52 resultados para Hard real-time distributed systems


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Fault injection is frequently used for the verification and validation of dependable systems. When targeting real time microprocessor based systems the process becomes significantly more complex. This paper proposes two complementary solutions to improve real time fault injection campaign execution, both in terms of performance and capabilities. The methodology is based on the use of the on-chip debug mechanisms present in modern electronic devices. The main objective is the injection of faults in microprocessor memory elements with minimum delay and intrusiveness. Different configurations were implemented and compared in terms of performance gain and logic overhead.


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The rapid increase in the use of microprocessor-based systems in critical areas, where failures imply risks to human lives, to the environment or to expensive equipment, significantly increased the need for dependable systems, able to detect, tolerate and eventually correct faults. The verification and validation of such systems is frequently performed via fault injection, using various forms and techniques. However, as electronic devices get smaller and more complex, controllability and observability issues, and sometimes real time constraints, make it harder to apply most conventional fault injection techniques. This paper proposes a fault injection environment and a scalable methodology to assist the execution of real-time fault injection campaigns, providing enhanced performance and capabilities. Our proposed solutions are based on the use of common and customized on-chip debug (OCD) mechanisms, present in many modern electronic devices, with the main objective of enabling the insertion of faults in microprocessor memory elements with minimum delay and intrusiveness. Different configurations were implemented starting from basic Components Off-The-Shelf (COTS) microprocessors, equipped with real-time OCD infrastructures, to improved solutions based on modified interfaces, and dedicated OCD circuitry that enhance fault injection capabilities and performance. All methodologies and configurations were evaluated and compared concerning performance gain and silicon overhead.


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Fault injection is frequently used for the verification and validation of the fault tolerant features of microprocessors. This paper proposes the modification of a common on-chip debugging (OCD) infrastructure to add fault injection capabilities and improve performance. The proposed solution imposes a very low logic overhead and provides a flexible and efficient mechanism for the execution of fault injection campaigns, being applicable to different target system architectures.


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Consider the problem of scheduling a task set τ of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a t-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform where tasks may access multiple shared resources. The multiprocessor platform has m k processors of type-k, where k∈{1,2,…,t}. The execution time of a task depends on the type of processor on which it executes. The set of shared resources is denoted by R. For each task τ i , there is a resource set R i ⊆R such that for each job of τ i , during one phase of its execution, the job requests to hold the resource set R i exclusively with the interpretation that (i) the job makes a single request to hold all the resources in the resource set R i and (ii) at all times, when a job of τ i holds R i , no other job holds any resource in R i . Each job of task τ i may request the resource set R i at most once during its execution. A job is allowed to migrate when it requests a resource set and when it releases the resource set but a job is not allowed to migrate at other times. Our goal is to design a scheduling algorithm for this problem and prove its performance. We propose an algorithm, LP-EE-vpr, which offers the guarantee that if an implicit-deadline sporadic task set is schedulable on a t-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform by an optimal scheduling algorithm that allows a job to migrate only when it requests or releases a resource set, then our algorithm also meets the deadlines with the same restriction on job migration, if given processors 4×(1+MAXP×⌈|P|×MAXPmin{m1,m2,…,mt}⌉) times as fast. (Here MAXP and |P| are computed based on the resource sets that tasks request.) For the special case that each task requests at most one resource, the bound of LP-EE-vpr collapses to 4×(1+⌈|R|min{m1,m2,…,mt}⌉). To the best of our knowledge, LP-EE-vpr is the first algorithm with proven performance guarantee for real-time scheduling of sporadic tasks with resource sharing on t-type heterogeneous multiprocessors.


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The use of demand response programs enables the adequate use of resources of small and medium players, bringing high benefits to the smart grid, and increasing its efficiency. One of the difficulties to proceed with this paradigm is the lack of intelligence in the management of small and medium size players. In order to make demand response programs a feasible solution, it is essential that small and medium players have an efficient energy management and a fair optimization mechanism to decrease the consumption without heavy loss of comfort, making it acceptable for the users. This paper addresses the application of real-time pricing in a house that uses an intelligent optimization module involving artificial neural networks.


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Recent and future changes in power systems, mainly in the smart grid operation context, are related to a high complexity of power networks operation. This leads to more complex communications and to higher network elements monitoring and control levels, both from network’s and consumers’ standpoint. The present work focuses on a real scenario of the LASIE laboratory, located at the Polytechnic of Porto. Laboratory systems are managed by the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM), already developed by the authors based on a SCADA system. The SHIM capacities have been recently improved by including real-time simulation from Opal RT. This makes possible the integration of Matlab®/Simulink® real-time simulation models. The main goal of the present paper is to compare the advantages of the resulting improved system, while managing the energy consumption of a domestic consumer.


