184 resultados para Dynamic enterprise networks
A Internet causou uma revolução em grande parte dos processos das empresas, criando oportunidades e gerando necessidades até então desconhecidas. Os Sistemas de Informação, ferramentas indispensáveis para uma gestão moderna das actividades empresariais, também foram influenciados pela evolução constante da tecnologia e as facilidades oferecidas para a popularização do uso da Internet. Rumo a uma crescente necessidade de modernização, rapidez, agilidade, eficiência e eficácia que são exigidos das actividades da empresa, actualmente, a tecnologia da Web é exibida como uma opção viável para melhorar o desempenho na gestão da informação. Esta Tese procura dissertar acerca dos aspectos relativos ao funcionamento e implementação de Serviços Web, suas principais características, vantagens e desvantagens comparativamente aos sistemas de informação tradicionais. Os objectivos propostos podem ser sintetizados no conhecimento e descrição das funcionalidades dos Serviços Web, no estudo da situação actual, na identificação das características que potenciam a capacidade de evolução dos Serviços Web, no estudo e desempenho dos Serviços Web, e finalmente, no estudo e análise da especificação Segurança.
Understanding the determinants of international performance, and in particular, export performance is key for the success of international companies. Research in this area focuses mainly on how resources and capabilities allow companies to gain competitive advantage and superior performance in external markets. Building on the Resource-Based View (RBV) and the Dynamic Capabilities Approach (DCA), this study aims at analysing the effect of intangible resources and capabilities on export performance. Specifically, this study focuses on the proposition that entrepreneurial orientation potentiates the attraction of intangible resources, namely relational and informational resources. Moreover, we propose that these resources impact export performance both directly and indirectly through dynamic capabilities.
Low-rate low-power consumption and low-cost communication are the key points that lead to the specification of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. This paper overviews the technical features of the physical layer and the medium access control sublayer mechanisms of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol that are most relevant for wireless sensor network applications. We also discuss the ability of IEEE 802.15.4 to fulfil the requirements of wireless sensor network applications.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been attracting increasing interests in the development of a new generation of embedded systems with great potential for many applications such as surveillance, environment monitoring, emergency medical response and home automation. However, the communication paradigms in Wireless Sensor Networks differ from the ones attributed to traditional wireless networks, triggering the need for new communication protocols and mechanisms. In this Technical Report, we present a survey on communication protocols for WSNs with a particular emphasis on the lower protocol layers. We give a particular focus to the MAC (Medium Access Control) sub-layer, since it has a prominent influence on some relevant requirements that must be satisfied by WSN protocols, such as energy consumption, time performance and scalability. We overview some relevant MAC protocol solutions and discuss how they tackle the trade-off between the referred requirements.
In previous works we have proposed a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS solution where the interconnection between the heterogeneous media was accomplished through bridge-like devices with wireless stations being able to move between different wireless cells. Additionally, we had also proposed a worst-case timing analysis assuming that stations were stationary. In this paper we advance these previous works by proposing a worst-case timing analysis for the system’s message streams considering the effect of inter-cell mobility.
The development of new products or processes involves the creation, re-creation and integration of conceptual models from the related scientific and technical domains. Particularly, in the context of collaborative networks of organisations (CNO) (e.g. a multi-partner, international project) such developments can be seriously hindered by conceptual misunderstandings and misalignments, resulting from participants with different backgrounds or organisational cultures, for example. The research described in this article addresses this problem by proposing a method and the tools to support the collaborative development of shared conceptualisations in the context of a collaborative network of organisations. The theoretical model is based on a socio-semantic perspective, while the method is inspired by the conceptual integration theory from the cognitive semantics field. The modelling environment is built upon a semantic wiki platform. The majority of the article is devoted to developing an informal ontology in the context of a European R&D project, studied using action research. The case study results validated the logical structure of the method and showed the utility of the method.
This paper addresses the impact of the CO2 opportunity cost on the wholesale electricity price in the context of the Iberian electricity market (MIBEL), namely on the Portuguese system, for the period corresponding to the Phase II of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). In the econometric analysis a vector error correction model (VECM) is specified to estimate both long–run equilibrium relations and short–run interactions between the electricity price and the fuel (natural gas and coal) and carbon prices. The model is estimated using daily spot market prices and the four commodities prices are jointly modelled as endogenous variables. Moreover, a set of exogenous variables is incorporated in order to account for the electricity demand conditions (temperature) and the electricity generation mix (quantity of electricity traded according the technology used). The outcomes for the Portuguese electricity system suggest that the dynamic pass–through of carbon prices into electricity prices is strongly significant and a long–run elasticity was estimated (equilibrium relation) that is aligned with studies that have been conducted for other markets.
Although power-line communication (PLC) is not a new technology, its use to support communication with timing requirements is still the focus of ongoing research. Recently, a new infrastructure was presented, intended for communication using power lines from a central location to geographically dispersed nodes using inexpensive devices. This new infrastructure uses a two-level hierarchical power-line system, together with an IP-based network. Within this infrastructure, in order to provide end-toend communication through the two levels of the powerline system, it is necessary to fully understand the behaviour of the underlying network layers. The masterslave behaviour of the PLC MAC, together with the inherent dynamic topology of power-line networks are important issues that must be fully characterised. Therefore, in this paper we present a simulation model which is being used to study and characterise the behaviour of power-line communication.
