40 resultados para Economic resource use
In the smart grids context, distributed energy resources management plays an important role in the power systems’ operation. Battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles should be important resources in the future distribution networks operation. Therefore, it is important to develop adequate methodologies to schedule the electric vehicles’ charge and discharge processes, avoiding network congestions and providing ancillary services. This paper proposes the participation of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in fuel shifting demand response programs. Two services are proposed, namely the fuel shifting and the fuel discharging. The fuel shifting program consists in replacing the electric energy by fossil fuels in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles daily trips, and the fuel discharge program consists in use of their internal combustion engine to generate electricity injecting into the network. These programs are included in an energy resources management algorithm which integrates the management of other resources. The paper presents a case study considering a 37-bus distribution network with 25 distributed generators, 1908 consumers, and 2430 plug-in vehicles. Two scenarios are tested, namely a scenario with high photovoltaic generation, and a scenario without photovoltaic generation. A sensitivity analyses is performed in order to evaluate when each energy resource is required.
An intensive use of dispersed energy resources is expected for future power systems, including distributed generation, especially based on renewable sources, and electric vehicles. The system operation methods and tool must be adapted to the increased complexity, especially the optimal resource scheduling problem. Therefore, the use of metaheuristics is required to obtain good solutions in a reasonable amount of time. This paper proposes two new heuristics, called naive electric vehicles charge and discharge allocation and generation tournament based on cost, developed to obtain an initial solution to be used in the energy resource scheduling methodology based on simulated annealing previously developed by the authors. The case study considers two scenarios with 1000 and 2000 electric vehicles connected in a distribution network. The proposed heuristics are compared with a deterministic approach and presenting a very small error concerning the objective function with a low execution time for the scenario with 2000 vehicles.
The operation of distribution networks has been facing changes with the implementation of smart grids and microgrids, and the increasing use of distributed generation. The specific case of distribution networks that accommodate residential buildings, small commerce, and distributed generation as the case of storage and PV generation lead to the concept of microgrids, in the cases that the network is able to operate in islanding mode. The microgrid operator in this context is able to manage the consumption and generation resources, also including demand response programs, obtaining profits from selling electricity to the main network. The present paper proposes a methodology for the energy resource scheduling considering power flow issues and the energy buying and selling from/to the main network in each bus of the microgrid. The case study uses a real distribution network with 25 bus, residential and commercial consumers, PV generation, and storage.
A sustentabilidade do sistema energético é crucial para o desenvolvimento económico e social das sociedades presentes e futuras. Para garantir o bom funcionamento dos sistemas de energia actua-se, tipicamente, sobre a produção e sobre as redes de transporte e de distribuição. No entanto, a integração crescente de produção distribuída, principalmente nas redes de distribuição de média e de baixa tensão, a liberalização dos mercados energéticos, o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de armazenamento de energia, o desenvolvimento de sistemas automatizados de controlo de cargas e os avanços tecnológicos das infra-estruturas de comunicação impõem o desenvolvimento de novos métodos de gestão e controlo dos sistemas de energia. O contributo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de gestão de recursos energéticos num contexto de SmartGrids, considerando uma entidade designada por VPP que gere um conjunto de instalações (unidades produtoras, consumidores e unidades de armazenamento) e, em alguns casos, tem ao seu cuidado a gestão de uma parte da rede eléctrica. Os métodos desenvolvidos contemplam a penetração intensiva de produção distribuída, o aparecimento de programas de Demand Response e o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de armazenamento. São ainda propostos níveis de controlo e de tomada de decisão hierarquizados e geridos por entidades que actuem num ambiente de cooperação mas também de concorrência entre si. A metodologia proposta foi desenvolvida recorrendo a técnicas determinísticas, nomeadamente, à programação não linear inteira mista, tendo sido consideradas três funções objectivo distintas (custos mínimos, emissões mínimas e cortes de carga mínimos), originando, posteriormente, uma função objectivo global, o que permitiu determinar os óptimos de Pareto. São ainda determinados os valores dos custos marginais locais em cada barramento e consideradas as incertezas dos dados de entrada, nomeadamente, produção e consumo. Assim, o VPP tem ao seu dispor um conjunto de soluções que lhe permitirão tomar decisões mais fundamentadas e de acordo com o seu perfil de actuação. São apresentados dois casos de estudo. O primeiro utiliza uma rede de distribuição de 32 barramentos publicada por Baran & Wu. O segundo caso de estudo utiliza uma rede de distribuição de 114 barramentos adaptada da rede de 123 barramentos do IEEE.
