56 resultados para Tensile Ductility
As ligações adesivas são frequentemente utilizadas na fabricação de estruturas complexas que não poderiam ou não seriam tão fáceis de ser fabricadas numa só peça, a fim de proporcionar uma união estrutural que, teoricamente, deve ser pelo menos tão resistente como o material de base. As juntas adesivas têm vindo a substituir métodos como a soldadura, e ligações parafusadas e rebitadas, devido à facilidade de fabricação, menor custo, facilidade em unir materiais diferentes, melhor resistência, entre outras características. Os materiais compósitos reforçados com fibra de carbono são amplamente utilizados em muitas indústrias, tais como de construção de barcos, automóvel e aeronáutica, sendo usados em estruturas que requerem elevada resistência e rigidez específicas, o que reduz o peso dos componentes, mantendo a resistência e rigidez necessárias para suportar as diversas cargas aplicadas. Embora estes métodos de fabricação reduzam ao máximo as ligações através de técnicas de fabrico avançadas, estas ainda são necessárias devido ao tamanho dos componentes, limitações de projecto tecnológicas e logísticas. Em muitas estruturas, a combinação de compósitos com metais tais como alumínio ou titânio traz vantagens de projecto. Este trabalho tem como objectivo estudar, experimentalmente e por modelos de dano coesivo (MDC), juntas adesivas em L entre componentes de alumínio e compósito de carbono epóxido quando solicitados a forças de arrancamento, considerando diferentes configurações de junta e adesivos de ductilidade distinta. Os parâmetros geométricos abordados são a espessura do aderente de alumínio (tP2) e comprimento de sobreposição (LO). A análise numérica permitiu o estudo da distribuição das tensões, evolução do dano, resistência e modos de rotura. Os testes experimentais validam os resultados numéricos e fornecem mecanismos de projecto para juntas em L. Foi mostrado que a geometria do aderente em L (alumínio) e o tipo de adesivo têm uma influência directa na resistência de junta.
In this study, the behaviour of two structural adhesives modified with thermally expandable particles (TEPs) was investigated as a preliminary study for further investigations on the potential of TEPs in adhesive joints. Tensile bulk tests were performed to get the tensile properties of the adhesives and TEPs-modified adhesives. In order to determine the expansion temperature of the particles while encapsulated in these particular adhesive systems, the variation of the volume of adhesive samples modified with different TEPs concentration as a function of temperature was measured. Further, the possibility of any chemical interactions between TEPs and adhesives matrix in the TEPs-modified specimens was verified by a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis. Finally, the fracture surfaces of the unmodified and TEPs-modified specimens, as well as the dispersion and the morphology of the particles, were examined by a scanning electron microscopy analysis. It was found that the stiffness of the TEPs-modified adhesives is not affected by incorporation of TEPs in the adhesives matrix, while the tensile yield strength decreased by increasing the wt% TEPs content. In applications of such particular materials (TEPs-modified adhesives), the temperature should be controlled to stay between 90°C and 120°C in order to obtain the highest expansion ratio. At a lower temperature, not all the particles will expand, and above, the TEPs will deteriorate and as a result the TEPs-modified adhesives will deteriorate.
The integrity of multi-component structures is usually determined by their unions. Adhesive-bonding is often used over traditional methods because of the reduction of stress concentrations, reduced weight penalty, and easy manufacturing. Commercial adhesives range from strong and brittle (e.g., Araldite® AV138) to less strong and ductile (e.g., Araldite® 2015). A new family of polyurethane adhesives combines high strength and ductility (e.g., Sikaforce® 7888). In this work, the performance of the three above-mentioned adhesives was tested in single lap joints with varying values of overlap length (LO). The experimental work carried out is accompanied by a detailed numerical analysis by finite elements, either based on cohesive zone models (CZM) or the extended finite element method (XFEM). This procedure enabled detailing the performance of these predictive techniques applied to bonded joints. Moreover, it was possible to evaluate which family of adhesives is more suited for each joint geometry. CZM revealed to be highly accurate, except for largely ductile adhesives, although this could be circumvented with a different cohesive law. XFEM is not the most suited technique for mixed-mode damage growth, but a rough prediction was achieved.
