125 resultados para Area Optimization
O panorama atual da emergência e socorro de primeira linha em Portugal, carateriza-se por uma grande aposta ao longo dos últimos anos num incremento contínuo da qualidade e da eficiência que estes serviços prestam às populações locais. Com vista à prossecução do objetivo de melhoria contínua dos serviços, foram realizados ao longo dos últimos anos investimentos avultados ao nível dos recursos técnicos e ao nível da contratação e formação de recursos humanos altamente qualificados. Atualmente as instituições que prestam socorro e emergência de primeira linha estão bem dotadas ao nível físico e ao nível humano dos recursos necessários para fazerem face aos mais diversos tipos de ocorrências. Contudo, ao nível dos sistemas de informação de apoio à emergência e socorro de primeira linha, verifica-se uma inadequação (e por vezes inexistência) de sistemas informáticos capazes de suportar convenientemente o atual contexto de exigência e complexidade da emergência e socorro. Foi feita ao longo dos últimos anos, uma forte aposta na melhoria dos recursos físicos e dos recursos humanos encarregues da resposta àsemergência de primeira linha, mas descurou-se a área da gestão e análise da informação sobre as ocorrências, assim como, o delinear de possíveis estratégias de prevenção que uma análise sistematizada da informação sobre as ocorrências possibilita. Nas instituições de emergência e socorro de primeira linha em Portugal (bombeiros, proteção civil municipal, PSP, GNR, polícia municipal), prevalecem ainda hoje os sistemas informáticos apenas para o registo das ocorrências à posteriori e a total inexistência de sistemas de registo de informação e de apoio à decisão na alocação de recursos que operem em tempo real. A generalidade dos sistemas informáticos atualmente existentes nas instituições são unicamente de sistemas de backoffice, que não aproveitam a todas as potencialidades da informação operacional neles armazenada. Verificou-se também, que a geo-localização por via informática dos recursos físicos e de pontos de interesse relevantes em situações críticas é inexistente a este nível. Neste contexto, consideramos ser possível e importante alinhar o nível dos sistemas informáticos das instituições encarregues da emergência e socorro de primeira linha, com o nível dos recursos físicos e humanos que já dispõem atualmente. Dado que a emergência e socorro de primeira linha é um domínio claramente elegível para a aplicação de tecnologias provenientes dos domínios da inteligência artificial (nomeadamente sistemas periciais para apoio à decisão) e da geo-localização, decidimos no âmbito desta tese desenvolver um sistema informático capaz de colmatar muitas das lacunas por nós identificadas ao nível dos sistemas informáticos destas instituições. Pretendemos colocar as suas plataformas informáticas num nível similar ao dos seus recursos físicos e humanos. Assim, foram por nós identificadas duas áreas chave onde a implementação de sistemas informáticos adequados às reais necessidades das instituições podem ter um impacto muito proporcionar uma melhor gestão e otimização dos recursos físicos e humanos. As duas áreas chave por nós identificadas são o suporte à decisão na alocação dos recursos físicos e a geolocalização dos recursos físicos, das ocorrências e dos pontos de interesse. Procurando fornecer uma resposta válida e adequada a estas duas necessidades prementes, foi desenvolvido no âmbito desta tese o sistema CRITICAL DECISIONS. O sistema CRITICAL DECISIONS incorpora um conjunto de funcionalidades típicas de um sistema pericial, para o apoio na decisão de alocação de recursos físicos às ocorrências. A inferência automática dos recursos físicos, assenta num conjunto de regra de inferência armazenadas numa base de conhecimento, em constante crescimento e atualização, com base nas respostas bem sucedidas a ocorrências passadas. Para suprimir as carências aos nível da geo-localização dos recursos físicos, das ocorrências e dos pontos de interesse, o sistema CRITICAL DECISIONS incorpora também um conjunto de funcionalidades de geo-localização. Estas permitem a geo-localização de todos os recursos físicos da instituição, a geo-localização dos locais e as áreas das várias ocorrências, assim como, dos vários tipos de pontos de interesse. O sistema CRITICAL DECISIONS visa ainda suprimir um conjunto de outras carências por nós identificadas, ao nível da gestão documental (planos de emergência, plantas dos edifícios) , da comunicação, da partilha de informação entre as instituições de socorro e emergência locais, da contabilização dos tempos de serviço, entre outros. O sistema CRITICAL DECISIONS é o culminar de um esforço colaborativo e contínuo com várias instituições, responsáveis pela emergência e socorro de primeira linha a nível local. Esperamos com o sistema CRITICAL DECISIONS, dotar estas instituições de uma plataforma informática atual, inovadora, evolutiva, com baixos custos de implementação e de operação, capaz de proporcionar melhorias contínuas e significativas ao nível da qualidade da resposta às ocorrências, das capacidades de prevenção e de uma melhor otimização de todos os tipos de recursos que têm ao dispor.