All over the world, the liberalization of electricity markets, which follows different paradigms, has created new challenges for those involved in this sector. In order to respond to these challenges, electric power systems suffered a significant restructuring in its mode of operation and planning. This restructuring resulted in a considerable increase of the electric sector competitiveness. Particularly, the Ancillary Services (AS) market has been target of constant renovations in its operation mode as it is a targeted market for the trading of services, which have as main objective to ensure the operation of electric power systems with appropriate levels of stability, safety, quality, equity and competitiveness. In this way, with the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources including distributed generation, demand response, storage units and electric vehicles, it is essential to develop new smarter and hierarchical methods of operation of electric power systems. As these resources are mostly connected to the distribution network, it is important to consider the introduction of this kind of resources in AS delivery in order to achieve greater reliability and cost efficiency of electrical power systems operation. The main contribution of this work is the design and development of mechanisms and methodologies of AS market and for energy and AS joint market, considering different management entities of transmission and distribution networks. Several models developed in this work consider the most common AS in the liberalized market environment: Regulation Down; Regulation Up; Spinning Reserve and Non-Spinning Reserve. The presented models consider different rules and ways of operation, such as the division of market by network areas, which allows the congestion management of interconnections between areas; or the ancillary service cascading process, which allows the replacement of AS of superior quality by lower quality of AS, ensuring a better economic performance of the market. A major contribution of this work is the development an innovative methodology of market clearing process to be used in the energy and AS joint market, able to ensure viable and feasible solutions in markets, where there are technical constraints in the transmission network involving its division into areas or regions. The proposed method is based on the determination of Bialek topological factors and considers the contribution of the dispatch for all services of increase of generation (energy, Regulation Up, Spinning and Non-Spinning reserves) in network congestion. The use of Bialek factors in each iteration of the proposed methodology allows limiting the bids in the market while ensuring that the solution is feasible in any context of system operation. Another important contribution of this work is the model of the contribution of distributed energy resources in the ancillary services. In this way, a Virtual Power Player (VPP) is considered in order to aggregate, manage and interact with distributed energy resources. The VPP manages all the agents aggregated, being able to supply AS to the system operator, with the main purpose of participation in electricity market. In order to ensure their participation in the AS, the VPP should have a set of contracts with the agents that include a set of diversified and adapted rules to each kind of distributed resource. All methodologies developed and implemented in this work have been integrated into the MASCEM simulator, which is a simulator based on a multi-agent system that allows to study complex operation of electricity markets. In this way, the developed methodologies allow the simulator to cover more operation contexts of the present and future of the electricity market. In this way, this dissertation offers a huge contribution to the AS market simulation, based on models and mechanisms currently used in several real markets, as well as the introduction of innovative methodologies of market clearing process on the energy and AS joint market. This dissertation presents five case studies; each one consists of multiple scenarios. The first case study illustrates the application of AS market simulation considering several bids of market players. The energy and ancillary services joint market simulation is exposed in the second case study. In the third case study it is developed a comparison between the simulation of the joint market methodology, in which the player bids to the ancillary services is considered by network areas and a reference methodology. The fourth case study presents the simulation of joint market methodology based on Bialek topological distribution factors applied to transmission network with 7 buses managed by a TSO. The last case study presents a joint market model simulation which considers the aggregation of small players to a VPP, as well as complex contracts related to these entities. The case study comprises a distribution network with 33 buses managed by VPP, which comprises several kinds of distributed resources, such as photovoltaic, CHP, fuel cells, wind turbines, biomass, small hydro, municipal solid waste, demand response, and storage units.
