23 resultados para Dámaso I, Papa, Santo, 305-384

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Jornadas de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade promovidas pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, em Abril de 2009


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Em Portugal, no ano de 2009, existiam 983 mil indivíduos com Diabetes mellitus (DM), dos quais 90% DM tipo 2 (DM2). Um dos principais factores de risco para o desenvolvimento da DM2 é a obesidade. A DM2 está, desta forma, associada a um estilo de vida sedentário, quer pela diminuição do metabolismo da glicose, quer pela sua associação à obesidade devido ao aumento dos níveis de glicose como consequência da sobrealimentação. Outros factores como a lipotoxicidade e o stress oxidativo também têm sido considerados como responsáveis pela disfunção das células-beta pancreáticas. O gene da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA) é altamente polimórfico, sendo associado como factor predisponente para diferentes patologias como a DM. O polimorfismo melhor descrito até à actualidade é o de Inserção/Delecção (I/D), consistindo na inserção de um fragmento Alu de 287bp no intrão 16 do gene DCP1. A actividade pró-inflamatória e pró-oxidativa desta enzima sobre o pâncreas, bem como a sua actuação nos processos de fibrose, podem em parte auxiliar na compreensão do processo que origina esta patologia. O polimorfismo I/D torna-se assim um óptimo candidato para a detecção de indivíduos susceptíveis.Este estudo tem como objectivo analisar a distribuição do polimorfismo I/D, bem como a sua possível relação com a incidência de DM e com os níveis de glicose.


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A reforma dos cuidados de saúde primários surgiu, em 2005, com o objectivo principal de criar um novo modelo de organização dos cuidados de saúde primários mais próximo dos cidadãos e mais eficiente, tendo surgido, neste contexto, as Unidades de Saúde Familiares (USF) e, mais recentemente, as Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados (UCSP). Importa agora determinar a avaliação que os utentes destas unidades fazem dos cuidados que lhes são prestados. O presente estudo pretende avaliar a satisfação dos utentes das UCSP e USF do Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (ACES)Tâmega I- Baixo Tâmega e identificar os factores que a influenciam, tendo sido utilizado para tal uma versão adaptada e validada do questionário Europep. Os resultados demonstram queos utentes do ACES Tâmega I - Baixo Tâmega avaliam favoravelmente os cuidados de saúde. As dimensões com maior satisfação são a “relação e comunicação”, com destaque para o tempo dedicado pelo pessoal de enfermagem, os“recursos humanos”, com destaque para a competência, cortesia e carinho do pessoal de enfermagem e as“instalações”. Os níveis mais baixos de satisfação, embora positivos, são relativos à organização dos serviços e continuidade e cooperação. O tempo de espera na sala de espera, referente à organização dos serviços, é,entre todos, o aspecto com pior avaliação distanciando-se significativamente de todos os outros itens avaliados. Também na análise dos comentários relativos a surpresas agradáveis e desagradáveis encontradas nas unidades verifica-se que os aspectos organizacionais são os que mais desagradam os utentes e os relacionais os que mais agradam. Verifica-se que a idade, estado civil, escolaridade, utilização da unidade de saúde e tipo de unidade determinam diferenças na satisfação. Os utentes das USF recomendam mais a sua unidade de saúde e encontram-semais satisfeitos em todas as dimensões da satisfação avaliadas, sendoesta discrepância mais acentuada a nível da organização dos serviços e resposta às necessidades.


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A detailed study of the electrochemical oxidative behavior of morphine in aqueous solution is reported. Through the synthesis of several metabolites and derivatives, pseudomorphine, morphine N-oxide, normorphine, dihydromorphine and 2-(N,N-dimethylaminomethyl)morphine, and their voltammetric study it was possible to identify the oxidation peaks for morphine. The anodic waves are related with the oxidation of phenolic and tertiary amine groups. It is also possible to verify that a poorly defined peak observable during morphine oxidation is not a consequence of further oxidation of pseudomorphine but due to formation of a dimer during phenolic group oxidation. The results obtained and especially those regarding the formation of a new polymer based on a C O coupling could be useful for clarifying the discoloration phenomenon occurring during storage of morphine solutions as well as leading to a better understanding of its oxidative metabolic pathways.


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The current models are not simple enough to allow a quick estimation of the remediation time. This work reports the development of an easy and relatively rapid procedure for the forecasting of the remediation time using vapour extraction. Sandy soils contaminated with cyclohexane and prepared with different water contents were studied. The remediation times estimated through the mathematical fitting of experimental results were compared with those of real soils. The main objectives were: (i) to predict, through a simple mathematical fitting, the remediation time of soils with water contents different from those used in the experiments; (ii) to analyse the influence of soil water content on the: (ii1) remediation time; (ii2) remediation efficiency; and (ii3) distribution of contaminants in the different phases present into the soil matrix after the remediation process. For sandy soils with negligible contents of clay and natural organic matter, artificially contaminated with cyclohexane before vapour extraction, it was concluded that (i) if the soil water content belonged to the range considered in the experiments with the prepared soils, then the remediation time of real soils of similar characteristics could be successfully predicted, with relative differences not higher than 10%, through a simple mathematical fitting of experimental results; (ii) increasing soil water content from 0% to 6% had the following consequences: (ii1) increased remediation time (1.8–4.9 h, respectively); (ii2) decreased remediation efficiency (99–97%, respectively); and (ii3) decreased the amount of contaminant adsorbed onto the soil and in the non-aqueous liquid phase, thus increasing the amount of contaminant in the aqueous and gaseous phases.


