12 resultados para Evidence, Criminal.

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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There has been a growing interest in research on performance measurement and management practices, which seems to reflect researchers’ response to calls for the need to increase the relevance of management accounting research. However, despite the development of the new public management literature, studies involving public sector organizations are relatively small compared to those involving business organizations and extremely limited when it comes to public primary health care organizations. Yet, the economic significance of public health care organizations in the economy of developed countries and the criticisms these organizations regularly face from the public suggests there is a need for research. This is particularly true in the case of research that may lead to improvement in performance measurement and management practices and ultimately to improvements in the way health care organizations use their limited resources in the provision of services to the communities. This study reports on a field study involving three public primary health care organisations. The evidence obtained from interviews and archival data suggests a performance management practices in these institutions lacked consistency and coherence, potentially leading to decreased performance. Hierarchical controls seemed to be very weak and accountability limited, leading to a lack of direction, low motivation and, in some circumstances to insufficient managerial abilities and skills. Also, the performance management systems revealed a number of weaknesses, which suggests that there are various opportunities for improvement in performance in the studied organisations.


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A definition of medium voltage (MV) load diagrams was made, based on the data base knowledge discovery process. Clustering techniques were used as support for the agents of the electric power retail markets to obtain specific knowledge of their customers’ consumption habits. Each customer class resulting from the clustering operation is represented by its load diagram. The Two-step clustering algorithm and the WEACS approach based on evidence accumulation (EAC) were applied to an electricity consumption data from a utility client’s database in order to form the customer’s classes and to find a set of representative consumption patterns. The WEACS approach is a clustering ensemble combination approach that uses subsampling and that weights differently the partitions in the co-association matrix. As a complementary step to the WEACS approach, all the final data partitions produced by the different variations of the method are combined and the Ward Link algorithm is used to obtain the final data partition. Experiment results showed that WEACS approach led to better accuracy than many other clustering approaches. In this paper the WEACS approach separates better the customer’s population than Two-step clustering algorithm.


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With the electricity market liberalization, the distribution and retail companies are looking for better market strategies based on adequate information upon the consumption patterns of its electricity consumers. A fair insight on the consumers’ behavior will permit the definition of specific contract aspects based on the different consumption patterns. In order to form the different consumers’ classes, and find a set of representative consumption patterns we use electricity consumption data from a utility client’s database and two approaches: Two-step clustering algorithm and the WEACS approach based on evidence accumulation (EAC) for combining partitions in a clustering ensemble. While EAC uses a voting mechanism to produce a co-association matrix based on the pairwise associations obtained from N partitions and where each partition has equal weight in the combination process, the WEACS approach uses subsampling and weights differently the partitions. As a complementary step to the WEACS approach, we combine the partitions obtained in the WEACS approach with the ALL clustering ensemble construction method and we use the Ward Link algorithm to obtain the final data partition. The characterization of the obtained consumers’ clusters was performed using the C5.0 classification algorithm. Experiment results showed that the WEACS approach leads to better results than many other clustering approaches.


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Understanding the performance of banks is of the utmost relevance, because of the impact of this sector on economic growth and financial stability. Of all the different assets that make up a bank portfolio, the residential mortgage loans constitute one of its main. Using the dynamic panel data method, we analyse the influence of residential mortgage loans on bank profitability and risk, using a sample of 555 banks in the European Union (EU-15), over the period from 1995 to 2008. We find that banks with larger weights of residential mortgage loans show lower credit risk in good times. This result explains why banks rush to lend on property during booms due to the positive effects it has on credit risk. The results show further that credit risk and profitability are lower during the upturn in the residential property price cycle. The results also reveal the existence of a non-linear relationship (U-shaped marginal effect), as a function of bank’s risk, between profitability and the residential mortgage loans exposure. For those banks that have high credit risk, a large exposure of residential mortgage loans is associated with higher risk-adjusted profitability, through lower risk. For banks with a moderate/low credit risk, the effects of higher residential mortgage loan exposure on its risk-adjusted profitability are also positive or marginally positive.