Adhesive bonding is an excellent alternative to traditional joining techniques such as welding, mechanical fastening or riveting. However, there are many factors that have to be accounted for during joint design to accurately predict the joint strength. One of these is the adhesive layer thickness (tA). Most of the results are for epoxy structural adhesives, tailored to perform best with small values of tA, and these show that the lap joint strength decreases with increase of tA (the optimum joint strength is usually obtained with tA values between 0.1 and 0.2 mm). Recently, polyurethane adhesives were made available in the market, designed to perform with larger tA values, and whose fracture behaviour is still not studied. In this work, the effect of tA on the tensile fracture toughness (View the MathML source) of a bonded joint is studied, considering a novel high strength and ductile polyurethane adhesive for the automotive industry. This work consists on the fracture characterization of the bond by a conventional and the J-integral techniques, which accurately account for root rotation effects. An optical measurement method is used for the evaluation of crack tip opening (δn) and adherends rotation at the crack tip (θo) during the test, supported by a Matlab® sub-routine for the automated extraction of these parameters. As output of this work, fracture data is provided in traction for the selected adhesive, enabling the subsequent strength prediction of bonded joints.
Adhesively bonded techniques are an attractive option to repair aluminium structures, compared to more traditional methods. Actually, as a result of the improvement in the mechanical characteristics of adhesives, adhesive bonding has progressively replaced the traditional joining methods. There are several bonded repair configurations, as single-strap, double-strap and scarf. Compared with strap repairs, scarf repairs have the advantages of a higher efficiency and the absence of aerodynamic disturbance. The higher efficiency is caused by the elimination of the significant joint eccentricities of strap repairs. Moreover, stress distributions along the bond length are more uniform, due to tapering of the scarf edges. The main disadvantages of this technique are the difficult machining of the surfaces, associated costs and requirement of specialised labour. This work reports on an experimental and numerical study of the tensile behaviour of two-dimensional (2D) scarf repairs of aluminium structures bonded with the ductile epoxy adhesive Araldite® 2015. The numerical analysis, by Finite Elements (FE), was performed in Abaqus® and used cohesive zone models (CZM) for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer, thus enabling the strength prediction of the repairs. A parametric study was performed on the scarf angle (α) and different configurations of external reinforcement (applied on one or two sides of the repair, and also different reinforcement lengths). The obtained results allowed the establishment of design guidelines for repairing, showing that the use of external reinforcements enables increasing α for equal strength recovery, which makes the repair procedure easier. The numerical technique was accurate in predicting the repairs’ strength, enabling its use for design and optimisation purposes.
The adhesive bonding technique enables both weight and complexity reduction in structures that require some joining technique to be used on account of fabrication/component shape issues. Because of this, adhesive bonding is also one of the main repair methods for metal and composite structures by the strap and scarf configurations. The availability of strength prediction techniques for adhesive joints is essential for their generalized application and it can rely on different approaches, such as mechanics of materials, conventional fracture mechanics or damage mechanics. These two last techniques depend on the measurement of the fracture toughness (GC) of materials. Within the framework of damage mechanics, a valid option is the use of Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) coupled with Finite Element (FE) analyses. In this work, CZM laws for adhesive joints considering three adhesives with varying ductility were estimated. The End-Notched Flexure (ENF) test geometry was selected based on overall test simplicity and results accuracy. The adhesives Araldite® AV138, Araldite® 2015 and Sikaforce® 7752 were studied between high-strength aluminium adherends. Estimation of the CZM laws was carried out by an inverse methodology based on a curve fitting procedure, which enabled a precise estimation of the adhesive joints’ behaviour. The work allowed to conclude that a unique set of shear fracture toughness (GIIC) and shear cohesive strength (ts0) exists for each specimen that accurately reproduces the adhesive layer’ behaviour. With this information, the accurate strength prediction of adhesive joints in shear is made possible by CZM.