An optimised version of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) method for simultaneous determination of 14 organochlorine pesticides in carrots was developed using gas chromatography coupled with electron-capture detector (GC-ECD) and confirmation by gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). A citrate-buffered version of QuEChERS was applied for the extraction of the organochlorine pesticides, and for the extract clean-up, primary secondary amine, octadecyl-bonded silica (C18), magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) and graphitized carbon black were used as sorbents. The GC-ECD determination of the target compounds was achieved in less than 20 min. The limits of detection were below the EUmaximum residue limits (MRLs) for carrots, 10–50 μg kg−1, while the limit of quantification did exceed 10 μg kg−1 for hexachlorobenzene (HCB). The introduction of a sonication step was shown to improve the recoveries. The overall average recoveries in carrots, at the four tested levels (60, 80, 100 and 140 μg kg−1), ranged from 66 to 111% with relative standard deviations in the range of 2– 15 % (n03) for all analytes, with the exception of HCB. The method has been applied to the analysis of 21 carrot samples from different Portuguese regions, and β-HCH was the pesticide most frequently found, with concentrations oscillating between less than the limit of quantification to 14.6 μg kg−1. Only one sample had a pesticide residue (β-HCH) above the MRL, 14.6 μg kg−1. This methodology combines the advantages of both QuEChERS and GC-ECD, producing a very rapid, sensitive and reliable procedure which can be applied in routine analytical laboratories.
This study aimed to characterize air pollution and the associated carcinogenic risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) at an urban site, to identify possible emission sources of PAHs using several statistical methodologies, and to analyze the influence of other air pollutants and meteorological variables on PAH concentrations.The air quality and meteorological data were collected in Oporto, the second largest city of Portugal. Eighteen PAHs (the 16 PAHs considered by United States Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene, and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were collected daily for 24 h in air (gas phase and in particles) during 40 consecutive days in November and December 2008 by constant low-flow samplers and using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane filters for particulate (PM10 and PM2.5 bound) PAHs and pre-cleaned polyurethane foam plugs for gaseous compounds. The other monitored air pollutants were SO2, PM10, NO2, CO, and O3; the meteorological variables were temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, total precipitation, and solar radiation. Benzo[a]pyrene reached a mean concentration of 2.02 ngm−3, surpassing the EU annual limit value. The target carcinogenic risks were equal than the health-based guideline level set by USEPA (10−6) at the studied site, with the cancer risks of eight PAHs reaching senior levels of 9.98×10−7 in PM10 and 1.06×10−6 in air. The applied statistical methods, correlation matrix, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis, were in agreement in the grouping of the PAHs. The groups were formed according to their chemical structure (number of rings), phase distribution, and emission sources. PAH diagnostic ratios were also calculated to evaluate the main emission sources. Diesel vehicular emissions were the major source of PAHs at the studied site. Besides that source, emissions from residential heating and oil refinery were identified to contribute to PAH levels at the respective area. Additionally, principal component regression indicated that SO2, NO2, PM10, CO, and solar radiation had positive correlation with PAHs concentrations, while O3, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were negatively correlated.
The present work describes the optimization of a short-term assay, based on the inhibition of the esterase activity of the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, in a microplate format. The optimization of the staining procedure showed that the incubation of the algal cells with 20 μmolL−1 fluorescein diacetate (FDA) for 40 min allowed discrimination between metabolic active and inactive cells. The shortterm assay was tested using Cu as toxicant. For this purpose, algal cells, in the exponential or stationary phase of growth, were exposed to the heavy metal in growing conditions. After 3 or 6 h, cells were subsequently stained with FDA, using the optimized procedure. For Cu, the 3- and 6-h EC50 values, based on the inhibition of the esterase activity of algal cells in the exponential phase of growth, were 209 and 130 μg L−1, respectively. P. subcapitata cells, in the stationary phase of growth, displayed higher effective concentration values than those observed in the exponential phase. The 3- and 6-h EC50 values for Cu, for cells in the stationary phase, were 443 and 268 μgL−1, respectively. This short-term microplate assay showed to be a rapid endpoint for testing toxicity using the alga P. subcapitata. The small volume required, the simplicity of the assay (no washing steps), and the automatic reading of the fluorescence make the assay particularly well suited for the evaluation of the toxicity of a high number of environmental samples.
