97 resultados para Open-Design
Power systems have been experiencing huge changes mainly due to the substantial increase of distributed generation (DG) and the operation in competitive environments. Virtual Power Players (VPP) can aggregate several players, namely a diversity of energy resources, including distributed generation (DG) based on several technologies, electric storage systems (ESS) and demand response (DR). Energy resources management gains an increasing relevance in this competitive context. This makes the DR use more interesting and flexible, giving place to a wide range of new opportunities. This paper proposes a methodology to support VPPs in the DR programs’ management, considering all the existing energy resources (generation and storage units) and the distribution network. The proposed method is based on locational marginal prices (LMP) values. The evaluation of the impact of using DR specific programs in the LMP values supports the manager decision concerning the DR use. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 33-bus network with intensive use of DG.
WWW is a huge, open, heterogeneous system, however its contents data is mainly human oriented. The Semantic Web needs to assure that data is readable and “understandable” to intelligent software agents, though the use of explicit and formal semantics. Ontologies constitute a privileged artifact for capturing the semantic of the WWW data. Temporal and spatial dimensions are transversal to the generality of knowledge domains and therefore are fundamental for the reasoning process of software agents. Representing temporal/spatial evolution of concepts and their relations in OWL (W3C standard for ontologies) it is not straightforward. Although proposed several strategies to tackle this problem but there is still no formal and standard approach. This work main goal consists of development of methods/tools to support the engineering of temporal and spatial aspects in intelligent systems through the use of OWL ontologies. An existing method for ontology engineering, Fonte was used as framework for the development of this work. As main contributions of this work Fonte was re-engineered in order to: i) support the spatial dimension; ii) work with OWL Ontologies; iii) and support the application of Ontology Design Patterns. Finally, the capabilities of the proposed approach were demonstrated by engineering time and space in a demo ontology about football.
The CDIO Initiative is an open innovative educational framework for engineering graduation degrees set in the context of Conceiving – Designing – Implementing – Operating real-world systems and products, which is embraced by a network of worldwide universities, the CDIO collaborators. A CDIO compliant engineering degree programme typically includes a capstone module on the final semester. Its purpose is to expose students to problems of a greater dimension and complexity than those faced throughout the degree programme as well as to put them in contact with the so-called real world, in opposition to the academic world. However, even in the CDIO context, there are barriers that separate engineering capstone students from the real world context of an engineering professional: (i) limited interaction with experts from diverse scientific areas; (ii) reduced cultural and scientific diversity within the teams; and (iii) lack of a project supportive framework to foster the complementary technical and non-technical skills required in an engineering professional. To address these shortcomings, we propose the adoption of the European Project Semester (EPS) framework, a one semester student centred international capstone programme offered by a group of European engineering schools (the EPS Providers) as part of their student exchange programme portfolio. The EPS package is organised around a central module – the EPS project – and a set of complementary supportive modules. Project proposals refer to open multidisciplinary real world problems and supervision becomes coaching. The students are organised in teams, grouping individuals from diverse academic backgrounds and nationalities, and each team is fully responsible for conducting its project. EPS complies with the CDIO directives on Design-Implement experiences and provides an integrated framework for undertaking capstone projects, which is focussed on multicultural and multidisciplinary teamwork, problem-solving, communication, creativity, leadership, entrepreneurship, ethical reasoning and global contextual analysis. As a result, we recommend the adoption of the EPS within CDIO capstone modules for the benefit of engineering students.
