11 resultados para Business continuity management

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of qualitative research within the scope of management scientific studies, referring to its philosophy, nature and instruments. It also confronts it with quantitative methodology, approaching its differences as well as its complementariness and synergies, with the purpose of explaining, from a more analytic point of view, the relevance of qualitative methodology in the course of an authentic and real research despite its complexity. Design/methodology/approach: Regardless of its broad application, one may attest the scarcity literature that focuses on qualitative research applied to the management scientific area, as opposed to the large amount that refers to quantitative research. Findings: The paper shows the influence that qualitative research has on management scientific research. Originality/value:. Qualitative research assumes an important role within qualitative research by allowing for the study and analysis of certain types of phenomena that occur inside organisations, and in respect of which quantitative studies cannot provide an answer.


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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to promote qualitative methodology within the scientific community of management. The specific objective is oriented to propose an empirical research process based on case study method. This is to ensure rigor in the empirical research process, that future research may follow a similar procedure to that is proposed. Design/methodology/approach: Following a qualitative methodological approach, we propose a research process that develops according to four phases, each with several stages. This study analyses the preparatory and field work phases and their stages. Findings: The paper shows the influence that case studies have on qualitative empirical research process in management. Originality/value:. Case study method assumes an important role within qualitative research by allowing for the study and analysis of certain types of phenomena that occur inside organisations, and in respect of which quantitative studies cannot provide an answer.


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Based on a broad conceptualization of Human Resources Management and Development (HRMD) as a technical, political, and strategic field concerned to managing and developing people within and towards work context(s), this research aims to explore a potential societal role of Human Resources (HR) profession. Framed on a larger project on “New Human Resources roles”, this particular study approaches HR profession by analysing its macro-societal challenges and intervention spaces.


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Framed on a wider project on Individual Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD), this project aims to explore Individual Career Management and Development (CMD) as an emergent professional field of HRMD.


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A saúde em Portugal vive hoje mudanças significativas. A criação de modelos de Gestão Empresarial em instituições públicas visa a melhor qualidade ao menor custo. A aquisição de equipamento médico, cada vez mais sofisticado, exige das instituições esforços redobrados. A necessidade de redução dos custos acoplada à necessidade de aquisição de tecnologias cada vez mais avançadas exige que as instituições tomem mediadas mais rigorosas para melhorar o processo de aquisição. É importante estabelecer desde o início de um processo de aquisição, as exatas necessidades da instituição, com um conjunto de especificações bem detalhado do produto a adquirir bem como um conjunto exigências que devem ser feitas perante os fornecedores que salvaguardem a instituição. O conhecimento do equipamento a adquirir facilita todo o processo. Assim é de extrema importância garantir o estudo bastante alargado do equipamento, permitindo à instituição uma melhor avaliação do equipamento, aquando da seleção do mesmo. A garantia da confiabilidade metrológica é outro ponto muito importante a ter em conta no processo, uma vez que o sucesso dos cuidados de saúde parte da confiança e segurança que transmitem aos seus utentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo de Ventiladores Pulmonares (VP) focando essencialmente na seleção e aquisição destes equipamentos. Neste estudo faz-se também um estudo dos procedimentos de avaliação da confiabilidade metrológica dos VP, tendo em vista a definição dos testes de verificação a serem efetuados ao longo do processo de aquisição. É normalizado o Caderno de Encargos (CE) e respetivas especificações/requisitos técnicos, tentando comprar de acordo com as reais necessidades da instituição, visando o menor desperdício e garantido a melhor qualidade.


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As organizações são entidades de natureza sistémica, composta, na sua maioria por várias pessoas que interagindo entre si, se propõem atingir objetivos comuns. Têm, frequentemente, de responder a alterações da envolvente externa através de processos de mudança organizacional, sendo fundamentalmente adaptativas, pois, para sobreviver, precisam de se reajustar continuamente às condições mutáveis do meio. O sucesso das organizações depende da sua capacidade de interação com o meio envolvente, ou seja, da sua capacidade de inovar e operar local ou globalmente, criando novas oportunidades de negócio que importa aproveitar. As tecnologias e os sistemas de informação e a forma como são utilizadas são fatores determinantes nesses processos de evolução e mudança. É necessário que a estratégia de TI esteja alinhada com os objetivos de negócio e que a sua utilização contribua para aumentos de produtividade e de eficiência no seu desempenho. Este trabalho descreve a análise, conceção, seleção e implementação de um Sistema de Informação na Portgás, S.A. baseado de um ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning, capaz de suportar a mudança organizacional e melhorar o desempenho global da organização. Promovendo numa primeira fase um crescimento exponencial do negócio e, de seguida, a adaptação da organização ao mercado concorrencial. O caso descreve o trabalho realizado pelo candidato e por equipas internas e externas, de levantamentos de requisitos gerais, técnicos e funcionais, desenvolvimento de um caderno de encargos, seleção, implementação e exploração de um ERP SAP. A apresentação e discussão do caso são enquadradas numa revisão de literatura sobre o papel das TI nos processos de mudança organizativa, alinhamento estratégico e vantagem competitiva das TI, contributo das TI para o aumento da produtividade, processos adoção e difusão das TI, fatores críticos de sucesso e BPM –Business Process Management


