55 resultados para Better World Books
Purpose: The studies on links between sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness have been mainly focused at organizational and business level. The purpose of this research is to investigate if there is a correlation between these three variables at country level. Using international well recognized rankings of countries sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness, correlation analysis was performed allowing for the conclusion that there are indeed high correlations (and possible relationships) between the three variables at country level. Design/methodology/approach: Sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness literature were reviewed identifying a lack of studies examining these three variables at country level. Three major well recognized indexes were used to support the quantitative research: The World Economic Forum (2013) Sustainability-adjusted global competitiveness index, the Global Innovation Index (2014) issued by Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO and the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (2014). After confirming the distributions normality, Pearson correlation analysis was made with results showing high linear correlations between the three indexes. Findings: The results of the correlation analysis using Pearson correlation coefficient (all correlation coefficients are greater than 0.73) give a strong support to the conclusion that there is indeed a high correlation (and a possible relationship) between social sustainability, innovation and competitiveness at country level. Research limitations/implications: Further research is advisable to better understand the factors that contribute to the presented results and to establish a global paradigm linking these three main constructs (social sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness). Some authors consider that these measurements are not fully supported (e.g. due to different countries standards), however, it is assumed these differing underlying methodological approaches, by being used in conjunction, can be considered as a set of reliable and useful performance indicators. Practical implications: The results highlight the simultaneous relationship between social sustainability, innovation and competitiveness superior performance and the need to take that these considerations into business and operating models. Social implications: This research suggests that sustainability and innovation policies, strategies and practices are relevant for countries competitiveness and should be promoted particularly in countries ranked low on sustainability and innovation global scoring indexes. Originality/value: This is one of the few studies addressing the relationships between sustainability, innovation and competitiveness at country level.
The increasing number of television channels, on-demand services and online content, is expected to contribute to a better quality of experience for a costumer of such a service. However, the lack of efficient methods for finding the right content, adapted to personal interests, may lead to a progressive loss of clients. In such a scenario, recommendation systems are seen as a tool that can fill this gap and contribute to the loyalty of users. Multimedia content, namely films and television programmes are usually described using a set of metadata elements that include the title, a genre, the date of production, and the list of directors and actors. This paper provides a deep study on how the use of different metadata elements can contribute to increase the quality of the recommendations suggested. The analysis is conducted using Netflix and Movielens datasets and aspects such as the granularity of the descriptions, the accuracy metric used and the sparsity of the data are taken into account. Comparisons with collaborative approaches are also presented.
The Container Loading Problem (CLP) literature has traditionally evaluated the dynamic stability of cargo by applying two metrics to box arrangements: the mean number of boxes supporting the items excluding those placed directly on the floor (M1) and the percentage of boxes with insufficient lateral support (M2). However, these metrics, that aim to be proxies for cargo stability during transportation, fail to translate real-world cargo conditions of dynamic stability. In this paper two new performance indicators are proposed to evaluate the dynamic stability of cargo arrangements: the number of fallen boxes (NFB) and the number of boxes within the Damage Boundary Curve fragility test (NB_DBC). Using 1500 solutions for well-known problem instances found in the literature, these new performance indicators are evaluated using a physics simulation tool (StableCargo), replacing the real-world transportation by a truck with a simulation of the dynamic behaviour of container loading arrangements. Two new dynamic stability metrics that can be integrated within any container loading algorithm are also proposed. The metrics are analytical models of the proposed stability performance indicators, computed by multiple linear regression. Pearson’s r correlation coefficient was used as an evaluation parameter for the performance of the models. The extensive computational results show that the proposed metrics are better proxies for dynamic stability in the CLP than the previous widely used metrics.
The last 40 years of the world economy are analyzed by means of computer visualization methods. Multidimensional scaling and the hierarchical clustering tree techniques are used. The current Western downturn in favor of Asian partners may still be reversed in the coming decades.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a paradigm over the last few years as a result of the tight integration of the computing and the physical world. The requirement of remote sensing makes low-power wireless sensor networks one of the key enabling technologies of IoT. These networks encompass several challenges, especially in communication and networking, due to their inherent constraints of low-power features, deployment in harsh and lossy environments, and limited computing and storage resources. The IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) [1] was proposed by the IETF ROLL (Routing Over Low-power Lossy links) working group and is currently adopted as an IETF standard in the RFC 6550 since March 2012. Although RPL greatly satisfied the requirements of low-power and lossy sensor networks, several issues remain open for improvement and specification, in particular with respect to Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees and support for mobility. In this paper, we focus mainly on the RPL routing protocol. We propose some enhancements to the standard specification in order to provide QoS guarantees for static as well as mobile LLNs. For this purpose, we propose OF-FL (Objective Function based on Fuzzy Logic), a new objective function that overcomes the limitations of the standardized objective functions that were designed for RPL by considering important link and node metrics, namely end-to-end delay, number of hops, ETX (Expected transmission count) and LQL (Link Quality Level). In addition, we present the design of Co-RPL, an extension to RPL based on the corona mechanism that supports mobility in order to overcome the problem of slow reactivity to frequent topology changes and thus providing a better quality of service mainly in dynamic networks application. Performance evaluation results show that both OF-FL and Co-RPL allow a great improvement when compared to the standard specification, mainly in terms of packet loss ratio and average network latency. 2015 Elsevier B.V. Al
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Assessoria de Administração, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Raquel Susana da Costa Pereira
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação da Doutora Albertina Paula Monteiro Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri.
