação linfática, pelo menos num estadio incial.


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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory airways affecting people of all ages, and constitutes a serious public health problem worldwide (6). Such a chronic inflammation is invariably associated with injury and repair of the bronchial epithelium known as remodelling (11). Inflammation, remodelling, and altered neural control of the airways are responsible for both recurrent exacerbations of asthma and increasingly permanent airflow obstruction (11, 29, 34). Excessive airway narrowing is caused by altered smooth muscle behaviour, in close interaction with swelling of the airway walls, parenchyma retractile forces, and enhanced intraluminal secretions (29, 38). All these functional and structural changes are associated with the characteristic symptoms of asthma – cough, chest tightness, and wheezing –and have a significant impact on patients’ daily lives, on their families and also on society (1, 24, 29). Recent epidemiological studies show an increase in the prevalence of asthma, mainly in industrial countries (12, 25, 37). The reasons for this increase may depend on host factors (e.g., genetic disposition) or on environmental factors like air pollution or contact with allergens (6, 22, 29). Physical exercise is probably the most common trigger for brief episodes of symptoms, and is assumed to induce airflow limitations in most asthmatic children and young adults (16, 24, 29, 33). Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) is defined as an intermittent narrowing of the airways, generally associated with respiratory symptoms (chest tightness, cough, wheezing and dyspnoea), occurring after 3 to 10 minutes of vigorous exercise with a maximal severity during 5 to 15 minutes after the end of the exercise (9, 14, 16, 24, 33). The definitive diagnosis of EIA is confirmed by the measurement of pre- and post-exercise expiratory flows documenting either a 15% fall in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), or a ≥15 to 20% fall in peak expiratory flow (PEF) (9, 24, 29). Some types of physical exercise have been associated with the occurrence of bronchial symptoms and asthma (5, 15, 17). For instance, demanding activities such as basketball or soccer could cause more severe attacks than less vigorous ones such as baseball or jogging (33). The mechanisms of exercise-induced airflow limitations seem to be related to changes in the respiratory mucosa induced by hyperventilation (9, 29). The heat loss from the airways during exercise, and possibly its post-exercise rewarming may contribute to the exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) (27). Additionally, the concomitant dehydration from the respiratory mucosa during exercise leads to an increased interstitial osmolarity, which may also contribute to bronchoconstriction (4, 36). So, the risk of EIB in asthmatically predisposed subjects seems to be higher with greater ventilation rates and the cooler and drier the inspired air is (23). The incidence of EIA in physically demanding coldweather sports like competitive figure skating and ice hockey has been found to occur in up to 30 to 35% of the participants (32). In contrast, swimming is often recommended to asthmatic individuals, because it improves the functionality of respiratory muscles and, moreover, it seems to have a concomitant beneficial effect on the prevalence of asthma exacerbations (14, 26), supporting the idea that the risk of EIB would be smaller in warm and humid environments. This topic, however, remains controversial since the chlorified water of swimming pools has been suspected as a potential trigger factor for some asthmatic patients (7, 8, 20, 21). In fact, the higher asthma incidence observed in industrialised countries has recently been linked to the exposition to chloride (7, 8, 30). Although clinical and epidemiological data suggest an influence of humidity and temperature of the inspired air on the bronchial response of asthmatic subjects during exercise, some of those studies did not accurately control the intensity of the exercise (2, 13), raising speculation of whether the experienced exercise overload was comparable for all subjects. Additionally, most of the studies did not include a control group (2, 10, 19, 39), which may lead to doubts about whether asthma per se has conditioned the observed results. Moreover, since the main targeted age group of these studies has been adults (10, 19, 39), any extrapolation to childhood/adolescence might be questionable regarding the different lung maturation. Considering the higher incidence of asthma in youngsters (30) and the fact that only the works of Amirav and coworkers (2, 3) have focused on this age group, a scarcity of scientific data can be identified. Additionally, since the main environmental trigger factors, i.e., temperature and humidity, were tested separately (10, 28, 39) it would be useful to analyse these two variables simultaneously because of their synergic effect on water and heat loss by the airways (31, 33). It also appears important to estimate the airway responsiveness to exercise within moderate environmental ranges of temperature and humidity, trying to avoid extreme temperatures and humidity conditions used by others (2, 3). So, the aim of this study was to analyse the influence of moderate changes in air temperature and humidity simultaneously on the acute ventilatory response to exercise in asthmatic children. To overcome the above referred to methodological limitations, we used a 15 minute progressive exercise trial on a cycle ergometer at 3 different workload intensities, and we collected data related to heart rate, respiratory quotient, minute ventilation and oxygen uptake in order to ensure that physiological exercise repercussions were the same in both environments. The tests were done in a “normal” climatic environment (in a gymnasium) and in a hot and humid environment (swimming pool); for the latter, direct chloride exposition was avoided.


