8 resultados para Aquatic Plants
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Os produtos farmacêuticos são substâncias químicas muito utilizados em medicina, veterinária e ainda na agricultura. Nos anos 90, foi descoberta a presença de fármacos em meio aquático, verificando-se que a sua remoção nas Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) não era completa. Durante as duas últimas décadas foi identificada a presença de mais de oitenta compostos no meio ambiente e actualmente são considerados poluentes emergentes. Podem contaminar solos e águas, depois de serem usados e excretados (inalterados ou metabolizados) por humanos e animais, ou quando são indevidamente lançados directamente no meio ambiente. Os estudos ecotoxicológicos efectuados com estes poluentes têm sido direccionados, sobretudo, para as águas, existindo uma ausência de trabalhos sobre solos. O Ibuprofeno (IB) é um anti-inflamatório não esteróide, utilizado também como analgésico e antipirético, sendo um dos produtos farmacêuticos mais vendidos em todo o mundo, o que justifica a sua forte presença no meio ambiente. Por isso, e dada a ausência de trabalhos ecotoxicológicos de solos contaminados por fármacos, o IB foi o produto farmacêutico selecionado para a realização deste trabalho. A ecotoxicidade pode ser avaliada através de bioensaios. Estes têm a capacidade de avaliar a toxicidade de uma determinada substância de forma global, usando organismos vivos que funcionam como bio-indicadores. O presente trabalho tem como objectivos avaliar o impacte causado nos solos pelo IB, testar a toxicidade de dois processos de descontaminação para remover o referido fármaco dos solos assim como avaliar a toxicidade provocada por águas residuais, de três unidades hospitalares e de uma indústria farmacêutica. Esta avaliação foi efectuada através de ensaios de toxicidade aguda de germinação e de alongamento de raiz de sementes de alface, variedade bola de manteiga (Lactuca sativa), em solo arenoso. Os ensaios de ecotoxicidade aguda em solos contaminados por IB foram realizados para uma gama de concentrações entre 0,1 e 1000 μg/L. Verificou-se uma redução do número de sementes germinadas e do comprimento médio da planta no solo contaminado com 0,5 e 20 μg/L de IB. No solo contaminado com 1000 μg/L de IB observou-se uma redução da germinação, acompanhada por uma indução de crescimento da raiz da espécie Lactuca sativa. Os dois tratamentos de descontaminação de solos, reagente de Fenton e Nanopartículas de ferro zero valente, revelaram toxicidade, tendo-se obtido uma percentagem de germinação entre 32,2 ± 3,5 e 48,5 ± 6,2 e inibição do crescimento da raiz do organismo teste em cerca de 85,0 %. Em relação às águas residuais hospitalares verificou-se uma redução da percentagem de germinação entre 31,1 ± 5,0 e 72,3 ± 12,4 e uma inibição do crescimento da raiz situada entre 13,0 ± 6,4 e 20,2 ± 10,0 %. Para a água residual industrial ocorreu uma inibição da percentagem de germinação de 60,5 ± 13,1, contudo nas plantas germinadas observou-se uma indução do crescimento da raiz de 14,9 ± 7,7 %.
Pharmaceuticals are biologically active and persistent substances which have been recognized as a continuing threat to environmental stability. Chronic ecotoxicity data as well as information on the current distribution levels in different environmental compartments continue to be sparse and are focused on those therapeutic classes that are more frequently prescribed and consumed. Nevertheless, they indicate the negative impact that these chemical contaminants may have on living organisms, ecosystems and ultimately, public health. This article reviews the different contamination sources as well as fate and both acute and chronic effects on non-target organisms. An extensive review of existing data in the form of tables, encompassing many therapeutic classes is presented.
Over the past few decades there has been some discussion concerning the increase of the natural background radiation originated by coal-fired power plants, due to the uranium and thorium content present in combustion ashes. The radioactive decay products of uranium and thorium, such as radium, radon, polonium, bismuth and lead, are also released in addition to a significant amount of 40K. Since the measurement of radioactive elements released by the gaseous emissions of coal power plants is not compulsory, there is a gap of information concerning this situation. Consequently, the prediction of dispersion and mobility of these elements in the environment, after their release, is based on limited data and the radiological impact from the exposure to these radioactive elements is unknown. This paper describes the methodology that is being developed to assess the radiological impact due to the raise in the natural background radiation level originated by the release and dispersion of the emitted radionuclides. The current investigation is part of a research project that is undergoing in the vicinity of Sines coal-fired power plant (south of Portugal) until 2013. Data from preliminary stages are already available and possible of interpretation.
