130 resultados para Ana Maria Freitas


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Scheduling is a critical function that is present throughout many industries and applications. A great need exists for developing scheduling approaches that can be applied to a number of different scheduling problems with significant impact on performance of business organizations. A challenge is emerging in the design of scheduling support systems for manufacturing environments where dynamic adaptation and optimization become increasingly important. In this paper, we describe a Self-Optimizing Mechanism for Scheduling System through Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques (NIT).


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This chapter addresses the resolution of dynamic scheduling by means of meta-heuristic and multi-agent systems. Scheduling is an important aspect of automation in manufacturing systems. Several contributions have been proposed, but the problem is far from being solved satisfactorily, especially if scheduling concerns real world applications. The proposed multi-agent scheduling system assumes the existence of several resource agents (which are decision-making entities based on meta-heuristics) distributed inside the manufacturing system that interact with other agents in order to obtain optimal or near-optimal global performances.


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This chapter addresses the resolution of scheduling in manufacturing systems subject to perturbations. The planning of Manufacturing Systems involves frequently the resolution of a huge amount and variety of combinatorial optimisation problems with an important impact on the performance of manufacturing organisations. Examples of those problems are the sequencing and scheduling problems in manufacturing management, routing and transportation, layout design and timetabling problems.


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A manufacturing system has a natural dynamic nature observed through several kinds of random occurrences and perturbations on working conditions and requirements over time. For this kind of environment it is important the ability to efficient and effectively adapt, on a continuous basis, existing schedules according to the referred disturbances, keeping performance levels. The application of Meta-Heuristics and Multi-Agent Systems to the resolution of this class of real world scheduling problems seems really promising. This paper presents a prototype for MASDScheGATS (Multi-Agent System for Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search).


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The paper introduces an approach to solve the problem of generating a sequence of jobs that minimizes the total weighted tardiness for a set of jobs to be processed in a single machine. An Ant Colony System based algorithm is validated with benchmark problems available in the OR library. The obtained results were compared with the best available results and were found to be nearer to the optimal. The obtained computational results allowed concluding on their efficiency and effectiveness.


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The scheduling problem is considered in complexity theory as a NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. Meta-heuristics proved to be very useful in the resolution of this class of problems. However, these techniques require parameter tuning which is a very hard task to perform. A Case-based Reasoning module is proposed in order to solve the parameter tuning problem in a Multi-Agent Scheduling System. A computational study is performed in order to evaluate the proposed CBR module performance.


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A novel agent-based approach to Meta-Heuristics self-configuration is proposed in this work. Meta-heuristics are examples of algorithms where parameters need to be set up as efficient as possible in order to unsure its performance. This paper presents a learning module for self-parameterization of Meta-heuristics (MHs) in a Multi-Agent System (MAS) for resolution of scheduling problems. The learning is based on Case-based Reasoning (CBR) and two different integration approaches are proposed. A computational study is made for comparing the two CBR integration perspectives. In the end, some conclusions are reached and future work outlined.


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This paper presents a negotiation mechanism for Dynamic Scheduling based on Swarm Intelligence (SI). Under the new negotiation mechanism, agents must compete to obtain a global schedule. SI is the general term for several computational techniques which use ideas and get inspiration from the social behaviors of insects and other animals. This work is concerned with negotiation, the process through which multiple selfinterested agents can reach agreement over the exchange of operations on competitive resources.


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Agility refers to the manufacturing system ability to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes in efficient and cost-effective ways. This paper addresses the development of self-organization methods to enhance the operations of a scheduling system, by integrating scheduling system, configuration and optimization into a single autonomic process requiring minimal manual intervention to increase productivity and effectiveness while minimizing complexity for users. We intend to conceptualize real manufacturing systems as interacting autonomous entities in order to build future Decision Support Systems (DSS) for Scheduling in agile manufacturing environments.


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Swarm Intelligence generally refers to a problem-solving ability that emerges from the interaction of simple information-processing units. The concept of Swarm suggests multiplicity, distribution, stochasticity, randomness, and messiness. The concept of Intelligence suggests that problem-solving approach is successful considering learning, creativity, cognition capabilities. This paper introduces some of the theoretical foundations, the biological motivation and fundamental aspects of swarm intelligence based optimization techniques such Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Artificial Bees Colony (ABC) algorithms for scheduling optimization.


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Este artigo aborda o problema da parametrização de Técnicas de Optimização Inspiradas na Biologia (BIT - Biological Inspired Optimization Techniques), também conhecidas como Meta-heurísticas, considerando a importância que estas técnicas têm na resolução de situações de mundo real, sujeitas a perturbações externas. É proposto um módulo de aprendizagem com o objectivo de permitir que um Sistema Multi-Agente (SMA) para Escalonamento seleccione automaticamente uma Metaheurística e escolha a parametrização a usar no processo de optimização. Para o módulo de aprendizagem foi usado o Raciocínio baseado em Casos (RBC), permitindo ao sistema aprender a partir da experiência acumulada na resolução de problemas similares. Através da análise dos resultados obtidos é possível concluir acerca das vantagens da sua utilização.


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In this paper we present a Self-Optimizing module, inspired on Autonomic Computing, acquiring a scheduling system with the ability to automatically select a Meta-heuristic to use in the optimization process, so as its parameterization. Case-based Reasoning was used so the system may be able of learning from the acquired experience, in the resolution of similar problems. From the obtained results we conclude about the benefit of its use.


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Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a growing research field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). SI is the general term for several computational techniques which use ideas and get inspiration from the social behaviours of insects and of other animals. This paper presents hybridization and combination of different AI approaches, like Bio-Inspired Techniques (BIT), Multi-Agent systems (MAS) and Machine Learning Techniques (ML T). The resulting system is applied to the problem of jobs scheduling to machines on dynamic manufacturing environments.


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Este artigo propõe um Mecanismo de Negociação para Escalonamento Dinâmico com recurso a Swarm Intelligence (SI). No Mecanismo de Negociação, os agentes devem competir para obter um plano de escalamento global. SI é o termo geral para várias técnicas computacionais que retiram ideias e inspiração nos comportamentos sociais de insectos e outros animais. Este artigo propõe uma abordagem híbrida de diferentes conceitos da Inteligência Artificial (IA), como SI, Negociação em Sistemas Multi-Agente (SMA) e Técnicas de Aprendizagem Automática (AA). Este trabalho concentra a sua atenção na negociação, processo através do qual múltiplos agentes auto-interessados podem chegar a acordo através da troca competitiva de recursos.


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This paper addresses the problem of Biological Inspired Optimization Techniques (BIT) parameterization, considering the importance of this issue in the design of BIT especially when considering real world situations, subject to external perturbations. A learning module with the objective to permit a Multi-Agent Scheduling System to automatically select a Meta-heuristic and its parameterization to use in the optimization process is proposed. For the learning process, Casebased Reasoning was used, allowing the system to learn from experience, in the resolution of similar problems. Analyzing the obtained results we conclude about the advantages of its use.