A biomassa é uma das fontes de energia renovável com maior potencial em Portugal, sendo a capacidade de produção de pellets de biomassa atualmente instalada superior a 1 milhão de toneladas/ano. Contudo, a maioria desta produção destina-se à exportação ou à utilização em centrais térmicas a biomassa, cujo crescimento tem sido significativo nos últimos anos, prevendo-se que a capacidade instalada em 2020 seja de aproximadamente 250 MW. O mercado português de caldeiras a pellets é bastante diversificado. O estudo que realizamos permitiu concluir que cerca de 90% das caldeiras existentes no mercado português têm potências inferiores a 60 kW, possuindo na sua maioria grelha fixa (81%), com sistema de ignição eléctrica (92%) e alimentação superior do biocombustível sólido (94%). O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um modelo para simulação de uma caldeira a pellets de biomassa, que para além de permitir otimizar o projeto e operação deste tipo de equipamento, permitisse avaliar as inovações tecnológicas nesta área. Para tal recorreu-se o BiomassGasificationFoam, um código recentemente publicado, e escrito para utilização com o OpenFOAM, uma ferramenta computacional de acesso livre, que permite a simulação dos processos de pirólise, gasificação e combustão de biomassa. Este código, que foi inicialmente desenvolvido para descrever o processo de gasificação na análise termogravimétrica de biomassa, foi por nós adaptado para considerar as reações de combustão em fase gasosa dos gases libertados durante a pirólise da biomassa (recorrendo para tal ao solver reactingFoam), e ter a possibilidade de realizar a ignição da biomassa, o que foi conseguido através de uma adaptação do código de ignição do XiFoam. O esquema de ignição da biomassa não se revelou adequado, pois verificou-se que a combustão parava sempre que a ignição era inativada, independentemente do tempo que ela estivesse ativa. Como alternativa, usaram-se outros dois esquemas para a combustão da biomassa: uma corrente de ar quente, e uma resistência de aquecimento. Ambos os esquemas funcionaram, mas nunca foi possível fazer com que a combustão fosse autossustentável. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu concluir que a extensão das reações de pirólise e de gasificação, que são ambas endotérmicas, é muito pequena, pelo que a quantidade de gases libertados é igualmente muito pequena, não sendo suficiente para libertar a energia necessária à combustão completa da biomassa de uma maneira sustentável. Para tentar ultrapassar esta dificuldade foram testadas várias alternativas, , que incluíram o uso de diferentes composições de biomassa, diferentes cinéticas, calores de reação, parâmetros de transferência de calor, velocidades do ar de alimentação, esquemas de resolução numérica do sistema de equações diferenciais, e diferentes parâmetros dos esquemas de resolução utilizados. Todas estas tentativas se revelaram infrutíferas. Este estudo permitiu concluir que o solver BiomassGasificationFoam, que foi desenvolvido para descrever o processo de gasificação de biomassa em meio inerte, e em que a biomassa é aquecida através de calor fornecido pelas paredes do reator, aparentemente não é adequado à descrição do processo de combustão da biomassa, em que a combustão deve ser autossustentável, e em que as reações de combustão em fase gasosa são importantes. Assim, é necessário um estudo mais aprofundado que permita adaptar este código à simulação do processo de combustão de sólidos porosos em leito fixo.
Este trabalho pretende ilustrar o dimensionamento dos vários elementos constituintes de uma estrutura metálica e mista, e das ligações entre os mesmos, de acordo com a legislação europeia, denominados, Eurocódigos (EN1990; EN1991-1-1; EN1991-1-4; EN1992-1-1; EN1993-1-1; EN1993- 1-8; EN1994-1-1). Trata-se de um edifício “open space” de 3 pisos, sendo o primeiro piso uma zona comercial e os dois pisos acima escritórios, situado no Porto, tendo sido efectuada a modelação da sua estrutura através de um programa de cálculo automático (SAP2000).
Ergonomic interventions such as increased scheduled breaks or job rotation have been proposed to reduce upper limb muscle fatigue in repetitive low-load work. This review was performed to summarize and analyze the studies investigating the effect of job rotation and work-rest schemes, as well as, work pace, cycle time and duty cycle, on upper limb muscle fatigue. The effects of these work organization factors on subjective fatigue or discomfort were also analyzed. This review was based on relevant articles published in PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. The studies included in this review were performed in humans and assessed muscle fatigue in upper limbs. 14 articles were included in the systematic review. Few studies were performed in a real work environment and the most common methods used to assess muscle fatigue were surface electromyography (EMG). No consistent results were found related to the effects of job rotation on muscle activity and subjective measurements of fatigue. Rest breaks had some positive effects, particularly in perceived discomfort. The increase in work pace reveals a higher muscular load in specific muscles. The duration of experiments and characteristics of participants appear to be the factors that most have influenced the results. Future research should be focused on the improvement of the experimental protocols and instrumentation, in order to the outcomes represent adequately the actual working conditions. Relevance to industry: Introducing more physical workload variation in low-load repetitive work is considered an effective ergonomic intervention against muscle fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders in industry. Results will be useful to identify the need of future research, which will eventually lead to the adoption of best industrial work practices according to the workers capabilities.
Currently excessive fossil fuel consumption has become a serious problem. People are searching for new solutions of energy production and there are several options to obtain alternative sources of energy without further devastating the already destroyed environment. One of these solutions is growing microalgae, from which biodiesel can be obtained. The microalgae production is a growing business because of its many useful compounds. In order to collect these compounds microalgae must first be harvested and then dried. Nowadays the solutions used for drying use too much energy and therefore are too expensive and not sustainable. The goal of this project, one of the possible choices during the EPS@ISEP 2013 Spring, was to develop a solar microalgae dryer. The multinational team involved in its development was composed of five students, from distinct countries and fields of study, and was the responsible for designing a solar microalgae dryer prototype for the microalgae laboratory of the chemical engineering department at ISEP, suitable for future tests and incorporating control process (in order not to destroy the microalgae during the drying process). The solar microalgae dryer was built to work as a distiller that gets rid of the excess water from the microalgae suspension. This paper presents a possible solution for this problem, the steps to create the device to harvest the microalgae by drying them with the use of solar energy (also used as an energy source for the solar dryer control system), the technologies used to build the solar microalgae dryer, and the benefits it presents compared to current solutions. It also presents the device from the ethical and sustainable viewpoint. Such alternative to already existing methods is competitive as far as energy usage is concerned.
