7 resultados para Diesel Particulate Matter

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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This paper describes the methodology adopted to assess local air quality impact in the vicinity of a coal power plant located in the south of Portugal. Two sampling areas were selected to assess the deposition flux of dust fallout and its potential spatial heterogeneity. The sampling area was divided into two subareas: the inner, with higher sampling density and urban and suburban characteristics, inside a 6-km circle centered on the stacks, and an outer subarea, mainly rural, with lower sampling density within a radius of 20 km. Particulate matter deposition was studied in the vicinity of the coal fired power plant during three seasonal sampling campaigns. For the first one, the average annual flux of dust fallout was 22.51 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 4.20 to 65.94 g/(m2 yr); for the second one was 9.47 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 0.78 to 32.72 g/(m2 yr) and for the last one was 38.42 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 1.41 to 117.48 g/(m2 yr). The fallout during the second campaign turned out to be much lower than for others. This was in part due to meteorological local patterns but mostly due to the fact that the power plant was not working at full power during the second sampling campaign.155


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The aim of this work was to assess the influence of meteorological conditions on the dispersion of particulate matter from an industrial zone into urban and suburban areas. The particulate matter concentration was related to the most important meteorological variables such as wind direction, velocity and frequency. A coal-fired power plant was considered to be the main emission source with two stacks of 225 m height. A middle point between the two stacks was taken as the centre of two concentric circles with 6 and 20 km radius delimiting the sampling area. About 40 sampling collectors were placed within this area. Meteorological data was obtained from a portable meteorological station placed at approximately 1.7 km to SE from the stacks. Additional data was obtained from the electrical company that runs the coal power plant. These data covers the years from 2006 to the present. A detailed statistical analysis was performed to identify the most frequent meteorological conditions concerning mainly wind speed and direction. This analysis revealed that the most frequent wind blows from Northwest and North and the strongest winds blow from Northwest. Particulate matter deposition was obtained in two sampling campaigns carried out in summer and in spring. For the first campaign the monthly average flux deposition was 1.90 g/m2 and for the second campaign this value was 0.79 g/m2. Wind dispersion occurred predominantly from North to South, away from the nearest residential area, located at about 6 km to Northwest from the stacks. Nevertheless, the higher deposition fluxes occurred in the NW/N and NE/E quadrants. This study was conducted considering only the contribution of particulate matter from coal combustion, however, others sources may be present as well, such as road traffic. Additional chemical analyses and microanalysis are needed to identify the source linkage to flux deposition levels.


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Hospitals are considered as a special and important type of indoor public place where air quality has significant impacts on potential health outcomes. Information on indoor air quality of these environments, concerning exposures to particulate matter (PM) and related toxicity, is limited though. This work aims to evaluate risks associated with inhalation exposure to ten toxic metals and chlorine (As, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, Mn, Se, Ba, Al, Si, and Cl) in coarse (PM2.5–10) and fine (PM2.5) particles in a Portuguese hospital in comparison with studies representative of other countries. Samples were collected during 1 month in one urban hospital; elemental PM characterization was determined by proton-induced X-ray emission. Noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were assessed according to the methodology provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA; Region III Risk-Based Concentration Table) for three different age categories of hospital personnel (adults, >20, and <65 years) and patients (considering nine different age groups, i.e., children of 1–3 years to seniors of >65 years). The estimated noncarcinogenic risks due to occupational inhalation exposure to PM2.5-bound metals ranged from 5.88×10−6 for Se (adults, 55–64 years) to 9.35×10−1 for As (adults, 20–24 years) with total noncarcinogenic risks (sum of all metals) above the safe level for all three age categories. As and Cl (the latter due to its high abundances) were the most important contributors (approximately 90 %) to noncarcinogenic risks. For PM2.5–10, noncarcinogenic risks of all metals were acceptable to all age groups. Concerning carcinogenic risks, for Ni and Pb, they were negligible (<1×10−6) in both PM fractions for all age groups of hospital personnel; potential risks were observed for As and Cr with values in PM2.5 exceeding (up to 62 and 5 times, respectively) USEPA guideline across all age groups; for PM2.5–10, increased excess risks of As and Cr were observed particularly for long-term exposures (adults, 55–64 years). Total carcinogenic risks highly (up to 67 times) exceeded the recommended level for all age groups, thus clearly showing that occupational exposure to metals in fine particles pose significant risks. If the extensive working hours of hospital medical staff were considered, the respective noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were increased, the latter for PM2.5 exceeding the USEPA cumulative guideline of 10−4. For adult patients, the estimated noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were approximately three times higher than for personnel, with particular concerns observed for children and adolescents.


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A methodology based on microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and LC with fluorescence detection (FLD) was investigated for the efficient determination of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) regarded as priority pollutants by the US Environmental Protection Agency and dibenzo(a,l)pyrene in atmospheric particulate samples. PAHs were successfully extracted from real outdoor particulate matter (PM) samples with recoveries ranging from 81.4±8.8 to 112.0±1.1%, for all the compounds except for naphthalene (62.3±18.0%) and anthracene (67.3±5.7%), under the optimum MAE conditions (30.0 mL of ACN for 20 min at 110ºC). No clean-up steps were necessary prior to LC analysis. LOQs ranging from 0.0054 ng/m3 for benzo( a)anthracene to 0.089 ng/m3 for naphthalene were reached. The validated MAE methodology was applied to the determination of PAHs from a set of real world PM samples collected in Oporto (north of Portugal). The sum of particulate-bound PAHs in outdoor PM ranged from 2.5 and 28 ng/m3.


