50 resultados para transfer problem


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), in which multiple execution modes are available for each of the activities of the project. The objective function is the minimization of the construction project completion time. To solve the problem, is applied a two-level genetic algorithm, which makes use of two separate levels and extend the parameterized schedule generation scheme by introducing an improvement procedure. It is evaluated the quality of the schedule and present detailed comparative computational results for the MRCPSP, which reveal that this approach is a competitive algorithm.


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Engineering Education includes not only teaching theoretical fundamental concepts but also its verification during practical lessons in laboratories. The usual strategies to carry out this action are frequently based on Problem Based Learning, starting from a given state and proceeding forward to a target state. The possibility or the effectiveness of this procedure depends on previous states and if the present state was caused or resulted from earlier ones. This often happens in engineering education when the achieved results do not match the desired ones, e.g. when programming code is being developed or when the cause of the wrong behavior of an electronic circuit is being identified. It is thus important to also prepare students to proceed in the reverse way, i.e. given a start state generate the explanation or even the principles that underlie it. Later on, this sort of skills will be important. For instance, to a doctor making a patient?s story or to an engineer discovering the source of a malfunction. This learning methodology presents pedagogical advantages besides the enhanced preparation of students to their future work. The work presented on his document describes an automation project developed by a group of students in an engineering polytechnic school laboratory. The main objective was to improve the performance of a Braille machine. However, in a scenario of Reverse Problem-Based learning, students had first to discover and characterize the entire machine's function before being allowed (and being able) to propose a solution for the existing problem.


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedule is constructed using a heuristic priority rule in which the priorities of the activities are defined by the genetic algorithm. The heuristic generates parameterized active schedules. The approach was tested on a set of standard problems taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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Uma das maiores preocupações do mundo neste momento prende-se com o facto da grande dependência do petróleo e seus aglomerados. Esta dependência causa dois problemas: novos estudos fomentam o começo da escassez deste produto, atirando para cima o preço deste material precioso, e a poluição que que este causa. Um dos sectores mais dependentes e que mais polui, é o dos transportes. Nos últimos anos, o mundo teve finalmente noção deste problema e uma das apostas neste sector é o desenvolvimento da célula de combustível, uma tecnologia que utiliza água como combustível, podendo ser reutilizada. É uma tecnologia ainda em fase de introdução pelo que, para já, a médio prazo não será solução. Uma solução intermédia é a utilização de energia elétrica como ―combustível‖. Apesar de grande parte da produção de energia elétrica ser a partir da queima de derivados de petróleo, os motores elétricos são por si só muito mais eficientes comparando com os motores de combustão. Não se vai aqui debater se são uma solução com viabilidade devido à questão da transferência da dependência do petróleo do sector dos transportes para o sector da produção de energia elétrica. O objetivo deste trabalho será desenvolver um sistema de faça a gestão do ―combustível‖ dos veículos elétricos, ou seja, baterias. Essa gestão tem como objetivo aumentar a autonomia do veículo e prolongar o tempo de vida das baterias. Na primeira fase, uma introdução à atualidade dos veículos elétricos, fazendo uma análise às diferentes soluções. Serão referidas os diferentes tipos de baterias e suas características, passando depois para exemplos de sistemas de gestão de baterias. A explicação da ideia para este sistema vem com o capítulo projeto, ficando a implementação para o capítulo seguinte.


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This paper presents an optimization approach for the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP). The JSSP is a difficult problem in combinatorial optimization for which extensive investigation has been devoted to the development of efficient algorithms. The proposed approach is based on a genetic algorithm technique. The scheduling rules such as SPT and MWKR are integrated into the process of genetic evolution. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedules are constructed using a priority rule in which the priorities and delay times of the operations are defined by the genetic algorithm. Schedules are constructed using a procedure that generates parameterized active schedules. After a schedule is obtained a local search heuristic is applied to improve the solution. The approach is tested on a set of standard instances taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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The aim of this study is to optimize the heat flow through the pultrusion die assembly system on the manufacturing process of a specific glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultrusion profile. The control of heat flow and its distribution through whole die assembly system is of vital importance in optimizing the actual GFRP pultrusion process. Through mathematical modeling of heating-die process, by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program, an optimum heater selection, die position and temperature control was achieved. The thermal environment within the die was critically modeled relative not only to the applied heat sources, but also to the conductive and convective losses, as well as the thermal contribution arising from the exothermic reaction of resin matrix as it cures or polymerizes from the liquid to solid condition. Numerical simulation was validated with basis on thermographic measurements carried out on key points along the die during pultrusion process.


