122 resultados para GIS web applications
A nanohybrid electrochemical transducer surface was developed using carbon and gold nanomaterials. The strategy relayed on casting multiwalled carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofibers onto a screen-printed carbon electrode surface, followed by in situ generation of gold nanoparticles by electrochemical deposition of ionic gold, in a reproducible manner. These transducers, so fabricated, were characterized using both electrochemical and microscopic techniques. Biofunctionality was evaluated using the streptavidin-biotin interaction system as the biological reaction model. These platforms allow to achieve low detection limits (in the order of pmoles), are reproducible and stable at least for a month after their preparation, being a perfect candidate to be used as transducer of different sensor devices.
With the advent of Web 2.0, new kinds of tools became available, which are not seen as novel anymore but are widely used. For instance, according to Eurostat data, in 2010 32% of individuals aged 16 to 74 used the Internet to post messages to social media sites or instant messaging tools, ranging from 17% in Romania to 46% in Sweden (Eurostat, 2012). Web 2.0 applications have been used in technology-enhanced learning environments. Learning 2.0 is a concept that has been used to describe the use of social media for learning. Many Learning 2.0 initiatives have been launched by educational and training institutions in Europe. Web 2.0 applications have also been used for informal learning. Web 2.0 tools can be used in classrooms, virtual or not, not only to engage students but also to support collaborative activities. Many of these tools allow users to use tags to organize resources and facilitate their retrieval at a later date or time. The aim of this chapter is to describe how tagging has been used in systems that support formal or informal learning and to summarize the functionalities that are common to these systems. In addition, common and unusual tagging applications that have been used in some Learning Objects Repositories are analysed.
In this paper we present a framework for managing QoS-aware applications in a dynamic, ad-hoc, distributed environment. This framework considers an available set of wireless/mobile and fixed nodes, which may temporally form groups in order to process a set of related services, and where there is the need to support different levels of service and different combinations of quality requirements. This framework is being developed both for testing and validating an approach, based on multidimensional QoS properties, which provides service negotiation and proposal evaluation algorithms, and for assessing the suitability of the Ada language to be used in the context of dynamic, QoS-aware systems.
In this paper, we analyse the ability of Profibus fieldbus to cope with the real-time requirements of a Distributed Computer Control System (DCCS), where messages associated to discrete events must be made available within a maximum bound time. Our methodology is based on the knowledge of real-time traffic characteristics, setting the network parameters in order to cope with timing requirements. Since non-real-time traffic characteristics are usually unknown at the design stage, we consider an operational profile where, constraining non-real-time traffic at the application level, we assure that realtime requirements are met.
WorldFIP is standardised as European Norm EN 50170 - General Purpose Field Communication System. Field communication systems (fieldbuses) started to be widely used as the communication support for distributed computer-controlled systems (DCCS), and are being used in all sorts of process control and manufacturing applications within different types of industries. There are several advantages in using fieldbuses as a replacement of for the traditional point-to-point links between sensors/actuators and computer-based control systems. Indeed they concern economical ones (cable savings) but, importantly, fieldbuses allow an increased decentralisation and distribution of the processing power over the field. Typically DCCS have real-time requirements that must be fulfilled. By this, we mean that process data must be transferred between network computing nodes within a maximum admissible time span. WorldFIP has very interesting mechanisms to schedule data transfers. It explicit distinguishes to types of traffic: periodic and aperiodic. In this paper we describe how WorldFIP handles these two types of traffic, and more importantly, we provide a comprehensive analysis for guaranteeing the real-time requirements of both types of traffic. A major contribution is made in the analysis of worst-case response time of aperiodic transfer requests.
This paper describes the communication stack of the REMPLI system: a structure using power-lines and IPbased networks for communication, for data acquisition and control of energy distribution and consumption. It is furthermore prepared to use alternative communication media like GSM or analog modem connections. The REMPLI system provides communication service for existing applications, namely automated meter reading, energy billing and domotic applications. The communication stack, consisting of physical, network, transport, and application layer is described as well as the communication services provided by the system. We show how the peculiarities of the power-line communication influence the design of the communication stack, by introducing requirements to efficiently use the limited bandwidth, optimize traffic and implement fair use of the communication medium for the extensive communication partners.
In this paper, we present some of the fault tolerance management mechanisms being implemented in the Multi-μ architecture, namely its support for replica non-determinism. In this architecture, fault tolerance is achieved by node active replication, with software based replica management and fault tolerance transparent algorithms. A software layer implemented between the application and the real-time kernel, the Fault Tolerance Manager (FTManager), is the responsible for the transparent incorporation of the fault tolerance mechanisms The active replication model can be implemented either imposing replica determinism or keeping replica consistency at critical points, by means of interactive agreement mechanisms. One of the Multi-μ architecture goals is to identify such critical points, relieving the underlying system from performing the interactive agreement in every Ada dispatching point.
Para obtenção do grau de Doutor pela Universidade de Vigo com menção internacional Departamento de Informática
Real-time embedded applications require to process large amounts of data within small time windows. Parallelize and distribute workloads adaptively is suitable solution for computational demanding applications. The purpose of the Parallel Real-Time Framework for distributed adaptive embedded systems is to guarantee local and distributed processing of real-time applications. This work identifies some promising research directions for parallel/distributed real-time embedded applications.
This work focuses on highly dynamic distributed systems with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints (most importantly real-time constraints). To that purpose, real-time applications may benefit from code offloading techniques, so that parts of the application can be offloaded and executed, as services, by neighbour nodes, which are willing to cooperate in such computations. These applications explicitly state their QoS requirements, which are translated into resource requirements, in order to evaluate the feasibility of accepting other applications in the system.
