12 resultados para CHELATING-AGENTS

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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The ready biodegradability of four chelating agents, N,N -(S,S)-bis[1-carboxy-2-(imidazol-4-yl)ethyl]ethylenediamine (BCIEE), N - ethylenedi-L-cysteine (EC), N,N -bis (4-imidazolymethyl)ethylenediamine (EMI) and 2,6-pyridine dicarboxylic acid (PDA), was tested according to the OECD guideline for testing of chemicals. PDA proved to be a readily biodegradable substance. However, none of the other three compounds were degraded during the 28 days of the test. Chemical simulations were performed for the four compounds in order to understand their ability to complex with some metal ions (Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) and discuss possible applications of these chelating agents. Two different conditions were simulated: (i) in the presence of the chelating agent and one metal ion, and (ii) in the simultaneous presence of the chelating agent and all metal ions with an excess of Ca. For those compounds that were revealed not to be readily biodegradable (BCIEE, EC and EMI), applications were evaluated where this property was not fundamental or even not required. Chemical simulations pointed out that possible applications for these chelating agents are: food fortification, food process, fertilizers, biocides, soil remediation and treatment of metal poisoning. Additionally, chemical simulations also predicted that PDA is an efficient chelating agent for Ca incrustations removal, detergents and for pulp metal ions removal process.


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Siderophore production by Bacillus megaterium was detected, in an iron-deficient culture medium, during the exponential growth phase, prior to the sporulation, in the presence of glucose; these results suggested that the onset of siderophore production did not require glucose depletion and was not related with the sporulation. The siderophore production by B. megaterium was affected by the carbon source used. The growth on glycerol promoted the very high siderophore production (1,182 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass); the opposite effect was observed in the presence of mannose (251 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass). The growth in the presence of fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose or sucrose, originated similar concentrations of siderophore (546–842 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass). Aeration had a positive effect on the production of siderophore. Incubation of B. megaterium under static conditions delayed and reduced the growth and the production of siderophore, compared with the incubation in stirred conditions.


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Os agentes quelantes, como é o caso do EDTA, são utilizados numa ampla variedade de indústrias como a indústria têxtil, da pasta de papel, alimentar, de cosméticos ou de detergentes. Contudo, os agentes complexantes sintéticos, habitualmente usados, não são biodegradáveis, pelo que a sua acumulação no meio ambiente constitui motivo de preocupação. Deste modo, existe um interesse crescente na substituição destes compostos por compostos similares biodegradáveis sendo, deste modo, ambientalmente amigáveis. Alguns microrganismos são capazes de produzir moléculas com capacidade de captar metais. Um desses exemplos são os sideróforos: compostos produzidos por bactérias, fungos e plantas gramíneas, com capacidade de formar quelatos muito estáveis com o ferro. A presente dissertação teve como objetivo estudar o efeito de diferentes condições culturais e nutricionais na produção de sideróforo pela bactéria Bacillus megaterium. A avaliação da produção de sideróforo, utilizando o método colorimétrico Chrome Azurol S (CAS), durante o crescimento da bactéria, em meio de cultura deficiente em ferro, na presença de 5 ou de 20 g/L de glucose, mostrou que o início da sua produção ocorre, durante a fase exponencial de crescimento, não está relacionada com a esporulação e não é afetada pela concentração de glucose. Contudo, o crescimento da bactéria na presença de diferentes fontes de carbono (glicerol, frutose, galactose, glucose, manose, lactose, maltose ou sacarose) evidenciou que a produção de sideróforo é afetada pelo tipo de fonte de carbono. O crescimento na presença de glicerol promoveu a maior produção de sideróforo; efeito inverso foi observado na presença de manose. A bactéria B. megaterium, quando crescida na presença de frutose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose ou sacarose, produziu concentrações similares de sideróforo. O aumento da concentração de arginina, no meio de cultura, não aumentou a produção de sideróforo. A agitação apresentou um efeito positivo na produção de sideróforo; o crescimento em condições estáticas atrasou e diminuiu a produção de sideróforo. Em conclusão, o glicerol parece constituir uma fonte de carbono alternativa, aos monossacáridos e dissacáridos, para a produção de sideróforo. A agitação apresenta um efeito positivo na produção de sideróforo pela bactéria B. megaterium ATCC 19213.