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A Qualidade do Ar Interior (QAI) é um fator de grande preocupação. A importância de manter um ambiente salubre é mais acentuada em estabelecimentos escolares (EE), tendo em conta, que no interior destes permanecem crianças durante um elevado período de tempo. É fundamental garantir uma boa QAI nos edifícios escolares, de forma a salvaguardar a saúde, o bem-estar e o conforto dos ocupantes, bem como, não comprometer o seu desempenho escolar. Recentemente, foram construídos novos edifícios escolares e alguns dos existentes foram alvo de obras de remodelação. Contudo, a crescente tendência em construir edifícios cada vez mais herméticos, com vista à diminuição dos gastos de energia, origina problemas como a reduzida ventilação dos espaços. Vários estudos têm demonstrado a influência das atividades de limpeza na QAI. No entanto, verifica-se que na maioria das escolas não existem ainda procedimentos de limpeza padronizados. A falta de instruções de trabalho e a ausência de formação às assistentes operacionais pode comprometer a eficácia dos procedimentos de higienização, o que poderá ter influência na QAI dos espaços. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo avaliar a QAI em escolas básicas de 1.º ciclo. Foram contemplados no estudo fatores como a tipologia do edifício, a ocupação das salas e as atividades de limpeza. Procedeu-se à caracterização dos EE e à monitorização de parâmetros ambientais, como a temperatura do ar, a humidade relativa, a velocidade do ar, o dióxido de carbono, o monóxido de carbono, as partículas, os microrganismos mesófilos totais e os fungos. Estes parâmetros foram avaliados nas salas com ocupação, sem ocupação e durante a implementação de um plano de higienização. A ventilação inadequada parece ser o fator que mais condiciona a QAI das salas de aula avaliadas. Registaram-se elevadas concentrações de dióxido de carbono e de microrganismos mesófilos totais, que parecem estar relacionados com a permanência dos ocupantes nos locais e com a falta de ventilação adequada dos espaços. A concentração de dióxido de carbono foi mais elevada em edifícios recentes. Os picos elevados na concentração de partículas parecem estar associados com as atividades dos ocupantes. Obtiveram-se concentrações menores de fungos e de microrganismos mesófilos totais ao longo da implementação do plano de higienização, o que poderá significar que os procedimentos de limpeza contribuem para reduzir os níveis de contaminação dos espaços interiores. No entanto, tendo em conta, que a concentração de microrganismos mesófilos totais permaneceu elevada, as operações de limpeza parecem não ser suficientes para garantir uma boa QAI. O aumento da ventilação dos espaços poderia contribuir significativamente para a melhoria da QAI dos espaços avaliados.


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Due to their detrimental effects on human health, the scientific interest in ultrafine particles (UFP) has been increasing, but available information is far from comprehensive. Compared to the remaining population, the elderly are potentially highly susceptible to the effects of outdoor air pollution. Thus, this study aimed to (1) determine the levels of outdoor pollutants in an urban area with emphasis on UFP concentrations and (2) estimate the respective dose rates of exposure for elderly populations. UFP were continuously measured over 3 weeks at 3 sites in north Portugal: 2 urban (U1 and U2) and 1 rural used as reference (R1). Meteorological parameters and outdoor pollutants including particulate matter (PM10), ozone (O3), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were also measured. The dose rates of inhalation exposure to UFP were estimated for three different elderly age categories: 64–70, 71–80, and >81 years. Over the sampling period levels of PM10, O3 and NO2 were in compliance with European legislation. Mean UFP were 1.7 × 104 and 1.2 × 104 particles/cm3 at U1 and U2, respectively, whereas at rural site levels were 20–70% lower (mean of 1 ×104 particles/cm3). Vehicular traffic and local emissions were the predominant identified sources of UFP at urban sites. In addition, results of correlation analysis showed that UFP were meteorologically dependent. Exposure dose rates were 1.2- to 1.4-fold higher at urban than reference sites with the highest levels noted for adults at 71–80 yr, attributed mainly to higher inhalation rates.


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A prática de exercício físico é considerado condição essencial para a manutenção de uma boa saúde. A faixa etária de frequentadores de ginásios inclui utentes desde os 8 aos 80 anos, incluindo assim os grupos mais sensíveis à poluição do ar interior. Embora exista legislação específica para ginásios, nomeadamente para as condições de implementação, a mesma é reduzida e não contempla a qualidade do ar interior (QAI). O objetivo geral deste estudo consistiu na avaliação da QAI de quatro ginásios existentes na área metropolitana do Porto. O período de amostragem realizou-se entre 2 de Maio e 20 de Junho 2014 e, após a caracterização dos ginásios, foram monitorizados os seguintes parâmetros: partículas ultrafinas (< 100 nm), matéria particulada suspensa no ar de frações PM1, PM2,5, PM4 e PM10, dióxido de carbono, monóxido de carbono, ozono, compostos orgânicos voláteis, formaldeído, temperatura ambiente e humidade relativa durante 24 h/dia em salas com diferentes actividades (sala de musculação e cardiofitness e sala de aulas de grupo). Os resultados da avaliação dos parâmetros físicos e químicos foram comparados com os limiares de proteção e margem de tolerância do Decreto-Lei nº 118/2013 de 20 de Agosto, a Portaria nº 353-A/2013 de 4 de Dezembro e o Diploma que regula a construção, instalação e funcionamento dos ginásios. Os poluentes com maiores níveis de excedência são o dióxido de carbono, compostos orgânicos voláteis e as partículas PM2,5. As excedências devem-se essencialmente à sobrelotação das salas, excesso de atividade física e ventilação insuficiente. A localização da instalação dos ginásios é também um fator de extrema importância, sendo recomendado que este se situe em local pouco influenciado pelo tráfego automóvel, assim como, afastado de locais de possível interferência devido às atividades presentes, como é o caso da restauração existente em centros comerciais.