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New potentiometric membrane sensors with cylindrical configuration for tetracycline (TC) are described based on the use of a newly designed molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) material consisting of 2-vinylpyridine as a functional monomer in a plasticized PVC membrane. The sensor exhibited significantly enhanced response towards TC over the concentration range 1.59 10 5–1.0 10 3 mol L 1 at pH 3–5 with a lower detection limit of 1.29 10 5 mol L 1. The response was near-Nernstian, with average slopes of 63.9 mV decade 1. The effect of lipophilic salts and various foreign common ions were tested and were found to be negligible. The possibility of applying the proposed sensor to TC determination in spiked biological fluid samples was demonstrated.


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Aiming the establishment of simple and accurate readings of citric acid (CA) in complex samples, citrate (CIT) selective electrodes with tubular configuration and polymeric membranes plus a quaternary ammonium ion exchanger were constructed. Several selective membranes were prepared for this purpose, having distinct mediator solvents (with quite different polarities) and, in some cases, p-tert-octylphenol (TOP) as additive. The latter was used regarding a possible increase in selectivity. The general working characteristics of all prepared electrodes were evaluated in a low dispersion flow injection analysis (FIA) manifold by injecting 500µl of citrate standard solutions into an ionic strength (IS) adjuster carrier (10−2 mol l−1) flowing at 3ml min−1. Good potentiometric response, with an average slope and a repeatability of 61.9mV per decade and ±0.8%, respectively, resulted from selective membranes comprising additive and bis(2-ethylhexyl)sebacate (bEHS) as mediator solvent. The same membranes conducted as well to the best selectivity characteristics, assessed by the separated solutions method and for several chemical species, such as chloride, nitrate, ascorbate, glucose, fructose and sucrose. Pharmaceutical preparations, soft drinks and beers were analyzed under conditions that enabled simultaneous pH and ionic strength adjustment (pH = 3.2; ionic strength = 10−2 mol l−1), and the attained results agreed well with the used reference method (relative error < 4%). The above experimental conditions promoted a significant increase in sensitivity of the potentiometric response, with a supra-Nernstian slope of 80.2mV per decade, and allowed the analysis of about 90 samples per hour, with a relative standard deviation <1.0%.


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The electrochemical behaviour of the pesticide metam (MT) at a glassy carbon working electrode (GCE) and at a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) was investigated. Different voltammetric techniques, including cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV), were used. An anodic peak (independent of pH) at +1.46 V vs AgCl/Ag was observed in MTaqueous solution using the GCE. SWV calibration curves were plotted under optimized conditions (pH 2.5 and frequency 50 Hz), which showed a linear response for 17–29 mg L−1. Electrochemical reduction was also explored, using the HMDE. A well defined cathodic peak was recorded at −0.72 V vs AgCl/ Ag, dependent on pH. After optimizing the operating conditions (pH 10.1, frequency 150 Hz, potential deposition −0.20 V for 10 s), calibration curves was measured in the concentration range 2.5×10−1 to 1.0 mg L−1 using SWV. The electrochemical behaviour of this compound facilitated the development of a flow injection analysis (FIA) system with amperometric detection for the quantification of MT in commercial formulations and spiked water samples. An assessment of the optimal FIA conditions indicated that the best analytical results were obtained at a potential of +1.30 V, an injection volume of 207 μL and an overall flow rate of 2.4 ml min−1. Real samples were analysed via calibration curves over the concentration range 1.3×10−2 to 1.3 mg L−1. Recoveries from the real samples (spiked waters and commercial formulations) were between 97.4 and 105.5%. The precision of the proposed method was evaluated by assessing the relative standard deviation (RSD %) of ten consecutive determinations of one sample (1.0 mg L−1), and the value obtained was 1.5%.


