16 resultados para American Education Society. Northwestern Branch.

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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The systemization and organization of ideas and concepts is an integral part of science. In chemistry, the organization of the periodic table of the chemical elements in the 1860s was one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs ever made and in fact during the 20th century it became a universally recognized scientific icon (1). The periodic table is the fundamental classificatory scheme of the elements and summarizes the realm of chemistry (2). Simply knowing the position of an element in the periodic table tells us about its properties and is usually enough to predict how the element will behave in a wide variety of different situations or reactions (1). Based on this potential mine of information, it is possible to make reliable predictions of the properties of the compounds that each element forms. Nowadays, the concept of the periodic table is starting to interact with other sciences and reports of periodic tables of amino acids (3), genetic codes (4), protein structures (5), and biology (6) can be found in the specialized literature. Symbiosis between science and art, for example, “The Periodic Table of The Elephants” (7), can also be seen. To appeal to a better understanding of the periodic table, the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Instituto Politécnico do Porto and the Centro de Química da Universidade do Porto promoted a contest and exhibit with the goal of stimulating a wide and heterogeneous audience, ranging from young children and their parents to graduate students from several disciplines, to explore the nature of this icon. Imaginative educational activities such as contests (8–10), games (11, 12), and puzzles (13–15) provided a way to communicate with the general public with the goal of attracting students to science. This also constituted an interesting, informative, and entertaining alternative to non-interactive lectures. Simultaneously, artistic creativity was combined with scientific knowledge.


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In the last years, a rising trend of pollen allergies in urban areas has been attributed to atmospheric pollution. In this work, we investigated the effects of SO2 and NO2 on the protein content, allergenicity, and germination rate of Acer negundo pollen. A novel environmental chamber was assembled to exposure pollen samples with SO2 or NO2 at two different levels: just below and two times the atmospheric hour-limit value acceptable for human health protection in Europe. Results showed that protein content was lower in SO2- exposed pollen samples and slightly higher in NO2-exposed pollen compared to the control sample. No different polypeptide profiles were revealed by SDSPAGE between exposed and nonexposed pollen, but the immunodetection assays indicated higher IgE recognition by all sera of sensitized patients to Acer negundo pollen extracts in all exposed samples in comparison to the nonexposed samples. A decrease in the germination rate of exposed in contrast to nonexposed pollen was verified, which was more pronounced for NO2-exposed samples. Our results indicated that in urban areas, concentrations of SO2 and NO2 below the limits established for human protection can indirectly aggravate pollen allergy on predisposed individuals and affect plant reproduction.


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Native agars from Gracilaria vermiculophylla produced in sustainable aquaculture systems (IMTA) were extracted under conventional (TWE) and microwave (MAE) heating. The optimal extracts from both processes were compared in terms of their properties. The agars’ structure was further investigated through Fourier transform infrared and NMR spectroscopy. Both samples showed a regular structure with an identical backbone, β-D-galactose (G) and 3,6-anhydro-α-L-galactose (LA) units; a considerable degree of methylation was found at C6 of the G units and, to a lesser extent, at C2 of the LA residues. The methylation degree in the G units was lower for MAEopt agar; the sulfate content was also reduced. MAE led to higher agar recoveries with drastic extraction time and solvent volume reductions. Two times lower values of [η] and Mv obtained for the MAEopt sample indicate substantial depolymerization of the polysaccharide backbone; this was reflected in its gelling properties; yet it was clearly appropriate for commercial application in soft-texture food products.


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Espresso spent coffee grounds were chemically characterized to predict their potential, as a source of bioactive compounds, by comparison with the ones from the soluble coffee industry. Sampling included a total of 50 samples from 14 trademarks, collected in several coffee shops and prepared with distinct coffee machines. A high compositional variability was verified, particularly with regard to such water-soluble components as caffeine, total chlorogenic acids (CGA), and minerals, supported by strong positive correlations with total soluble solids retained. This is a direct consequence of the reduced extraction efficiency during espresso coffee preparation, leaving a significant pool of bioactivity retained in the extracted grounds. Besides the lipid (12.5%) and nitrogen (2.3%) contents, similar to those of industrial coffee residues, the CGA content (478.9 mg/100 g), for its antioxidant capacity, and its caffeine content (452.6 mg/100 g), due to its extensive use in the food and pharmaceutical industries, justify the selective assembly of this residue for subsequent use.