Certain materials used and produced in a wide range of non-nuclear industries contain enhanced activity concentrations of natural radionuclides. In particular, electricity production from coal is one of the major sources of increased human exposure to naturally occurring radioactive materials. A methodology was developed to assess the radiological impact due to natural radiation background. The developed research was applied to a specific case study, the Sines coal-fired power plant, located in the southwest coastline of Portugal. Gamma radiation measurements were carried out with two different instruments: a sodium iodide scintillation detector counter (SPP2 NF, Saphymo) and a gamma ray spectrometer with energy discrimination (Falcon 5000, Canberra). Two circular survey areas were defined within 20 km of the power plant. Forty relevant measurements points were established within the sampling area: 15 urban and 25 suburban locations. Additionally, ten more measurements points were defined, mostly at the 20-km area. The registered gamma radiation varies from 20 to 98.33 counts per seconds (c.p.s.) corresponding to an external gamma exposure rate variable between 87.70 and 431.19 nGy/h. The highest values were measured at locations near the power plant and those located in an area within the 6 and 20 km from the stacks. In situ gamma radiation measurements with energy discrimination identified natural emitting nuclides as well as their decay products (Pb-212, Pb-2142, Ra-226, Th-232, Ac-228, Th-234, Pa-234, U- 235, etc.). According to the results, an influence from the stacks emissions has been identified both qualitatively and quantitatively. The developed methodology accomplished the lack of data in what concerns to radiation rate in the vicinity of Sines coal-fired power plant and consequently the resulting exposure to the nearby population.
Coal contains trace elements and naturally occurring radionuclides such as 40K, 232Th, 238U. When coal is burned, minerals, including most of the radionuclides, do not burn and concentrate in the ash several times in comparison with their content in coal. Usually, a small fraction of the fly ash produced (2-5%) is released into the atmosphere. The activities released depend on many factors (concentration in coal, ash content and inorganic matter of the coal, combustion temperature, ratio between bottom and fly ash, filtering system). Therefore, marked differences should be expected between the by-products produced and the amount of activity discharged (per unit of energy produced) from different coal-fired power plants. In fact, the effects of these releases on the environment due to ground deposition have been received some attention but the results from these studies are not unanimous and cannot be understood as a generic conclusion for all coal-fired power plants. In this study, the dispersion modelling of natural radionuclides was carried out to assess the impact of continuous atmospheric releases from a selected coal plant. The natural radioactivity of the coal and the fly ash were measured and the dispersion was modelled by a Gaussian plume estimating the activity concentration at different heights up to a distance of 20 km in several wind directions. External and internal doses (inhalation and ingestion) and the resulting risk were calculated for the population living within 20 km from the coal plant. In average, the effective dose is lower than the ICRP’s limit and the risk is lower than the U.S. EPA’s limit. Therefore, in this situation, the considered exposure does not pose any risk. However, when considering the dispersion in the prevailing wind direction, these values are significant due to an increase of 232Th and 226Ra concentrations in 75% and 44%, respectively.
The aim of this work was to simulate the radionuclides dispersion in the surrounding area of a coal-fired power plant, operational during the last 25 years. The dispersion of natural radionuclides (236Ra, 232Th and 40K) was simulated by a Gaussian plume dispersion model with three different stability classes estimating the radionuclides concentration at ground level. Measurements of the environmen-tal activity concentrations were carried out by γ-spectrometry and compared with results from the air dispersion and deposition model which showed that the stabil-ity class D causes the dispersion to longer distances up to 20 km from the stacks.
The wide use of antibiotics in aquaculture has led to the emergence of resistant microbial species. It should be avoided/minimized by controlling the amount of drug employed in fish farming. For this purpose, the present work proposes test-strip papers aiming at the detection/semi-quantitative determination of organic drugs by visual comparison of color changes, in a similar analytical procedure to that of pH monitoring by universal pH paper. This is done by establishing suitable chemical changes upon cellulose, attributing the paper the ability to react with the organic drug and to produce a color change. Quantitative data is also enabled by taking a picture and applying a suitable mathematical treatment to the color coordinates given by the HSL system used by windows. As proof of concept, this approach was applied to oxytetracycline (OXY), one of the antibiotics frequently used in aquaculture. A bottom-up modification of paper was established, starting by the reaction of the glucose moieties on the paper with 3-triethoxysilylpropylamine (APTES). The so-formed amine layer allowed binding to a metal ion by coordination chemistry, while the metal ion reacted after with the drug to produce a colored compound. The most suitable metals to carry out such modification were selected by bulk studies, and the several stages of the paper modification were optimized to produce an intense color change against the concentration of the drug. The paper strips were applied to the analysis of spiked environmental water, allowing a quantitative determination for OXY concentrations as low as 30 ng/mL. In general, this work provided a simple, method to screen and discriminate tetracycline drugs, in aquaculture, being a promising tool for local, quick and cheap monitoring of drugs.
Cation transporters/channels are key players in a wide range of physiological functions in plants, including cell signaling, osmoregulation, plant nutrition and metal tolerance. The recent identification of genes encoding some of these transport systems has allowed new studies toward further understanding of their integrated roles in plant. This review summarizes recent discoveries regarding the function and regulation of the multiple systems involved in cation transport in plant cells. The role of membrane transport in the uptake, distribution and accumulation of cations in plant tissues, cell types and subcellular compartments is described. We also discuss how the knowledge of inter- and intra-species variation in cation uptake, transport and accumulation as well as the molecular mechanisms responsible for these processes can be used to increase nutrient phytoavailability and nutrients accumulation in the edible tissues of plants. The main trends for future research in the field of biofortification are proposed.