In the traditional paradigm, the large power plants supply the reactive power required at a transmission level and the capacitors and transformer tap changer were also used at a distribution level. However, in a near future will be necessary to schedule both active and reactive power at a distribution level, due to the high number of resources connected in distribution levels. This paper proposes a new multi-objective methodology to deal with the optimal resource scheduling considering the distributed generation, electric vehicles and capacitor banks for the joint active and reactive power scheduling. The proposed methodology considers the minimization of the cost (economic perspective) of all distributed resources, and the minimization of the voltage magnitude difference (technical perspective) in all buses. The Pareto front is determined and a fuzzy-based mechanism is applied to present the best compromise solution. The proposed methodology has been tested in the 33-bus distribution network. The case study shows the results of three different scenarios for the economic, technical, and multi-objective perspectives, and the results demonstrated the importance of incorporating the reactive scheduling in the distribution network using the multi-objective perspective to obtain the best compromise solution for the economic and technical perspectives.
Further improvements in demand response programs implementation are needed in order to take full advantage of this resource, namely for the participation in energy and reserve market products, requiring adequate aggregation and remuneration of small size resources. The present paper focuses on SPIDER, a demand response simulation that has been improved in order to simulate demand response, including realistic power system simulation. For illustration of the simulator’s capabilities, the present paper is proposes a methodology focusing on the aggregation of consumers and generators, providing adequate tolls for the demand response program’s adoption by evolved players. The methodology proposed in the present paper focuses on a Virtual Power Player that manages and aggregates the available demand response and distributed generation resources in order to satisfy the required electrical energy demand and reserve. The aggregation of resources is addressed by the use of clustering algorithms, and operation costs for the VPP are minimized. The presented case study is based on a set of 32 consumers and 66 distributed generation units, running on 180 distinct operation scenarios.
The high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution networks and the competitive environment of electricity markets impose the use of new approaches in several domains. The network cost allocation, traditionally used in transmission networks, should be adapted and used in the distribution networks considering the specifications of the connected resources. The main goal is to develop a fairer methodology trying to distribute the distribution network use costs to all players which are using the network in each period. In this paper, a model considering different type of costs (fixed, losses, and congestion costs) is proposed comprising the use of a large set of DER, namely distributed generation (DG), demand response (DR) of direct load control type, energy storage systems (ESS), and electric vehicles with capability of discharging energy to the network, which is known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G). The proposed model includes three distinct phases of operation. The first phase of the model consists in an economic dispatch based on an AC optimal power flow (AC-OPF); in the second phase Kirschen's and Bialek's tracing algorithms are used and compared to evaluate the impact of each resource in the network. Finally, the MW-mile method is used in the third phase of the proposed model. A distribution network of 33 buses with large penetration of DER is used to illustrate the application of the proposed model.