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Multi-criteria decision analysis(MCDA) has been one of the fastest-growing areas of operations research during the last decades. The academic attention devoted to MCDA motivated the development of a great variety of approaches and methods within the field. These methods distinguish themselves in terms of procedures, theoretical assumptions and type of decision addressed. This diversity poses challenges to the process of selecting the most suited method for a specific real-world decision problem. In this paper we present a case study in a real-world decision problem arising in the painting sector of an automobile plant. We tackle the problem by resorting to the well-known AHP method and to the MCDA method proposed by Pereira and Fontes (2012) (MMASSI). By relying on two, rather than one, MCDA methods we expect to improve the confidence and robustness of the obtained results. The contributions of this paper are twofold: first, we intend to investigate the contrasts and similarities of the results obtained by distinct MCDA approaches (AHP and MMASSI); secondly, we expect to enrich the literature of the field with a real-world MCDA case study on a complex decision making problem since there is a paucity of applied research work addressing real decision problems faced by organizations.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Mestre Carlos Mendes.


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This study aims at investigating the influence that entrepreneurial orientation has on export performance of Portuguese footwear small and mediumenterprises (SMEs). Therefore, a quantitative methodological approach was used, conducting a descriptive, exploratory and transversal empirical study, having applied a questionnaire to a sample of Portuguese companies exporting footwear. The research results suggest that entrepreneurial orientation enhances export performance in the analysed SMEs, particularly innovation and proactiveness, through the amount of funds invested, human resources dedicated to this activity, number of new products or services introduced in the market and frequent change in product lines or services and materialization of a long-term perspective, which is accompanied by innovative activities or new businesses. Therefore, the findings sustain the necessity to invest in entrepreneurial orientation as a strategic determinant, which contributes to the growth of small firms in foreignmarkets. Finally, the main limitation of this study is related to the sample size, since it was difficult to find companies willing to collaborate with this kind of research.


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In recent years, organizational culture has become one of the common themes of interest of scientific and academic research. Each organization has its own unique cultural identity. Based on the recognition that organizational culture is considered important to an organization’s results, and social economy organizations are concerned with improving managerial practices and results, our objective is to study organizational culture in cooperatives: identifying their organizational culture as a specific type of organization of the social economy, recognized as increasingly important economic agents; and in doing so, explore the usage of a widely known model, the Competing Values Framework (Quinn & Rohrbaugh 1983). Three cooperatives were studied. Their presidents were interviewed, and a questionnaire was applied to cooperative members to obtain demographic and organizational culture data. Differences between the cooperatives’ cultural profiles seem to be consistent with both the circumstances of Portuguese social economy organizations (SEOs), and to the organizations’ uniqueness regarding their trade, focuses, and history. International firm trends were compared with this study’s results, and also appear to be explained by the SEO’s management practices evolution standpoint: lack of structured way of working, and the need to improvise and innovate in order to get things done. The importance of our research is held in the fact that social economy, and the cooperative movement in particular, has a developing importance in the expansion of many economies, the lack of literature on culture in SEOs, and the exploratory usage of a well-known model of management literature in cooperatives.


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This study aims to analyze and compare micro-firms’ organizational culture related to organizational performance. A case study methodology was used based on four firms, competitors among themselves in the Information Technology business, focusing on the years between 2008-2013. Findings pointed out many similarities to larger firms, but some specificities of micro-firms were found and propositions were defined: clan culture predominance is related to best performing micro-firms; the configuration of several culture types seemed to be the most suitable for obtaining good organizational results, provided that they do not focus only on hierarchy and market types of culture; the market culture predominance perception by employees is associated with low job satisfaction; and, after a certain time in business, micro-firms, as do larger companies, seek to standardize and control processes. Recognizing that organizational culture is considered important to firms’ results, this study sheds some light on that important factor for micro-firms.