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Diane Arbus‘ photographs are mainly about difference. Most of the time she is trying ‗[…] to suppress, or at least reduce, moral and sensory queasiness‘ (Sontag 1977: 40) in order to represent a world where the subject of the photograph is not merely the ‗other‘ but also the I. Her technique does not coax her subjects into natural poses. Instead she encourages them to be strange and awkward. By posing for her, the revelation of the self is identified with what is odd. This paper aims at understanding the geography of difference that, at the same time, is also of resistance, since Diane Arbus reveals what was forcefully hidden by bringing it into light in such a way that it is impossible to ignore. Her photographs display a poetic beauty that is not only of the ‗I‘ but also of the ‗eye‘. The world that is depicted is one in which we are all the same. She ―atomizes‖ reality by separating each element and ‗Instead of showing identity between things which are different […] everybody is shown to look the same.‘ (Sontag 1977: 47). Furthermore, this paper analyses some of Arbus‘ photographs so as to explain this point of view, by trying to argue that between rejecting and reacting against what is standardized she does not forget the geography of the body which is also a geography of the self. While creating a new imagetic topos, where what is trivial becomes divine, she also presents the frailty of others as our own.


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Deregulated expression of histone deacetylases (HDACs) has been implicated in tumorigenesis. Herein, we investigated class I HDACs expression in bladder urothelial cell carcinoma (BUCC), its prognostic value and biological significance. Significantly increased transcript levels of all HDACs were found in BUCC compared to 20 normal mucosas, and these were higher in lower grade and stage tumors. Increased HDAC3 levels were associated with improved patient survival. SiRNA experiments showed decrease cell viability and motility, and increased apoptosis. We concluded that class I HDACs play an important role in bladder carcinogenesis through deregulation of proliferation, migration and apoptosis, constituting putative therapeutic targets


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The IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is an enabling technology for time sensitive wireless sensor networks thanks to its Guaranteed-Time Slot (GTS) mechanism in the beacon-enabled mode. However, the protocol only supports explicit GTS allocation, i.e. a node allocates a number of time slots in each superframe for exclusive use. The limitation of this explicit GTS allocation is that GTS resources may quickly disappear, since a maximum of seven GTSs can be allocated in each superframe, preventing other nodes to benefit from guaranteed service. Moreover, the GTSs may be only partially used, resulting in wasted bandwidth. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes i-GAME, an implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism in beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The allocation is based on implicit GTS allocation requests, taking into account the traffic specifications and the delay requirements of the flows. The i-GAME approach enables the use of a GTS by multiple nodes, while all their (delay, bandwidth) requirements are still satisfied. For that purpose, we propose an admission control algorithm that enables to decide whether to accept a new GTS allocation request or not, based not only on the remaining time slots, but also on the traffic specifications of the flows, their delay requirements and the available bandwidth resources. We show that our proposal improves the bandwidth utilization compared to the explicit allocation used in the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol standard. We also present some practical considerations for the implementation of i-GAME, ensuring backward compatibility with the IEEE 801.5.4 standard with only minor add-ons.


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This technical report describes the implementation details of the Implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism (i-GAME), for the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. The i-GAME was implemented in nesC/TinyOS for the CrossBow MICAz mote, over our own implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stack. This document provides the implementation details, including a description of the i-GAME software interfaces.


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A simple procedure to measure the cohesive laws of bonded joints under mode I loading using the double cantilever beam test is proposed. The method only requires recording the applied load–displacement data and measuring the crack opening displacement at its tip in the course of the experimental test. The strain energy release rate is obtained by a procedure involving the Timoshenko beam theory, the specimen’s compliance and the crack equivalent concept. Following the proposed approach the influence of the fracture process zone is taken into account which is fundamental for an accurate estimation of the failure process details. The cohesive law is obtained by differentiation of the strain energy release rate as a function of the crack opening displacement. The model was validated numerically considering three representative cohesive laws. Numerical simulations using finite element analysis including cohesive zone modeling were performed. The good agreement between the inputted and resulting laws for all the cases considered validates the model. An experimental confirmation was also performed by comparing the numerical and experimental load–displacement curves. The numerical load–displacement curves were obtained by adjusting typical cohesive laws to the ones measured experimentally following the proposed approach and using finite element analysis including cohesive zone modeling. Once again, good agreement was obtained in the comparisons thus demonstrating the good performance of the proposed methodology.