106 resultados para Nuno Júdice


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In this paper, we address the problem of sharing a wireless channel among a set of sporadic message streams where a message stream issues transmission requests with real-time deadlines. We propose a collision-free wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol which implements static-priority scheduling, supports a large number of priority levels and is fully distributed. It is an adaptation to a wireless channel of the dominance protocol used in the CAN bus. But, unlike that protocol, our protocol does not require a node having the ability to receive an incoming bit from the channel while transmitting to the channel. The evaluation of the protocol with real embedded computing platforms is presented to show that the proposed protocol is in fact collision-free and prioritized. We measure the response times of our implementation and show that the response-time analysis developed for the protocol offers an upper bound on the response times.


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Consider a wireless sensor network (WSN) where a broadcast from a sensor node does not reach all sensor nodes in the network; such networks are often called multihop networks. Sensor nodes take sensor readings but individual sensor readings are not very important. It is important however to compute aggregated quantities of these sensor readings. The minimum and maximum of all sensor readings at an instant are often interesting because they indicate abnormal behavior, for example if the maximum temperature is very high then it may be that a fire has broken out. We propose an algorithm for computing the min or max of sensor reading in a multihop network. This algorithm has the particularly interesting property of having a time complexity that does not depend on the number of sensor nodes; only the network diameter and the range of the value domain of sensor readings matter.


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We propose a wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol that provides static-priority scheduling of messages in a guaranteed collision-free manner. Our protocol supports multiple broadcast domains, resolves the wireless hidden terminal problem and allows for parallel transmissions across a mesh network. Arbitration of messages is achieved without the notion of a master coordinating node, global clock synchronization or out-of-band signaling. The protocol relies on bit-dominance similar to what is used in the CAN bus except that in order to operate on a wireless physical layer, nodes are not required to receive incoming bits while transmitting. The use of bit-dominance efficiently allows for a much larger number of priorities than would be possible using existing wireless solutions. A MAC protocol with these properties enables schedulability analysis of sporadic message streams in wireless multihop networks.


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Consider a network where all nodes share a single broadcast domain such as a wired broadcast network. Nodes take sensor readings but individual sensor readings are not the most important pieces of data in the system. Instead, we are interested in aggregated quantities of the sensor readings such as minimum and maximum values, the number of nodes and the median among a set of sensor readings on different nodes. In this paper we show that a prioritized medium access control (MAC) protocol may advantageously be exploited to efficiently compute aggregated quantities of sensor readings. In this context, we propose a distributed algorithm that has a very low time and message-complexity for computing certain aggregated quantities. Importantly, we show that if every sensor node knows its geographical location, then sensor data can be interpolated with our novel distributed algorithm, and the message-complexity of the algorithm is independent of the number of nodes. Such an interpolation of sensor data can be used to compute any desired function; for example the temperature gradient in a room (e.g., industrial plant) densely populated with sensor nodes, or the gas concentration gradient within a pipeline or traffic tunnel.


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Consider the problem of deciding whether a set of n sporadic message streams meet deadlines on a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus for a specified priority assignment. It is assumed that message streams have implicit deadlines and no release jitter. An algorithm to solve this problem is well known but unfortunately it time complexity is non-polynomial. We present an algorithm with polynomial time-complexity for computing an upper bound on the response times. Clearly, if the upper bound on the response time does not exceed the deadline then all deadlines are met. The pessimism of our approach is proven: if the upper bound of the response time exceeds the deadline then the response time exceeds the deadline as well for a CAN network with half the speed.


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Consider a communication medium shared among a set of computer nodes; these computer nodes issue messages that are requested to be transmitted and they must finish their transmission before their respective deadlines. TDMA/SS is a protocol that solves this problem; it is a specific type of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) where a computer node is allowed to skip its time slot and then this time slot can be used by another computer node. We present an algorithm that computes exact queuing times for TDMA/SS in conjunction with Rate-Monotonic (RM) or Earliest- Deadline-First (EDF).


