33 resultados para Finite volume method.

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Component joining is typically performed by welding, fastening, or adhesive-bonding. For bonded aerospace applications, adhesives must withstand high-temperatures (200°C or above, depending on the application), which implies their mechanical characterization under identical conditions. The extended finite element method (XFEM) is an enhancement of the finite element method (FEM) that can be used for the strength prediction of bonded structures. This work proposes and validates damage laws for a thin layer of an epoxy adhesive at room temperature (RT), 100, 150, and 200°C using the XFEM. The fracture toughness (G Ic ) and maximum load ( ); in pure tensile loading were defined by testing double-cantilever beam (DCB) and bulk tensile specimens, respectively, which permitted building the damage laws for each temperature. The bulk test results revealed that decreased gradually with the temperature. On the other hand, the value of G Ic of the adhesive, extracted from the DCB data, was shown to be relatively insensitive to temperature up to the glass transition temperature (T g ), while above T g (at 200°C) a great reduction took place. The output of the DCB numerical simulations for the various temperatures showed a good agreement with the experimental results, which validated the obtained data for strength prediction of bonded joints in tension. By the obtained results, the XFEM proved to be an alternative for the accurate strength prediction of bonded structures.


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Adhesive-bonding for the unions in multi-component structures is gaining momentum over welding, riveting and fastening. It is vital for the design of bonded structures the availability of accurate damage models, to minimize design costs and time to market. Cohesive Zone Models (CZM’s) have been used for fracture prediction in structures. The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is a recent improvement of the Finite Element Method (FEM) that relies on traction-separation laws similar to those of CZM’s but it allows the growth of discontinuities within bulk solids along an arbitrary path, by enriching degrees of freedom. This work proposes and validates a damage law to model crack propagation in a thin layer of a structural epoxy adhesive using the XFEM. The fracture toughness in pure mode I (GIc) and tensile cohesive strength (sn0) were defined by Double-Cantilever Beam (DCB) and bulk tensile tests, respectively, which permitted to build the damage law. The XFEM simulations of the DCB tests accurately matched the experimental load-displacement (P-d) curves, which validated the analysis procedure.


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The structural integrity of multi-component structures is usually determined by the strength and durability of their unions. Adhesive bonding is often chosen over welding, riveting and bolting, due to the reduction of stress concentrations, reduced weight penalty and easy manufacturing, amongst other issues. In the past decades, the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been used for the simulation and strength prediction of bonded structures, by strength of materials or fracture mechanics-based criteria. Cohesive-zone models (CZMs) have already proved to be an effective tool in modelling damage growth, surpassing a few limitations of the aforementioned techniques. Despite this fact, they still suffer from the restriction of damage growth only at predefined growth paths. The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is a recent improvement of the FEM, developed to allow the growth of discontinuities within bulk solids along an arbitrary path, by enriching degrees of freedom with special displacement functions, thus overcoming the main restriction of CZMs. These two techniques were tested to simulate adhesively bonded single- and double-lap joints. The comparative evaluation of the two methods showed their capabilities and/or limitations for this specific purpose.


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The most common techniques for stress analysis/strength prediction of adhesive joints involve analytical or numerical methods such as the Finite Element Method (FEM). However, the Boundary Element Method (BEM) is an alternative numerical technique that has been successfully applied for the solution of a wide variety of engineering problems. This work evaluates the applicability of the boundary elem ent code BEASY as a design tool to analyze adhesive joints. The linearity of peak shear and peel stresses with the applied displacement is studied and compared between BEASY and the analytical model of Frostig et al., considering a bonded single-lap joint under tensile loading. The BEM results are also compared with FEM in terms of stress distributions. To evaluate the mesh convergence of BEASY, the influence of the mesh refinement on peak shear and peel stress distributions is assessed. Joint stress predictions are carried out numerically in BEASY and ABAQUS®, and analytically by the models of Volkersen, Goland, and Reissner and Frostig et al. The failure loads for each model are compared with experimental results. The preparation, processing, and mesh creation times are compared for all models. BEASY results presented a good agreement with the conventional methods.


