41 resultados para Light Environment
Cyanobacteria are important primary producers, and many are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen playing a key role in the marine environment. However, not much is known about the diversity of cyanobacteria in Portuguese marine waters. This paper describes the diversity of 60 strains isolated from benthic habitats in 9 sites (intertidal zones) on the Portuguese South and West coasts. The strains were characterized by a morphological study (light and electron microscopy) and by a molecular characterization (partial 16S rRNA, nifH, nifK, mcyA, mcyE/ndaF, sxtI genes). The morphological analyses revealed 35 morphotypes (15 genera and 16 species) belonging to 4 cyanobacterial Orders/Subsections. The dominant groups among the isolates were the Oscillatoriales. There is a broad congruence between morphological and molecular assignments. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of 9 strains have less than 97% similarity compared to the sequences in the databases, revealing novel cyanobacterial diversity. Phylogenetic analysis, based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequences showed at least 12 clusters. One-third of the isolates are potential N2-fixers, as they exhibit heterocysts or the presence of nif genes was demonstrated by PCR. Additionally, no conventional freshwater toxins genes were detected by PCR screening.
The wide use of antibiotics in aquaculture has led to the emergence of resistant microbial species. It should be avoided/minimized by controlling the amount of drug employed in fish farming. For this purpose, the present work proposes test-strip papers aiming at the detection/semi-quantitative determination of organic drugs by visual comparison of color changes, in a similar analytical procedure to that of pH monitoring by universal pH paper. This is done by establishing suitable chemical changes upon cellulose, attributing the paper the ability to react with the organic drug and to produce a color change. Quantitative data is also enabled by taking a picture and applying a suitable mathematical treatment to the color coordinates given by the HSL system used by windows. As proof of concept, this approach was applied to oxytetracycline (OXY), one of the antibiotics frequently used in aquaculture. A bottom-up modification of paper was established, starting by the reaction of the glucose moieties on the paper with 3-triethoxysilylpropylamine (APTES). The so-formed amine layer allowed binding to a metal ion by coordination chemistry, while the metal ion reacted after with the drug to produce a colored compound. The most suitable metals to carry out such modification were selected by bulk studies, and the several stages of the paper modification were optimized to produce an intense color change against the concentration of the drug. The paper strips were applied to the analysis of spiked environmental water, allowing a quantitative determination for OXY concentrations as low as 30 ng/mL. In general, this work provided a simple, method to screen and discriminate tetracycline drugs, in aquaculture, being a promising tool for local, quick and cheap monitoring of drugs.
Solid-contact sensors for the selective screening of sulfadiazine (SDZ) in aquaculture waters are reported. Sensor surfaces were made from PVC membranes doped with tetraphenylporphyrin-manganese(III) chloride, α-cyclodextrin, β-cyclodextrin, or γ-cyclodextrin ionophores that were dispersed in plasticizer. Some membranes also presented a positive or a negatively charged additive. Phorphyrin-based sensors relied on a charged carrier mechanism. They exhibited a near-Nernstian response with slopes of 52 mV decade−1 and detection limits of 3.91 × 10−5 mol L−1. The addition of cationic lipophilic compounds to the membrane originated Nernstian behaviours, with slopes ranging 59.7–62.0 mV decade−1 and wider linear ranges. Cyclodextrin-based sensors acted as neutral carriers. In general, sensors with positively charged additives showed an improved potentiometric performance when compared to those without additive. Some SDZ selective membranes displayed higher slopes and extended linear concentration ranges with an increasing amount of additive (always <100% ionophore). The sensors were independent from the pH of test solutions within 2–7. The sensors displayed fast response, always <15 s. In general, a good discriminating ability was found in real sample environment. The sensors were successfully applied to the fast screening of SDZ in real waters samples from aquaculture fish farms. The method offered the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, and automation feasibility. The sensing membrane may contribute to the development of small devices allowing in locus measurements of sulfadiazine or parent-drugs.
This paper presents a framework for a robotic production line simulation learning environment using Autonomous Ground Vehicles (AGV). An eLearning platform is used as interface with the simulator. The objective is to introduce students to the production robotics area using a familiar tool, an eLearning platform, and a framework that simulates a production line using AGVs. This framework allows students to learn about robotics but also about several areas of industrial management engineering without requiring an extensive prior knowledge on the robotics area. The robotic production line simulation learning environment simulates a production environment using AGVs to transport materials to and from the production line. The simulator allows students to validate the AGV dynamics and provides information about the whole materials supplying system which includes: supply times, route optimization and inventory management. The students are required to address several topics such as: sensors, actuators, controllers and an high level management and optimization software. This simulator was developed with a known open source tool from robotics community: Player/Stage. This tool was extended with several add-ons so that students can be able to interact with a complex simulation environment. These add-ons include an abstraction communication layer that performs events provided by the database server which is programmed by the students. An eLearning platform is used as interface between the students and the simulator. The students can visualize the effects of their instructions/programming in the simulator that they can access via the eLearning platform. The proposed framework aims to allow students from different backgrounds to fully experience robotics in practice by suppressing the huge gap between theory and practice that exists in robotics. Using an eLearning platform eliminates installation problems that can occur from different computers software distribution and makes the simulator accessible by all students at school and at home.
