42 resultados para compressed air energy storage
Energy resources management can play a very relevant role in future power systems in a SmartGrid context, with intensive penetration of distributed generation and storage systems. This paper deals with the importance of resource management in incident situations. The paper presents DemSi, an energy resources management simulator that has been developed by the authors to simulate electrical distribution networks with high distributed generation penetration, storage in network points and customers with demand response contracts. DemSi is used to undertake simulations for an incident scenario, evidencing the advantages of adequately using flexible contracts, storage, and reserve in order to limit incident consequences.
In the energy management of a small power system, the scheduling of the generation units is a crucial problem for which adequate methodologies can maximize the performance of the energy supply. This paper proposes an innovative methodology for distributed energy resources management. The optimal operation of distributed generation, demand response and storage resources is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model (MILP) and solved by a deterministic optimization technique CPLEX-based implemented in General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS). The paper deals with a vision for the grids of the future, focusing on conceptual and operational aspects of electrical grids characterized by an intensive penetration of DG, in the scope of competitive environments and using artificial intelligence methodologies to attain the envisaged goals. These concepts are implemented in a computational framework which includes both grid and market simulation.
A noção de Economia relativa ao Hidrogénio no vocabulário dos líderes políticos e empresariais tem vindo a mudar sobretudo pela preocupação da poluição global, segurança energética e mudanças climáticas, para além do crescente domínio técnico dos cientistas e engenheiros. O interesse neste composto, que é o elemento mais simples e abundante no universo, está a crescer, devido aos avanços tecnológicos das células de combustível – as potenciais sucessoras das baterias dos aparelhos portáteis eletrónicos, centrais elétricas e motores de combustão interna. Existem métodos já bem desenvolvidos para produzir o hidrogénio. Contudo, destacase a eletrólise da água, não só por ser um método simples mas porque pode utilizar recursos energéticos renováveis, tais como, o vento ou os painéis fotovoltaicos, e aumentar a sua eficiência. Os desafios para melhorar a utilização deste método consistem em reduzir o consumo, a manutenção e os custos energéticos e aumentar a confiança, a durabilidade e a segurança. Mais ainda, consistem em rentabilizar o subproduto oxigénio pois é um gás industrial e medicinal muito importante. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a viabilidade económica da instalação de uma unidade de produção de hidrogénio e oxigénio puros por eletrólise da água, utilizando como fonte energética a energia solar, na empresa Gasoxmed – Gases Medicinais S.A., pretendendo num futuro próximo, comercializar o hidrogénio como fonte de energia, e por outro lado, aproveitar o subproduto oxigénio para utilização industrial. Projetou-se assim uma unidade utilizando um eletrolisador da marca Proton, modelo C30, com capacidade de produção gasosa de 3 kg/h (30 m3/h) de hidrogénio e 20 kg/h (15 m3/h) de oxigénio. Os gases produzidos são comprimidos num compressor da marca RIX a 200 bares para posterior armazenamento em cilindros pressurizados. Dimensionou-se ainda um sistema de miniprodução fotovoltaico com potência 250 kW para alimentar eletricamente a instalação. A realização do projeto na nova área de produção necessitará de 1.713.963€, os quais serão adquiridos por empréstimo bancário. Definiram-se todos os custos fixos associados ao projeto que perfazem um total de 62.554€/mês para os primeiros 5 anos (duração do crédito bancário) findo o qual diminuirão para 21.204€/mês. Da comercialização do hidrogénio, do oxigénio industrial e da eletricidade produzida no sistema de miniprodução de 250 kW, prevê-se um lucro mensal de 117.925€, perfazendo assim um total líquido mensal positivo de 55.371€ durante os primeiros 5 anos e a partir daí de 96.721€/mês, resultando uma amortização do investimento inicial no final do 3º ano.
This paper presents the system developed to promote the rational use of electric energy among consumers and, thus, increase the energy efficiency. The goal is to provide energy consumers with an application that displays the energy consumption/production profiles, sets up consuming ceilings, defines automatic alerts and alarms, compares anonymously consumers with identical energy usage profiles by region and predicts, in the case of non-residential installations, the expected consumption/production values. The resulting distributed system is organized in two main blocks: front-end and back-end. The front-end includes user interface applications for Android mobile devices and Web browsers. The back-end provides data storage and processing functionalities and is installed in a cloud computing platform - the Google App Engine - which provides a standard Web service interface. This option ensures interoperability, scalability and robustness to the system.
The massification of electric vehicles (EVs) can have a significant impact on the power system, requiring a new approach for the energy resource management. The energy resource management has the objective to obtain the optimal scheduling of the available resources considering distributed generators, storage units, demand response and EVs. The large number of resources causes more complexity in the energy resource management, taking several hours to reach the optimal solution which requires a quick solution for the next day. Therefore, it is necessary to use adequate optimization techniques to determine the best solution in a reasonable amount of time. This paper presents a hybrid artificial intelligence technique to solve a complex energy resource management problem with a large number of resources, including EVs, connected to the electric network. The hybrid approach combines simulated annealing (SA) and ant colony optimization (ACO) techniques. The case study concerns different EVs penetration levels. Comparisons with a previous SA approach and a deterministic technique are also presented. For 2000 EVs scenario, the proposed hybrid approach found a solution better than the previous SA version, resulting in a cost reduction of 1.94%. For this scenario, the proposed approach is approximately 94 times faster than the deterministic approach.