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This paper proposes and reports the development of an open source solution for the integrated management of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing resources, through the use of a common API taxonomy, to incorporate open source and proprietary platforms. This research included two surveys on open source IaaS platforms (OpenNebula, OpenStack and CloudStack) and a proprietary platform (Parallels Automation for Cloud Infrastructure - PACI) as well as on IaaS abstraction solutions (jClouds, Libcloud and Deltacloud), followed by a thorough comparison to determine the best approach. The adopted implementation reuses the Apache Deltacloud open source abstraction framework, which relies on the development of software driver modules to interface with different IaaS platforms, and involved the development of a new Deltacloud driver for PACI. The resulting interoperable solution successfully incorporates OpenNebula, OpenStack (reuses pre-existing drivers) and PACI (includes the developed Deltacloud PACI driver) nodes and provides a Web dashboard and a Representational State Transfer (REST) interface library. The results of the exchanged data payload and time response tests performed are presented and discussed. The conclusions show that open source abstraction tools like Deltacloud allow the modular and integrated management of IaaS platforms (open source and proprietary), introduce relevant time and negligible data overheads and, as a result, can be adopted by Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) cloud providers to circumvent the vendor lock-in problem whenever service response time is not critical.


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The container loading problem (CLP) is a combinatorial optimization problem for the spatial arrangement of cargo inside containers so as to maximize the usage of space. The algorithms for this problem are of limited practical applicability if real-world constraints are not considered, one of the most important of which is deemed to be stability. This paper addresses static stability, as opposed to dynamic stability, looking at the stability of the cargo during container loading. This paper proposes two algorithms. The first is a static stability algorithm based on static mechanical equilibrium conditions that can be used as a stability evaluation function embedded in CLP algorithms (e.g. constructive heuristics, metaheuristics). The second proposed algorithm is a physical packing sequence algorithm that, given a container loading arrangement, generates the actual sequence by which each box is placed inside the container, considering static stability and loading operation efficiency constraints.


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The minimum interval graph completion problem consists of, given a graph G = ( V, E ), finding a supergraph H = ( V, E ∪ F ) that is an interval graph, while adding the least number of edges |F| . We present an integer programming formulation for solving the minimum interval graph completion problem recurring to a characteri- zation of interval graphs that produces a linear ordering of the maximal cliques of the solution graph.


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In this paper we address an order processing optimization problem known as minimization of open stacks (MOSP). We present an integer pro gramming model, based on the existence of a perfect elimination scheme in interval graphs, which finds an optimal sequence for the costumers orders.