No atual contexto económico e financeiro, a gestão de tesouraria assume uma importância relevante dentro das organizações. Efetivamente, o dinheiro é a preocupação de qualquer gestor. A obtenção deste recurso escasso, com o mínimo custo e geri-lo de forma a otimizá-lo, é sem dúvida, o objetivo de qualquer gestor financeiro, no contexto de incerteza em que nos movemos. A atual crise proporciona à tesouraria a oportunidade ideal de realçar a sua importância estratégica e o valor acrescentado que pode trazer às organizações. Todas as áreas da organização, direta ou indiretamente, mantêm ligações com a área de tesouraria. O objetivo deste trabalho é enfatizar a relevância da gestão de tesouraria nos processos financeiros, antecipando informações para análise e tomada de decisão dos responsáveis financeiros nas Instituições de Ensino Superior; é demonstrar que a gestão de tesouraria deve fazer parte da cultura da organização e que é uma ferramenta de apoio para o planeamento financeiro, da gestão estratégica, de investimentos e de aproveitamento de oportunidades de crescimento das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Por último, pretendeu-se identificar e sugerir boas práticas e melhorias nos processos existentes, nas Instituições de Ensino Superior, que possam contribuir para a eficiência e eficácia da gestão de tesouraria. A revisão da literatura conduziu-nos à análise das diversas perspetivas da gestão de tesouraria, a importância das boas práticas, do sistema de controlo interno e da auditoria. Mostrou-se pertinente compreender o contexto jurídico das IES. Foi relevante a abordagem dos ciclos financeiros das organizações, para compreender a importância da realização de orçamentos de tesouraria, como um instrumento do controlo dos fluxos financeiros e da tomada de decisões dentro das organizações. Realizou-se ainda uma abordagem à gestão de crédito, às fontes de financiamento e à temática da centralização da gestão de tesouraria nas IES, por se entender que são aspetos fundamentais que contribuem para a eficiência e a eficácia desta área de atuação das instituições. Decorrente da revisão da literatura, identificaram-se as perguntas de investigação e aplicou-se a metodologia de um estudo de caso único de uma instituição de ensino superior, através da elaboração de entrevistas, recolha dos dados, pesquisa documental, observação direta e participativa do investigador. As conclusões finais do nosso estudo revelaram que o modelo de análise aplicado ao IPP, teve uma taxa de confirmação de 53%. As componentes do modelo em análise com os resultados mais significativos e que mais contribuíram para esta confirmação, foram a gestão de tesouraria considerada como um patamar estratégico nesta IES, a elaboração do orçamento de tesouraria e os procedimentos associados ao sistema de controlo interno.
O crescente aumento do consumo energético das sociedades desenvolvidas e emergentes, motivado pelo progresso económico e social, tem induzido a procura de alternativas focalizadas nas energias renováveis, que possam contribuir para assegurar o fornecimento de energia sem agravar o consumo de combustíveis fósseis e a emissão de gases com efeito de estufa. Nesse sentido, a produção de energia eléctrica a partir do gás metano resultante da estabilização anaeróbia de efluentes tem vindo a ser estudada e praticada desde finais do século XIX, tendo assumido maior expressão a partir dos anos 70 do século XX, na sequência das primeiras crises petrolíferas. As instalações agropecuárias reúnem dois fatores chave para o sucesso do aproveitamento energético do biogás produzido no tratamento dos efluentes: por um lado, produzem matéria-prima com potencial energético – dejeto animal com um potencial enorme de criação de biogás quando procedido de tratamento anaeróbio - e, por outro, necessitam de energia eléctrica para o funcionamento dos equipamentos electromecânicos e de calor para a manutenção das instalações. A valorização energética do biogás produzido na estabilização anaeróbia dos efluentes agro-pecuários, para além de permitir obter um retorno financeiro, que contribui para o equilíbrio dos custos de investimento e de exploração, contribui igualmente para a redução das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa, como o dióxido de carbono e o metano, e para a segurança de abastecimento energético à instalação, na medida em que assegura a alimentação de energia eléctrica em caso de falha no fornecimento pela rede nacional. A presente dissertação apresenta um contributo para estudos a desenvolver por proprietários de agropecuárias, cooperativas regionais do setor da agropecuária, empresas de projecto e estudantes de Engenharia, constituído por uma compilação da informação mais relevante associada à estabilização anaeróbia de efluentes e à valorização energética do biogás produzido. Com base em informação referente ao número real de animais existentes em Portugal, este trabalho pretende fazer ver a essas entidades que o aproveitamento energético do biogás é viável e útil para o país. Com a criação de uma aplicação informática de análise económica de investimento, provar que o investimento em pequenas propriedades, com apenas 80 cabeças normais, pode obter um retorno financeiro razoável, com um prazo de recuperação do investimento bastante baixo, aproveitando um recurso que caso contrário será desperdiçado e poluirá o ambiente.