11 resultados para Evolutionary constraints

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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The trajectory planning of redundant robots is an important area of research and efficient optimization algorithms have been investigated in the last years. This paper presents a new technique that combines the closed-loop pseudoinverse method with genetic algorithms. In this case the trajectory planning is formulated as an optimization problem with constraints.


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Energy resource scheduling becomes increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and massive gridable vehicle use is envisaged. The present paper proposes a methodology for dayahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and of gridable vehicles, usually referred as Vehicle- o-Grid (V2G). This method considers that the energy resources are managed by a Virtual Power Player (VPP) which established contracts with V2G owners. It takes into account these contracts, the user´s requirements subjected to the VPP, and several discharge price steps. Full AC power flow calculation included in the model allows taking into account network constraints. The influence of the successive day requirements on the day-ahead optimal solution is discussed and considered in the proposed model. A case study with a 33 bus distribution network and V2G is used to illustrate the good performance of the proposed method.


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This paper presents a methodology to address reactive power compensation using Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO) technique programmed in the MATLAB environment. The main objective is to find the best operation point minimizing power losses with reactive power compensation, subjected to all operational constraints, namely full AC power flow equations, active and reactive power generation constraints. The methodology has been tested with the IEEE 14 bus test system demonstrating the ability and effectiveness of the proposed approach to handle the reactive power compensation problem.


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Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) finds applica- tion in many fields. As the complementarity constraints fail the standard Linear In- dependence Constraint Qualification (LICQ) or the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification (MFCQ), at any feasible point, the nonlinear programming theory may not be directly applied to MPCC. However, the MPCC can be reformulated as NLP problem and solved by nonlinear programming techniques. One of them, the Inexact Restoration (IR) approach, performs two independent phases in each iteration - the feasibility and the optimality phases. This work presents two versions of an IR algorithm to solve MPCC. In the feasibility phase two strategies were implemented, depending on the constraints features. One gives more importance to the complementarity constraints, while the other considers the priority of equality and inequality constraints neglecting the complementarity ones. The optimality phase uses the same approach for both algorithm versions. The algorithms were implemented in MATLAB and the test problems are from MACMPEC collection.


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On this paper we present a modified regularization scheme for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints. In the regularized formulations the complementarity condition is replaced by a constraint involving a positive parameter that can be decreased to zero. In our approach both the complementarity condition and the nonnegativity constraints are relaxed. An iterative algorithm is implemented in MATLAB language and a set of AMPL problems from MacMPEC database were tested.


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The Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) is an evolutionary algorithm that extends the Particle Swarm Optimization using natural selection to enhance the ability to escape from sub-optimal solutions. An extension of the DPSO to multi-robot applications has been recently proposed and denoted as Robotic Darwinian PSO (RDPSO), benefiting from the dynamical partitioning of the whole population of robots, hence decreasing the amount of required information exchange among robots. This paper further extends the previously proposed algorithm adapting the behavior of robots based on a set of context-based evaluation metrics. Those metrics are then used as inputs of a fuzzy system so as to systematically adjust the RDPSO parameters (i.e., outputs of the fuzzy system), thus improving its convergence rate, susceptibility to obstacles and communication constraints. The adapted RDPSO is evaluated in groups of physical robots, being further explored using larger populations of simulated mobile robots within a larger scenario.


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Consider the problem of scheduling sporadic tasks on a multiprocessor platform under mutual exclusion constraints. We present an approach which appears promising for allowing large amounts of parallel task executions and still ensures low amounts of blocking.


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This paper proposes a new strategy to integrate shared resources and precedence constraints among real-time tasks, assuming no precise information on critical sections and computation times is available. The concept of bandwidth inheritance is combined with a greedy capacity sharing and stealing policy to efficiently exchange bandwidth among tasks, minimising the degree of deviation from the ideal system's behaviour caused by inter-application blocking. The proposed capacity exchange protocol (CXP) focus on exchanging extra capacities as early, and not necessarily as fairly, as possible. This loss of optimality is worth the reduced complexity as the protocol's behaviour nevertheless tends to be fair in the long run and outperforms other solutions in highly dynamic scenarios, as demonstrated by extensive simulations.


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This paper presents a brief history of the western music: from its genesis to serialism and the Darmstadt school. Also some mathematical aspects of music are then presented and confronted with music as a form of art. The question is, are these two distinct aspects compatible? Can computers be of real help in automatic composition? The more appealing algorithmic approach is evolutionary computation as it offers creativity potential. Therefore, the Evolutionary Algorithms are then introduced and some results of GAs and GPs application to music generation are analysed.


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The trajectory planning of redundant robots is an important area of research and efficient optimization algorithms are needed. The pseudoinverse control is not repeatable, causing drift in joint space which is undesirable for physical control. This paper presents a new technique that combines the closed-loop pseudoinverse method with genetic algorithms, leading to an optimization criterion for repeatable control of redundant manipulators, and avoiding the joint angle drift problem. Computer simulations performed based on redundant and hyper-redundant planar manipulators show that, when the end-effector traces a closed path in the workspace, the robot returns to its initial configuration. The solution is repeatable for a workspace with and without obstacles in the sense that, after executing several cycles, the initial and final states of the manipulator are very close.


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The elastic behavior of the demand consumption jointly used with other available resources such as distributed generation (DG) can play a crucial role for the success of smart grids. The intensive use of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the technical and contractual constraints result in large-scale non linear optimization problems that require computational intelligence methods to be solved. This paper proposes a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based methodology to support the minimization of the operation costs of a virtual power player that manages the resources in a distribution network and the network itself. Resources include the DER available in the considered time period and the energy that can be bought from external energy suppliers. Network constraints are considered. The proposed approach uses Gaussian mutation of the strategic parameters and contextual self-parameterization of the maximum and minimum particle velocities. The case study considers a real 937 bus distribution network, with 20310 consumers and 548 distributed generators. The obtained solutions are compared with a deterministic approach and with PSO without mutation and Evolutionary PSO, both using self-parameterization.