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We present a distributed algorithm for cyber-physical systems to obtain a snapshot of sensor data. The snapshot is an approximate representation of sensor data; it is an interpolation as a function of space coordinates. The new algorithm exploits a prioritized medium access control (MAC) protocol to efficiently transmit information of the sensor data. It scales to a very large number of sensors and it is able to operate in the presence of sensor faults.


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Consider the problem of scheduling sporadic message transmission requests with deadlines. For wired channels, this has been achieved successfully using the CAN bus. For wireless channels, researchers have recently proposed a similar solution; a collision-free medium access control (MAC) protocol that implements static-priority scheduling. Unfortunately no implementation has been reported, yet. We implement and evaluate it to find that the implementation indeed is collision-free and prioritized. This allows us to develop schedulability analysis for the implementation. We measure the response times of messages in our implementation and find that our new response-time analysis indeed offers an upper bound on the response times. This enables a new class of wireless real-time systems with timeliness guarantees for sporadic messages and it opens-up a new research area: schedulability analysis for wireless networks.


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This paper studies the application of fractional algorithms in the control of a quad-rotor rotorcraft. The development of a flight simulator provide the evaluation of the controller algorithm. Several basic maneuvers are investigated, namely the elevation and the position control.


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The great majority of the courses on science and technology areas where lab work is a fundamental part of the apprenticeship was not until recently available to be taught at distance. This reality is changing with the dissemination of remote laboratories. Supported by resources based on new information and communication technologies, it is now possible to remotely control a wide variety of real laboratories. However, most of them are designed specifically to this purpose, are inflexible and only on its functionality they resemble the real ones. In this paper, an alternative remote lab infrastructure devoted to the study of electronics is presented. Its main characteristics are, from a teacher's perspective, reusability and simplicity of use, and from a students' point of view, an exact replication of the real lab, enabling them to complement or finish at home the work started at class. The remote laboratory is integrated in the Learning Management System in use at the school, and therefore, may be combined with other web experiments and e-learning strategies, while safeguarding security access issues.


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In this paper, it is studied the dynamics of the robotic bird in terms of time response and robustness. It is analyzed the wing angle of attack and the velocity of the bird, the tail influence, the gliding flight and the flapping flight. The results are positive for the construction of flying robots. The development of computational simulation based on the dynamic of the robotic bird should allow testing strategies and different algorithms of control such as integer and fractional controllers.


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The paper presents a RFDSCA automated synthesis procedure. This algorithm determines several RFDSCA circuits from the top-level system specifications all with the same maximum performance. The genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function proportional to the RFDSCA quality factor and uses the epsiv-concept and maximin sorting scheme to achieve a set of solutions well distributed along a non-dominated front. To confirm the results of the algorithm, three RFDSCAs were simulated in SpectreRF and one of them was implemented and tested. The design used a 0.25 mum BiCMOS process. All the results (synthesized, simulated and measured) are very close, which indicate that the genetic synthesis method is a very useful tool to design optimum performance RFDSCAs.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientada por: Professora Doutora Patrícia Alexandra Gregório Ramos


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Área de Especialização de Telecomunicações


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A crescente preocupação que envolve as questões ambientais a nível mundial, cada vez mais agravadas pelo comportamento irresponsável do Homem, conduziu à criação de métodos de avaliação dos impactes ambientais provocados por produtos e sistemas. Sendo o sector da construção responsável por grande parte desses impactes, é evidente a necessidade de aplicação de medidas que visem mitigar ou, no mínimo, reduzir até valores aceitáveis, essas agressões ao meio ambiente. Nesse âmbito, é natural que tenha surgido a ideia de aplicar uma metodologia tão precisa e rigorosa como a LCA ao sector da construção. No entanto, nos dias de hoje, as preocupações alargaram-se às vertentes social e económica que, juntamente com a vertente ambiental, formam o triângulo de equilíbrio do desenvolvimento sustentável. É precisamente essa avaliação tripartida que esta Dissertação pretende abordar, tentando aprofundar conhecimentos e fornecer alternativas, através da análise crítica, que possam contribuir para a melhoria contínua desta metodologia.