Advances in networking and information technologies are transforming factory-floor communication systems into a mainstream activity within industrial automation. It is now recognized that future industrial computer systems will be intimately tied to real-time computing and to communication technologies. For this vision to succeed, complex heterogeneous factory-floor communication networks (including mobile/wireless components) need to function in a predictable, flawless, efficient and interoperable way. In this paper we re-visit the issue of supporting real-time communications in hybrid wired/wireless fieldbus-based networks, bringing into it some experimental results obtained in the framework of the RFieldbus ISEP pilot.
In this paper we describe a real-time industrial communication network able to support both controlrelated and multimedia traffic. The industrial communication network is based on the PROFIBUS standard, with multimedia capabilities being provided by an adequate integration of TCP/IP protocols into the PROFIBUS stack. From the operational point of view the integration of TCP/IP into PROFIBUS is by itself a challenge, since the master-slave nature of the PROFIBUS MAC makes complex the implementation of the symmetry inherent to IP communications. From the timeliness point of view the challenge is two folded. On one hand the multimedia traffic should not interfere with the timing requirements of the "native" control-related PROFIBUS traffic (typically hard real-time). On the other hand multimedia traffic requires certain levels of quality-of-service to be attained. In this paper we provide a methodology that enables fulfilling the timing requirements for both types of traffic in these real-time industrial LAN. Moreover, we describe suitable algorithms for the scheduling support of concurrent multimedia streams.
In this paper we describe how to integrate Internet Protocols (IP) into a typical hierarchical master-slave fieldbus network, supporting a logical ring token passing mechanism between master stations. The integration of the TCP/IP protocols in the fieldbus protocol rises a number of issues that must be addressed properly. In this paper we particularly address the issues related to the conveyance of IP fragments in fieldbus frames (fragmentation/de-fragmentation) and on how to support the symmetry inherent to the TCP/IP protocols in fieldbus slaves, which lack communication initiative.
Broadcast networks that are characterised by having different physical layers (PhL) demand some kind of traffic adaptation between segments, in order to avoid traffic congestion in linking devices. In many LANs, this problem is solved by the actual linking devices, which use some kind of flow control mechanism that either tell transmitting stations to pause (the transmission) or just discard frames. In this paper, we address the case of token-passing fieldbus networks operating in a broadcast fashion and involving message transactions over heterogeneous (wired or wireless) physical layers. For the addressed case, real-time and reliability requirements demand a different solution to the traffic adaptation problem. Our approach relies on the insertion of an appropriate idle time before a station issuing a request frame. In this way, we guarantee that the linking devices’ queues do not increase in a way that the timeliness properties of the overall system turn out to be unsuitable for the targeted applications.
Profibus networks are widely used as the communication infrastructure for supporting distributed computer-controlled applications. Most of the times, these applications impose strict real-time requirements. Profibus-DP has gradually become the preferred Profibus application profile. It is usually implemented as a mono-master Profibus network, and is optimised for speed and efficiency. The aim of this paper is to analyse the real-time behaviour of this class of Profibus networks. Importantly, we develop a new methodology for evaluating the worst-case message response time in systems where high-priority and cyclic low-priority Profibus traffic coexist. The proposed analysis constitutes a powerful tool to guarantee prior to runtime the real-time behaviour of a distributed computer-controlled system based on a Profibus network, where the realtime traffic is supported either by high-priority or by cyclic poll Profibus messages.
Fieldbus communication networks aim to interconnect sensors, actuators and controllers within process control applications. Therefore, they constitute the foundation upon which real-time distributed computer-controlled systems can be implemented. P-NET is a fieldbus communication standard, which uses a virtual token-passing medium-access-control mechanism. In this paper pre-run-time schedulability conditions for supporting real-time traffic with P-NET networks are established. Essentially, formulae to evaluate the upper bound of the end-to-end communication delay in P-NET messages are provided. Using this upper bound, a feasibility test is then provided to check the timing requirements for accessing remote process variables. This paper also shows how P-NET network segmentation can significantly reduce the end-to-end communication delays for messages with stringent timing requirements.
Fieldbus networks aim at the interconnection of field devices such as sensors, actuators and small controllers. Therefore, they are an effective technology upon which Distributed Computer Controlled Systems (DCCS) can be built. DCCS impose strict timeliness requirements to the communication network. In essence, by timeliness requirements we mean that traffic must be sent and received within a bounded interval, otherwise a timing fault is said to occur. P-NET is a multi-master fieldbus standard based on a virtual token passing scheme. In P-NET each master is allowed to transmit only one message per token visit, which means that in the worst-case the communication response time could be derived considering that the token is fully utilised by all stations. However, such analysis can be proved to be quite pessimistic. In this paper we propose a more sophisticated P-NET timing analysis model, which considers the actual token utilisation by different masters. The major contribution of this model is to provide a less pessimistic, and thus more accurate, analysis for the evaluation of the worst-case communication response time in P-NET fieldbus networks.