To turn wood into a construction material with enhanced properties, many methods of chemical modification have been developed in the last few decades. In this work, mechanical properties of pine wood were chemically modified, compared and evaluated. Maritime pine wood (Pinus pinaster) was modified with four chemical processes: 1,3-dimethylol-4,5- dihydroxyethyleneurea, N-methylol melamine formaldehyde, tetra-alkoxysilane and wax. The following mechanical properties were assessed experimentally: Modulus of elasticity measured statically, stiffness stabilization efficiency in different climates (30 and 87% of relative humidity), modulus of rupture, work maximum load, impact bending strength, compression, tensile and shear strength at indoor conditions (65% of relative humidity). In both types of active principle of modification, cell wall or lumen fill, no significant changes on the bending stiffness (modulus of elasticity) were found. In the remaining properties analysed significant changes in the modified wood-material took place compared to unmodified wood control: - Cell wall modification was the most effective method to achieve high stiffness stabilization efficiency (up to 60%) and also increased compression strength (up to 230%). However, modulus of rupture, tensile, shear and the impact bending strength were reduced by both resins, but in a varying extent, where the N-methylol melamine formaldehyde endured less reduction than 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethyleneurea resin. In the latter, reduction up to 60% can take place. - In the lumen fill modification: tetra-alkoxysilane has no effect in the mechanical properties. Although, a slight increase in shear strength parallel to the grain was found. Wax specimens have shown a slight increase in bending strength, compression, tensile and shear strength as well as in the absorption energy capacity.
Os sectores da construção e demolição de edifícios são responsáveis por um elevado volume de produção de resíduos. Estes resíduos são normalmente direcionados para aterros, que se encontram, neste momento, sobrelotados. Esta falta de capacidade de receção de resíduos tem como consequência imediata o aumento dos valores monetários associados ao depósito destes materiais excedentários. Com a elevada produção destes resíduos torna-se importante a sua reciclagem e reutilização. No caso da Engenharia Civil, uma grande produtora de resíduos, seria ainda mais interessante o seu reaproveitamento imediato na área. Nesta investigação, pretendeu-se avaliar o desempenho mecânico de betões com diferentes percentagens de agregados cerâmicos vermelhos. Essa investigação passou numa fase inicial pelo estado fresco do betão, de forma a analisar a sua trabalhabilidade. Na fase seguinte, analisou-se no estado endurecido, a resistência à compressão e resistência à tração por compressão diametral. Para concretização deste objetivo produziram-se três tipos de betões: um de referência (areia fina e brita fina), um betão com incorporação de agregados finos e grossos de cerâmica vermelha, juntamente com a areia fina e a brita fina, e o terceiro, um betão com a substituição total da areia fina por cerâmica fina. A realização desta investigação, demostrou que os betões com a incorporação de agregado cerâmico vermelho apresentam resultados de boa qualidade, sendo plausível a sua utilização em estruturas.
A necessidade de utilizar métodos de ligação entre componentes de forma mais rápida, eficaz e com melhores resultados tem causado a crescente utilização das juntas adesivas, em detrimento dos métodos tradicionais de ligação. A utilização das juntas adesivas tem vindo a aumentar em diversas aplicações industriais por estas apresentarem vantagens, das quais se destacam a redução de peso, redução de concentrações de tensões e facilidade de fabrico. No entanto, uma das limitações das juntas adesivas é a dificuldade em prever a resistência da junta após fabrico e durante a sua vida útil devido à presença de defeitos no adesivo. Os defeitos são normalmente gerados pela preparação inadequada das juntas ou degradação do adesivo devido ao ambiente (por exemplo, humidade), reduzindo a qualidade da ligação e influenciando a resistência da junta. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo experimental e numérico de juntas de sobreposição simples (JSS) com a inclusão de defeitos centrados na camada de adesivo para comprimentos de sobreposição (LO) diferentes. Os adesivos utilizados foram o Araldite® AV138, apresentado como sendo frágil, e o adesivo Sikaforce® 7752, intitulado como adesivo dúctil. A parte experimental consistiu no ensaio à tração das diferentes JSS permitindo a obtenção das curvas força-deslocamento (P-δ). A análise numérica por modelos de dano coesivo (MDC) foi realizada para analisar as tensões de arrancamento ((σy) e as tensões de corte (τxy) na camada adesiva, para estudar a variável de dano do MDC durante o processo de rotura e para avaliar a capacidade dos MDC na previsão da resistência da junta. Constatou-se um efeito significativo dos defeitos de diferentes dimensões na resistência das juntas, que também depende do tipo de adesivo utilizado e do valor de LO. Os modelos numéricos permitiram a descrição detalhada do comportamento das juntas e previsão de resistência, embora para o adesivo dúctil a utilização de uma lei coesiva triangular tenha provocado alguma discrepância relativamente aos resultados experimentais.
