49 resultados para market liberalization
Most definitions of virtual enterprise (VE) incorporate the idea of extended and collaborative outsourcing to suppliers and subcontractors in order to achieve a competitive response to market demands (Webster, Sugden, & Tayles, 2004). As suggested by several authors (Browne & Zhang, 1999; Byrne, 1993; Camarinha-Matos & Afsarmanesh, 1999; Cunha, Putnik, & Ávila, 2000; Davidow & Malone, 1992; Preiss, Goldman, & Nagel, 1996), a VE consists of a network of independent enterprises (resources providers) with reconfiguration capability in useful time, permanently aligned with the market requirements, created to take profit from a specific market opportunity, and where each participant contributes with its best practices and core competencies to the success and competitiveness of the structure as a whole. Even during the operation phase of the VE, the configuration can change, to assure business alignment with the market demands, traduced by the identification of reconfiguration opportunities and continuous readjustment or reconfiguration of the VE network, to meet unexpected situations or to keep permanent competitiveness and maximum performance (Cunha & Putnik, 2002, 2005a, 2005b).
The objective of this article is to provide additional knowledge to the discussion of long-term memory, leaning over the behavior of the main Portuguese stock index. The first four moments are calculated using time windows of increasing size and sliding time windows of fixed size equal to 50 days and suggest that daily returns are non-ergodic and non-stationary. Seeming that the series is best described by a fractional Brownian motion approach, we use the rescaled-range analysis (R/S) and the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). The findings indicate evidence of long term memory in the form of persistence. This evidence of fractal structure suggests that the market is subject to greater predictability and contradicts the efficient market hypothesis in its weak form. This raises issues regarding theoretical modeling of asset pricing. In addition, we carried out a more localized (in time) study to identify the evolution of the degree of long-term dependency over time using windows 200-days and 400-days. The results show a switching feature in the index, from persistent to anti-persistent, quite evident from 2010.
We study the effects of entry of a foreign firm on domestic welfare in the presence of licensing, when the entrant is technologically superior to the incumbent. We show that foreign entry increases domestic welfare for sufficiently large technological differences between the firms under both fixed-fee licensing and royalty licensing.
This article aims to contribute to the discussion of long-term dependence, focusing on the behavior of the main Belgian stock index. Non-parametric analyzes of the general characteristics of temporal frequency show that daily returns are non-ergodic and non-stationary. Therefore, we use the rescaled-range analysis (R/S) and the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), under the fractional Brownian motion approach, and we found slight evidence of long-term dependence. These results refute the random walk hypothesis with i.i.d. increments, which is the basis of the EMH in its weak form, and call into question some theoretical modeling of asset pricing. Other more localized complementary study, to identify the evolution of the degree of dependence over time windows, showed that the index has become less persistent from 2010. This may mean a maturing market by the extension of the effects of current financial crisis.
Os mercados de energia elétrica são atualmente uma realidade um pouco por todo o mundo. Contudo, não é consensual o modelo regulatório a utilizar, o que origina a utilização de diferentes modelos nos diversos países que deram início ao processo de liberalização e de reestruturação do sector elétrico. A esses países, dado que a energia elétrica não é um bem armazenável, pelo menos em grandes quantidades, colocam-se questões importantes relacionadas com a gestão propriamente dita do seu sistema elétrico. Essas questões implicam a adoção de regras impostas pelo regulador que permitam ultrapassar essas questões. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo feito aos mercados de energia elétrica existentes um pouco por todo o mundo e que o autor considerou serem os mais importantes. Foi também feito um estudo de ferramentas de otimização essencialmente baseado em meta-heurísticas aplicadas a problemas relacionados com a operação dos mercados e com os sistemas elétricos de energia, como é o exemplo da resolução do problema do Despacho Económico. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação que simula o funcionamento de um mercado que atua com o modelo Pool Simétrico, em que são transmitidas as ofertas de venda e compra de energia elétrica por parte dos produtores, por um lado, e dos comercializadores, consumidores elegíveis ou intermediários financeiros, por outro, analisando a viabilidade técnica do Despacho Provisório. A análise da viabilidade técnica do Despacho Provisório é verificada através do modelo DC de trânsito de potências. No caso da inviabilidade do Despacho Provisório, por violação de restrições afetas ao problema, são determinadas medidas corretivas a esse despacho, com base nas ofertas realizadas e recorrendo a um Despacho Ótimo. Para a determinação do Despacho Ótimo recorreu-se à meta-heurística Algoritmos Genéticos. A aplicação foi desenvolvida no software MATLAB utilizando a ferramenta Graphical User Interfaces. A rede de teste utilizada foi a rede de 14 barramentos do Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). A aplicação mostra-se competente no que concerne à simulação de um mercado com tipo de funcionamento Pool Simétrico onde são efetuadas ofertas simples e onde as transações ocorrem no mercado diário, porém, não reflete o problema real relacionado a este tipo de mercados. Trata-se, portanto, de um simulador básico de um mercado de energia cujo modelo de funcionamento se baseia no tipo Pool Simétrico.
