49 resultados para MAC OBS


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The IEEE 802.15.4 is the most widespread used protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and it is being used as a baseline for several higher layer protocols such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN or WirelessHART. Its MAC (Medium Access Control) supports both contention-free (CFP, based on the reservation of guaranteed time-slots GTS) and contention based (CAP, ruled by CSMA/CA) access, when operating in beacon-enabled mode. Thus, it enables the differentiation between real-time and best-effort traffic. However, some WSN applications and higher layer protocols may strongly benefit from the possibility of supporting more traffic classes. This happens, for instance, for dense WSNs used in time-sensitive industrial applications. In this context, we propose to differentiate traffic classes within the CAP, enabling lower transmission delays and higher success probability to timecritical messages, such as for event detection, GTS reservation and network management. Building upon a previously proposed methodology (TRADIF), in this paper we outline its implementation and experimental validation over a real-time operating system. Importantly, TRADIF is fully backward compatible with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, enabling to create different traffic classes just by tuning some MAC parameters.


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WiDom is a wireless prioritized medium access control (MAC) protocol which offers a very large number of priority levels. Hence, it brings the potential for employing non-preemptive static-priority scheduling and schedulability analysis for a wireless channel assuming that the overhead of WiDom is modeled properly. One schedulability analysis for WiDom has already been proposed but recent research has created a new version of WiDom with lower overhead (we call it: WiDom with a master node) and for this version of WiDom no schedulability analysis exists. Also, common to the previously proposed schedulability analyses for WiDom is that they cannot analyze message streams with release jitter. Therefore, in this paper we propose a new schedulability analysis for WiDom (with a master node). We also extend the WiDom analyses (with and without master node) to work also for message streams with release jitter.


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In this paper, we address the problem of sharing a wireless channel among a set of sporadic message streams where a message stream issues transmission requests with real-time deadlines. We propose a collision-free wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol which implements static-priority scheduling, supports a large number of priority levels and is fully distributed. It is an adaptation to a wireless channel of the dominance protocol used in the CAN bus. But, unlike that protocol, our protocol does not require a node having the ability to receive an incoming bit from the channel while transmitting to the channel. The evaluation of the protocol with real embedded computing platforms is presented to show that the proposed protocol is in fact collision-free and prioritized. We measure the response times of our implementation and show that the response-time analysis developed for the protocol offers an upper bound on the response times.


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We propose a wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol that provides static-priority scheduling of messages in a guaranteed collision-free manner. Our protocol supports multiple broadcast domains, resolves the wireless hidden terminal problem and allows for parallel transmissions across a mesh network. Arbitration of messages is achieved without the notion of a master coordinating node, global clock synchronization or out-of-band signaling. The protocol relies on bit-dominance similar to what is used in the CAN bus except that in order to operate on a wireless physical layer, nodes are not required to receive incoming bits while transmitting. The use of bit-dominance efficiently allows for a much larger number of priorities than would be possible using existing wireless solutions. A MAC protocol with these properties enables schedulability analysis of sporadic message streams in wireless multihop networks.


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Consider a wireless network where links may be unidirectional, that is, a computer node A can broadcast a message and computer node B will receive this message but if B broadcasts then A will not receive it. Assume that messages have deadlines. We propose a medium access control (MAC) protocol which replicates a message in time with carefully selected pauses between replicas, and in this way it guarantees that for every message at least one replica of that message is transmitted without collision. The protocol ensures this with no knowledge of the network topology and it requires neither synchronized clocks nor carrier sensing capabilities. We believe this result is significant because it is the only MAC protocol that offers an upper bound on the message queuing delay for unidirectional links without relying on synchronized clocks.


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We discuss the development of a simple globally prioritized multi-channel medium access control (MAC) protocol for wireless networks. This protocol provides “hard” pre-run-time real-time guarantees to sporadic message streams, exploits a very large fraction of the capacity of all channels for “hard” real-time traffic and also makes it possible to fully utilize the channels with non real-time traffic when hard real-time messages do not request to be transmitted. The potential of such protocols for real-time applications is discussed and a schedulability analysis is also presented.


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We present a distributed algorithm for cyber-physical systems to obtain a snapshot of sensor data. The snapshot is an approximate representation of sensor data; it is an interpolation as a function of space coordinates. The new algorithm exploits a prioritized medium access control (MAC) protocol to efficiently transmit information of the sensor data. It scales to a very large number of sensors and it is able to operate in the presence of sensor faults.