A pultrusão é uma técnica já sobejamente conhecida de produção de perfis de secção constante, tais como barras, cantoneiras, perfis estruturais ou tubos, em materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica. A necessidade de, em determinadas aplicações, utilizar perfis que proporcionem melhor isolamento térmico, melhor isolamento acústico ou possuam um momento de inércia ligeiramente superior, sem que o peso próprio seja significativamente afectado, levou à produção de perfis pultrudidos híbridos, com núcleos baseados em pré-formas ou na alimentação contínua de resíduos. Realizados os protótipos seguindo as metodologias acima descritas, urge verificar se as propriedades dos perfis híbridos correspondem às expectativas inicialmente neles depositadas, através de testes destrutivos e não-destrutivos. Assim, foram realizados testes à tracção, à compressão e à flexão, no intuito de verificar os ganhos conseguidos e poder analisar o valor-acrescentado trazido por estes novos perfis em termos estruturais. Estes valores, depois de devidamente validados, permitirão a sua inserção em bases de dados agregadas a programas de cálculo estrutural, que efectuam de forma automática o dimensionamento de estruturas baseadas em perfis desta natureza. Complementarmente, foram realizados testes de isolamento térmico e acústico, com vista a quantificar a melhoria conseguida nestas propriedades, extremamente importantes em determinados tipos de aplicações ligadas à construção civil e obras públicas.
With the need to find an alternative way to mechanical and welding joints, and at the same time to overcome some limitations linked to these traditional techniques, adhesive bonds can be used. Adhesive bonding is a permanent joining process that uses an adhesive to bond the components of a structure. Composite materials reinforced with fibres are becoming increasingly popular in many applications as a result of a number of competitive advantages. In the manufacture of composite structures, although the fabrication techniques reduce to the minimum by means of advanced manufacturing techniques, the use of connections is still required due to the typical size limitations and design, technological and logistical aspects. Moreover, it is known that in many high performance structures, unions between composite materials with other light metals such as aluminium are required, for purposes of structural optimization. This work deals with the experimental and numerical study of single lap joints (SLJ), bonded with a brittle (Nagase Chemtex Denatite XNRH6823) and a ductile adhesive (Nagase Chemtex Denatite XNR6852). These are applied to hybrid joints between aluminium (AL6082-T651) and carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP; Texipreg HS 160 RM) adherends in joints with different overlap lengths (LO) under a tensile loading. The Finite Element (FE) Method is used to perform detailed stress and damage analyses allowing to explain the joints’ behaviour and the use of cohesive zone models (CZM) enables predicting the joint strength and creating a simple and rapid design methodology. The use of numerical methods to simulate the behaviour of the joints can lead to savings of time and resources by optimizing the geometry and material parameters of the joints. The joints’ strength and failure modes were highly dependent on the adhesive, and this behaviour was successfully modelled numerically. Using a brittle adhesive resulted in a negligible maximum load (Pm) improvement with LO. The joints bonded with the ductile adhesive showed a nearly linear improvement of Pm with LO.