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This paper is a contribution for the assessment and comparison of magnet properties based on magnetic field characteristics particularly concerning the magnetic induction uniformity in the air gaps. For this aim, a solver was developed and implemented to determine the magnetic field of a magnetic core to be used in Fast Field Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry. The electromagnetic field computation is based on a 2D finite-element method (FEM) using both the scalar and the vector potential formulation. Results for the magnetic field lines and the magnetic induction vector in the air gap are presented. The target magnetic induction is 0.2 T, which is a typical requirement of the FFC NMR technique, which can be achieved with a magnetic core based on permanent magnets or coils. In addition, this application requires high magnetic induction uniformity. To achieve this goal, a solution including superconducting pieces is analyzed. Results are compared with a different FEM program.


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Joining of components with structural adhesives is currently one of the most widespread techniques for advanced structures (e.g., aerospace or aeronautical). Adhesive bonding does not involve drilling operations and it distributes the load over a larger area than mechanical joints. However, peak stresses tend to develop near the overlap edges because of differential straining of the adherends and load asymmetry. As a result, premature failures can be expected, especially for brittle adhesives. Moreover, bonded joints are very sensitive to the surface treatment of the material, service temperature, humidity and ageing. To surpass these limitations, the combination of adhesive bonding with spot-welding is a choice to be considered, adding a few advantages like superior static strength and stiffness, higher peeling and fatigue strength and easier fabrication, as fixtures during the adhesive curing are not needed. The experimental and numerical study presented here evaluates hybrid spot-welded/bonded single-lap joints in comparison with the purely spot-welded and bonded equivalents. A parametric study on the overlap length (LO) allowed achieving different strength advantages, up to 58% compared to spot-welded joints and 24% over bonded joints. The Finite Element Method (FEM) and Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) for damage growth were also tested in Abaqus® to evaluate this technique for strength prediction, showing accurate estimations for all kinds of joints.


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Adhesive joints are largely employed nowadays as a fast and effective joining process. The respective techniques for strength prediction have also improved over the years. Cohesive Zone Models (CZM’s) coupled to Finite Element Method (FEM) analyses surpass the limitations of stress and fracture criteria and allow modelling damage. CZM’s require the energy release rates in tension (Gn) and shear (Gs) and respective fracture energies in tension (Gnc) and shear (Gsc). Additionally, the cohesive strengths (tn0 for tension and ts0 for shear) must also be defined. In this work, the influence of the CZM parameters of a triangular CZM used to model a thin adhesive layer is studied, to estimate their effect on the predictions. Some conclusions were drawn for the accuracy of the simulation results by variations of each one of these parameters.


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This work reports on an experimental and finite element method (FEM) parametric study of adhesively-bonded single and double-strap repairs on carbon-epoxy structures under buckling unrestrained compression. The influence of the overlap length and patch thickness was evaluated. This loading gains a particular significance from the additional characteristic mechanisms of structures under compression, such as fibres microbuckling, for buckling restrained structures, or global buckling of the assembly, if no transverse restriction exists. The FEM analysis is based on the use of cohesive elements including mixed-mode criteria to simulate a cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of most structural adhesives. These laws were estimated for the adhesive used from double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF) tests, respectively, using an inverse technique. The pure mode III cohesive law was equalled to the pure mode II one. Compression failure in the laminates was predicted using a stress-based criterion. The accurate FEM predictions open a good prospect for the reduction of the extensive experimentation in the design of carbon-epoxy repairs. Design principles were also established for these repairs under buckling.


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In this work, a repair technique with adhesively bonded carbon-epoxy patches is proposed for wood members damaged by horizontal shear and under bending loads. This damage is characterized by horizontal crack growth near the neutral plane of the wood beam, normally originating from checks and shakes. The repair consists of adhesively bonded carbon-epoxy patches on the vertical side faces of the beam at the cracked region to block sliding between the beam arms. An experimental and numerical parametric analysis was performed on the patch length. The numerical analysis used the finite element method (FEM) and cohesive zone models (CZMs), with an inverse modelling technique for the characterization of the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal cohesive laws in each pure mode were used to account for the ductility of the adhesive used. To fully reproduce the tests, horizontal damage propagation within the wood beam was also simulated. A good correlation with the experiments was found. Regarding the effectiveness of the repair, for the conditions selected for this work, a full strength recovery was achieved for the bigger value of patch length tested.