Prepared for presentation at the Portuguese Finance Network International Conference 2014, Vilamoura, Portugal, June 18-20
The deregulation of electricity markets has diversified the range of financial transaction modes between independent system operator (ISO), generation companies (GENCO) and load-serving entities (LSE) as the main interacting players of a day-ahead market (DAM). LSEs sell electricity to end-users and retail customers. The LSE that owns distributed generation (DG) or energy storage units can supply part of its serving loads when the nodal price of electricity rises. This opportunity stimulates them to have storage or generation facilities at the buses with higher locational marginal prices (LMP). The short-term advantage of this model is reducing the risk of financial losses for LSEs in DAMs and its long-term benefit for the LSEs and the whole system is market power mitigation by virtually increasing the price elasticity of demand. This model also enables the LSEs to manage the financial risks with a stochastic programming framework.
The power systems operation in the smart grid context increases significantly the complexity of their management. New approaches for ancillary services procurement are essential to ensure the operation of electric power systems with appropriate levels of stability, safety, quality, equity and competitiveness. These approaches should include market mechanisms which allow the participation of small and medium distributed energy resources players in a competitive market environment. In this paper, an energy and ancillary services joint market model used by an aggregator is proposed, considering bids of several types of distributed energy resources. In order to improve economic efficiency in the market, ancillary services cascading market mechanism is also considered in the model. The proposed model is included in MASCEM – a multi-agent system electricity market simulator. A case study considering a distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources is presented.
The energy sector in industrialized countries has been restructured in the last years, with the purpose of decreasing electricity prices through the increase in competition, and facilitating the integration of distributed energy resources. However, the restructuring process increased the complexity in market players' interactions and generated emerging problems and new issues to be addressed. In order to provide players with competitive advantage in the market, decision support tools that facilitate the study and understanding of these markets become extremely useful. In this context arises MASCEM (Multi-Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets), a multi-agent based simulator that models real electricity markets. To reinforce MASCEM with the capability of recreating the electricity markets reality in the fullest possible extent, it is crucial to make it able to simulate as many market models and player types as possible. This paper presents a new negotiation model implemented in MASCEM based on the negotiation model used in day-ahead market (Elspot) of Nord Pool. This is a key module to study competitive electricity markets, as it presents well defined and distinct characteristics from the already implemented markets, and it is a reference electricity market in Europe (the one with the larger amount of traded power).
Energy systems worldwide are complex and challenging environments. Multi-agent based simulation platforms are increasing at a high rate, as they show to be a good option to study many issues related to these systems, as well as the involved players at act in this domain. In this scope the authors’ research group has developed a multi-agent system: MASCEM (Multi- Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets), which performs realistic simulations of the electricity markets. MASCEM is integrated with ALBidS (Adaptive Learning Strategic Bidding System) that works as a decision support system for market players. The ALBidS system allows MASCEM market negotiating players to take the best possible advantages from each market context. However, it is still necessary to adequately optimize the players’ portfolio investment. For this purpose, this paper proposes a market portfolio optimization method, based on particle swarm optimization, which provides the best investment profile for a market player, considering different market opportunities (bilateral negotiation, market sessions, and operation in different markets) and the negotiation context such as the peak and off-peak periods of the day, the type of day (business day, weekend, holiday, etc.) and most important, the renewable based distributed generation forecast. The proposed approach is tested and validated using real electricity markets data from the Iberian operator – MIBEL.
