61 resultados para iaas, anonymous cloud, p2p, anonymizing network, gossip


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This technical report describes the Repeater-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Network Simulator that implements a simulation model of the repeater-based approach. This approach defines the mechanism to extend the PROFIBUS protocol to supprot wireless communication, in which the interconnection of the wired and wireless segments is done by a intermediate system operating at Physical Layer, as repeater.


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Structural health monitoring has long been identified as a prominent application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), as traditional wired-based solutions present some inherent limitations such as installation/maintenance cost, scalability and visual impact. Nevertheless, there is a lack of ready-to-use and off-the-shelf WSN technologies that are able to fulfill some most demanding requirements of these applications, which can span from critical physical infrastructures (e.g. bridges, tunnels, mines, energy grid) to historical buildings or even industrial machinery and vehicles. Low-power and low-cost yet extremely sensitive and accurate accelerometer and signal acquisition hardware and stringent time synchronization of all sensors data are just examples of the requirements imposed by most of these applications. This paper presents a prototype system for health monitoring of civil engineering structures that has been jointly conceived by a team of civil, and electrical and computer engineers. It merges the benefits of standard and off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and communication technologies with a minimum set of custom-designed signal acquisition hardware that is mandatory to fulfill all application requirements.


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The self similar branching arrangement of the airways makes the respiratory system an ideal candidate for the application of fractional calculus theory. The fractal geometry is typically characterized by a recurrent structure. This study investigates the identification of a model for the respiratory tree by means of its electrical equivalent based on intrinsic morphology. Measurements were obtained from seven volunteers, in terms of their respiratory impedance by means of its complex representation for frequencies below 5 Hz. A parametric modeling is then applied to the complex valued data points. Since at low-frequency range the inertance is negligible, each airway branch is modeled by using gamma cell resistance and capacitance, the latter having a fractional-order constant phase element (CPE), which is identified from measurements. In addition, the complex impedance is also approximated by means of a model consisting of a lumped series resistance and a lumped fractional-order capacitance. The results reveal that both models characterize the data well, whereas the averaged CPE values are supraunitary and subunitary for the ladder network and the lumped model, respectively.


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The goal of this paper is to discuss the benefits and challenges of yielding an inter-continental network of remote laboratories supported and used by both European and Latin American Institutions of Higher Education. Since remote experimentation, understood as the ability to carry out real-world experiments through a simple Web browser, is already a proven solution for the educational community as a supplement to on-site practical lab work (and in some cases, namely for distance learning courses, a replacement to that work), the purpose is not to discuss its technical, pedagogical, or economical strengths, but rather to raise and try to answer some questions about the underlying benefits and challenges of establishing a peer-to-peer network of remote labs. Ultimately, we regard such a network as a constructive mechanism to help students gain the working and social skills often valued by multinational/global companies, while also providing awareness of local cultural aspects.


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Para muitos, o ato de ensinar, era e continua a ser uma “arte”, em que os professores e os grandes mestres mais eficientes são aqueles que têm a capacidade e a arte de fazer passar as suas mensagens e conhecimentos, de forma simples e apelativa, independentemente da área de estudo. A informação relacionada com a aula, é cada vez mais digital, sendo importante, por parte dos docentes, o domínio de tecnologias de criação, organização e disponibilização de conteúdos. Essa partilha foi inicialmente possível pelas páginas Web e mais tarde pelas plataformas LMS (Learning Management System). Criar um Website era uma tarefa complicada quer ao nível do seu custo quer ao nível do domínio da tecnologia Web e era por vezes necessário contratar profissionais para o efeito. Surgiram então as CMS (Content Management System) que são tecnologias Open Source, que permitem a gestão de conteúdos. Neste sentido foi realizado um estudo com o objetivo de aferir sobre as competências dos professores no domínio da partilha de Gestão de Conteúdos Digitais. O presente estudo permitiu retirar conclusões sobre o potencial e aplicabilidade das CMS no ensino. O principal objetivo do presente estudo incidiu no potencial de distribuição e partilha de Recursos Educativos Digitais organizados sobre o ponto de vista pedagógico aos alunos. Foi ainda analisado e estudado o papel do Cloud Computing no processo de partilha colaborativa de documentos. Foi delineado como suporte à presente investigação um curso modelo que por sua vez foi implementado nas três principais CMS da atualidade e avaliado o potencial de cada uma neste contexto. Finalmente foram apresentadas as conclusões retiradas do presente estudo.