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Recent changes of paradigm in power systems opened the opportunity to the active participation of new players. The small and medium players gain new opportunities while participating in demand response programs. This paper explores the optimal resources scheduling in two distinct levels. First, the network operator facing large wind power variations makes use of real time pricing to induce consumers to meet wind power variations. Then, at the consumer level, each load is managed according to the consumer preferences. The two-level resources schedule has been implemented in a real-time simulation platform, which uses hardware for consumer’ loads control. The illustrative example includes a situation of large lack of wind power and focuses on a consumer with 18 loads.


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Many-core platforms are an emerging technology in the real-time embedded domain. These devices offer various options for power savings, cost reductions and contribute to the overall system flexibility, however, issues such as unpredictability, scalability and analysis pessimism are serious challenges to their integration into the aforementioned area. The focus of this work is on many-core platforms using a limited migrative model (LMM). LMM is an approach based on the fundamental concepts of the multi-kernel paradigm, which is a promising step towards scalable and predictable many-cores. In this work, we formulate the problem of real-time application mapping on a many-core platform using LMM, and propose a three-stage method to solve it. An extended version of the existing analysis is used to assure that derived mappings (i) guarantee the fulfilment of timing constraints posed on worst-case communication delays of individual applications, and (ii) provide an environment to perform load balancing for e.g. energy/thermal management, fault tolerance and/or performance reasons.


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Real-time monitoring applications may be used in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and may generate packet flows with strict quality of service requirements in terms of delay, jitter, or packet loss. When strict delays are imposed from source to destination, the packets must be delivered at the destination within an end-to-end delay (EED) hard limit in order to be considered useful. Since the WSN nodes are scarce both in processing and energy resources, it is desirable that they only transport useful data, as this contributes to enhance the overall network performance and to improve energy efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-layer admission control (CLAC) mechanism to enhance the network performance and increase energy efficiency of a WSN, by avoiding the transmission of potentially useless packets. The CLAC mechanism uses an estimation technique to preview packets EED, and decides to forward a packet only if it is expected to meet the EED deadline defined by the application, dropping it otherwise. The results obtained show that CLAC enhances the network performance by increasing the useful packet delivery ratio in high network loads and improves the energy efficiency in every network load.


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Nos últimos anos o aumento exponencial da utilização de dispositivos móveis e serviços disponibilizados na “Cloud” levou a que a forma como os sistemas são desenhados e implementados mudasse, numa perspectiva de tentar alcançar requisitos que até então não eram essenciais. Analisando esta evolução, com o enorme aumento dos dispositivos móveis, como os “smartphones” e “tablets” fez com que o desenho e implementação de sistemas distribuidos fossem ainda mais importantes nesta área, na tentativa de promover sistemas e aplicações que fossem mais flexíveis, robutos, escaláveis e acima de tudo interoperáveis. A menor capacidade de processamento ou armazenamento destes dispositivos tornou essencial o aparecimento e crescimento de tecnologias que prometem solucionar muitos dos problemas identificados. O aparecimento do conceito de Middleware visa solucionar estas lacunas nos sistemas distribuidos mais evoluídos, promovendo uma solução a nível de organização e desenho da arquitetura dos sistemas, ao memo tempo que fornece comunicações extremamente rápidas, seguras e de confiança. Uma arquitetura baseada em Middleware visa dotar os sistemas de um canal de comunicação que fornece uma forte interoperabilidade, escalabilidade, e segurança na troca de mensagens, entre outras vantagens. Nesta tese vários tipos e exemplos de sistemas distribuídos e são descritos e analisados, assim como uma descrição em detalhe de três protocolos (XMPP, AMQP e DDS) de comunicação, sendo dois deles (XMPP e AMQP) utilzados em projecto reais que serão descritos ao longo desta tese. O principal objetivo da escrita desta tese é demonstrar o estudo e o levantamento do estado da arte relativamente ao conceito de Middleware aplicado a sistemas distribuídos de larga escala, provando que a utilização de um Middleware pode facilitar e agilizar o desenho e desenvolvimento de um sistema distribuído e traz enormes vantagens num futuro próximo.