Following the deregulation experience of retail electricity markets in most countries, the majority of the new entrants of the liberalized retail market were pure REP (retail electricity providers). These entities were subject to financial risks because of the unexpected price variations, price spikes, volatile loads and the potential for market power exertion by GENCO (generation companies). A REP can manage the market risks by employing the DR (demand response) programs and using its' generation and storage assets at the distribution network to serve the customers. The proposed model suggests how a REP with light physical assets, such as DG (distributed generation) units and ESS (energy storage systems), can survive in a competitive retail market. The paper discusses the effective risk management strategies for the REPs to deal with the uncertainties of the DAM (day-ahead market) and how to hedge the financial losses in the market. A two-stage stochastic programming problem is formulated. It aims to establish the financial incentive-based DR programs and the optimal dispatch of the DG units and ESSs. The uncertainty of the forecasted day-ahead load demand and electricity price is also taken into account with a scenario-based approach. The principal advantage of this model for REPs is reducing the risk of financial losses in DAMs, and the main benefit for the whole system is market power mitigation by virtually increasing the price elasticity of demand and reducing the peak demand.
Worldwide electricity markets have been evolving into regional and even continental scales. The aim at an efficient use of renewable based generation in places where it exceeds the local needs is one of the main reasons. A reference case of this evolution is the European Electricity Market, where countries are connected, and several regional markets were created, each one grouping several countries, and supporting transactions of huge amounts of electrical energy. The continuous transformations electricity markets have been experiencing over the years create the need to use simulation platforms to support operators, regulators, and involved players for understanding and dealing with this complex environment. This paper focuses on demonstrating the advantage that real electricity markets data has for the creation of realistic simulation scenarios, which allow the study of the impacts and implications that electricity markets transformations will bring to the participant countries. A case study using MASCEM (Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets) is presented, with a scenario based on real data, simulating the European Electricity Market environment, and comparing its performance when using several different market mechanisms.
Neste relatório apresentam-se resultados de um estudo estatístico que procura contribuir para um melhor entendimento da problemática inerente à liberalização do setor elétrico em Portugal e dos desafios que esta liberalização, existente desde meados de 2007, trás aos seus intervenientes. Iniciam-se os trabalhos com um estudo que pretende avaliar a existência de relação entre o Preço de Mercado da eletricidade e um conjunto de variáveis potencialmente explicativas/condicionantes do Preço de Mercado. Neste estudo consideram-se duas abordagens. A primeira usa a função de correlação cruzada para avaliar a existência de relação do tipo linear entre pares de variáveis. A segunda considera o teste causalidade de Granger na avaliação de uma relação de causa e efeito entre esses pares. Este estudo avaliou a relação entre o Preço de Mercado da eletricidade e 19 variáveis ditas condicionantes distribuídas por três categorias distintas (consumo e produção de eletricidade; indicadores climáticos; e energias primárias). O intervalo de tempo em estudo cinge-se ao biénio 2012-2103. Durante este período avaliam-se as relações entre as variáveis em diversos sub-períodos de tempo em ciclos de consumo representativos do consumo em baixa (fim de semana) e de consumo mais elevado (fora de vazio) com os valores observados de cada uma das variáveis tratados com uma base horária e diária (média). Os resultados obtidos mostram a existência relação linear entre algumas das variáveis em estudo e o preço da eletricidade em regime de mercado liberalizado, mas raramente é possível identificar precedência temporal entre as variáveis. Considerando os resultados da análise de correlação e causalidade, apresenta-se ainda um modelo de previsão do Preço de Mercado para o curto e médio prazo em horas de período fora de vazio.
O processo de liberalização do setor elétrico em Portugal Continental seguiu uma metodologia idêntica à da maior parte dos países europeus, tendo a abertura de mercado sido efetuada de forma progressiva. Assim, no âmbito do acompanhamento do setor elétrico nacional, reveste-se de particular interesse caracterizar a evolução mais recente do mercado liberalizado, nomeadamente em relação ao preço da energia elétrica. A previsão do preço da energia elétrica é uma questão muito importante para todos os participantes do mercado de energia elétrica. Como se trata de um assunto de grande importância, a previsão do preço da energia elétrica tem sido alvo de diversos estudos e diversas metodologias têm sido propostas. Esta questão é abordada na presente dissertação recorrendo a técnicas de previsão, nomeadamente a métodos baseados no histórico da variável em estudo. As previsões são, segundo alguns especialistas, um dos inputs essenciais que os gestores desenvolvem para ajudar no processo de decisão. Virtualmente cada decisão relevante ao nível das operações depende de uma previsão. Para a realização do modelo de previsão de preço da energia elétrica foram utilizados os modelos Autorregressivos Integrados de Médias Móveis, Autoregressive / Integrated / Moving Average (ARIMA), que geram previsões através da informação contida na própria série temporal. Como se pretende avaliar a estrutura do preço da energia elétrica do mercado de energia, é importante identificar, deste conjunto de variáveis, quais as que estão mais relacionados com o preço. Neste sentido, é realizada em paralelo uma análise exploratória, através da correlação entre o preço da energia elétrica e outras variáveis de estudo, utilizando para esse efeito o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson é uma medida do grau e da direção de relação linear entre duas variáveis quantitativas. O modelo desenvolvido foi aplicado tendo por base o histórico de preço da eletricidade desde o inicio do mercado liberalizado e de modo a obter as previsões diária, mensal e anual do preço da eletricidade. A metodologia desenvolvida demonstrou ser eficiente na obtenção das soluções e ser suficientemente rápida para prever o valor do preço da energia elétrica em poucos segundos, servindo de apoio à decisão em ambiente de mercado.