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The antioxidant profiles of 39 water samples (29 flavored waters based on 10 natural waters) and 6 flavors used in their formulation (furnished by producers) were determined. Total phenol and flavonoid contents, reducing power, and DPPH radical scavenging activity were the optical techniques implemented and included in the referred profile. Flavor extracts were analyzed by HS-SPME/GC-MS to obtain the qualitative and quantitative profiles of the volatile fraction of essential oils. Results pointed out a higher reducing power (0.14 11.8 mg of gallic acid/L) and radical scavenging activity (0.29 211.5 mg Trolox/L) of flavored waters compared with the corresponding natural ones, an interesting fact concerning human health. Bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, were present in all samples (0.5 359 mg of gallic acid/L), whereas flavonoids were not present either in flavored waters or in flavors. The major components of flavor extracts were monoterpenes, such as citral, R-limonene, carveol, and R-terpineol.


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The present work describes a solid-phase microextraction (SPME) gas chromatography_tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) method to quantify 24 pesticides in fortified white wine and fortified red wine. In this study “fortified wine” refers to a wine in which fermentation is arrested before completion by alcohol distillate addition, allowing sugar and alcoholic contents to be higher (around 80-100 g/L total sugars and 19-22% alcohol strength (v/v)). The analytical method showed good linearity, presenting correlation coefficients (R2) ≥ 0.989 for all compounds. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) in the ranges of 0.05-72.35 and 0.16-219.23 μg/L, respectively, were obtained. LOQs are below the maximum residue levels (MRL) set by European Regulation for grapes. The proposed method was applied to 17 commercial fortified wines. The analyzed pesticides were not detected in the wines tested.


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A rapid, specific, and sensitive method based on theQuick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) method and a cleanup using dispersive solid-phase extraction with MgSO4, PSA, and C18 sorbents has been developed for the routine analysis of 14 pesticides in strawberries. The analyses were performed by three different analytical methodologies: gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detection (ECD), mass spectrometry (MS), and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The recoveries for all the pesticides studied were from 46 to 128%, with relative standard deviation of <15% in the concentration range of 0.005-0.250 mg/kg. The limit of detection (LOD) for all compoundsmetmaximumresidue limits (MRL) accepted in Portugal for organochlorine pesticides (OCP). A survey study of strawberries produced in Portugal in the years 2009-2010 obtained from organic farming (OF) and integrated pest management (IPM) was developed. Lindane and β-endosulfan were detected above the MRL in OF and IPM. Other OCP (aldrin, o,p0-DDT and their metabolites, and methoxychlor) were found below the MRL. The OCP residues detected decreased from 2009 to 2010. The QuEChERS method was successfully applied to the analysis of strawberry samples.


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The present work describes the development of an analytical method for the determination of methiocarb and its degradation products (methiocarb sulfoxide and methiocarb sulfone) in banana samples, using the QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe) procedure followed by liquid chromatography coupled to photodiode array detector (LCPAD). Calibration curves were linear in the range of 0.5−10 mg L−1 for all compounds studied. The average recoveries, measured at 0.1 mg kg−1 wet weight, were 92.0 (RSD = 1.8%, n = 3), 84.0 (RSD = 3.9%, n = 3), and 95.2% (RSD = 1.9%, n = 3) for methiocarb sulfoxide, methiocarb sulfone, and methiocarb, respectively. Banana samples treated with methiocarb were collected from an experimental field. The developed method was applied to the analysis of 24 samples (peel and pulp) and to 5 banana pulp samples. Generally, the highest levels were found for methiocarb sulfoxide and methiocarb. Methiocarb sulfone levels were below the limit of quantification, except in one sample (not detected).


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In this work, we investigated structural, morphological, electrical, and optical properties from a set of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films grown by sulfurization of metallic precursors deposited on soda lime glass substrates coated with or without molybdenum. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy measurements revealed the formation of single-phase Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films. A good crystallinity and grain compactness of the film was found by scanning electron microscopy. The grown films are poor in copper and rich in zinc, which is a composition close to that of the Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells with best reported efficiency. Electrical conductivity and Hall effect measurements showed a high doping level and a strong compensation. The temperature dependence of the free hole concentration showed that the films are nondegenerate. Photoluminescence spectroscopy showed an asymmetric broadband emission. The experimental behavior with increasing excitation power or temperature cannot be explained by donor-acceptor pair transitions. A model of radiative recombination of an electron with a hole bound to an acceptor level, broadened by potential fluctuations of the valence-band edge, was proposed. An ionization energy for the acceptor level in the range 29–40 meV was estimated, and a value of 172 ±2 meV was obtained for the potential fluctuation in the valence-band edge.