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The interlaminar fracture toughness in pure mode II (GIIc) of a Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) composite is characterized experimentally and numerically in this work, using the End-Notched Flexure (ENF) fracture characterization test. The value of GIIc was extracted by a new data reduction scheme avoiding the crack length measurement, named Compliance-Based Beam Method (CBBM). This method eliminates the crack measurement errors, which can be non-negligible, and reflect on the accuracy of the fracture energy calculations. Moreover, it accounts for the Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) effects. A numerical study using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and a triangular cohesive damage model, implemented within interface finite elements and based on the indirect use of Fracture Mechanics, was performed to evaluate the suitability of the CBBM to obtain GIIc. This was performed comparing the input values of GIIc in the numerical models with the ones resulting from the application of the CBBM to the numerical load-displacement (P-) curve. In this numerical study, the Compliance Calibration Method (CCM) was also used to extract GIIc, for comparison purposes.


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In this study, the tensile strength of single-lap joints (SLJs) between similar and dissimilar adherends bonded with an acrylic adhesive was evaluated experimentally and numerically. The adherend materials included polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), carbon-epoxy (CFRP), and glass-polyester (GFRP) composites. The following adherend combinations were tested: PE/PE, PE/PP, PE/CFRP, PE/GFRP, PP/PP, CFRP/CFRP, and GFRP/GFRP. One of the objectives of this work was to assess the influence of the adherends stiffness on the strength of the joints since it significantly affects the peel stresses magnitude in the adhesive layer. The experimental results were also used to validate a new mixed-mode cohesive damage model developed to simulate the adhesive layer. Thus, the experimental results were compared with numerical simulations performed in ABAQUS®, including a developed mixed-mode (I+II) cohesive damage model, based on the indirect use of fracture mechanics and implemented within interface finite elements. The cohesive laws present a trapezoidal shape with an increasing stress plateau, to reproduce the behaviour of the ductile adhesive used. A good agreement was found between the experimental and numerical results.


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Adhesively bonded repairs offer an attractive option for repair of aluminium structures, compared to more traditional methods such as fastening or welding. The single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs are very straightforward to execute but stresses in the adhesive layer peak at the overlap ends. The DS repair requires both sides of the damaged structures to be reachable for repair, which is often not possible. In strap repairs, with the patches bonded at the outer surfaces, some limitations emerge such as the weight, aerodynamics and aesthetics. To minimize these effects, SS and DS repairs with embedded patches were evaluated in this work, such that the patches are flush with the adherends. For this purpose, in this work standard SS and DS repairs, and also with the patches embedded in the adherends, were tested under tension to allow the optimization of some repair variables such as the overlap length (LO) and type of adhesive, thus allowing the maximization of the repair strength. The effect of embedding the patch/patches on the fracture modes and failure loads was compared with finite elements (FE) analysis. The FE analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and cohesive zone modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. The comparison with the test data revealed an accurate prediction for all kinds of joints and provided some principles regarding this technique.


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A necessidade de utilizar métodos de ligação entre componentes de forma mais rápida, eficaz e com melhores resultados, tem causado a crescente utilização das juntas adesivas, em detrimento dos métodos tradicionais de ligação tais como a soldadura, brasagem, ligações aparafusadas e rebitadas. A utilização das juntas adesivas tem vindo a aumentar em diversas aplicações industriais por estas apresentarem vantagens das quais se destacam a redução de peso, redução de concentrações de tensões e facilidade de fabrico. No entanto, também apresentam desvantagens, como a necessidade de preparação das juntas e o descentramento da carga aplicada que provoca efeitos de flexão, os quais dão origem a tensões normais na direcção da espessura do adesivo (tensões de arrancamento), afectando assim a resistência da junta. A combinação da ligação adesiva com a soldadura por pontos permite algumas vantagens em comparação com as juntas adesivas tradicionais como a maior resistência, aumento da rigidez, melhor resistência ao corte e arrancamento e também à fadiga. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo experimental e numérico de juntas de sobreposição simples adesivas e híbridas (adesivas-soldadas). Os adesivos utilizados são o Araldite AV138®, apresentado como sendo frágil, e os adesivos Araldite 2015® e Sikaforce® 7752, intitulados como adesivos dúcteis. Foram considerados substratos de aço (C45E) em juntas com diferentes comprimentos de sobreposição ( ), que foram sujeitas a esforços de tracção. Foi realizada uma análise dos valores experimentais e efectuada uma comparação destes valores com os resultados obtidos por Elementos Finitos (EF) no software ABAQUS®, que incluiu uma análise de tensões na camada de adesivo e previsão do comportamento das juntas por Modelos de Dano Coesivo (MDC). A análise por MDC permitiu obter os modos de rotura, as curvas força-deslocamento e a resistência das juntas com bastante precisão, com excepção das juntas coladas com o adesivo Sikaforce® 7752. Estes resultados permitiram validar a técnica de modelação proposta para as juntas coladas e híbridas, o que representa uma base para posterior aplicação desta técnica em projecto, com as vantagens decorrentes da redução do tempo de projecto e maior facilidade de optimização.