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Atualmente, os sistemas de informação hospitalares têm de possibilitar uma utilização diferenciada pelos diferentes intervenientes, num cenário de constante adaptação e evolução. Para tal, é essencial a interoperabilidade entre os sistemas de informação do hospital e os diversos fornecedores de serviços, assim como dispositivos hospitalares. Apesar da necessidade de suportar uma heterogeneidade entre sistemas ser fundamental, o acesso/troca de informação deve ser feito de uma forma protocolada, segura e transparente. A infraestrutura de informação médica moderna consiste em muitos sistemas heterogéneos, com diversos mecanismos para controlar os dados subjacentes. Informações relativas a um único paciente podem estar dispersas por vários sistemas (ex: transferência de pacientes, readmissão, múltiplos tratamentos, etc.). Torna-se evidente a necessidade aceder a dados do paciente de forma consolidada a partir de diferentes locais. Desta forma, é fundamental utilizar uma arquitetura que promova a interoperabilidade entre sistemas. Para conseguir esta interoperabilidade, podem-se implementar camadas de “middleware” que façam a adaptação das trocas de informação entre os sistemas. Todavia, não resolvemos o problema subjacente, ou seja, a necessidade de utilização de um standard para garantir uma interacção fiável entre cliente/fornecedor. Para tal, é proposto uma solução que passa por um ESB dedicado para a área da saúde, denominada por HSB (Healthcare Service Bus). Entre as normas mais usuais nesta área devem-se salientar o HL7 e DICOM, esta última mais especificamente para dispositivos de imagem hospitalar, sendo a primeira utilizada para gestão e trocas de informação médica entre sistemas. O caso de estudo que serviu de base a esta dissertação é o de um hospital de média dimensão cujo sistema de informação começou por ser uma solução monolítica, de um só fornecedor. Com o passar dos anos, o fornecedor único desagregou-se em vários, independentes e concorrentes, dando lugar a um cenário extremamente preocupante em termos de manutenção e evolução futura do sistema de informação existente. Como resultado do trabalho efetuado, foi proposta uma arquitetura que permite a evolução do sistema atual de forma progressiva para um HSB puro.


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The Container Loading Problem (CLP) literature has traditionally evaluated the dynamic stability of cargo by applying two metrics to box arrangements: the mean number of boxes supporting the items excluding those placed directly on the floor (M1) and the percentage of boxes with insufficient lateral support (M2). However, these metrics, that aim to be proxies for cargo stability during transportation, fail to translate real-world cargo conditions of dynamic stability. In this paper two new performance indicators are proposed to evaluate the dynamic stability of cargo arrangements: the number of fallen boxes (NFB) and the number of boxes within the Damage Boundary Curve fragility test (NB_DBC). Using 1500 solutions for well-known problem instances found in the literature, these new performance indicators are evaluated using a physics simulation tool (StableCargo), replacing the real-world transportation by a truck with a simulation of the dynamic behaviour of container loading arrangements. Two new dynamic stability metrics that can be integrated within any container loading algorithm are also proposed. The metrics are analytical models of the proposed stability performance indicators, computed by multiple linear regression. Pearson’s r correlation coefficient was used as an evaluation parameter for the performance of the models. The extensive computational results show that the proposed metrics are better proxies for dynamic stability in the CLP than the previous widely used metrics.


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This article deals with a real-life waste collection routing problem. To efficiently plan waste collection, large municipalities may be partitioned into convenient sectors and only then can routing problems be solved in each sector. Three diverse situations are described, resulting in three different new models. In the first situation, there is a single point of waste disposal from where the vehicles depart and to where they return. The vehicle fleet comprises three types of collection vehicles. In the second, the garage does not match any of the points of disposal. The vehicle is unique and the points of disposal (landfills or transfer stations) may have limitations in terms of the number of visits per day. In the third situation, disposal points are multiple (they do not coincide with the garage), they are limited in the number of visits, and the fleet is composed of two types of vehicles. Computational results based not only on instances adapted from the literature but also on real cases are presented and analyzed. In particular, the results also show the effectiveness of combining sectorization and routing to solve waste collection problems.


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The Rural Postman Problem (RPP) is a particular Arc Routing Problem (ARP) which consists of determining a minimum cost circuit on a graph so that a given subset of required edges is traversed. The RPP is an NP-hard problem with significant real-life applications. This paper introduces an original approach based on Memetic Algorithms - the MARP algorithm - to solve the RPP and, also deals with an interesting Industrial Application, which focuses on the path optimization for component cutting operations. Memetic Algorithms are a class of Metaheuristics which may be seen as a population strategy that involves cooperation and competition processes between population elements and integrates “social knowledge”, using a local search procedure. The MARP algorithm is tested with different groups of instances and the results are compared with those gathered from other publications. MARP is also used in the context of various real-life applications.