29 resultados para Einhorn, Stefan

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Many-core platforms based on Network-on-Chip (NoC [Benini and De Micheli 2002]) present an emerging technology in the real-time embedded domain. Although the idea to group the applications previously executed on separated single-core devices, and accommodate them on an individual many-core chip offers various options for power savings, cost reductions and contributes to the overall system flexibility, its implementation is a non-trivial task. In this paper we address the issue of application mapping onto a NoCbased many-core platform when considering fundamentals and trends of current many-core operating systems, specifically, we elaborate on a limited migrative application model encompassing a message-passing paradigm as a communication primitive. As the main contribution, we formulate the problem of real-time application mapping, and propose a three-stage process to efficiently solve it. Through analysis it is assured that derived solutions guarantee the fulfilment of posed time constraints regarding worst-case communication latencies, and at the same time provide an environment to perform load balancing for e.g. thermal, energy, fault tolerance or performance reasons.We also propose several constraints regarding the topological structure of the application mapping, as well as the inter- and intra-application communication patterns, which efficiently solve the issues of pessimism and/or intractability when performing the analysis.


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Modern multicore processors for the embedded market are often heterogeneous in nature. One feature often available are multiple sleep states with varying transition cost for entering and leaving said sleep states. This research effort explores the energy efficient task-mapping on such a heterogeneous multicore platform to reduce overall energy consumption of the system. This is performed in the context of a partitioned scheduling approach and a very realistic power model, which improves over some of the simplifying assumptions often made in the state-of-the-art. The developed heuristic consists of two phases, in the first phase, tasks are allocated to minimise their active energy consumption, while the second phase trades off a higher active energy consumption for an increased ability to exploit savings through more efficient sleep states. Extensive simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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A large part of power dissipation in a system is generated by I/O devices. Increasingly these devices provide power saving mechanisms to inter alia enhance battery life. While I/O device scheduling has been studied in the past for realtime systems, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. These approaches are crafted considering a huge overhead of device transition. The technology enhancement has allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition overhead and energy consumption. We propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real time systems that allows to shut-down devices while ensuring the system schedulability. Our results show an energy gain of up to 90% in the best case when compared to the state-of-the-art.


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In real-time systems, there are two distinct trends for scheduling task sets on unicore systems: non-preemptive and preemptive scheduling. Non-preemptive scheduling is obviously not subject to any preemption delay but its schedulability may be quite poor, whereas fully preemptive scheduling is subject to preemption delay, but benefits from a higher flexibility in the scheduling decisions. The time-delay involved by task preemptions is a major source of pessimism in the analysis of the task Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) in real-time systems. Preemptive scheduling policies including non-preemptive regions are a hybrid solution between non-preemptive and fully preemptive scheduling paradigms, which enables to conjugate both world's benefits. In this paper, we exploit the connection between the progression of a task in its operations, and the knowledge of the preemption delays as a function of its progression. The pessimism in the preemption delay estimation is then reduced in comparison to state of the art methods, due to the increase in information available in the analysis.


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A large part of power dissipation in a system is generated by I/O devices. Increasingly these devices provide power saving mechanisms, inter alia to enhance battery life. While I/O device scheduling has been studied in the past for realtime systems, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. These approaches are crafted considering a very large overhead of device transitions. Technology enhancements have allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition overhead and energy consumption. We propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real time systems that allows to shut-down devices while ensuring system schedulability. Our results show an energy gain of up to 90% when compared to the techniques proposed in the state-of-the-art.


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In embedded systems, the timing behaviour of the control mechanisms are sometimes of critical importance for the operational safety. These high criticality systems require strict compliance with the offline predicted task execution time. The execution of a task when subject to preemption may vary significantly in comparison to its non-preemptive execution. Hence, when preemptive scheduling is required to operate the workload, preemption delay estimation is of paramount importance. In this paper a preemption delay estimation method for floating non-preemptive scheduling policies is presented. This work builds on [1], extending the model and optimising it considerably. The preemption delay function is subject to a major tightness improvement, considering the WCET analysis context. Moreover more information is provided as well in the form of an extrinsic cache misses function, which enables the method to provide a solution in situations where the non-preemptive regions sizes are small. Finally experimental results from the implementation of the proposed solutions in Heptane are provided for real benchmarks which validate the significance of this work.


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Demands for functionality enhancements, cost reductions and power savings clearly suggest the introduction of multiand many-core platforms in real-time embedded systems. However, when compared to uni-core platforms, the manycores experience additional problems, namely the lack of scalable coherence mechanisms and the necessity to perform migrations. These problems have to be addressed before such systems can be considered for integration into the realtime embedded domain. We have devised several agreement protocols which solve some of the aforementioned issues. The protocols allow the applications to plan and organise their future executions both temporally and spatially (i.e. when and where the next job will be executed). Decisions can be driven by several factors, e.g. load balancing, energy savings and thermal issues. All presented protocols are analytically described, with the particular emphasis on their respective real-time behaviours and worst-case performance. The underlying assumptions are based on the multi-kernel model and the message-passing paradigm, which constitutes the communication between the interacting instances.