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Electricity markets are complex environments, involving numerous entities trying to obtain the best advantages and profits while limited by power-network characteristics and constraints.1 The restructuring and consequent deregulation of electricity markets introduced a new economic dimension to the power industry. Some observers have criticized the restructuring process, however, because it has failed to improve market efficiency and has complicated the assurance of reliability and fairness of operations. To study and understand this type of market, we developed the Multiagent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets (MASCEM) platform based on multiagent simulation. The MASCEM multiagent model includes players with strategies for bid definition, acting in forward, day-ahead, and balancing markets and considering both simple and complex bids. Our goal with MASCEM was to simulate as many market models and player types as possible. This approach makes MASCEM both a short- and mediumterm simulation as well as a tool to support long-term decisions, such as those taken by regulators. This article proposes a new methodology integrated in MASCEM for bid definition in electricity markets. This methodology uses reinforcement learning algorithms to let players perceive changes in the environment, thus helping them react to the dynamic environment and adapt their bids accordingly.


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A emergência de multiresistência apresentada por microrganismos é um dos grandes desafios que enfrentam actualmente os profissionais de Saúde e a população em geral. Os factores que contribuem para o desenvolvimento de resistência a antibióticos na comunidade podem ser categorizados como comportamentais ou ambientais/políticas. O objectivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a situação actual na visão dos Pais de alunos do pré-escolar e 1º ciclo. De modo a avaliar as necessidades de intervenção e as actividades a serem desenvolvidas, um instrumento para estudar os hábitos e comportamentos adoptados na utilização de antibióticos, foi adaptado, validado e aplicado numa amostra piloto.


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Competitive electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM is an electricity market simulator able to model market players and simulate their operation in the market. As market players are complex entities, having their characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players, a multi-agent architecture is used and proved to be adequate. MASCEM players have learning capabilities and different risk preferences. They are able to refine their strategies according to their past experience (both real and simulated) and considering other agents’ behavior. Agents’ behavior is also subject to its risk preferences.


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This paper consist in the establishment of a Virtual Producer/Consumer Agent (VPCA) in order to optimize the integrated management of distributed energy resources and to improve and control Demand Side Management DSM) and its aggregated loads. The paper presents the VPCA architecture and the proposed function-based organization to be used in order to coordinate the several generation technologies, the different load types and storage systems. This VPCA organization uses a frame work based on data mining techniques to characterize the costumers. The paper includes results of several experimental tests cases, using real data and taking into account electricity generation resources as well as consumption data.


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The main purpose of this paper is to propose a Multi-Agent Autonomic and Bio-Inspired based framework with selfmanaging capabilities to solve complex scheduling problems using cooperative negotiation. Scheduling resolution requires the intervention of highly skilled human problem-solvers. This is a very hard and challenging domain because current systems are becoming more and more complex, distributed, interconnected and subject to rapidly changing. A natural Autonomic Computing (AC) evolution in relation to Current Computing is to provide systems with Self-Managing ability with a minimum human interference.