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As ligações adesivas têm sido cada vez mais utilizadas nos últimos anos em detrimento de outros métodos tais como a soldadura, ligações aparafusadas e ligações rebitadas. Os plásticos de Engenharia têm um papel cada vez mais preponderante na indústria, devido às suas excelentes propriedades. Neste trabalho foram considerados três polímeros diferentes, o Policloreto de Vinilo (PVC) e o Polipropileno (PP) dado o seu baixo custo e peso e a superfície quimicamente inerte e o Politetrafluoretileno (PTFE) devido às suas boas propriedades químicas e excelentes propriedades de deslizamento. No entanto, estes materiais possuem uma baixa energia de superfície e, por isso, são muito difíceis de colar com mais relevância para o PTFE. Assim, após um estudo preliminar foi escolhido, para realizar as colagens necessárias, um adesivo da Tamarron Technology “Tam Tech Adhesive”, próprio para este tipo de substratos difíceis de colar. Posteriormente foi efetuada a sua caraterização através de ensaios de provetes maciços à tração. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar juntas de sobreposição simples de materiais poliméricos difíceis de colar tais como o PTFE, PP e PVC com recurso a um adesivo que não necessitasse de preparação de superfície. Foram fabricadas juntas de sobreposição simples (JSS) segundo os métodos Lap Shear (LS) e Block Shear (BS) dos três materiais referidos anteriormente e realizados os respetivos ensaios para avaliar o comportamento mecânico das ligações adesivas. Os materiais utilizados como substratos foram também submetidos a ensaios de tração com a finalidade de obter o módulo de elasticidade e as suas propriedades de resistência. Os substratos envolvidos nas juntas adesivas não sofreram qualquer preparação especial das superfícies. Na maioria dos casos consistiu apenas numa limpeza das superfícies com álcool etílico. Contudo, para o PTFE também se experimentou a preparação por abrasão com lixa e por chama. Foi também efetuado um trabalho de simulação numérica por elementos finitos utilizando um modelo de dano coesivo triangular. As resistências ao corte obtidas são superiores em BS comparativamente a LS, exceção feita aos substratos de PTFE aonde os resultados são similares. O tratamento por chama melhorou a resistência mecânica das juntas. Verificou-se também que o modelo numérico simulou adequadamente o comportamento das juntas principalmente das LS.


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No presente trabalho descreve-se o estudo realizado no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) com o objetivo de comprovar a viabilidade da utilização de pneus em fim de vida em estruturas de solo reforçado. As estruturas de suporte de terras materializadas com pneus preenchidos com solo são usadas em alguns países, sobretudo em estruturas do tipo gravidade. Investiga-se neste trabalho o seu desempenho em estruturas de solo reforçado. Com a finalidade de prever o comportamento da construção, foi utilizado um software desenvolvido pela empresa Canadiana Rocscience, denominado Phase2. Com este software foi possível fazer uma análise paramétrica da secção transversal do modelo, avaliando os esforços e os deslocamentos que se desenvolvem no interior da estrutura, através da utilização do Método dos Elementos Finitos. Foi efetuada uma campanha de ensaios laboratoriais, realizados com amostras de solo retiradas do local de construção do protótipo, com o intuito de caracterizar os parâmetros do solo A definição destes parâmetros tem como objetivo tornar a simulação o mais fidedigna possível. Estruturas de Suporte de Terras Executadas Com Pneus. Estudo Paramétrico e Conceção de Protótipo Como validação da modelação realizada no programa Phase2, o protótipo será devidamente instrumentado com equipamentos de monitorização; a informação recolhida receberá um tratamento posterior e permitirá a calibração do modelo numérico. No presente trabalho define-se o plano de monitorização a instalar no protótipo.