76 resultados para Evaluation -- Congresses
This study performs a sustainability evaluation of biodiesel from microalga Chlamydomonas sp. grown in 20 % (v/v) of brewery’s wastewater, blended with pentose sugars (xylose, arabinose or ribose resulting from the hydrolysis of brewer’s spent grains (BSG). The life cycle steps considered for the study are: microalgae cultivation, biomass processing and lipids extraction at the brewery site, and its conversion to biodiesel at a dedicated external biofuel’s plant. Three sustainability indicators (LCEE, FER and GW) were considered and calculated using experimental data. Literature data was used, whenever necessary, to complement life cycle data, thus allowing a more accurate sustainability evaluation. A comparative analysis of the biodiesel life cycle steps was also conducted, with the main goal of identifying which steps need to be improved. Results show that biomass processing, especially cell harvesting, microalgae cultivation, and lipids extraction are the main process bottlenecks. It is also analysed the influence on the microalgae biodiesel sustainability of adding each pentose sugar to the cultivation media, concluding that it strongly influences the biomass and lipid productivity. In particular, the addition of xylose is preferable in terms of lipid productivity, but from a sustainability point of view, ribose is the best, though the difference from xylose is not significant. Nevertheless, culture without pentose addition presents the best sustainability results.
This paper focuses on the Portuguese results from an international survey on LIS students’ information literacy skills. The results’ analysis will be grounded on a literature review on the criteria application to evaluate information and determine the credibility by undergraduate students. The guidelines for the information evaluation, especially regarding credibility aspect, on three main information literacy frameworks will be presented. After an overall presentation of the main results, the analysis of the Portuguese survey results will focus on issues related to information evaluation skills, namely on criteria to assess information credibility and on difficulties to apply them.
Demand response has gain increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets environment. The use of demand resources is also advantageous in the context of smart grid operation. In addition to the need of new business models for integrating demand response, adequate methods are necessary for an accurate determination of the consumers’ performance evaluation after the participation in a demand response event. The present paper makes a comparison between some of the existing baseline methods related to the consumers’ performance evaluation, comparing the results obtained with these methods and also with a method proposed by the authors of the paper. A case study demonstrates the application of the referred methods to real consumption data belonging to a consumer connected to a distribution network.
Electric power networks, namely distribution networks, have been suffering several changes during the last years due to changes in the power systems operation, towards the implementation of smart grids. Several approaches to the operation of the resources have been introduced, as the case of demand response, making use of the new capabilities of the smart grids. In the initial levels of the smart grids implementation reduced amounts of data are generated, namely consumption data. The methodology proposed in the present paper makes use of demand response consumers’ performance evaluation methods to determine the expected consumption for a given consumer. Then, potential commercial losses are identified using monthly historic consumption data. Real consumption data is used in the case study to demonstrate the application of the proposed method.
Introduction: Cellulite is a complex architectural disorder with multifactorial etiologies that is prevalent in 98% of the women (1). Nowadays several aesthetic treatments are being used: surgical, cosmetic, physical, mechanical, and thermal. (2) Most treatments lack a substantial proof of efficacy. Objective: The purpose of this study was to test and evaluate the efficacy of Ultrasound, Homeopathic Ultrasonophoresis, and Homeopathic Mesotherapy versus control in cellulite in a population of women from ESTSP. Methods: Female volunteers (n=23), Caucasian, aged between 18-31 years, with BMI 19-27 kg/m2 with clinical cellulite gradation on the Cellulite Grading Scale of 1 to 4 were included in a control controlled study. Subjects were assigned in four different groups: Group I (Control, n=6), Group II (Ultrasound, (n=5), Group III (Homeopathic Ultrasonophoresis, n=6), Group IV (Homeopathic Mesotherapy, n=6). Groups II to IV were treated 3 times per week, for a total of 10 sessions. Cellulite gradation was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the trial by means of clinical photography, using a Canon IXUS 65 (6 mega pixels). For homeopathic treatments Dr. Reckeweg® Rekin® 59, 13 and 42 – Dietmed were used. The rating of perceived pain during Homeopathic Mesotherapy was evaluated by a visual analogic scale (VAS). The equipment Sonopuls 692, Enraf-Nonius was used for Ultrasound and Ultrasonophoresis treatments. Results:The higher number of participants with improvement in cellulite graduation occurred in group II (80%), followed group III (50%) and by group IV (33%). The group in which more changes in cellulite gradation occurred was group II, 20% of the individuals improved their score in 2 points. Results were statistically different between Group I and Group II, p=0,015. During the treatments of homeopathic mesotherapy the pain diminished 1 value in VAS scale. Discussion and Conclusion: Although all the three interventions groups were effective in the improvement of cellulite, as expected from previous works described in the literature, (2) only the ultrasound group was statistically different from control. These preliminary results point to the need of a new study using a higher number of participants and the same methodology.
Signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) performance of a multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra-wideband system with residual timing offset is investigated. To do so, an exact mathematical derivation of the SIR of this system is derived. It becomes obvious that, unlike a cyclic prefixing based system, a zero padding based system is sensitive to residual timing offset.
The nomination of Guimarães to host the 2012 European Capital of Culture (ECC) has put on the agenda of the city the need of measuring the effects that the implementation of this mega event could have in it and in the municipality a whole. The balance of the benefits and costs and an extended community involvement tend to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive ones. This chapter analyzes the involvement of population and local associations in the planning and organization of the 2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture, using the coverage made during 2011 by local and national press of the mega event. A content analysis of the news published covering the period between January and December 2011 and using three newspapers was conducted. From those, two were local and weekly newspapers and one was a national daily one. Looking to data results, it can be concluded that it was poor the community involvement and, also, the one of the cultural associations in the organizations of the 2012 ECC. A strong negative reaction to the model choose to plan the mega event conducted by official organizers was found, which has cast doubts on the desirable participation of the residents and, consequently, on the success of the mega event, especially in a perspective of a medium and long term effects.
Presented at IEEE 21st International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2015). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015.