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Electrochemical oxidation of propanil in deuterated solutions was studied by cyclic, differential pulse, and square wave voltammetry using a glassy carbon microelectrode. The oxidation of propanil in deuterated acid solutions occurs at the nitrogen atom of the amide at a potential of +1.15 V vs Ag/ AgCl. It was also found that, under the experimental conditions used, protonation at the oxygen atom of propanil occurs, leading to the appearance of another species in solution which oxidizes at +0.60 V. The anodic peak found at +0.79 V vs Ag/AgCl in deuterated basic solutions is related to the presence of an anionic species in which a negative charge is on the nitrogen atom. The electrochemical data were confirmed by the identification of all the species formed in acidic and basic deuterated solutions by means of NMR spectroscopy. The results are supported by electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of acetanilide in deuterated solutions.


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A new analytical methodology, based on liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FD), after extraction, enzymatic hydrolysis, and solid-phase extraction (SPE) through Oasis HLB cartridges, was developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of three monohydroxy derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The optimized analytical method is sensitive, accurate, and precise, with recoveries between 62 and 110% and limits of detection of 227, 9, and 45 ng/g for 1-hydroxynaphthalene, 2-hydroxyfluorene, and 1-hydroxypyrene, respectively. Their levels were estimated in different cephalopod matrices (edible tissues and hemolymph). The methodology was applied to samples of the major cephalopod species consumed worldwide. Of the 18 samples analyzed, 39% were contaminated with 1-hydroxynaphthalene, which was the only PAH metabolite detected. Its concentration ranged from 786 to 1145 ng/g. This highly sensitive and specific method allows the identification and quantitation of PAH metabolites in forthcoming food safety and environmental monitoring programs.


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Octopus vulgaris, Octopus maya, and Eledone cirrhosa from distinct marine environments [Northeast Atlantic (NEA), Northwest Atlantic (NWA), Eastern Central Atlantic, Western Central Atlantic (WCA), Pacific Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea] were characterized regarding their lipid and vitamin E composition. These species are those commercially more relevant worldwide. Significant interspecies and interorigin differences were observed. Unsaturated fatty acids account for more than 65% of total fatty acids, mostly ω-3 PUFA due to docosahexaenoic (18.4−29.3%) and eicosapentanoic acid (11.4− 23.9%) contributions. The highest ω-3 PUFA amounts and ω-3/ω-6 ratios were quantified in the heaviest specimens, O. vulgaris from NWA, with high market price, and simultaneously in the lowest graded samples, E. cirrhosa from NEA, of reduced dimensions. Although having the highest cholesterol contents, E. cirrhosa from NEA and O. maya from WCA have also higher protective fatty acid indexes. Chemometric discrimination allowed clustering the selected species and several origins based on lipid and vitamin E profiles.


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Activity rhythms in animal groups arise both from external changes in the environment, as well as from internal group dynamics. These cycles are reminiscent of physical and chemical systems with quasiperiodic and even chaotic behavior resulting from “autocatalytic” mechanisms. We use nonlinear differential equations to model how the coupling between the self-excitatory interactions of individuals and external forcing can produce four different types of activity rhythms: quasiperiodic, chaotic, phase locked, and displaying over or under shooting. At the transition between quasiperiodic and chaotic regimes, activity cycles are asymmetrical, with rapid activity increases and slower decreases and a phase shift between external forcing and activity. We find similar activity patterns in ant colonies in response to varying temperature during the day. Thus foraging ants operate in a region of quasiperiodicity close to a cascade of transitions leading to chaos. The model suggests that a wide range of temporal structures and irregularities seen in the activity of animal and human groups might be accounted for by the coupling between collectively generated internal clocks and external forcings.


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Chromones are a group of naturally occurring compounds that are ubiquitous in nature, especially in plants. The word chromone is derived from the Greek word chroma, meaning “color”, which point out that many chromone derivatives can exhibit a diversity of colors.


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TICAI 2008 é o terceiro volume de uma série que recolhe as contribuições mais significativas dos melhores congressos de língua espanhola e Portuguesa no âmbito da Sociedade de Educação do IEEE. Este volume corresponde aos eventos realizados no ano de 2008, é promovido pelos Capítulos Português e Espanhol desta Sociedade. Como os volumes anteriores, o âmbito centra-se na investigação e aplicações da tecnologia na educação e engloba o desenho e investigação de novas ferramentas, materiais e técnicas que facilitem o ensino/ aprendizagem e aplicações, métodos pedagógicos e experiências concretas de uso destas novas técnicas e ferramentas. Tudo com um enfoque particular no ensino/ aprendizagem das disciplinas próprias do IEEE, fundamentalmente nas áreas da Engenharia Electrotécnica, Tecnologia Electrónica, Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Engenharia Informática. Assim, os capítulos deste livro passaram pelo crivo apertado de duas revisões: primeiro do próprio congresso e depois uma segunda selecção de entre os artigos aceites para o congresso. Para esse processo, contamos com membros destacados de cada um dos Comités de Organização ou de programa dos respectivos congressos.