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While the earliest deadline first algorithm is known to be optimal as a uniprocessor scheduling policy, the implementation comes at a cost in terms of complexity. Fixed taskpriority algorithms on the other hand have lower complexity but higher likelihood of task sets being declared unschedulable, when compared to earliest deadline first (EDF). Various attempts have been undertaken to increase the chances of proving a task set schedulable with similar low complexity. In some cases, this was achieved by modifying applications to limit preemptions, at the cost of flexibility. In this work, we explore several variants of a concept to limit interference by locking down the ready queue at certain instances. The aim is to increase the prospects of schedulability of a given task system, without compromising on complexity or flexibility, when compared to the regular fixed task-priority algorithm. As a final contribution, a new preemption threshold assignment algorithm is provided which is less complex and more straightforward than the previous method available in the literature.


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Real-time systems demand guaranteed and predictable run-time behaviour in order to ensure that no task has missed its deadline. Over the years we are witnessing an ever increasing demand for functionality enhancements in the embedded real-time systems. Along with the functionalities, the design itself grows more complex. Posed constraints, such as energy consumption, time, and space bounds, also require attention and proper handling. Additionally, efficient scheduling algorithms, as proven through analyses and simulations, often impose requirements that have significant run-time cost, specially in the context of multi-core systems. In order to further investigate the behaviour of such systems to quantify and compare these overheads involved, we have developed the SPARTS, a simulator of a generic embedded real- time device. The tasks in the simulator are described by externally visible parameters (e.g. minimum inter-arrival, sporadicity, WCET, BCET, etc.), rather than the code of the tasks. While our current implementation is primarily focused on our immediate needs in the area of power-aware scheduling, it is designed to be extensible to accommodate different task properties, scheduling algorithms and/or hardware models for the application in wide variety of simulations. The source code of the SPARTS is available for download at [1].


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The current industry trend is towards using Commercially available Off-The-Shelf (COTS) based multicores for developing real time embedded systems, as opposed to the usage of custom-made hardware. In typical implementation of such COTS-based multicores, multiple cores access the main memory via a shared bus. This often leads to contention on this shared channel, which results in an increase of the response time of the tasks. Analyzing this increased response time, considering the contention on the shared bus, is challenging on COTS-based systems mainly because bus arbitration protocols are often undocumented and the exact instants at which the shared bus is accessed by tasks are not explicitly controlled by the operating system scheduler; they are instead a result of cache misses. This paper makes three contributions towards analyzing tasks scheduled on COTS-based multicores. Firstly, we describe a method to model the memory access patterns of a task. Secondly, we apply this model to analyze the worst case response time for a set of tasks. Although the required parameters to obtain the request profile can be obtained by static analysis, we provide an alternative method to experimentally obtain them by using performance monitoring counters (PMCs). We also compare our work against an existing approach and show that our approach outperforms it by providing tighter upper-bound on the number of bus requests generated by a task.


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Preemptions account for a non-negligible overhead during system execution. There has been substantial amount of research on estimating the delay incurred due to the loss of working sets in the processor state (caches, registers, TLBs) and some on avoiding preemptions, or limiting the preemption cost. We present an algorithm to reduce preemptions by further delaying the start of execution of high priority tasks in fixed priority scheduling. Our approaches take advantage of the floating non-preemptive regions model and exploit the fact that, during the schedule, the relative task phasing will differ from the worst-case scenario in terms of admissible preemption deferral. Furthermore, approximations to reduce the complexity of the proposed approach are presented. Substantial set of experiments demonstrate that the approach and approximations improve over existing work, in particular for the case of high utilisation systems, where savings of up to 22% on the number of preemption are attained.


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Systems composed of distinct operational modes are a common necessity for embedded applications with strict timing requirements. With the emergence of multi-core platforms protocols to handle these systems are required in order to provide this basic functionality.In this work a description on the problems of creating an effective mode-transition protocol are presented and it is proven that in some cases previous single-core protocols can not be extended to handle the mode-transition in multi-core.


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With progressing CMOS technology miniaturization, the leakage power consumption starts to dominate the dynamic power consumption. The recent technology trends have equipped the modern embedded processors with the several sleep states and reduced their overhead (energy/time) of the sleep transition. The dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS) potential to save energy is diminishing due to efficient (low overhead) sleep states and increased static (leakage) power consumption. The state-of-the-art research on static power reduction at system level is based on assumptions that cannot easily be integrated into practical systems. We propose a novel enhanced race-to-halt approach (ERTH) to reduce the overall system energy consumption. The exhaustive simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach showing an improvement of up to 8 % over an existing work.


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We have developed SPARTS, a simulator of a generic embedded real-time device. It is designed to be extensible to accommodate different task properties, scheduling algorithms and/or hardware models for the wide variety of applications. SPARTS was developed to help the community investigate the behaviour of the real-time embedded systems and to quantify the associated constraints/overheads.


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Sleep-states are emerging as a first-class design choice in energy minimization. A side effect of this is that the release behavior of the system is affected and subsequently the preemption relations between tasks. In a first step we have investigated how the behavior in terms of number of preemptions of tasks in the system is changed at runtime, using an existing procrastination approach, which utilizes sleepstates for energy savings purposes. Our solution resulted in substantial savings of preemptions and we expect from even higher yields for alternative energy saving algorithms. This work is intended to form the base of future research, which aims to bound the number of preemptions at analysis time and subsequently how this may be employed in the analysis to reduced the amount of system utilization, which is reserved to account for the preemption delay.