192 resultados para Fixed-priority scheduling
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
This article introduces schedulability analysis for global fixed priority scheduling with deferred preemption (gFPDS) for homogeneous multiprocessor systems. gFPDS is a superset of global fixed priority pre-emptive scheduling (gFPPS) and global fixed priority non-pre-emptive scheduling (gFPNS). We show how schedulability can be improved using gFPDS via appropriate choice of priority assignment and final non-pre-emptive region lengths, and provide algorithms which optimize schedulability in this way. Via an experimental evaluation we compare the performance of multiprocessor scheduling using global approaches: gFPDS, gFPPS, and gFPNS, and also partitioned approaches employing FPDS, FPPS, and FPNS on each processor.
Real-time scheduling usually considers worst-case values for the parameters of task (or message stream) sets, in order to provide safe schedulability tests for hard real-time systems. However, worst-case conditions introduce a level of pessimism that is often inadequate for a certain class of (soft) real-time systems. In this paper we provide an approach for computing the stochastic response time of tasks where tasks have inter-arrival times described by discrete probabilistic distribution functions, instead of minimum inter-arrival (MIT) values.
In this paper we consider global fixed-priority preemptive multiprocessor scheduling of constrained-deadline sporadic tasks that share resources in a non-nested manner. We develop a novel resource-sharing protocol and a corresponding schedulability test for this system. We also develop the first schedulability analysis of priority inheritance protocol for the aforementioned system. Finally, we show that these protocols are efficient (based on the developed schedulability tests) for a class of priority-assignments called reasonable priority-assignments.
Consider global fixed-priority preemptive multiprocessor scheduling of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks. I conjecture that the utilization bound of SM-US(√2−1) is √2-1.
P-NET is a multi-master fieldbus standard based on a virtual token passing scheme. In P-NET each master is allowed to transmit only one message per token visit. In the worst-case, the communication response time can be derived considering that, in each token cycle, all stations use the token to transmit a message. In this paper, we define a more sophisticated P-NET model, which considers the actual token utilisation. We then analyse the possibility of implementing a local priority-based scheduling policy to improve the real-time behaviour of P-NET.
Demo presented in 12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2015). 8 to 12, Jun, 2015. La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium. Extended abstract.
Consider the problem of scheduling sporadic messages with deadlines on a wireless channel. We propose a collision-free medium access control (MAC) protocol which implements static-priority scheduling and present a schedulability analysis technique for the protocol. The MAC protocol allows multiple masters and is fully distributed; it is an adaptation to a wireless channel of the dominance protocol used in the CAN bus. But unlike that protocol, our protocol does not require a node having the ability to receive an incoming bit from the channel while transmitting to the channel.
In this paper we address the real-time capabilities of P-NET, which is a multi-master fieldbus standard based on a virtual token passing scheme. We show how P-NET’s medium access control (MAC) protocol is able to guarantee a bounded access time to message requests. We then propose a model for implementing fixed prioritybased dispatching mechanisms at each master’s application level. In this way, we diminish the impact of the first-come-first-served (FCFS) policy that P-NET uses at the data link layer. The proposed model rises several issues well known within the real-time systems community: message release jitter; pre-run-time schedulability analysis in non pre-emptive contexts; non-independence of tasks at the application level. We identify these issues in the proposed model and show how results available for priority-based task dispatching can be adapted to encompass priority-based message dispatching in P-NET networks.
We propose a wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol that provides static-priority scheduling of messages in a guaranteed collision-free manner. Our protocol supports multiple broadcast domains, resolves the wireless hidden terminal problem and allows for parallel transmissions across a mesh network. Arbitration of messages is achieved without the notion of a master coordinating node, global clock synchronization or out-of-band signaling. The protocol relies on bit-dominance similar to what is used in the CAN bus except that in order to operate on a wireless physical layer, nodes are not required to receive incoming bits while transmitting. The use of bit-dominance efficiently allows for a much larger number of priorities than would be possible using existing wireless solutions. A MAC protocol with these properties enables schedulability analysis of sporadic message streams in wireless multihop networks.
27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2015), Lund, Sweden.
WiDom is a wireless prioritized medium access control protocol which offers very large number of priority levels. Hence, it brings the potential to employ non-preemptive static-priority scheduling and schedulability analysis for a wireless channel assuming that the overhead of WiDom is modeled properly. Recent research has created a new version of WiDom (we call it: Slotted WiDom) which offers lower overhead compared to the previous version. In this paper we propose a new schedulability analysis for slotted WiDom and extend it to work for message streams with release jitter. Furthermore, to provide an accurate timing analysis, we must include the effect of transmission faults on message latencies. Thus, in the proposed analysis we consider the existence of different noise sources and develop the analysis for the case where messages are transmitted under noisy wireless channels. Evaluation of the proposed analysis is done by testing the slotted WiDom in two different modes on a real test-bed. The results from the experiments provide a firm validation on our findings.
Preemptions account for a non-negligible overhead during system execution. There has been substantial amount of research on estimating the delay incurred due to the loss of working sets in the processor state (caches, registers, TLBs) and some on avoiding preemptions, or limiting the preemption cost. We present an algorithm to reduce preemptions by further delaying the start of execution of high priority tasks in fixed priority scheduling. Our approaches take advantage of the floating non-preemptive regions model and exploit the fact that, during the schedule, the relative task phasing will differ from the worst-case scenario in terms of admissible preemption deferral. Furthermore, approximations to reduce the complexity of the proposed approach are presented. Substantial set of experiments demonstrate that the approach and approximations improve over existing work, in particular for the case of high utilisation systems, where savings of up to 22% on the number of preemption are attained.
International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), Industrial Communication Technologies and Systems, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
While the earliest deadline first algorithm is known to be optimal as a uniprocessor scheduling policy, the implementation comes at a cost in terms of complexity. Fixed taskpriority algorithms on the other hand have lower complexity but higher likelihood of task sets being declared unschedulable, when compared to earliest deadline first (EDF). Various attempts have been undertaken to increase the chances of proving a task set schedulable with similar low complexity. In some cases, this was achieved by modifying applications to limit preemptions, at the cost of flexibility. In this work, we explore several variants of a concept to limit interference by locking down the ready queue at certain instances. The aim is to increase the prospects of schedulability of a given task system, without compromising on complexity or flexibility, when compared to the regular fixed task-priority algorithm. As a final contribution, a new preemption threshold assignment algorithm is provided which is less complex and more straightforward than the previous method available in the literature.
This paper discusses the increased need to support dynamic task-level parallelism in embedded real-time systems and proposes a Java framework that combines the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) with the Fork/Join (FJ) model, following a fixed priority-based scheduling scheme. Our work intends to support parallel runtimes that will coexist with a wide range of other complex independently developed applications, without any previous knowledge about their real execution requirements, number of parallel sub-tasks, and when those sub-tasks will be generated.