Competitive electricity markets have arisen as a result of power-sector restructuration and power-system deregulation. The players participating in competitive electricity markets must define strategies and make decisions using all the available information and business opportunities.
This paper presents a modified Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) methodology to solve the problem of energy resources management with high penetration of distributed generation and Electric Vehicles (EVs) with gridable capability (V2G). The objective of the day-ahead scheduling problem in this work is to minimize operation costs, namely energy costs, regarding he management of these resources in the smart grid context. The modifications applied to the PSO aimed to improve its adequacy to solve the mentioned problem. The proposed Application Specific Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (ASMPSO) includes an intelligent mechanism to adjust velocity limits during the search process, as well as self-parameterization of PSO parameters making it more user-independent. It presents better robustness and convergence characteristics compared with the tested PSO variants as well as better constraint handling. This enables its use for addressing real world large-scale problems in much shorter times than the deterministic methods, providing system operators with adequate decision support and achieving efficient resource scheduling, even when a significant number of alternative scenarios should be considered. The paper includes two realistic case studies with different penetration of gridable vehicles (1000 and 2000). The proposed methodology is about 2600 times faster than Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) reference technique, reducing the time required from 25 h to 36 s for the scenario with 2000 vehicles, with about one percent of difference in the objective function cost value.
It is generally challenging to determine end-to-end delays of applications for maximizing the aggregate system utility subject to timing constraints. Many practical approaches suggest the use of intermediate deadline of tasks in order to control and upper-bound their end-to-end delays. This paper proposes a unified framework for different time-sensitive, global optimization problems, and solves them in a distributed manner using Lagrangian duality. The framework uses global viewpoints to assign intermediate deadlines, taking resource contention among tasks into consideration. For soft real-time tasks, the proposed framework effectively addresses the deadline assignment problem while maximizing the aggregate quality of service. For hard real-time tasks, we show that existing heuristic solutions to the deadline assignment problem can be incorporated into the proposed framework, enriching their mathematical interpretation.
We consider reliable communications in Body Area Networks (BAN), where a set of nodes placed on human body are connected using wireless links. In order to keep the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) as low as possible for health safety reasons, these networks operate in low transmit power regime, which however, is known to be error prone. It has been observed that the fluctuations of the Received Signal Strength (RSS) at the nodes of a BAN on a moving person show certain regularities and that the magnitude of these fluctuations are significant (5 - 20 dB). In this paper, we present BANMAC, a MAC protocol that monitors and predicts the channel fluctuations and schedules transmissions opportunistically when the RSS is likely to be higher. The MAC protocol is capable of providing differentiated service and resolves co-channel interference in the event of multiple co-located BANs in a vicinity. We report the design and implementation details of BANMAC integrated with the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stack. We present experimental data which show that the packet loss rate (PLR) of BANMAC is significantly lower as compared to that of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC. For comparable PLR, the power consumption of BANMAC is also significantly lower than that of the IEEE 802.15.4. For co-located networks, the convergence time to find a conflict-free channel allocation was approximately 1 s for the centralized coordination mechanism and was approximately 4 s for the distributed coordination mechanism.
Significant research efforts are being devoted to Body Area Networks (BAN) due to their potential for revolutionizing healthcare practices. Energy-efficiency and communication reliability are critically important for these networks. In an experimental study with three different mote platforms, we show that changes in human body shadowing as well as those in the relative distance and orientation of nodes caused by the common human body movements can result in significant fluctuations in the received signal strength within a BAN. Furthermore, regular movements, such as walking, typically manifest in approximately periodic variations in signal strength. We present an algorithm that predicts the signal strength peaks and evaluate it on real-world data. We present the design of an opportunistic MAC protocol, named BANMAC, that takes advantage of the periodic fluctuations of the signal strength to achieve high reliability even with low transmission power.