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Electricity markets are complex environments with very particular characteristics. A critical issue regarding these specific characteristics concerns the constant changes they are subject to. This is a result of the electricity markets’ restructuring, which was performed so that the competitiveness could be increased, but it also had exponential implications in the increase of the complexity and unpredictability in those markets scope. The constant growth in markets unpredictability resulted in an amplified need for market intervenient entities in foreseeing market behaviour. The need for understanding the market mechanisms and how the involved players’ interaction affects the outcomes of the markets, contributed to the growth of usage of simulation tools. Multi-agent based software is particularly well fitted to analyze dynamic and adaptive systems with complex interactions among its constituents, such as electricity markets. This dissertation presents ALBidS – Adaptive Learning strategic Bidding System, a multiagent system created to provide decision support to market negotiating players. This system is integrated with the MASCEM electricity market simulator, so that its advantage in supporting a market player can be tested using cases based on real markets’ data. ALBidS considers several different methodologies based on very distinct approaches, to provide alternative suggestions of which are the best actions for the supported player to perform. The approach chosen as the players’ actual action is selected by the employment of reinforcement learning algorithms, which for each different situation, simulation circumstances and context, decides which proposed action is the one with higher possibility of achieving the most success. Some of the considered approaches are supported by a mechanism that creates profiles of competitor players. These profiles are built accordingly to their observed past actions and reactions when faced with specific situations, such as success and failure. The system’s context awareness and simulation circumstances analysis, both in terms of results performance and execution time adaptation, are complementary mechanisms, which endow ALBidS with further adaptation and learning capabilities.


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This paper reports the development of a B2B platform for the personalization of the publicity transmitted during the program intervals. The platform as a whole must ensure that the intervals are filled with ads compatible with the profile, context and expressed interests of the viewers. The platform acts as an electronic marketplace for advertising agencies (content producer companies) and multimedia content providers (content distribution companies). The companies, once registered at the platform, are represented by agents who negotiate automatically the price of the interval timeslots according to the specified price range and adaptation behaviour. The candidate ads for a given viewer interval are selected through a matching mechanism between ad, viewer and the current context (program being watched) profiles. The overall architecture of the platform consists of a multiagent system organized into three layers consisting of: (i) interface agents that interact with companies; (ii) enterprise agents that model the companies, and (iii) delegate agents that negotiate a specific ad or interval. The negotiation follows a variant of the Iterated Contract Net Interaction Protocol (ICNIP) and is based on the price/s offered by the advertising agencies to occupy the viewer’s interval.


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Electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM (Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets) is a multi-agent electricity market simulator that models market players and simulates their operation in the market. Market players are entities with specific characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players. This paper presents a methodology to provide decision support to electricity market negotiating players. This model allows integrating different strategic approaches for electricity market negotiations, and choosing the most appropriate one at each time, for each different negotiation context. This methodology is integrated in ALBidS (Adaptive Learning strategic Bidding System) – a multiagent system that provides decision support to MASCEM's negotiating agents so that they can properly achieve their goals. ALBidS uses artificial intelligence methodologies and data analysis algorithms to provide effective adaptive learning capabilities to such negotiating entities. The main contribution is provided by a methodology that combines several distinct strategies to build actions proposals, so that the best can be chosen at each time, depending on the context and simulation circumstances. The choosing process includes reinforcement learning algorithms, a mechanism for negotiating contexts analysis, a mechanism for the management of the efficiency/effectiveness balance of the system, and a mechanism for competitor players' profiles definition.


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The study of chemical diffusion in biological tissues is a research field of high importance and with application in many clinical, research and industrial areas. The evaluation of diffusion and viscosity properties of chemicals in tissues is necessary to characterize treatments or inclusion of preservatives in tissues or organs for low temperature conservation. Recently, we have demonstrated experimentally that the diffusion properties and dynamic viscosity of sugars and alcohols can be evaluated from optical measurements. Our studies were performed in skeletal muscle, but our results have revealed that the same methodology can be used with other tissues and different chemicals. Considering the significant number of studies that can be made with this method, it becomes necessary to turn data processing and calculation easier. With this objective, we have developed a software application that integrates all processing and calculations, turning the researcher work easier and faster. Using the same experimental data that previously was used to estimate the diffusion and viscosity of glucose in skeletal muscle, we have repeated the calculations with the new application. Comparing between the results obtained with the new application and with previous independent routines we have demonstrated great similarity and consequently validated the application. This new tool is now available to be used in similar research to obtain the diffusion properties of other chemicals in different tissues or organs.