The goal of this EPS@ISEP project proposed in the Spring of 2014 was to develop a flapping wing flying robot. The project was embraced by a multinational team composed of four students from different countries and fields of study. The team designed and implemented a robot inspired by a biplane design, constructed from lightweight materials and battery powered. The prototype, called MyBird, was built with a 250 € budget, reuse existing materials as well as low cost solutions. Although the team's initial idea was to build a light radio controlled robot, time limitations along with setbacks involving the required electrical components led to a light but not radio controlled prototype. The team, from the experience gathered, made a number of future improvement suggestions, namely, the addition of radio control and a camera and the adoption of articulated monoplane design instead of the current biplane design for the wings.
This paper proposes the development of biologically inspired robots as the capstone project of the European Project Semester (EPS) framework. EPS is a one semester student centred international programme offered by a group of European engineering schools (EPS Providers) as part of their student exchange programme portfolio. EPS is organized around a central module (the EPS project) and a set of complementary supportive modules. Project proposals refer to open multidisciplinary real world problems. Its purpose is to expose students to problems of a greater dimension and complexity than those faced throughout the degree programme as well as to put them in contact with the socalled real world, in opposition to the academic world. Students are organized in teams, grouping individuals from diverse academic backgrounds and nationalities, and each team is fully responsible for conducting its project. EPS provides an integrated framework for undertaking capstone projects, which is focused on multicultural and multidisciplinary teamwork, communication, problem-solving, creativity, leadership, entrepreneurship, ethical reasoning and global contextual analysis. The design and development of biologically inspired robots allows the students to fulfil the previously described requirements and objectives and, as a result, we recommend the adoption of these projects within the EPS project capstone module for the benefit of engineering students.
This paper presents the development of a fish-like robot called Bro-Fish. Bro-Fish aims to be an educational toy dedicated to teaching mechanics, programming and the physics of floating objects to youngsters. The underlying intention is to awaken the interest of children for technology, especially biomimetic (biologically inspired) approaches, in order to promote sustainability and raise the level of ecological awareness. The main focus of this project was to create a robot with carangiform locomotion and controllable swimming, providing the opportunity to customize parts and experiment with the physics of floating objects. Therefore, the locomotion principles of fishes and mechanisms developed in related projects were analysed. Inspired by this background knowledge, a prototype was designed and implemented. The main achievement is the new tail mechanism that propels the robot. The tail resembles the undulation motion of fish bodies and is actuated in an innovative way, triggered by an elegant movement of a rotating helicoidal. First experimental tests revealed the potential of the proposed methodology to effectively generate forward propulsion.
Potentiometric sensors are typically unable to carry out on-site monitoring of environmental drug contaminants because of their high limits of detection (LODs). Designing a novel ligand material for the target analyte and managing the composition of the internal reference solution have been the strategies employed here to produce for the first time a potentiometric-based direct reading method for an environmental drug contaminant. This concept has been applied to sulfamethoxazole (SMX), one of the many antibiotics used in aquaculture practices that may occur in environmental waters. The novel ligand has been produced by imprinting SMX on the surface of graphitic carbon nanostructures (CN) < 500 nm. The imprinted carbon nanostructures (ICN) were dispersed in plasticizer and entrapped in a PVC matrix that included (or not) a small amount of a lipophilic additive. The membrane composition was optimized on solid-contact electrodes, allowing near-Nernstian responses down to 5.2 μg/mL and detecting 1.6 μg/mL. The membranes offered good selectivity against most of the ionic compounds in environmental water. The best membrane cocktail was applied on the smaller end of a 1000 μL micropipette tip made of polypropylene. The tip was then filled with inner reference solution containing SMX and chlorate (as interfering compound). The corresponding concentrations were studied for 1 × 10−5 to 1 × 10−10 and 1 × 10−3 to 1 × 10−8 mol/L. The best condition allowed the detection of 5.92 ng/L (or 2.3 × 10−8 mol/L) SMX for a sub-Nernstian slope of −40.3 mV/decade from 5.0 × 10−8 to 2.4 × 10−5 mol/L.
4th International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT 2015), Luton, United Kingdom.
International Lifesaving Congress 2007, La Coruna, Spain, December, 2007
The design of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle for operation in river and estuarine scenarios is presented. Multiple operations with autonomous underwater vehicles and support to AUV missions are one of the main design goals in the ROAZ system. The mechanical design issues are discussed. Hardware, software and implementation status are described along with the control and navigation system architecture. Some preliminary test results concerning a custom developed thruster are presented along with hydrodynamic drag calculations by the use of computer fluid dynamic methods.
Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - MED2002 Lisbon, Portugal, July 9-12, 2002