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Understanding the performance of banks is of the u tmost importance due to the impact the sector may have on economic growth and financial stability. Residential mortgage loans constitute a large proportion of the portfolio of many banks and are one of the key assets in the determination of performance. Using a dynamic panel model , we analyse the impact of res idential mortgage loans on bank profitability and risk , based on a sample of 555 banks in the European Union ( EU - 15 ) , over the period from 1995 to 2008. We find that banks with larger weight s in residential mortgage loans display lower credit risk in good market conditions . This result may explain why banks rush to lend on property during b ooms due to the positive effect it has on credit risk . The results also show that credit risk and profitability are lower during the upturn in the residential property cy cle. Furthermore, t he results reveal the existence of a non - linear relationship ( U - shaped marginal effect), as a function of bank’s risk, between profitability and residential mortgage exposure . For those banks that have high er credit risk, a large exposur e to residential loans is associated with increased risk - adjusted profitability, through a reduction in risk. For banks with a moderate to low credit risk, the impact of higher exposure are also positive on risk - adjusted profitability.


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Abstract Introduction: Exhaustive and/or unaccustomed exercise, mainly those involving eccentric muscle actions, induces temporary muscle damage, evidenced by Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Different strategies to recover the signs and symptoms of this myogenic condition have been studied by researchers, as a result a significant number of articles on this issue have been published. Purpose: A systematic review was conducted to assess the evidence of the physiotherapeutic interventions of exercise-induced muscle damage. Methods: The electronic data bases were searched, including MEDLINE (1996-2011), CINHAL (1982- 2011), EMBASE (1988-2011), PEDro (1950-2011), and SPORTDiscus (1985-2011). Systematic review was limited to randomized control trials (RCTs) studies, written in English or Portuguese, which included physiotherapeutic interventions, namely massage, cryotherapy, stretching and low-intensity exercise, on adult human subjects (18-60 years old) of either gender. Studies were excluded when the intervention could not be assessed independently. The methodological quality of RCTs was independently assessed with the PEDro Scale by three reviewers. Results: Thirty-three studies were included in the systematic review; eight analyzed the effects of the massage, ten analyzed the effects of the cryotherapy, eight the effect of stretching and seventeen focused low-intensity exercise intervention. The results suggest that massage is the most effective intervention and that there is inconclusive evidence to support the use of cryotherapy; whereas the other conventional, namely stretching and low-intensity exercise, there is no evidence to prove their efficacy. Conclusion: The results allow the conclusion that massage is the physiotherapeutic intervention that demonstrated to be the most effective in the relief of symptoms and signs of exercise-induced muscle damage, as a result, massage should still be used in the muscular recovery after sports activities.


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The objective of this article is to provide additional knowledge to the discussion of long-term memory, leaning over the behavior of the main Portuguese stock index. The first four moments are calculated using time windows of increasing size and sliding time windows of fixed size equal to 50 days and suggest that daily returns are non-ergodic and non-stationary. Seeming that the series is best described by a fractional Brownian motion approach, we use the rescaled-range analysis (R/S) and the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). The findings indicate evidence of long term memory in the form of persistence. This evidence of fractal structure suggests that the market is subject to greater predictability and contradicts the efficient market hypothesis in its weak form. This raises issues regarding theoretical modeling of asset pricing. In addition, we carried out a more localized (in time) study to identify the evolution of the degree of long-term dependency over time using windows 200-days and 400-days. The results show a switching feature in the index, from persistent to anti-persistent, quite evident from 2010.


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This article aims to contribute to the discussion of long-term dependence, focusing on the behavior of the main Belgian stock index. Non-parametric analyzes of the general characteristics of temporal frequency show that daily returns are non-ergodic and non-stationary. Therefore, we use the rescaled-range analysis (R/S) and the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), under the fractional Brownian motion approach, and we found slight evidence of long-term dependence. These results refute the random walk hypothesis with i.i.d. increments, which is the basis of the EMH in its weak form, and call into question some theoretical modeling of asset pricing. Other more localized complementary study, to identify the evolution of the degree of dependence over time windows, showed that the index has become less persistent from 2010. This may mean a maturing market by the extension of the effects of current financial crisis.