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Empowered by virtualisation technology, cloud infrastructures enable the construction of flexi- ble and elastic computing environments, providing an opportunity for energy and resource cost optimisation while enhancing system availability and achieving high performance. A crucial re- quirement for effective consolidation is the ability to efficiently utilise system resources for high- availability computing and energy-efficiency optimisation to reduce operational costs and carbon footprints in the environment. Additionally, failures in highly networked computing systems can negatively impact system performance substantially, prohibiting the system from achieving its initial objectives. In this paper, we propose algorithms to dynamically construct and readjust vir- tual clusters to enable the execution of users’ jobs. Allied with an energy optimising mechanism to detect and mitigate energy inefficiencies, our decision-making algorithms leverage virtuali- sation tools to provide proactive fault-tolerance and energy-efficiency to virtual clusters. We conducted simulations by injecting random synthetic jobs and jobs using the latest version of the Google cloud tracelogs. The results indicate that our strategy improves the work per Joule ratio by approximately 12.9% and the working efficiency by almost 15.9% compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms.


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In recent years emerged several initiatives promoted by educational organizations to adapt Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) to e-learning. These initiatives commonly named eLearning Frameworks share a common goal: to create flexible learning environments by integrating heterogeneous systems already available in many educational institutions. However, these frameworks were designed for integration of systems participating in business like processes rather than on complex pedagogical processes as those related to automatic evaluation. Consequently, their knowledge bases lack some fundamental components that are needed to model pedagogical processes. The objective of the research described in this paper is to study the applicability of eLearning frameworks for modelling a network of heterogeneous eLearning systems, using the automatic evaluation of programming exercises as a case study. The paper surveys the existing eLearning frameworks to justify the selection of the e-Framework. This framework is described in detail and identified the necessary components missing from its knowledge base, more precisely, a service genre, expression and usage model for an evaluation service. The extensibility of the framework is tested with the definition of this service. A concrete model for evaluation of programming exercises is presented as a validation of the proposed approach.


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The need for better adaptation of networks to transported flows has led to research on new approaches such as content aware networks and network aware applications. In parallel, recent developments of multimedia and content oriented services and applications such as IPTV, video streaming, video on demand, and Internet TV reinforced interest in multicast technologies. IP multicast has not been widely deployed due to interdomain and QoS support problems; therefore, alternative solutions have been investigated. This article proposes a management driven hybrid multicast solution that is multi-domain and media oriented, and combines overlay multicast, IP multicast, and P2P. The architecture is developed in a content aware network and network aware application environment, based on light network virtualization. The multicast trees can be seen as parallel virtual content aware networks, spanning a single or multiple IP domains, customized to the type of content to be transported while fulfilling the quality of service requirements of the service provider.


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We study exotic patterns appearing in a network of coupled Chen oscillators. Namely, we consider a network of two rings coupled through a “buffer” cell, with Z3×Z5 symmetry group. Numerical simulations of the network reveal steady states, rotating waves in one ring and quasiperiodic behavior in the other, and chaotic states in the two rings, to name a few. The different patterns seem to arise through a sequence of Hopf bifurcations, period-doubling, and halving-period bifurcations. The network architecture seems to explain certain observed features, such as equilibria and the rotating waves, whereas the properties of the chaotic oscillator may explain others, such as the quasiperiodic and chaotic states. We use XPPAUT and MATLAB to compute numerically the relevant states.


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Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) have emerged as a promising technology for medical and non-medical applications. WBANs consist of a number of miniaturized, portable, and autonomous sensor nodes that are used for long-term health monitoring of patients. These sensor nodes continuously collect information of patients, which are used for ubiquitous health monitoring. In addition, WBANs may be used for managing catastrophic events and increasing the effectiveness and performance of rescue forces. The huge amount of data collected by WBAN nodes demands scalable, on-demand, powerful, and secure storage and processing infrastructure. Cloud computing is expected to play a significant role in achieving the aforementioned objectives. The cloud computing environment links different devices ranging from miniaturized sensor nodes to high-performance supercomputers for delivering people-centric and context-centric services to the individuals and industries. The possible integration of WBANs with cloud computing (WBAN-cloud) will introduce viable and hybrid platform that must be able to process the huge amount of data collected from multiple WBANs. This WBAN-cloud will enable users (including physicians and nurses) to globally access the processing and storage infrastructure at competitive costs. Because WBANs forward useful and life-critical information to the cloud – which may operate in distributed and hostile environments, novel security mechanisms are required to prevent malicious interactions to the storage infrastructure. Both the cloud providers and the users must take strong security measures to protect the storage infrastructure.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação de Doutor Freitas Santos