Impact of design options in zero energy building conception: the case of large buildings in Portugal
The new recast of Directive 2010/31/EU in order to implement the new concept NZEB in new buildings, is to be fully respected by all Member States, and is revealed as important measure to promote the reduction of energy consumption of buildings and encouraging the use of renewable energy. In this study, it was tested the applicability of the nearly zero energy building concept to a big size office building and its impact after a 50-years life cycle span.
The intensive use of distributed generation based on renewable resources increases the complexity of power systems management, particularly the short-term scheduling. Demand response, storage units and electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles also pose new challenges to the short-term scheduling. However, these distributed energy resources can contribute significantly to turn the shortterm scheduling more efficient and effective improving the power system reliability. This paper proposes a short-term scheduling methodology based on two distinct time horizons: hour-ahead scheduling, and real-time scheduling considering the point of view of one aggregator agent. In each scheduling process, it is necessary to update the generation and consumption operation, and the storage and electric vehicles status. Besides the new operation condition, more accurate forecast values of wind generation and consumption are available, for the resulting of short-term and very short-term methods. In this paper, the aggregator has the main goal of maximizing his profits while, fulfilling the established contracts with the aggregated and external players.
Consumption Management of Air Conditioning Devices for the Participation in Demand Response Programs
Demand Response has been taking over the years an extreme importance. There’s a lot of demand response programs, one of them proposed in this paper, using air conditioners that could increase the power quality and decrease the spent money in many ways like: infrastructures and customers energy bill reduction. This paper proposes a method and a study on how air conditioners could integrate demand response programs. The proposed method has been modelled as an energy resources management optimization problem. This paper presents two case studies, the first one with all costumers participating and second one with some of costumers. The results obtained for both case studies have been analyzed.
The operation of distribution networks has been facing changes with the implementation of smart grids and microgrids, and the increasing use of distributed generation. The specific case of distribution networks that accommodate residential buildings, small commerce, and distributed generation as the case of storage and PV generation lead to the concept of microgrids, in the cases that the network is able to operate in islanding mode. The microgrid operator in this context is able to manage the consumption and generation resources, also including demand response programs, obtaining profits from selling electricity to the main network. The present paper proposes a methodology for the energy resource scheduling considering power flow issues and the energy buying and selling from/to the main network in each bus of the microgrid. The case study uses a real distribution network with 25 bus, residential and commercial consumers, PV generation, and storage.
Demo in Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2015). 13 to 14, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.
In this study, energy production for autonomous underwater vehicles is investigated. This project is part of a bigger project called TURTLE. The autonomous vehicles perform oceanic researches at seabed for which they are intended to be kept operational underwater for several months. In order to ful l a long-term underwater condition, powerful batteries are combined with \micro- scale" energy production on the spot. This work tends to develop a system that generates power up to a maximum of 30 W. Latter energy harvesting structure consists basically of a turbine combined with a generator and low-power electronics to adjust the achieved voltage to a required battery charger voltage. Every component is examined separately hence an optimum can be de ned for all, and subsequently also an overall optimum. Di erent design parameters as e.g. number of blades, solidity ratio and cross-section area are compared for di erent turbines, in order to see what is the most feasible type. Further, a generator is chosen by studying how ux distributions might be adjusted to low velocities, and how cogging torque can be excluded by adapted designs. Low-power electronics are con gured in order to convert and stabilize heavily varying three-phase voltages to a constant, recti ed voltage which is usable for battery storage. Clearly, di erent component parameters as maximum power and torque are matched here to increase the overall power generation. Furthermore an overall maximum power is set up for achieving a maximum power ow at load side. Due to among others typical low velocities of about 0.1 to 0.5 m/s, and constructing limits of the prototype, the vast range of components is restricted to only a few that could be used. Hence, a helical turbine is combined in a direct drive mode to a coreless-stator axial- ux permanent-magnet generator, from which the output voltage is adjusted subsequently by a recti er, impedance matching unit, upconverter circuit and an overall control unit to regulate di erent component parameters. All these electronics are combined in a closed-loop design to involve positive feedback signals. Furthermore a theoretical con guration for the TURTLE vehicle is described in this work and a solution is proposed that might be implemented, for which several design tests are performable in a future study.
The integration of wind power in eletricity generation brings new challenges to unit commitment due to the random nature of wind speed. For this particular optimisation problem, wind uncertainty has been handled in practice by means of conservative stochastic scenario-based optimisation models, or through additional operating reserve settings. However, generation companies may have different attitudes towards operating costs, load curtailment, or waste of wind energy, when considering the risk caused by wind power variability. Therefore, alternative and possibly more adequate approaches should be explored. This work is divided in two main parts. Firstly we survey the main formulations presented in the literature for the integration of wind power in the unit commitment problem (UCP) and present an alternative model for the wind-thermal unit commitment. We make use of the utility theory concepts to develop a multi-criteria stochastic model. The objectives considered are the minimisation of costs, load curtailment and waste of wind energy. Those are represented by individual utility functions and aggregated in a single additive utility function. This last function is adequately linearised leading to a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) model that can be tackled by general-purpose solvers in order to find the most preferred solution. In the second part we discuss the integration of pumped-storage hydro (PSH) units in the UCP with large wind penetration. Those units can provide extra flexibility by using wind energy to pump and store water in the form of potential energy that can be generated after during peak load periods. PSH units are added to the first model, yielding a MILP model with wind-hydro-thermal coordination. Results showed that the proposed methodology is able to reflect the risk profiles of decision makers for both models. By including PSH units, the results are significantly improved.