5 resultados para Early Diagnosis
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Introduction: Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTIs) are highly prevalent in institutionalised people with dementia, constituting an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Computerised auscultation of Adventitious Lung Sounds (ALS) has shown to be objective and reliable to assess and monitor respiratory diseases, however its application in people with dementia is unknown. Aim: This study characterised ALS (crackles and wheezes) in institutionalised people with dementia. Methods: An exploratory descriptive study, including 6 long-term care institutions was conducted. The sample included a dementia group (DG) of 30 people with dementia and a match healthy group (HG) of 30 elderly people. Socio-demographic and anthropometric data, cognition, type and severity of dementia, cardio-respiratory parameters, balance, mobility and activities and participation were collected. Lung sounds were recorded with a digital stethoscope following Computerised Respiratory Sound Analysis (CORSA) guidelines. Crackles’ location, number (N), frequency (F), two-cycle duration (2CD), initial deflection width (IDW) and largest deflection width (LDW) and wheezes’ number (N), ratio (R) and frequency (F) were analysed per breathing phase. Statistical analyses were performed using PASW Statistics(v.19). Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in relation to the mean N of crackles during inspiration and expiration in both trachea and thorax. DG trachea crackles had significant higher F during inspiration and lower IDW, 2CD and LDW during expiration when compared with HG. At the thorax, the LDW during inspiration was also significantly lower in the DG. A significant higher N of inspiratory wheezes was found in the HG. Both groups had a low ratio of high frequency wheezes. Conclusion: Computerised analyses of ALS informed on the respiratory system and function of people with dementia and elderly people. Hence, this could be the step towards prevention, early diagnosis and continuous monitoring of respiratory diseases in people with cognitive impairment.
Among aminoacidopathies, phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most prevalent one. Early diagnosis in the neonatal period with a prompt nutritional therapy (low natural-protein and phenylalanine diet, supplemented with phenylalanine-free amino acid mixtures and special low-protein foods) remains the mainstay of the treatment. Data considering nutrient contents of cooked dishes is lacking. In this study, fourteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU individuals were analysed, regarding the lipid profile and iron and zinc contents. These dishes are poor sources of essential nutrients like Fe, Zn or n-3 fatty acids, reinforcing the need for adequate supplementation to cover individual patients’ needs. This study can contribute to a more accurate adjustment of PKU diets and supplementation in order to prevent eventual nutritional deficiencies. This study contributes to a better understanding of nutrient intake from PKU patients’ meals, showing the need for dietary supplementation.
O cancro é uma das principais causas de morte em todo o mundo. Entre as mulheres, o cancro da mama é o mais frequente. A deteção precoce do cancro é de extrema importância na medida em que pode aumentar as possibilidades de cura dos pacientes e contribuir para a diminuição da taxa de mortalidade desta doença. Um método que tem contribuído para a deteção precoce do cancro é a análise de biomarcadores. Biomarcadores associados ao cancro da mama, como o Recetor 2 do Fator de Crescimento Epidérmico Humano (HER2) e o Antigénio Carbohidratado 15-3 (CA 15-3), podem ser detetados através de dispositivos como os biossensores. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois imunossensores eletroquímicos para a análise de HER2 e CA 15-3. Para ambos os sensores foram utilizados, como transdutores, elétrodos serigrafados de carbono. A superfície destes transdutores foi nanoestruturada com nanopartículas de ouro. Foram realizados imunoensaios não-competitivos (do tipo sandwich) em ambos os imunossensores, cuja estratégia consistiu na (i) imobilização do respetivo anticorpo de captura na superfície nanoestruturada dos elétrodos, (ii) bloqueio da superfície com caseína, (iii) incubação com uma mistura do analito (HER2 ou CA 15-3) e o respetivo anticorpo de deteção biotinilado, (iv) adição de estreptavidina conjugada com fosfatase alcalina (S-AP; a AP foi utilizada como marcador enzimático), (v) adição de uma mistura do substrato enzimático (3-indoxil fosfato) e nitrato de prata, e (vi) deteção do sinal analítico através da redissolução anódica, por voltametria de varrimento linear, da prata depositada enzimaticamente. Com as condições experimentais otimizadas, foi estabelecida a curva de calibração para a análise de HER2 em soro, entre 15 e 100 ng/mL, obtendo-se um limite de deteção de 4,4 ng/mL. Para o CA 15-3 a curva de calibração (em solução aquosa) foi estabelecida entre 15 e 250 U/mL, obtendo-se um limite de deteção de 37,5 U/mL. Tendo em conta o valor limite (cutoff value) estabelecido para o HER2 (15 ng/mL) pode-se comprovar a possível utilidade do imunossensor desenvolvido para o diagnóstico precoce e descentralizado do cancro da mama. No caso do CA 15-3 serão necessários estudos adicionais para se poder avaliar a utilidade do imunossensor para o diagnóstico do cancro da mama.
Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer in women. Despite all recent advances in early diagnosis and therapy, mortality data is not decreasing. This is an outcome of the inexistence of validated serum biomarkers allowing an early prognosis, out coming from the limited understanding of the natural history of the disease. In this context, miRNAs have been attracting a special interest throughout the scientific community as promising biomarkers in the early diagnosis of cancer. In breast cancer, several miRNAs and their levels of expression are significantly different between normal tissue and tissue with neoplasia, as well as between different molecular subtypes of breast cancer, also associated with prognosis. Thus, this these presents a meta-analysis that allows identifying a reliable miRNA biomarker for the early detection of breast cancer. In this, miRNA-155 was identified as the best one and an electrochemical biosensor was developed for its detection in serum samples. The biosensor was assembled by following three button-up stages: (1) the complementary miRNA sequence thiol terminated (anti-miRNA-155) was immobilized on a commercial gold screen-printed electrode (Au-SPE), followed by (2) blocking non-specific binding with mercaptosuccinic acid and by (3) miRNA hybridization. The biosensor was able to detect miRNA concentrations lying in the 10-18 mol/L (aM) range, displaying a linear response from 10 aM to 1nM. The device showed a limit of detection of 5.7 aM in human serum samples and good selectivity against other biomolecules in serum, such as cancer antigen CA-15.3 and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Overall, this simple and sensitive strategy is a promising approach for the quantitative and/or simultaneous analysis of multiple miRNA in physiological fluids, aiming at further biomedical research devoted to biomarker monitoring and point-of-care diagnosis.
Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy, characterized by an inappropriate T-cell-mediated immune response to the ingestion of certain dietary cereal proteins in genetically susceptible individuals. This disorder presents environmental, genetic, and immunological components. CD presents a prevalence of up to 1% in populations of European ancestry, yet a high percentage of cases remain underdiagnosed. The diagnosis and treatment should be made early since untreated disease causes growth retardation and atypical symptoms, like infertility or neurological disorders. The diagnostic criteria for CD, which requires endoscopy with small bowel biopsy, have been changing over the last few decades, especially due to the advent of serological tests with higher sensitivity and specificity. The use of serological markers can be very useful to rule out clinical suspicious cases and also to help monitor the patients, after adherence to a gluten-free diet. Since the current treatment consists of a life-long glutenfree diet, which leads to significant clinical and histological improvement, the standardization of an assay to assess in an unequivocal way gluten in gluten-free foodstuff is of major importance.