36 resultados para Shape context
The aim of this paper is to present the main Portuguese results from a multi-national study on reading format preferences and behaviors from undergraduate students from Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal). For this purpose we apply an adaptation of the Academic Reading Questionnaire previously created by Mizrachi (2014). This survey instrument has 14 Likert-style statements regarding the format influence in the students reading behavior, including aspects such as ability to remember, feelings about access convenience, active engagement with the text by highlighting and annotating, and ability to review and concentrate on the text. The importance of the language and dimension of the text to determine the preference format is also inquired. Students are also asked about the electronic device they use to read digital documents. Finally, some demographic and academic data were gathered. The analysis of the results will be contextualized on a review of the literature concerning youngsters reading format preferences. The format (digital or print) in which a text is displayed and read can impact comprehension, which is an important information literacy skill. This is a quite relevant issue for class readings in academic context because it impacts learning. On the other hand, students preferences on reading formats will influence the use of library services. However, literature is not unanimous on this subject. Woody, Daniel and Baker (2010) concluded that the experience of reading is not the same in electronic or print context and that students prefer print books than e-books. This thesis is reinforced by Ji, Michaels and Waterman (2014) which report that among 101 undergraduates the large majority self-reported to read and learn more when they use printed format despite the fact that they prefer electronically supplied readings instead of those supplied in printed form. On the other side, Rockinson-Szapkiw, et al (2013) conducted a study were they demonstrate that e-textbook is as effective for learning as the traditional textbook and that students who choose e-textbook had significantly higher perceived learning than students who chose to use print textbooks.
This communication aims to present some reflections regarding the importance of information in organizational context, especially in business context. The ability to produce and to share expertise and knowledge among its employees is now a key factor in the success of any organization. However, it’s also true that workers are increasingly feeling that too much information can hurt their performance. The existence of skilled professionals able to organize, evaluate, select and disseminate information in organizations appears to be a prerequisite for success. The skills necessary for the formation of a professional devoted to the management of information and knowledge in the context of business organizations will be analysed. Then data collected in two focus group discussion with students from a graduate course in Business Information, from Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, a will be examined.
Contextualization is critical in every decision making process. Adequate responses to problems depend not only on the variables with direct influence on the outcomes, but also on a correct contextualization of the problem regarding the surrounding environment. Electricity markets are dynamic environments with increasing complexity, potentiated by the last decades' restructuring process. Dealing with the growing complexity and competitiveness in this sector brought the need for using decision support tools. A solid example is MASCEM (Multi-Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets), whose players' decisions are supported by another multiagent system – ALBidS (Adaptive Learning strategic Bidding System). ALBidS uses artificial intelligence techniques to endow market players with adaptive learning capabilities that allow them to achieve the best possible results in market negotiations. This paper studies the influence of context awareness in the decision making process of agents acting in electricity markets. A context analysis mechanism is proposed, considering important characteristics of each negotiation period, so that negotiating agents can adapt their acting strategies to different contexts. The main conclusion is that context-dependant responses improve the decision making process. Suiting actions to different contexts allows adapting the behaviour of negotiating entities to different circumstances, resulting in profitable outcomes.
In the traditional paradigm, the large power plants supply the reactive power required at a transmission level and the capacitors and transformer tap changer were also used at a distribution level. However, in a near future will be necessary to schedule both active and reactive power at a distribution level, due to the high number of resources connected in distribution levels. This paper proposes a new multi-objective methodology to deal with the optimal resource scheduling considering the distributed generation, electric vehicles and capacitor banks for the joint active and reactive power scheduling. The proposed methodology considers the minimization of the cost (economic perspective) of all distributed resources, and the minimization of the voltage magnitude difference (technical perspective) in all buses. The Pareto front is determined and a fuzzy-based mechanism is applied to present the best compromise solution. The proposed methodology has been tested in the 33-bus distribution network. The case study shows the results of three different scenarios for the economic, technical, and multi-objective perspectives, and the results demonstrated the importance of incorporating the reactive scheduling in the distribution network using the multi-objective perspective to obtain the best compromise solution for the economic and technical perspectives.
O presente Relatório Final de Estágio concretiza-se num trabalho de reflexão crítica sobre as práticas realizadas como professora estagiária de Inglês e de Espanhol no âmbito das Unidades Curriculares de Prática Educativa I, II e III, do Curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e Francês ou Espanhol, da Escola Superior de Educação, do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. A problemática que se apresenta decorre da perspetiva de que o ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira baseados na articulação entre disciplinas do currículo contribui para uma aprendizagem holística, desenvolvendo competências que permitem um entendimento geral e global dos fenómenos humanos proporcionando aos alunos a compreensão do saber escolar como um todo articulável, contribuindo para uma leitura lógica e completa da realidade. A sua concretização na sala de aula impõe que o professor planifique atividades e opte por estratégias de ensino e de aprendizagem diversificadas, onde convergem finalidades, conceitos e metodologias de diversas disciplinas do currículo. Assim, este trabalho descreve a planificação de práticas de ensino e aprendizagem de Inglês e Espanhol em articulação com os conteúdos e os objetivos da disciplina de Estudo do Meio no Primeiro Ciclo. A planificação de práticas de Inglês no Segundo Ciclo foi realizada em articulação com a disciplina de História e Geografia de Portugal, com base na metodologia de projeto. As opções adotadas na planificação didática são consideradas estratégicas para uma aprendizagem significativa. Palavras-chave: perspetiva interdisciplinar do ensino; planificação didática de línguas estrangeiras; compreensão integrada do saber escolar; aprendizagem por projeto
Numa era global marcada por avanços tecnológicos e pela diversidade cultural e linguística, é necessária uma nova linha de pensamento educativo e didático que conduza à formação de falantes cada vez mais pluriculturais e plurilingues, capazes de compreender, respeitar e interagir com outros povos e culturas. O desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas em, pelo menos, dois idiomas do espaço europeu é uma das medidas promovidas pelas politicas linguísticas europeias, que visam preparar os cidadãos para um diálogo intercultural, que fomente o respeito e a abertura face a essas diferenças, e pela construção de uma identidade intercultural e plurilingue nos próprios cidadãos exercendo, assim, a sua cidadania. Este paradigma tem implicações quer na aula de Língua Estrangeira, como ferramenta que permite ao aluno a ampliar a sua visão do mundo, quer no papel do professor, que nela intervém, enquanto, responsável pela construção social e formativa dos seus aprendentes. Estrutura-se, assim, um modelo educativo que abraça todas as culturas e reportórios linguísticos presentes dentro e fora do âmbito escolar. Neste relatório de estágio, resultante da prática pedagógica centrada no ensino do Inglês e do Espanhol, teci uma reflexão crítica sobre os diferentes cenários pedagógicos construídos durante três semestres académicos, com alunos portugueses do Ensino Básico. O fio condutor de toda a prática desenvolvida centrou-se no paradigma da abordagem intercultural e, com base nessa linha de pensamento, propus-me aferir os contributos que as minhas opções metodológicas tiveram quer no processo de aprendizagem dos meus alunos, quer na sua construção pessoal e social.