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Bread is consumed worldwide by man, thus contributing to the regular ingestion of certain inorganic species such as chloride. It controls the blood pressure if associated to a sodium intake and may increase the incidence of stomach ulcer. Its routine control should thus be established by means of quick and low cost procedures. This work reports a double- channel flow injection analysis (FIA) system with a new chloride sensor for the analysis of bread. All solutions are prepared in water and necessary ionic strength adjustments are made on-line. The body of the indicating electrode is made from a silver needle of 0.8 mm i.d. with an external layer of silver chloride. These devices were constructed with different lengths. Electrodes of 1.0 to 3.0 cm presented better analytical performance. The calibration curves under optimum conditions displayed Nernstian behaviour, with average slopes of 56 mV decade-1, with sampling rates of 60 samples h-1. The method was applied to analyze several kinds of bread, namely pão de trigo, pão integral, pão de centeio, pão de mistura, broa de milho, pão sem sal, pão meio sal, pão-de-leite, and pão de água. The accuracy and precision of the potentiometric method were ascertained by comparison to a spectrophotometric method of continuous segmented flow. These methods were validated against ion-chromatography procedures.


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Aerodynamic drag is known to be one of the factors contributing more to increased aircraft fuel consumption. The primary source of skin friction drag during flight is the boundary layer separation. This is the layer of air moving smoothly in the immediate vicinity of the aircraft. In this paper we discuss a cyber-physical system approach able of performing an efficient suppression of the turbulent flow by using a dense sensing deployment to detect the low pressure region and a similarly dense deployment of actuators to manage the turbulent flow. With this concept, only the actuators in the vicinity of a separation layer are activated, minimizing power consumption and also the induced drag.


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The energy resource scheduling is becoming increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and massive gridable vehicle (V2G) use is envisaged. This paper presents a methodology for day-ahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and V2G. The main focus is the comparison of different EV management approaches in the day-ahead energy resources management, namely uncontrolled charging, smart charging, V2G and Demand Response (DR) programs i n the V2G approach. Three different DR programs are designed and tested (trip reduce, shifting reduce and reduce+shifting). Othe r important contribution of the paper is the comparison between deterministic and computational intelligence techniques to reduce the execution time. The proposed scheduling is solved with a modified particle swarm optimization. Mixed integer non-linear programming is also used for comparison purposes. Full ac power flow calculation is included to allow taking into account the network constraints. A case study with a 33-bus distribution network and 2000 V2G resources is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.


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The use of distribution networks in the current scenario of high penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) is a problem of great importance. In the competitive environment of electricity markets and smart grids, Demand Response (DR) is also gaining notable impact with several benefits for the whole system. The work presented in this paper comprises a methodology able to define the cost allocation in distribution networks considering large integration of DG and DR resources. The proposed methodology is divided into three phases and it is based on an AC Optimal Power Flow (OPF) including the determination of topological distribution factors, and consequent application of the MW-mile method. The application of the proposed tariffs definition methodology is illustrated in a distribution network with 33 buses, 66 DG units, and 32 consumers with DR capacity.


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Sulfadiazine is an antibiotic of the sulfonamide group and is used as a veterinary drug in fish farming. Monitoring it in the tanks is fundamental to control the applied doses and avoid environmental dissemination. Pursuing this goal, we included a novel potentiometric design in a flow-injection assembly. The electrode body was a stainless steel needle veterinary syringe of 0.8-mm inner diameter. A selective membrane of PVC acted as a sensory surface. Its composition, the length of the electrode, and other flow variables were optimized. The best performance was obtained for sensors of 1.5-cm length and a membrane composition of 33% PVC, 66% onitrophenyloctyl ether, 1% ion exchanger, and a small amount of a cationic additive. It exhibited Nernstian slopes of 61.0 mV decade-1 down to 1.0×10-5 mol L-1, with a limit of detection of 3.1×10-6 mol L-1 in flowing media. All necessary pH/ionic strength adjustments were performed online by merging the sample plug with a buffer carrier of 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid, pH 4.9. The sensor exhibited the advantages of a fast response time (less than 15 s), long operational lifetime (60 days), and good selectivity for chloride, nitrite, acetate, tartrate, citrate, and ascorbate. The flow setup was successfully applied to the analysis of aquaculture waters. The analytical results were validated against those obtained with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry procedures. The sampling rate was about 84 samples per hour and recoveries ranged from 95.9 to 106.9%.