All over the world, the liberalization of electricity markets, which follows different paradigms, has created new challenges for those involved in this sector. In order to respond to these challenges, electric power systems suffered a significant restructuring in its mode of operation and planning. This restructuring resulted in a considerable increase of the electric sector competitiveness. Particularly, the Ancillary Services (AS) market has been target of constant renovations in its operation mode as it is a targeted market for the trading of services, which have as main objective to ensure the operation of electric power systems with appropriate levels of stability, safety, quality, equity and competitiveness. In this way, with the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources including distributed generation, demand response, storage units and electric vehicles, it is essential to develop new smarter and hierarchical methods of operation of electric power systems. As these resources are mostly connected to the distribution network, it is important to consider the introduction of this kind of resources in AS delivery in order to achieve greater reliability and cost efficiency of electrical power systems operation. The main contribution of this work is the design and development of mechanisms and methodologies of AS market and for energy and AS joint market, considering different management entities of transmission and distribution networks. Several models developed in this work consider the most common AS in the liberalized market environment: Regulation Down; Regulation Up; Spinning Reserve and Non-Spinning Reserve. The presented models consider different rules and ways of operation, such as the division of market by network areas, which allows the congestion management of interconnections between areas; or the ancillary service cascading process, which allows the replacement of AS of superior quality by lower quality of AS, ensuring a better economic performance of the market. A major contribution of this work is the development an innovative methodology of market clearing process to be used in the energy and AS joint market, able to ensure viable and feasible solutions in markets, where there are technical constraints in the transmission network involving its division into areas or regions. The proposed method is based on the determination of Bialek topological factors and considers the contribution of the dispatch for all services of increase of generation (energy, Regulation Up, Spinning and Non-Spinning reserves) in network congestion. The use of Bialek factors in each iteration of the proposed methodology allows limiting the bids in the market while ensuring that the solution is feasible in any context of system operation. Another important contribution of this work is the model of the contribution of distributed energy resources in the ancillary services. In this way, a Virtual Power Player (VPP) is considered in order to aggregate, manage and interact with distributed energy resources. The VPP manages all the agents aggregated, being able to supply AS to the system operator, with the main purpose of participation in electricity market. In order to ensure their participation in the AS, the VPP should have a set of contracts with the agents that include a set of diversified and adapted rules to each kind of distributed resource. All methodologies developed and implemented in this work have been integrated into the MASCEM simulator, which is a simulator based on a multi-agent system that allows to study complex operation of electricity markets. In this way, the developed methodologies allow the simulator to cover more operation contexts of the present and future of the electricity market. In this way, this dissertation offers a huge contribution to the AS market simulation, based on models and mechanisms currently used in several real markets, as well as the introduction of innovative methodologies of market clearing process on the energy and AS joint market. This dissertation presents five case studies; each one consists of multiple scenarios. The first case study illustrates the application of AS market simulation considering several bids of market players. The energy and ancillary services joint market simulation is exposed in the second case study. In the third case study it is developed a comparison between the simulation of the joint market methodology, in which the player bids to the ancillary services is considered by network areas and a reference methodology. The fourth case study presents the simulation of joint market methodology based on Bialek topological distribution factors applied to transmission network with 7 buses managed by a TSO. The last case study presents a joint market model simulation which considers the aggregation of small players to a VPP, as well as complex contracts related to these entities. The case study comprises a distribution network with 33 buses managed by VPP, which comprises several kinds of distributed resources, such as photovoltaic, CHP, fuel cells, wind turbines, biomass, small hydro, municipal solid waste, demand response, and storage units.