A presente investigação tem como objetivo principal avaliar a relação entre as Condições de Trabalho, o Comprometimento Organizacional, a Satisfação Social, e a Saúde Mental dos trabalhadores no setor da Bricolage. É sua intenção compreender se as Condições de Trabalho são preditoras de Comprometimento Organizacional e Satisfação com as Relações Sociais, e se o Comprometimento Organizacional explica o Burnout, a Ansiedade e a Depressão destes trabalhadores. Investiga igualmente, através de análises exploratórias, a possível influência de algumas variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais nos diversos construtos verificados. Participaram neste estudo, num universo de 564 colaboradores de organizações de venda de material de Bricolage da região Norte de Portugal, 190 trabalhadores (33,7%), sendo que 42,6% (n = 81) são do sexo Feminino e 57,4% (n = 109) do sexo Masculino. A metodologia do estudo seguiu uma abordagem quantitativa, com carácter descritivo, exploratório e preditivo, com utilização de inquérito por questionário. A recolha de dados foi feita num único momento através de uma série de instrumentos, entre os quais: Cuestionario de Condiciones de Trabajo (qCT) – Escalas Método e Ambiente; Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment; The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12); World Health Organization Quality of Life – Bref (WHOQOL-Bref) – Escala das Relações Sociais; Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (MBI-GS); Ficha Demográfico Profissional. As análises psicométricas destes mostraram uma validade e uma fidelidade bastante satisfatória. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo apontam, que as Condições de Trabalho são preditoras, quer do Comprometimento Organizacional, quer da Satisfação com as Relações Sociais. O Comprometimento Organizacional é, preditor significativo de maior Saúde Mental, e igualmente de menor síndrome de Burnout. As análises exploratórias mostraram diferenças significativas em termos de variáveis sociodemográficas (e.g. Idade: Comprometimento Organizacional, Saúde Mental e Burnout; Estado Civil: Condições de Trabalho; Número de Filhos: Comprometimento Organizacional). Quanto às variáveis profissionais, foram encontradas significâncias na Antiguidade (Comprometimento Organizacional e Saúde Mental) e na Função (Comprometimento Organizacional, Condições de Trabalho e Burnout). No final deste trabalho são discutidos e apresentados os principais resultados obtidos e as suas conclusões.
É cada vez mais forte e natural o desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis. Hoje em dia qualquer pessoa seja de forma amadora ou profissional tenta tirar o máximo partido do seu dispositivo móvel, através de aplicações desenvolvidas para as mais diversas áreas. Um dos sistemas operativos que mais programadores apostam é no Android devido à sua versatilidade e ás suas capacidades enquanto sistema operativo dentro de um smartphone. Para além dessas mais-valias, desenvolver uma aplicação para Android não tem qualquer custo, apenas terá, caso seja uma aplicação para adicionar a Google Play Store, caso contrário pode desenvolver-se qualquer tipo de aplicação sem custos, o que não acontece com outros sistemas operativos. Tendo em conta os custos, é normal as pequenas e médias empresas tentarem investir neste tipo de desenvolvimento, pois evitam gastos em licenciamentos para produzir os seus produtos. Seguindo este contexto, esta dissertação insere-se nesse perfil, isto é, tentar encontrar uma solução com baixos custos e que produza os resultados pretendidos. Através das mais diversas API’s é possível adaptar o sistema operativo Android a qualquer área apenas basta enquadrar da melhor maneira ideias e dar asas à imaginação. Desta forma, esta dissertação irá centrar-se na área industrial, na qual o Android pode e deve ser bastante útil, se for usado com rigor. Irá ser abordado o desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis e serão analisadas as tecnologias envolventes no projeto assim como algumas das principais soluções já implementadas e desenvolvidas por empresas no setor e para o sector industrial. O projeto aborda também de que forma é possível aliar o sistema operativo Android á área industrial de forma a permitir um melhor desempenho por parte de todos em prol da empresa á qual está associado. A necessidade de criação desta aplicação, surgiu numa perspectiva de melhoria contínua, com o objectivo de abandonar o procedimento instituído, que era realizado manualmente, passando a fazê-lo de uma forma automática e mais interativa. O processo será realizado pelos colaboradores e terá sempre o seu contributo, mas de uma forma mais rigorosa, simples e eficiente, aumentando a qualidade do serviço.
Optical immersion clearing is a technique that has been widely studied for more than two decades and that is used to originate a temporary transparency effect in biological tissues. If applied in cooperation with clinical methods it provides optimization of diagnosis and treatment procedures. This technique turns biological tissues more transparent through two main mechanisms — tissue dehydration and refractive index (RI) matching between tissue components. Such matching is obtained by partial replacement of interstitial water by a biocompatible agent that presents higher RI and it can be completely reversible by natural rehydration in vivo or by assisted rehydration in ex vivo tissues. Experimental data to characterize and discriminate between the two mechanisms and to find new ones are necessary. Using a simple method, based on collimated transmittance and thickness measurements made from muscle samples under treatment, we have estimated the diffusion properties of glucose, ethylene glycol (EG) and water that were used to perform such characterization and discrimination. Comparing these properties with data from literature that characterize their diffusion in water we have observed that muscle cell membrane permeability limits agent and water diffusion in the muscle. The same experimental data has allowed to calculate the optical clearing (OC) efficiency and make an interpretation of the internal changes that occurred in muscle during the treatments. The same methodology can now be used to perform similar studies with other agents and in other tissues in order to solve engineering problems at design of inexpensive and robust technologies for a considerable improvement of optical tomographic techniques with better contrast and in-depth imaging.