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Prepared for presentation at the Portuguese Finance Network International Conference 2014, Vilamoura, Portugal, June 18-20


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Exercise promotes several health benefits, such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory improvements. It is believed that the practice of exercise in individuals with psychiatric disorders, e.g. schizophrenia, can cause significant changes. Schizophrenic patients have problematic lifestyle habits compared with general population; this may cause a high mortality rate, mainly caused by cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate changes in physical and mental health, cognitive and brain functioning due to the practice of exercise in patients with schizophrenia. Although still little is known about the benefits of exercise on mental health, cognitive and brain functioning of schizophrenic patients, exercise training has been shown to be a beneficial intervention in the control and reduction of disease severity. Type of training, form of execution, duration and intensity need to be better studied as the effects on physical and mental health, cognition and brain activity depend exclusively of interconnected factors, such as the combination of exercise and medication. However, one should understand that exercise is not only an effective nondrug alternative, but also acts as a supporting linking up interventions to promote improvements in process performance optimization. In general, the positive effects on mental health, cognition and brain activity as a result of an exercise program are quite evident. Few studies have been published correlating effects of exercise in patients with schizophrenia, but there is increasing evidence that positive and negative symptoms can be improved. Therefore, it is important that further studies be undertaken to expand the knowledge of physical exercise on mental health in people with schizophrenia, as well as its dose-response and the most effective type of exercise.


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Desde tempos remotos que homens faziam a vigilância de bens e mercadorias e mais recentemente também de pessoas com o intuito de dissuadir roubos, atos de vandalismo e de violência. Nos últimos anos, com a evolução das novas tecnologias verificou-se a sua adoção para auxílio da vigilância. Os atos de terrorismo que têm acontecido um pouco por todo o mundo trouxeram um clima de insegurança à população mundial. Este fenómeno, juntamente com o elevado número de roubos e atos de violência levou à expansão de utilização dos meios de videovigilância de forma a dissuadir estes tipos de crime podendo mesmo, nalguns casos servir como prova para punir os autores dos mesmos. Em Portugal tem-se verificado uma escalada de crimes nas zonas mais rurais não só de bens como as alfaias agrícolas mas também de frutos e mesmo de animais. Estes crimes predominam em locais rurais, relativamente distantes das povoações e em locais onde não existem (ou são praticamente inexistentes) infraestruturas necessárias para implementar meios de videovigilância como a falta de rede elétrica e internet o que torna quase inviável a existência de sistemas de videovigilância nesses locais. Dotar esses locais das infra estruturas necessárias poderia tornar-se demasiado dispendioso e os vigilantes humanos poderiam correr riscos no meio dos montes ou noutros locais remotos para além dos seus elevados custos. Para além do problema dos roubos, existe um outro flagelo relacionado com os incêndios na floresta portuguesa, que todos os anos é dizimada pelo fogo devido a incêndios que surgem na sua maioria causados pelo homem sendo uma parte significativa os de origem criminosa. Para dar resposta a estes problemas e no sentido de vigiar e dissuadir estes tipos de crimes, iniciamos um estudo que pretende propor um protótipo de um sistema de videovigilância para locais remotos (SVR - Sistema de Videovigilância Remota) de baixo custo de forma a diminuir o número de crimes e assim minimizar os prejuízos económico e sociais causados pelos mesmos. Pretendemos estudar o problema e analisar tecnologias com potencial para propor uma solução que possa auxiliar a vigilância nesse tipo de locais com o pressuposto de poder vir a contribuir para a diminuição deste tipo de crimes devido ao seu efeito dissuasor pelo facto de se poder divulgar que estes locais já têm uma solução de vigilância oculta. A solução proposta contempla um sistema de videovigilância com uma camara construída com base num Raspberry Pi onde o vídeo é transmitido em streaming via Web através de comunicações móveis. A alimentação do sistema nestes espaços sem energia elétrica é feita através de um painel fotovoltaico. É proporcionado ao utilizador uma interface para visualizar o vídeo transmitido e um mecanismo de notificações por email. É ainda possível a visualização de imagens gravadas num cartão de memória relativas a ocorrências de deteção de movimentos. Foram realizados inúmeros testes ao protótipo SVR sendo os resultados obtidos aqui descritos.