Search Optimization methods are needed to solve optimization problems where the objective function and/or constraints functions might be non differentiable, non convex or might not be possible to determine its analytical expressions either due to its complexity or its cost (monetary, computational, time,...). Many optimization problems in engineering and other fields have these characteristics, because functions values can result from experimental or simulation processes, can be modelled by functions with complex expressions or by noise functions and it is impossible or very difficult to calculate their derivatives. Direct Search Optimization methods only use function values and do not need any derivatives or approximations of them. In this work we present a Java API that including several methods and algorithms, that do not use derivatives, to solve constrained and unconstrained optimization problems. Traditional API access, by installing it on the developer and/or user computer, and remote API access to it, using Web Services, are also presented. Remote access to the API has the advantage of always allow the access to the latest version of the API. For users that simply want to have a tool to solve Nonlinear Optimization Problems and do not want to integrate these methods in applications, also two applications were developed. One is a standalone Java application and the other a Web-based application, both using the developed API.
The fractional order calculus (FOC) is as old as the integer one although up to recently its application was exclusively in mathematics. Many real systems are better described with FOC differential equations as it is a well-suited tool to analyze problems of fractal dimension, with long-term “memory” and chaotic behavior. Those characteristics have attracted the engineers' interest in the latter years, and now it is a tool used in almost every area of science. This paper introduces the fundamentals of the FOC and some applications in systems' identification, control, mechatronics, and robotics, where it is a promissory research field.
In this study, an experimental investigation into the shear strength behaviour of aluminium alloy single-lap adhesive joints was carried out in order to understand the effect of temperature on the strength of adhesively bonding joints. Single lap joints (SLJs) were fabricated and tested at RT and high temperatures (100ºC, 125ºC, 150ºC, 175ºC and 200ºC). Results showed that the failure loads of the single-lap joint test specimens vary with temperature and this needs to be considered in any design procedure. It is shown that, although the tensile stress decreased with temperature, the lap-shear strength of the adhesive increased with increasing of temperature up to the glass transition of the adhesive (Tg) and decreased for tests above the Tg.
The interest in the development of climbing robots has grown rapidly in the last years. Climbing robots are useful devices that can be adopted in a variety of applications, such as maintenance and inspection in the process and construction industries. These systems are mainly adopted in places where direct access by a human operator is very expensive, because of the need for scaffolding, or very dangerous, due to the presence of an hostile environment. The main motivations are to increase the operation efficiency, by eliminating the costly assembly of scaffolding, or to protect human health and safety in hazardous tasks. Several climbing robots have already been developed, and other are under development, for applications ranging from cleaning to inspection of difficult to reach constructions. A wall climbing robot should not only be light, but also have large payload, so that it may reduce excessive adhesion forces and carry instrumentations during navigation. These machines should be capable of travelling over different types of surfaces, with different inclinations, such as floors, walls, or ceilings, and to walk between such surfaces (Elliot et al. (2006); Sattar et al. (2002)). Furthermore, they should be able of adapting and reconfiguring for various environment conditions and to be self-contained. Up to now, considerable research was devoted to these machines and various types of experimental models were already proposed (according to Chen et al. (2006), over 200 prototypes aimed at such applications had been developed in the world by the year 2006). However, we have to notice that the application of climbing robots is still limited. Apart from a couple successful industrialized products, most are only prototypes and few of them can be found in common use due to unsatisfactory performance in on-site tests (regarding aspects such as their speed, cost and reliability). Chen et al. (2006) present the main design problems affecting the system performance of climbing robots and also suggest solutions to these problems. The major two issues in the design of wall climbing robots are their locomotion and adhesion methods. With respect to the locomotion type, four types are often considered: the crawler, the wheeled, the legged and the propulsion robots. Although the crawler type is able to move relatively faster, it is not adequate to be applied in rough environments. On the other hand, the legged type easily copes with obstacles found in the environment, whereas generally its speed is lower and requires complex control systems. Regarding the adhesion to the surface, the robots should be able to produce a secure gripping force using a light-weight mechanism. The adhesion method is generally classified into four groups: suction force, magnetic, gripping to the surface and thrust force type. Nevertheless, recently new methods for assuring the adhesion, based in biological findings, were proposed. The vacuum type principle is light and easy to control though it presents the problem of supplying compressed air. An alternative, with costs in terms of weight, is the adoption of a vacuum pump. The magnetic type principle implies heavy actuators and is used only for ferromagnetic surfaces. The thrust force type robots make use of the forces developed by thrusters to adhere to the surfaces, but are used in very restricted and specific applications. Bearing these facts in mind, this chapter presents a survey of different applications and technologies adopted for the implementation of climbing robots locomotion and adhesion to surfaces, focusing on the new technologies that are recently being developed to fulfill these objectives. The chapter is organized as follows. Section two presents several applications of climbing robots. Sections three and four present the main locomotion principles, and the main "conventional" technologies for adhering to surfaces, respectively. Section five describes recent biological inspired technologies for robot adhesion to surfaces. Section six introduces several new architectures for climbing robots. Finally, section seven outlines the main conclusions.
Aiming for teaching/learning support in sciences and engineering areas, the Remote Experimentation concept (an E-learning subset) has grown in last years with the development of several infrastructures that enable doing practical experiments from anywhere and anytime, using a simple PC connected to the Internet. Nevertheless, given its valuable contribution to the teaching/learning process, the development of more infrastructures should continue, in order to make available more solutions able to improve courseware contents and motivate students for learning. The work presented in this paper contributes for that purpose, in the specific area of industrial automation. After a brief introduction to the Remote Experimentation concept, we describe a remote accessible lab infrastructure that enables users to conduct real experiments with an important and widely used transducer in industrial automation, named Linear Variable Differential Transformer.