Teaching and learning computer programming is as challenging as difficult. Assessing the work of students and providing individualised feedback to all is time-consuming and error prone for teachers and frequently involves a time delay. The existent tools and specifications prove to be insufficient in complex evaluation domains where there is a greater need to practice. At the same time Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are appearing revealing a new way of learning, more dynamic and more accessible. However this new paradigm raises serious questions regarding the monitoring of student progress and its timely feedback. This paper provides a conceptual design model for a computer programming learning environment. This environment uses the portal interface design model gathering information from a network of services such as repositories and program evaluators. The design model includes also the integration with learning management systems, a central piece in the MOOC realm, endowing the model with characteristics such as scalability, collaboration and interoperability. This model is not limited to the domain of computer programming and can be adapted to any complex area that requires systematic evaluation with immediate feedback.
The process of visually exploring underwater environments is still a complex problem. Underwater vision systems require complementary means of sensor information to help overcome water disturbances. This work proposes the development of calibration methods for a structured light based system consisting on a camera and a laser with a line beam. Two different calibration procedures that require only two images from different viewpoints were developed and tested in dry and underwater environments. Results obtained show, an accurate calibration for the camera/projector pair with errors close to 1 mm even in the presence of a small stereos baseline.
In this work we propose the development of a stereo SLS system for underwater inspection operations. We demonstrate how to perform a SLS calibration both in dry and underwater environments using two different methods. The proposed methodology is able to achieve quite accurate results, lower than 1 mm in dry environments. We also display a 3D underwater scan of a known object size, a sea scallop, where the system is able to perform a scan with a global error lower than 2% of the object size.
4th International Conference, SIMPAR 2014, Bergamo, Italy, October 20-23, 2014
Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um módulo capaz de medir a intensidade das vibrações sofridas por um tenista no braço e ombro durante um jogo. Numa primeira fase foi estudada a biomecânica do braço humano e a biomecânica dos movimentos envolvidos no ténis. Foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre os dispositivos MEMs mais adequados bem como o hardware e software a utilizar, tendo sido analisados os requisitos do sistema a implementar. Foi desenvolvido um protótipo electrónico microcontrolado compacto e de baixo custo baseado na utilização de sensores microeletromecânicos (MEMs) de aceleração, permitindo obter informações biomecânicas do desportista e monitoriza-lo durante o treino de maneira não evasiva, possibilitando que ele esteja no seu ambiente natural de treino. O sistema envia as informações dos sensores para um PC através da porta USB sendo estas processados no mesmo. Foi desenvolvida uma interface gráfica intuitiva, para a apresentação dos dados resultantes das medidas, de fácil leitura pelos treinadores. Esta interface grava e apresenta os dados em tempo real. Os testes de campo foram realizados no campo de ténis que existe na Quinta das Freiras em Rio Tinto. O protótipo é de fácil fixação no atleta e permite a monitorização no local de treino sendo pequeno ((20x15mm) e muito leve (2g), tornando-se uma alternativa versátil para o auxilio de atletas e treinadores, aperfeiçoamento da técnica e como ferramenta de pesquisa na área de educação física.
O presente relatório documenta o estágio desenvolvido na empresa SE2P – Sociedade de Engenharia, Projeto e Planeamento Lda. no âmbito da unidade curricular de DIPRE (Dissertação/Projeto/ Estágio) do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil – Ramo de Estruturas do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. A frequência no estágio curricular teve como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de cálculo que permitisse o dimensionamento de ligações aço-betão segundo a prEN1992-4:2013. O desenvolvimento desta ferramenta resulta da necessidade do dimensionamento de soluções leves, económicas e esteticamente agradáveis tendo em conta a uniformização da legislação existente em toda a União Europeia. Atualmente, os projetistas têm utilizado programas de cálculo automático desenvolvidos por fabricantes de sistemas de ancoragens, como é o caso do Profis Anchor da Hilti. Esses programas de cálculo têm como base de dados as Diretrizes de Aprovação Técnica Europeia, a ETAG001- anexo C para dimensionamento de ancoragens mecânicas em betão e o relatório técnico EOTA TR029 para o dimensionamento de ancoragens químicas, apresentando até métodos de cálculo simplificados para uma rápida resposta ao cliente. A publicação da prEN1992-4:2013 é um marco importante, pois há já algum tempo que a construção metálica e mista está regulamentada apresentando algumas falhas no que diz respeito às ligações aço-betão. Esta norma é o culminar de anos de pesquisas, estudos e testes efetuados aos diferentes tipos de ligação tendo em conta além dos modos de rotura possíveis, os princípios de transferência de esforços.