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Com o aumento de plataformas móveis disponíveis no mercado e com o constante incremento na sua capacidade computacional, a possibilidade de executar aplicações e em especial jogos com elevados requisitos de desempenho aumentou consideravelmente. O mercado dos videojogos tem assim um cada vez maior número de potenciais clientes. Em especial, o mercado de jogos massive multiplayer online (MMO) tem-se tornado muito atractivo para as empresas de desenvolvimento de jogos. Estes jogos suportam uma elevada quantidade de jogadores em simultâneo que podem estar a executar o jogo em diferentes plataformas e distribuídos por um "mundo" de jogo extenso. Para incentivar a exploração desse "mundo", distribuem-se de forma inteligente pontos de interesse que podem ser explorados pelo jogador. Esta abordagem leva a um esforço substancial no planeamento e construção desses mundos, gastando tempo e recursos durante a fase de desenvolvimento. Isto representa um problema para as empresas de desenvolvimento de jogos, e em alguns casos, e impraticável suportar tais custos para equipas indie. Nesta tese e apresentada uma abordagem para a criação de mundos para jogos MMO. Estudam-se vários jogos MMO que são casos de sucesso de modo a identificar propriedades comuns nos seus mundos. O objectivo e criar uma framework flexível capaz de gerar mundos com estruturas que respeitam conjuntos de regras definidas por game designers. Para que seja possível usar a abordagem aqui apresentada em v arias aplicações diferentes, foram desenvolvidos dois módulos principais. O primeiro, chamado rule-based-map-generator, contem a lógica e operações necessárias para a criação de mundos. O segundo, chamado blocker, e um wrapper à volta do módulo rule-based-map-generator que gere as comunicações entre servidor e clientes. De uma forma resumida, o objectivo geral e disponibilizar uma framework para facilitar a geração de mundos para jogos MMO, o que normalmente e um processo bastante demorado e aumenta significativamente o custo de produção, através de uma abordagem semi-automática combinando os benefícios de procedural content generation (PCG) com conteúdo gráfico gerado manualmente.


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In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns for the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. As demand response levels have decreased after the introduction of competition in the power industry, new approaches are required to take full advantage of demand response opportunities. This paper presents DemSi, a demand response simulator that allows studying demand response actions and schemes in distribution networks. It undertakes the technical validation of the solution using realistic network simulation based on PSCAD. The use of DemSi by a retailer in a situation of energy shortage, is presented. Load reduction is obtained using a consumer based price elasticity approach supported by real time pricing. Non-linear programming is used to maximize the retailer’s profit, determining the optimal solution for each envisaged load reduction. The solution determines the price variations considering two different approaches, price variations determined for each individual consumer or for each consumer type, allowing to prove that the approach used does not significantly influence the retailer’s profit. The paper presents a case study in a 33 bus distribution network with 5 distinct consumer types. The obtained results and conclusions show the adequacy of the used methodology and its importance for supporting retailers’ decision making.


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In this paper, we present some of the fault tolerance management mechanisms being implemented in the Multi-μ architecture, namely its support for replica non-determinism. In this architecture, fault tolerance is achieved by node active replication, with software based replica management and fault tolerance transparent algorithms. A software layer implemented between the application and the real-time kernel, the Fault Tolerance Manager (FTManager), is the responsible for the transparent incorporation of the fault tolerance mechanisms The active replication model can be implemented either imposing replica determinism or keeping replica consistency at critical points, by means of interactive agreement mechanisms. One of the Multi-μ architecture goals is to identify such critical points, relieving the underlying system from performing the interactive agreement in every Ada dispatching point.


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High-level parallel languages offer a simple way for application programmers to specify parallelism in a form that easily scales with problem size, leaving the scheduling of the tasks onto processors to be performed at runtime. Therefore, if the underlying system cannot efficiently execute those applications on the available cores, the benefits will be lost. In this paper, we consider how to schedule highly heterogenous parallel applications that require real-time performance guarantees on multicore processors. The paper proposes a novel scheduling approach that combines the global Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduler with a priority-aware work-stealing load balancing scheme, which enables parallel realtime tasks to be executed on more than one processor at a given time instant. Experimental results demonstrate the better scalability and lower scheduling overhead of the proposed approach comparatively to an existing real-time deadline-oriented scheduling class for the Linux kernel.


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The current industry trend is towards using Commercially available Off-The-Shelf (COTS) based multicores for developing real time embedded systems, as opposed to the usage of custom-made hardware. In typical implementation of such COTS-based multicores, multiple cores access the main memory via a shared bus. This often leads to contention on this shared channel, which results in an increase of the response time of the tasks. Analyzing this increased response time, considering the contention on the shared bus, is challenging on COTS-based systems mainly because bus arbitration protocols are often undocumented and the exact instants at which the shared bus is accessed by tasks are not explicitly controlled by the operating system scheduler; they are instead a result of cache misses. This paper makes three contributions towards analyzing tasks scheduled on COTS-based multicores. Firstly, we describe a method to model the memory access patterns of a task. Secondly, we apply this model to analyze the worst case response time for a set of tasks. Although the required parameters to obtain the request profile can be obtained by static analysis, we provide an alternative method to experimentally obtain them by using performance monitoring counters (PMCs). We also compare our work against an existing approach and show that our approach outperforms it by providing tighter upper-bound on the number of bus requests generated by a task.