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The IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is an enabling technology for time sensitive wireless sensor networks thanks to its Guaranteed-Time Slot (GTS) mechanism in the beacon-enabled mode. However, the protocol only supports explicit GTS allocation, i.e. a node allocates a number of time slots in each superframe for exclusive use. The limitation of this explicit GTS allocation is that GTS resources may quickly disappear, since a maximum of seven GTSs can be allocated in each superframe, preventing other nodes to benefit from guaranteed service. Moreover, the GTSs may be only partially used, resulting in wasted bandwidth. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes i-GAME, an implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism in beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The allocation is based on implicit GTS allocation requests, taking into account the traffic specifications and the delay requirements of the flows. The i-GAME approach enables the use of a GTS by multiple nodes, while all their (delay, bandwidth) requirements are still satisfied. For that purpose, we propose an admission control algorithm that enables to decide whether to accept a new GTS allocation request or not, based not only on the remaining time slots, but also on the traffic specifications of the flows, their delay requirements and the available bandwidth resources. We show that our proposal improves the bandwidth utilization compared to the explicit allocation used in the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol standard. We also present some practical considerations for the implementation of i-GAME, ensuring backward compatibility with the IEEE 801.5.4 standard with only minor add-ons.


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Consider the problem of scheduling sporadic message transmission requests with deadlines. For wired channels, this has been achieved successfully using the CAN bus. For wireless channels, researchers have recently proposed a similar solution; a collision-free medium access control (MAC) protocol that implements static-priority scheduling. Unfortunately no implementation has been reported, yet. We implement and evaluate it to find that the implementation indeed is collision-free and prioritized. This allows us to develop schedulability analysis for the implementation. We measure the response times of messages in our implementation and find that our new response-time analysis indeed offers an upper bound on the response times. This enables a new class of wireless real-time systems with timeliness guarantees for sporadic messages and it opens-up a new research area: schedulability analysis for wireless networks.


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The IEEE 802.15.4 has been adopted as a communication protocol standard for Low-Rate Wireless Private Area Networks (LRWPANs). While it appears as a promising candidate solution for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), its adequacy must be carefully evaluated. In this paper, we analyze the performance limits of the slotted CSMA/CA medium access control (MAC) mechanism in the beacon-enabled mode for broadcast transmissions in WSNs. The motivation for evaluating the beacon-enabled mode is due to its flexibility and potential for WSN applications as compared to the non-beacon enabled mode. Our analysis is based on an accurate simulation model of the slotted CSMA/CA mechanism on top of a realistic physical layer, with respect to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard specification. The performance of the slotted CSMA/CA is evaluated and analyzed for different network settings to understand the impact of the protocol attributes (superframe order, beacon order and backoff exponent), the number of nodes and the data frame size on the network performance, namely in terms of throughput (S), average delay (D) and probability of success (Ps). We also analytically evaluate the impact of the slotted CSMA/CA overheads on the saturation throughput. We introduce the concept of utility (U) as a combination of two or more metrics, to determine the best offered load range for an optimal behavior of the network. We show that the optimal network performance using slotted CSMA/CA occurs in the range of 35% to 60% with respect to an utility function proportional to the network throughput (S) divided by the average delay (D).


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Consider the problem of sharing a wireless channel between a set of computer nodes. Hidden nodes exist and there is no base station. Each computer node hosts a set of sporadic message streams where a message stream releases messages with real-time deadlines. We propose a collision-free wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol which implements staticpriority scheduling. The MAC protocol allows multiple masters and is fully distributed. It neither relies on synchronized clocks nor out-of-band signaling; it is an adaptation to a wireless channel of the dominance protocol used in the CAN bus. But unlike that protocol, our protocol does not require a node having the ability to receive an incoming bit from the channel while transmitting to the channel. Our protocol has the key feature of not only being prioritized and collision-free but also dealing successfully with hidden nodes. This key feature enables schedulability analysis of sporadic message streams in multihop networks.


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We propose a collision-free medium access control (MAC) protocol, which implements static-priority scheduling and works in the presence of hidden nodes. The MAC protocol allows multiple masters and is fully distributed; it is an adaptation to a wireless channel of the dominance protocol used in the CAN bus. But unlike that protocol, our protocol does not require a node having the ability to sense the channel while transmitting to the channel. Our protocol is collision-free even in the presence of hidden nodes and it achieves this without synchronized clocks or out-of-band busy tones. In addition, the protocol is designed to ensure that many non-interfering nodes can transmit in parallel and it functions for both broadcast and unicast transmissions.