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The restructuring of electricity markets, conducted to increase the competition in this sector, and decrease the electricity prices, brought with it an enormous increase in the complexity of the considered mechanisms. The electricity market became a complex and unpredictable environment, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. Software tools became, therefore, essential to provide simulation and decision support capabilities, in order to potentiate the involved players’ actions. This paper presents the development of a metalearner, applied to the decision support of electricity markets’ negotiation entities. The proposed metalearner executes a dynamic artificial neural network to create its own output, taking advantage on several learning algorithms implemented in ALBidS, an adaptive learning system that provides decision support to electricity markets’ players. The proposed metalearner considers different weights for each strategy, depending on its individual quality of performance. The results of the proposed method are studied and analyzed in scenarios based on real electricity markets’ data, using MASCEM - a multi-agent electricity market simulator that simulates market players’ operation in the market.


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Power systems have been experiencing huge changes mainly due to the substantial increase of distributed generation (DG) and the operation in competitive environments. Virtual Power Players (VPP) can aggregate several players, namely a diversity of energy resources, including distributed generation (DG) based on several technologies, electric storage systems (ESS) and demand response (DR). Energy resources management gains an increasing relevance in this competitive context. This makes the DR use more interesting and flexible, giving place to a wide range of new opportunities. This paper proposes a methodology to support VPPs in the DR programs’ management, considering all the existing energy resources (generation and storage units) and the distribution network. The proposed method is based on locational marginal prices (LMP) values. The evaluation of the impact of using DR specific programs in the LMP values supports the manager decision concerning the DR use. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 33-bus network with intensive use of DG.


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The use of distribution networks in the current scenario of high penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) is a problem of great importance. In the competitive environment of electricity markets and smart grids, Demand Response (DR) is also gaining notable impact with several benefits for the whole system. The work presented in this paper comprises a methodology able to define the cost allocation in distribution networks considering large integration of DG and DR resources. The proposed methodology is divided into three phases and it is based on an AC Optimal Power Flow (OPF) including the determination of topological distribution factors, and consequent application of the MW-mile method. The application of the proposed tariffs definition methodology is illustrated in a distribution network with 33 buses, 66 DG units, and 32 consumers with DR capacity.


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O desenvolvimento de aplicações para dispositivos móveis já não é uma área recente, contudo continua a crescer a um ritmo veloz. É notório o avanço tecnológico dos últimos anos e a crescente popularidade destes dispositivos. Este avanço deve-se não só à grande evolução no que diz respeito às características destes dispositivos, mas também à possibilidade de criar aplicações inovadoras, práticas e passíveis de solucionar os problemas dos utilizadores em geral. Nesse sentido, as necessidades do quotidiano obrigam à implementação de soluções que satisfaçam os utilizadores, e nos dias de hoje, essa satisfação muitas vezes passa pelos dispositivos móveis, que já tem um papel fundamental na vida das pessoas. Atendendo ao aumento do número de raptos de crianças e à insegurança que se verifica nos dias de hoje, as quais dificultam a tarefa de todos os pais/cuidadores que procuraram manter as suas crianças a salvo, é relevante criar uma nova ferramenta capaz de os auxiliar nesta árdua tarefa. A partir desta realidade, e com vista a cumprir os aspetos acima mencionados, surge assim esta dissertação de mestrado. Esta aborda o estudo e implementação efetuados no sentido de desenvolver um sistema de monitorização de crianças. Assim, o objetivo deste projeto passa por desenvolver uma aplicação nativa para Android e um back-end, utilizando um servidor de base de dados NoSQL para o armazenamento da informação, aplicando os conceitos estudados e as tecnologias existentes. A solução tem como principais premissas: ser o mais user-friendly possível, a otimização, a escalabilidade para outras situações (outros tipos de monitorizações) e a aplicação das mais recentes tecnologias. Assim sendo, um dos estudos mais aprofundados nesta dissertação de mestrado está relacionado com as bases de dados NoSQL, dada a sua importância no projeto.