Kinematic redundancy occurs when a manipulator possesses more degrees of freedom than those required to execute a given task. Several kinematic techniques for redundant manipulators control the gripper through the pseudo-inverse of the Jacobian, but lead to a kind of chaotic inner motion with unpredictable arm configurations. Such algorithms are not easy to adapt to optimization schemes and, moreover, often there are multiple optimization objectives that can conflict between them. Unlike single optimization, where one attempts to find the best solution, in multi-objective optimization there is no single solution that is optimum with respect to all indices. Therefore, trajectory planning of redundant robots remains an important area of research and more efficient optimization algorithms are needed. This paper presents a new technique to solve the inverse kinematics of redundant manipulators, using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. This scheme combines the closed-loop pseudo-inverse method with a multi-objective genetic algorithm to control the joint positions. Simulations for manipulators with three or four rotational joints, considering the optimization of two objectives in a workspace without and with obstacles are developed. The results reveal that it is possible to choose several solutions from the Pareto optimal front according to the importance of each individual objective.
The utilization bound of non-preemptive rate-monotonic scheduling in controller area networks is 25%
Consider a distributed computer system comprising many computer nodes, each interconnected with a controller area network (CAN) bus. We prove that if priorities to message streams are assigned using rate-monotonic (RM) and if the requested capacity of the CAN bus does not exceed 25% then all deadlines are met.
In distributed soft real-time systems, maximizing the aggregate quality-of-service (QoS) is a typical system-wide goal, and addressing the problem through distributed optimization is challenging. Subtasks are subject to unpredictable failures in many practical environments, and this makes the problem much harder. In this paper, we present a robust optimization framework for maximizing the aggregate QoS in the presence of random failures. We introduce the notion of K-failure to bound the effect of random failures on schedulability. Using this notion we define the concept of K-robustness that quantifies the degree of robustness on QoS guarantee in a probabilistic sense. The parameter K helps to tradeoff achievable QoS versus robustness. The proposed robust framework produces optimal solutions through distributed computations on the basis of Lagrangian duality, and we present some implementation techniques. Our simulation results show that the proposed framework can probabilistically guarantee sub-optimal QoS which remains feasible even in the presence of random failures.
Penalty and Barrier methods are normally used to solve Nonlinear Optimization Problems constrained problems. The problems appear in areas such as engineering and are often characterised by the fact that involved functions (objective and constraints) are non-smooth and/or their derivatives are not know. This means that optimization methods based on derivatives cannot net used. A Java based API was implemented, including only derivative-free optimizationmethods, to solve both constrained and unconstrained problems, which includes Penalty and Barriers methods. In this work a new penalty function, based on Fuzzy Logic, is presented. This function imposes a progressive penalization to solutions that violate the constraints. This means that the function imposes a low penalization when the violation of the constraints is low and a heavy penalisation when the violation is high. The value of the penalization is not known in beforehand, it is the outcome of a fuzzy inference engine. Numerical results comparing the proposed function with two of the classic penalty/barrier functions are presented. Regarding the presented results one can conclude that the prosed penalty function besides being very robust also exhibits a very good performance.
Search Optimization methods are needed to solve optimization problems where the objective function and/or constraints functions might be non differentiable, non convex or might not be possible to determine its analytical expressions either due to its complexity or its cost (monetary, computational, time,...). Many optimization problems in engineering and other fields have these characteristics, because functions values can result from experimental or simulation processes, can be modelled by functions with complex expressions or by noise functions and it is impossible or very difficult to calculate their derivatives. Direct Search Optimization methods only use function values and do not need any derivatives or approximations of them. In this work we present a Java API that including several methods and algorithms, that do not use derivatives, to solve constrained and unconstrained optimization problems. Traditional API access, by installing it on the developer and/or user computer, and remote API access to it, using Web Services, are also presented. Remote access to the API has the advantage of always allow the access to the latest version of the API. For users that simply want to have a tool to solve Nonlinear Optimization Problems and do not want to integrate these methods in applications, also two applications were developed. One is a standalone Java application and the other a Web-based application, both using the developed API.
The characteristics of carbon fibre reinforced laminates had widened their use, from aerospace to domestic appliances. A common characteristic is the need of drilling for assembly purposes. It is known that a drilling process that reduces the drill thrust force can decrease the risk of delamination. In this work, delamination assessment methods based on radiographic data are compared and correlated with mechanical test results (bearing test).