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Introdução: Por mais de uma década assumiu-se que o transverso abdominal/oblíquo interno (TrA/OI) se comportava como um ventre muscular único, pré-ativando-se bilateralmente de forma simultânea para aumentar a stiffness da coluna lombar, conferindo-lhe estabilidade segmentar durante o movimento de um dos membros superiores. À luz dos estudos atuais sabe-se que tal mecanismo não ocorre, uma vez que o TrA/OI apresenta uma ativação por mecanismo de feedforward predominantemente contralateral ao membro superior movido. Apesar de morfologicamente o TrA/OI do lado não-dominante ser mais hipertrofiado do que o do lado dominante, nada se sabe acerca da influência da dominância nos timings ativação do TrA/OI. Objectivos: Confirmar se o TrA/OI tem um timing de ativação assimétrico durante o movimento rápido de flexão do membro superior (MRMS). Pretende-se ainda avaliar se o timing de ativação do TrA/OI é influenciado pela dominância de lateralidade manual. Métodos: Efectuou-se um estudo observacional descritivo, transversal e duplamente cego com 32 atletas de futebol voluntários com membro superior direito dominante, colocando-os apenas num grupo. Procedeu-se à recolha do sinal eletromiográfico de forma a avaliar os timings de ativação do TrA/OI bilateralmente aquando dos movimentos rápidos de flexão de ambos os membros superiores, à vez. Todos os dados foram tratados estatisticamente com o programa SPSS, versão 20.0 para Mac OS, com um grau de significância de 0,05. Resultados: Verificaram-se diferenças nos timings de ativação dos TrA/OI direito e esquerdo durante os MRMS direito e esquerdo (Teste ANOVA medidas repetidas: F=291,087; p<0,001). O timing de ativação do TrA/OI direito – 29,15(13,15)ms – foi superior ao esquerdo – 4,71(17,32)ms – durante MRMS direito (Teste Post Hoc Bonferroni: p<0,001). O timing de ativação do TrA/OI esquerdo – 31,98(12,50)ms – foi superior ao direito – 12,20(17,40)ms – durante MRMS esquerdo (p<0,001). O timing de ativação do TrA/IO direito aquando do MRMS direito foi superior ao observado durante MRMS esquerdo (p<0,001). O contrário sucedeu em relação ao timing ativação do TrA/IO esquerdo (p<0,001). O timing de ativação do TrA/IO esquerdo no MRMS direito foi inferior ao do TrA/IO direito aquando do movimento com o membro esquerdo (p<0,001). O TrA/IO direito possuiu um timing de ativação no MRMS direito inferior ao do TrA/IO esquerdo aquando do movimento com o membro esquerdo (p<0,001). Conclusão: Através deste estudo pôde-se concluir que o TrA/OI contralateral ao MRMS apresenta um timing de ativação inferior ao ipsilateral e ainda que durante o MRMS dominante o TrA/OI esquerdo e direito apresentam um timing de ativação inferior ao ocorrido durante o MRMS não-dominante.


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Neste documento ´e feita a descrição detalhada da integração modular de um script no software OsiriX. O objectivo deste script ´e determinar o diâmetro central da artéria aorta a partir de uma Tomografia Computorizada. Para tal são abordados conceitos relacionados com a temática do processamento de imagem digital, tecnologias associadas, e.g., a norma DICOM e desenvolvimento de software. Como estudo preliminar, são analisados diversos visualizadores de imagens médica, utilizados para investigação ou mesmo comercializados. Foram realizadas duas implementações distintas do plugin. A primeira versão do plugin faz a invocação do script de processamento usando o ficheiro de estudo armazenado em disco; a segunda versão faz a passagem de dados através de um bloco de memória partilhada e utiliza o framework Java Native Interface. Por fim, é demonstrado todo o processo de aposição da Marcação CE de um dispositivo médico de classe IIa e obtenção da declaração de conformidade por parte de um Organismo Notificado. Utilizaram-se os Sistemas Operativos Mac OS X e Linux e as linguagens de programação Java, Objective-C e Python.


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O projeto “À Descoberta das Ilhas” surge das lacunas de atenção e motivação por parte das crianças na realização de exercícios na terapia ocupacional, aliadas a uma subjetividade na análise do seu progresso. Direcionado para crianças com dificuldades de integração bilateral motora, com idades compreendidas entre os cinco e nove anos, este projeto tem como base um jogo 3D para as plataformas Windows, Mac OS X e Linux, controlado com os movimentos dos membros superiores através do dispositivo Leap Motion. Através do controlo de um avião, a criança descobre várias ilhas e desbloqueia componentes do mesmo, alcançando os diversos bónus e checkpoints ao longo de cada percurso. Ao terapeuta são apresentados gráficos com dados obtidos pelo dispositivo aquando do momento lúdico da criança que permitem acompanhar a sua evolução a cada nível. O sucesso no cumprimento dos objetivos do projeto permitiu confirmar a utilidade da aplicação na intervenção e avaliação do público-alvo.